require('../helper'); var server = require('../../app/server')(); var assert = require('../support/assert'); var querystring = require('querystring'); describe('copy-statements', function() { var RESPONSE_OK = { statusCode: 200 }; before(function(done) { assert.response(server, { url: "/api/v1/sql?" + querystring.stringify({ q: 'CREATE TABLE copy_test_table(a int)', api_key: 1234 }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' }, RESPONSE_OK, done); }); after(function(done) { assert.response(server, { url: "/api/v1/sql?" + querystring.stringify({ q: 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS copy_test_table', api_key: 1234 }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' }, RESPONSE_OK, done); }); // Test effects of COPY // See it('COPY TABLE with GET and auth', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: "/api/v1/sql?" + querystring.stringify({ q: 'COPY copy_test_table FROM stdin;', api_key: 1234 }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{}, function(err, res) { // We expect a problem, actually assert.equal(res.statusCode, 400, res.statusCode + ': ' + res.body); assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-type'], 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-disposition'], 'inline'); assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(res.body), {"error":["COPY from stdin failed: No source stream defined"]}); done(); }); }); it('COPY TABLE with GET and auth', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: "/api/v1/sql?" + querystring.stringify({ q: "COPY copy_test_table to '/tmp/x';", api_key: 1234 }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{}, function(err, res) { // We expect a problem, actually assert.equal(res.statusCode, 400, res.statusCode + ': ' + res.body); assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-type'], 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-disposition'], 'inline'); assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(res.body), { error: ["must be superuser to COPY to or from a file"], hint: "Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql's \\copy command also works for anyone." }); done(); }); }); });