require('../../helper'); var server = require('../../../app/server')(); var assert = require('../../support/assert'); var querystring = require('querystring'); var libxmljs = require('libxmljs'); var http = require('http'); var server_utils = require('../../support/server_utils'); describe('export.kml', function() { // Check if an attribute is in the KML output // // NOTE: "name" and "description" attributes are threated specially // in that they are matched in case-insensitive way // var hasAttribute = function(kml, att) { // Strip namespace: // kml = kml.replace(/ xmlns=[^>]*>/, '>'); var doc = libxmljs.parseXmlString(kml); //console.log("doc: " + doc); var xpath; xpath = "//SimpleField[@name='" + att + "']"; if ( doc.get(xpath) ) { return true; } xpath = "//Placemark/" + att; if ( doc.get(xpath) ) { return true; } var lcatt = att.toLowerCase(); if ( lcatt === 'name' || lcatt === 'description' ) { xpath = "//Placemark/" + lcatt; if ( doc.get(xpath) ) { return true; } } //if ( lowerkml.indexOf('simplefield name="'+ loweratt + '"') != -1 ) return true; //if ( lowerkml.indexOf('<'+loweratt+'>') != -1 ) return true; return false; }; // Return the first coordinate array found in KML var extractCoordinates = function(kml) { // Strip namespace: // kml = kml.replace(/ xmlns=[^>]*>/, '>'); var doc = libxmljs.parseXmlString(kml); //console.log("doc: " + doc); if ( ! doc ) { return; } var coo = doc.get("//coordinates"); //console.log("coo: " + coo); if ( ! coo ) { return; } coo = coo.text(); //console.log("coo: " + coo); if ( ! coo ) { return; } coo = coo.split(' '); //console.log("coo: " + coo); for (var i=0; i]*>/, '>'); var doc = libxmljs.parseXmlString(kml); //console.log("doc: " + doc); if ( ! doc ) { return; } var coo = doc.get("//Document/Folder/name"); //console.log("coo: " + coo); if ( ! coo ) { return; } coo = coo.text(); //console.log("coo: " + coo); if ( ! coo ) { return; } return coo; }; // KML tests it('KML format, unauthenticated', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=kml', headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(err, res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition'); assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'KML is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd); assert.equal(true, /filename=cartodb-query.kml/gi.test(cd), 'Unexpected KML filename: ' + cd); var row0 = res.body; var checkfields = {'Name':1, 'address':1, 'cartodb_id':1, 'the_geom':0, 'the_geom_webmercator':0}; Object.keys(checkfields).forEach(function(f) { if ( checkfields[f] ) { assert.ok(hasAttribute(row0, f), "result does not include '" + f + "': " + row0); } else { assert.ok(!hasAttribute(row0, f), "result includes '" + f + "'"); } }); done(); }); }); it('KML format, unauthenticated, POST', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql', data: 'q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=kml', headers: {host: '', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, method: 'POST' },{ }, function(err, res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition'); assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'KML is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd); assert.equal(true, /filename=cartodb-query.kml/gi.test(cd), 'Unexpected KML filename: ' + cd); done(); }); }); it('KML format, bigger than 81920 bytes', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql', data: querystring.stringify({ q: 'SELECT 0 as fname FROM generate_series(0,81920)', format: 'kml' }), headers: {host: '', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, method: 'POST' },{ }, function(err, res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition'); assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'KML is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd); assert.equal(true, /filename=cartodb-query.kml/gi.test(cd), 'Unexpected KML filename: ' + cd); assert.ok(res.body.length > 81920, 'KML smaller than expected: ' + res.body.length); done(); }); }); it('KML format, skipfields', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=kml&skipfields=address,cartodb_id', headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(err, res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition'); assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'KML is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd); assert.equal(true, /filename=cartodb-query.kml/gi.test(cd), 'Unexpected KML filename: ' + cd); var row0 = res.body; var checkFields = {'Name':1, 'address':0, 'cartodb_id':0, 'the_geom':0, 'the_geom_webmercator':0}; Object.keys(checkFields).forEach(function(f) { if ( checkFields[f] ) { assert.ok(hasAttribute(row0, f), "result does not include '" + f + "': " + row0); } else { assert.ok(!hasAttribute(row0, f), "result includes '" + f + "'"); } }); done(); }); }); it('KML format, unauthenticated, custom filename', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=kml&filename=kmltest', headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(err, res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition'); assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'KML is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd); assert.equal(true, /filename=kmltest.kml/gi.test(cd), 'Unexpected KML filename: ' + cd); var name = extractFolderName(res.body); assert.equal(name, "kmltest"); done(); }); }); it('KML format, authenticated', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=kml&api_key=1234', headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(err, res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition'); assert.equal(true, /filename=cartodb-query.kml/gi.test(cd), 'Unexpected KML filename: ' + cd); done(); }); }); it('KML format, unauthenticated, concurrent requests', function(done){ var query = querystring.stringify({ q: "SELECT 'val', x, y, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x,y),4326) as the_geom " + "FROM generate_series(-180, 180) as x, generate_series(-90,90) y", format: 'kml', filename: 'multi' }); var concurrency = 4; var waiting = concurrency; function onResponse(res) { //console.log("Response started"); res.body = ''; //res.setEncoding('binary'); res.on('data', function(chunk){ res.body += chunk; }); res.on('end', function(){ //console.log("Response ended"); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); assert.ok(res.body); var snippet = res.body.substr(0, 5); assert.equal(snippet, "' + '' + 'cartodb_query' + '$'); var body = res.body.replace(/\n/g,''); assert.ok(body.match(pat), "Response:\n" + body + '\ndoes not match pattern:\n' + pat); done(); }); }); // See it('GET /api/v1/sql as kml with ending semicolon', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql?' + querystring.stringify({ q: 'SELECT true WHERE false;', format: 'kml' }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(err, res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); // NOTE: GDAL-1.11+ added 'id="root_doc"' attribute to the output var pat = new RegExp('^<\\?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" \\?>' + '' + 'cartodb_query' + '$'); var body = res.body.replace(/\n/g,''); assert.ok(body.match(pat), "Response:\n" + body + '\ndoes not match pattern:\n' + pat); done(); }); }); // See it('check point coordinates, unauthenticated', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql?' + querystring.stringify({ q: 'SELECT * from untitle_table_4 WHERE cartodb_id = -1', format: 'kml' }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(err, res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); var coords = extractCoordinates(res.body); assert(coords, 'No coordinates in ' + res.body); assert.deepEqual(coords, [[33,16]]); done(); }); }); // See it('check point coordinates, authenticated', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql?' + querystring.stringify({ q: 'SELECT * from untitle_table_4 WHERE cartodb_id = -1', api_key: 1234, format: 'kml' }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(err, res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); var coords = extractCoordinates(res.body); assert(coords, 'No coordinates in ' + res.body); assert.deepEqual(coords, [[33,16]]); done(); }); }); var limit = 1200; it('expects ' + limit + ' placemarks in public table', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql', data: querystring.stringify({ q: "SELECT * from populated_places_simple_reduced limit " + limit, format: 'kml' }), headers: {host: '', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, method: 'POST' }, { status: 200 }, function(err, res) { assert.equal(res.body.match(//g).length, limit); done(); } ); }); it('expects ' + limit + ' placemarks in private table using the API KEY', function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/api/v1/sql?' + querystring.stringify({ q: "SELECT * from populated_places_simple_reduced limit " + limit, api_key: 1234, format: 'kml' }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' }, { status: 200 }, function(err, res) { assert.equal(res.body.match(//g).length, limit); done(); } ); }); it('should work with queries returning no results', function(done) { assert.response( server, { url: "/api/v1/sql?" + querystring.stringify({ q: "SELECT * FROM populated_places_simple_reduced LIMIT 0", format: 'kml' }), headers: { host: '' }, encoding: 'binary', method: 'GET' }, { status: 200 }, function(err, res) { assert.equal(res.body.match(//g), null); done(); } ); }); });