'use strict'; const initLogger = require('../middlewares/logger'); const profiler = require('../middlewares/profiler'); const user = require('../middlewares/user'); const authorization = require('../middlewares/authorization'); const connectionParams = require('../middlewares/connection-params'); const dbQuota = require('../middlewares/db-quota'); const bodyParser = require('../middlewares/body-parser'); const rateLimits = require('../middlewares/rate-limit'); const { RATE_LIMIT_ENDPOINTS_GROUPS } = rateLimits; const errorHandlerFactory = require('../../services/error-handler-factory'); const StreamCopy = require('../../services/stream-copy'); const StreamCopyMetrics = require('../../services/stream-copy-metrics'); const Throttler = require('../../services/throttler-stream'); const zlib = require('zlib'); const { PassThrough } = require('stream'); const params = require('../middlewares/params'); const tag = require('../middlewares/tag'); module.exports = class CopyController { constructor ({ metadataBackend, userDatabaseService, statsdClient, userLimitsService, logger }) { this.metadataBackend = metadataBackend; this.userDatabaseService = userDatabaseService; this.statsdClient = statsdClient; this.userLimitsService = userLimitsService; this.logger = logger; } route (sqlRouter) { const copyFromMiddlewares = endpointGroup => { return [ initLogger({ logger: this.logger }), profiler({ statsClient: this.statsdClient }), tag({ tags: ['ingestion', 'copyfrom'] }), user(this.metadataBackend), rateLimits(this.userLimitsService, endpointGroup), authorization(this.metadataBackend), connectionParams(this.userDatabaseService), dbQuota(), params({ strategy: 'copyfrom' }), handleCopyFrom(), errorHandler() ]; }; const copyToMiddlewares = endpointGroup => { return [ initLogger({ logger: this.logger, logOnEvent: 'log' }), profiler({ statsClient: this.statsdClient, logOnEvent: 'log' }), tag({ tags: ['ingestion', 'copyto'], logOnEvent: 'log' }), bodyParser(), user(this.metadataBackend), rateLimits(this.userLimitsService, endpointGroup), authorization(this.metadataBackend), connectionParams(this.userDatabaseService), params({ strategy: 'copyto' }), handleCopyTo({ logger: this.logger }), errorHandler() ]; }; sqlRouter.post('/copyfrom', copyFromMiddlewares(RATE_LIMIT_ENDPOINTS_GROUPS.COPY_FROM)); sqlRouter.get('/copyto', copyToMiddlewares(RATE_LIMIT_ENDPOINTS_GROUPS.COPY_TO)); sqlRouter.post('/copyto', copyToMiddlewares(RATE_LIMIT_ENDPOINTS_GROUPS.COPY_TO)); } }; function handleCopyTo ({ logger: mainLogger }) { return function handleCopyToMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { logger } = res.locals; const { id: requestId } = logger.bindings(); const { userDbParams, user } = res.locals; const { sql, filename } = res.locals.params; // it is not sure, nginx may choose not to compress the body // but we want to know it and save it in the metrics // https://github.com/CartoDB/CartoDB-SQL-API/issues/515 const isGzip = req.get('accept-encoding') && req.get('accept-encoding').includes('gzip'); const streamCopy = new StreamCopy(sql, userDbParams, logger); const metrics = new StreamCopyMetrics(logger, 'copyto', sql, user, isGzip); res.header('Content-Disposition', `attachment; filename=${encodeURIComponent(filename)}`); res.header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); streamCopy.getPGStream(StreamCopy.ACTION_TO, (err, pgstream) => { if (err) { return next(err); } req.on('aborted', () => { const err = new Error('Connection closed by client'); metrics.end(null, err); res.emit('log'); pgstream.emit('error', err); const pid = streamCopy.clientProcessID; streamCopy.cancel(pid, StreamCopy.ACTION_TO, (err) => { if (err) { return mainLogger.error({ error: err }, `Unable to cancel "copy ${StreamCopy.ACTION_TO}" stream query (pid: ${pid}, requestId: ${requestId})`); } mainLogger.info(`Canceled "copy ${StreamCopy.ACTION_TO}" stream query successfully (pid: ${pid}, requestId: ${requestId})`); }); return next(err); }); pgstream .on('data', data => metrics.addSize(data.length)) .on('error', err => { metrics.end(null, err); return next(err); }) .on('end', () => { metrics.end(streamCopy.getRowCount()); res.emit('log'); return next(); }) .pipe(res); }); }; } function handleCopyFrom () { return function handleCopyFromMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { logger } = res.locals; const { userDbParams, user, dbRemainingQuota } = res.locals; const { sql } = res.locals.params; const isGzip = req.get('content-encoding') === 'gzip'; const COPY_FROM_MAX_POST_SIZE = global.settings.copy_from_max_post_size || 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 2 GB const COPY_FROM_MAX_POST_SIZE_PRETTY = global.settings.copy_from_max_post_size_pretty || '2 GB'; const streamCopy = new StreamCopy(sql, userDbParams, logger); const decompress = isGzip ? zlib.createGunzip() : new PassThrough(); const metrics = new StreamCopyMetrics(logger, 'copyfrom', sql, user, isGzip); streamCopy.getPGStream(StreamCopy.ACTION_FROM, (err, pgstream) => { if (err) { return next(err); } const throttle = new Throttler(pgstream); req .on('data', data => isGzip ? metrics.addGzipSize(data.length) : undefined) .on('error', err => { metrics.end(null, err); pgstream.emit('error', err); }) .on('close', () => pgstream.emit('client-close', new Error('Connection closed by client'))) .pipe(throttle) .pipe(decompress) .on('data', data => { metrics.addSize(data.length); if (metrics.size > dbRemainingQuota) { return pgstream.emit('error', new Error('DB Quota exceeded')); } if ((metrics.gzipSize || metrics.size) > COPY_FROM_MAX_POST_SIZE) { return pgstream.emit('error', new Error( `COPY FROM maximum POST size of ${COPY_FROM_MAX_POST_SIZE_PRETTY} exceeded` )); } }) .on('error', err => { err.message = `Error while gunzipping: ${err.message}`; metrics.end(null, err); pgstream.emit('error', err); }) .pipe(pgstream) .on('error', err => { metrics.end(null, err); return next(err); }) .on('end', () => { metrics.end(streamCopy.getRowCount()); const { time, rows } = metrics; if (!rows) { return next(new Error('No rows copied')); } res.send({ time, total_rows: rows }); return next(); }); }); }; } function errorHandler () { return function errorHandlerMiddleware (err, req, res, next) { const { logger } = res.locals; if (res.headersSent) { logger.error({ error: err }); const errorHandler = errorHandlerFactory(err); res.write(JSON.stringify(errorHandler.getResponse())); res.end(); next(); } else { return next(err); } }; }