Sandro Santilli 6c47537f47 Honour the 'node_socket_timeout' configuration directive
Closes #128
Includes testcase, which required enhancing assert.response to
handle errors.
Changes app controller to a function that only reads configuration
when executed (rather than when only require'd).
2014-01-31 10:58:19 +01:00

313 lines
14 KiB

var app = require(global.settings.app_root + '/app/controllers/app')()
, assert = require('assert')
, querystring = require('querystring')
, _ = require('underscore')
, zipfile = require('zipfile')
, fs = require('fs')
, libxmljs = require('libxmljs')
// allow lots of emitters to be set to silence warning
suite('export.shapefile', function() {
// SHP tests
test('SHP format, unauthenticated', function(done){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=shp',
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'SHP is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd);
assert.equal(true, /;
var tmpfile = '/tmp/';
var err = fs.writeFileSync(tmpfile, res.body, 'binary');
if (err) { done(err); return }
var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(tmpfile);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.shp'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shp: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.shx'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shx: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.dbf'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .dbf: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.prj'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .prj: ' + zf.names);
// TODO: check DBF contents
test('SHP format, unauthenticated, POST', function(done){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql',
data: 'q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=shp',
headers: {host: '', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
method: 'POST'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'SHP is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd);
assert.equal(true, /, 'Unexpected SHP filename: ' + cd);
test('SHP format, big size, POST', function(done){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql',
data: querystring.stringify({
q: 'SELECT 0 as fname, st_makepoint(i,i) FROM generate_series(0,81920) i',
format: 'shp'
headers: {host: '', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
method: 'POST'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'SHP is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd);
assert.equal(true, /, 'Unexpected SHP filename: ' + cd);
assert.ok(res.body.length > 81920, 'SHP smaller than expected: ' + res.body.length);
test('SHP format, unauthenticated, with custom filename', function(done){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=shp&filename=myshape',
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'SHP is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd);
assert.equal(true, /;
var tmpfile = '/tmp/';
var err = fs.writeFileSync(tmpfile, res.body, 'binary');
if (err) { done(err); return }
var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(tmpfile);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'myshape.shp'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shp: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'myshape.shx'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shx: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'myshape.dbf'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .dbf: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'myshape.prj'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .prj: ' + zf.names);
test('SHP format, unauthenticated, with custom, dangerous filename', function(done){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=shp&filename=b;"%20()[]a',
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var fname = "b_______a";
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'SHP is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd);
assert.equal(true, /, 'Unexpected SHP filename: ' + cd);
var tmpfile = '/tmp/';
var err = fs.writeFileSync(tmpfile, res.body, 'binary');
if (err) { done(err); return }
var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(tmpfile);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, fname + '.shp'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shp: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, fname + '.shx'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shx: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, fname + '.dbf'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .dbf: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, fname+ '.prj'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .prj: ' + zf.names);
test('SHP format, authenticated', function(done){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=shp&api_key=1234',
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /;
var tmpfile = '/tmp/';
var err = fs.writeFileSync(tmpfile, res.body, 'binary');
if (err) { done(err); return }
var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(tmpfile);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.shp'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shp: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.shx'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shx: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.dbf'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .dbf: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.prj'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .prj: ' + zf.names);
// TODO: check contents of the DBF
// See
test('SHP format, unauthenticated, with utf8 data', function(done){
var query = querystring.stringify({
q: "SELECT '♥♦♣♠' as f, st_makepoint(0,0,4326) as the_geom",
format: 'shp',
filename: 'myshape'
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?' + query,
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var tmpfile = '/tmp/';
var err = fs.writeFileSync(tmpfile, res.body, 'binary');
if (err) { done(err); return }
var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(tmpfile);
var buffer = zf.readFileSync('myshape.dbf');
var strings = buffer.toString();
assert.ok(/♥♦♣♠/.exec(strings), "Cannot find '♥♦♣♠' in here:\n" + strings);
// See
test('mixed type geometry', function(done){
var query = querystring.stringify({
q: "SELECT 'POINT(0 0)'::geometry as g UNION ALL "
+ "SELECT 'LINESTRING(0 0, 1 0)'::geometry",
format: 'shp'
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?' + query,
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-type'], 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-disposition'], 'inline');
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 400, res.statusCode + ': ' +res.body);
var parsedBody = JSON.parse(res.body);
var expectedBody = {"error":["ERROR 1: Attempt to write non-point (LINESTRING) geometry to point shapefile."]}
assert.deepEqual(parsedBody, expectedBody);
// See
test('errors are not confused with warnings', function(done){
var query = querystring.stringify({
q: "SELECT 'POINT(0 0)'::geometry as g"
+ ", 1 as a_very_very_very_long_field_name"
+ "SELECT 'LINESTRING(0 0, 1 0)'::geometry, 2",
format: 'shp'
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?' + query,
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-type'], 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-disposition'], 'inline');
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 400, res.statusCode + ': ' +res.body);
var parsedBody = JSON.parse(res.body);
var expectedBody = {"error":["ERROR 1: Attempt to write non-point (LINESTRING) geometry to point shapefile."]}
assert.deepEqual(parsedBody, expectedBody);
test('skipfields controls fields included in SHP output', function(done){
var query = querystring.stringify({
q: "SELECT 111 as skipme, 222 as keepme, 'POINT(0 0)'::geometry as g",
format: 'shp',
skipfields: 'skipme',
filename: 'myshape'
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?' + query,
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var tmpfile = '/tmp/';
var err = fs.writeFileSync(tmpfile, res.body, 'binary');
if (err) { done(err); return }
var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(tmpfile);
var buffer = zf.readFileSync('myshape.dbf');
var strings = buffer.toString();
assert.ok(!/skipme/.exec(strings), "Could not skip 'skipme' field:\n" + strings);
test('SHP format, concurrently', function(done){
var concurrency = 1;
var waiting = concurrency;
for (var i=0; i<concurrency; ++i) {
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=shp',
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'SHP is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd);
assert.equal(true, /;
var tmpfile = '/tmp/';
var err = fs.writeFileSync(tmpfile, res.body, 'binary');
if (err) { done(err); return }
var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(tmpfile);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.shp'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shp: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.shx'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shx: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.dbf'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .dbf: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.prj'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .prj: ' + zf.names);
// TODO: check DBF contents
if ( ! --waiting ) done();
// See
test('point with null first', function(done){
var query = querystring.stringify({
q: "SELECT null::geometry as g UNION ALL SELECT 'SRID=4326;POINT(0 0)'::geometry",
format: 'shp'
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?' + query,
headers: {host: ''},
encoding: 'binary',
method: 'GET'
},{ }, function(res){
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /;
var tmpfile = '/tmp/';
var err = fs.writeFileSync(tmpfile, res.body, 'binary');
if (err) { done(err); return }
var zf = new zipfile.ZipFile(tmpfile);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.shp'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shp: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.shx'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .shx: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.dbf'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .dbf: ' + zf.names);
assert.ok(_.contains(zf.names, 'cartodb-query.prj'), 'SHP zipfile does not contain .prj: ' + zf.names);
// TODO: check contents of the DBF