require('../../helper'); require('../../support/assert'); var app = require(global.settings.app_root + '/app/controllers/app')() , assert = require('assert') , querystring = require('querystring') , _ = require('underscore') , zipfile = require('zipfile') , fs = require('fs') , libxmljs = require('libxmljs') , Step = require('step') ; // allow lots of emitters to be set to silence warning app.setMaxListeners(0); suite('export.arraybuffer', function() { var expected_cache_control = 'no-cache,max-age=3600,must-revalidate,public'; var expected_cache_control_persist = 'public,max-age=31536000'; // use dec_sep for internationalization var checkDecimals = function(x, dec_sep){ var tmp='' + x; if (tmp.indexOf(dec_sep)>-1) return tmp.length-tmp.indexOf(dec_sep)-1; else return 0; } test('GET /api/v1/sql as arraybuffer ', function(done){ assert.response(app, { url: '/api/v1/sql?' + querystring.stringify({ q: 'SELECT cartodb_id,name,1::integer,187.9 FROM untitle_table_4', format: 'arraybuffer' }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); assert.equal(res.headers['content-type'], "application/octet-stream") done(); }); }); test('GET /api/v1/sql as arraybuffer does not support geometry types ', function(done){ assert.response(app, { url: '/api/v1/sql?' + querystring.stringify({ q: 'SELECT cartodb_id, the_geom FROM untitle_table_4', format: 'arraybuffer' }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 400, res.body); var result = JSON.parse(res.body); assert.equal(result.error[0], "geometry types are not supported"); done(); }); }); });