require('../helper'); const fs = require('fs'); const querystring = require('querystring'); const server = require('../../app/server')(); const assert = require('../support/assert'); describe('copy-endpoints', function() { it('should works with copyfrom endpoint', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: "/api/v1/sql/copyfrom?" + querystring.stringify({ sql: "COPY copy_endpoints_test (id, name) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER ',', HEADER true)" }), data: fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/../support/csv/copy_test_table.csv'), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'POST' },{}, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); const response = JSON.parse(res.body); assert.equal(!!response.time, true); assert.strictEqual(response.total_rows, 6); done(); }); }); it('should fail with copyfrom endpoint and unexisting table', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: "/api/v1/sql/copyfrom?" + querystring.stringify({ sql: "COPY unexisting_table (id, name) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER ',', HEADER true)" }), data: fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/../support/csv/copy_test_table.csv'), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'POST' },{}, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual( JSON.parse(res.body), { error:['relation \"unexisting_table\" does not exist'] } ); done(); }); }); it('should fail with copyfrom endpoint and without csv', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: "/api/v1/sql/copyfrom?" + querystring.stringify({ sql: "COPY copy_test (id, name) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER ',', HEADER true)" }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'POST' },{}, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual( JSON.parse(res.body), { error:['The file is missing'] } ); done(); }); }); it('should fail with copyfrom endpoint and without sql', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: "/api/v1/sql/copyfrom?" + querystring.stringify({ sql: "COPY copy_test (id, name) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER ',', HEADER true)" }), data: fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/../support/csv/copy_test_table.csv'), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'POST' },{}, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual( JSON.parse(res.body), { error:["Parameter 'sql' is missing, must be in URL or first field in POST"] } ); done(); }); }); it('should works with copyto endpoint', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: "/api/v1/sql/copyto?" + querystring.stringify({ sql: 'COPY copy_endpoints_test TO STDOUT', filename: '/tmp/output.dmp' }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{}, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual( res.body, '11\tPaul\t10\n12\tPeter\t10\n13\tMatthew\t10\n14\t\\N\t10\n15\tJames\t10\n16\tJohn\t10\n' ); done(); }); }); });