#!/bin/sh # this script prepare database and redis instance to run acceptance test # # NOTE: assumes existance of a "template_postgis" loaded with # compatible version of postgis (legacy.sql included) PREPARE_REDIS=yes PREPARE_PGSQL=yes OFFLINE=no while [ -n "$1" ]; do if test "$1" = "--skip-pg"; then PREPARE_PGSQL=no shift; continue elif test "$1" = "--skip-redis"; then PREPARE_REDIS=no shift; continue elif test "$1" = "--offline"; then OFFLINE=yes shift; continue fi done die() { msg=$1 echo "${msg}" >&2 exit 1 } # This is where postgresql connection parameters are read from TESTENV=../config/environments/test.js # Extract postgres configuration PGHOST=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').db_host || '')"` echo "PGHOST: [$PGHOST]" PGPORT=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').db_port || '')"` echo "PGPORT: [$PGPORT]" PUBLICUSER=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').db_pubuser || 'xxx')"` PUBLICPASS=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').db_pubuser_pass || 'xxx')"` echo "PUBLICUSER: [${PUBLICUSER}]" echo "PUBLICPASS: [${PUBLICPASS}]" TESTUSERID=1 TESTUSER=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').db_user || '')"` if test -z "$TESTUSER"; then echo "Missing db_user from ${TESTENV}" >&2 exit 1 fi TESTUSER=`echo ${TESTUSER} | sed "s/<%= user_id %>/${TESTUSERID}/"` echo "TESTUSER: [${TESTUSER}]" TESTPASS=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').db_user_pass || '')"` TESTPASS=`echo ${TESTPASS} | sed "s/<%= user_id %>/${TESTUSERID}/"` echo "TESTPASS: [${TESTPASS}]" TEST_DB=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').db_base_name || '')"` if test -z "$TEST_DB"; then echo "Missing db_base_name from ${TESTENV}" >&2 exit 1 fi TEST_DB=`echo ${TEST_DB} | sed "s/<%= user_id %>/${TESTUSERID}/"` export PGHOST PGPORT if test x"$PREPARE_PGSQL" = xyes; then echo "preparing postgres..." echo "PostgreSQL server version: `psql -A -t -c 'select version()'`" echo "PAUSE; RESUME;" | psql -p 6432 pgbouncer # make sure there are no connections pgbouncer -> test_db dropdb ${TEST_DB} # 2> /dev/null # error expected if doesn't exist, but not otherwise createdb -Ttemplate_postgis -EUTF8 ${TEST_DB} || die "Could not create test database" psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";' ${TEST_DB} psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpythonu;" ${TEST_DB} LOCAL_SQL_SCRIPTS='test populated_places_simple_reduced py_sleep quota_mock' REMOTE_SQL_SCRIPTS='CDB_QueryStatements CDB_QueryTables CDB_CartodbfyTable CDB_TableMetadata CDB_ForeignTable CDB_UserTables CDB_ColumnNames CDB_ZoomFromScale CDB_OverviewsSupport CDB_Overviews' if test x"$OFFLINE" = xno; then CURL_ARGS="" for i in ${REMOTE_SQL_SCRIPTS} do CURL_ARGS="${CURL_ARGS}\"https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb-postgresql/raw/master/scripts-available/$i.sql\" -o support/sql/$i.sql " done echo "Downloading and updating: ${REMOTE_SQL_SCRIPTS}" echo ${CURL_ARGS} | xargs curl -L -s fi PG_PARALLEL=$(pg_config --version | (awk '{$2*=1000; if ($2 >= 9600) print 1; else print 0;}' 2> /dev/null || echo 0)) psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpythonu;" ${TEST_DB} ALL_SQL_SCRIPTS="${REMOTE_SQL_SCRIPTS} ${LOCAL_SQL_SCRIPTS}" for i in ${ALL_SQL_SCRIPTS} do # Strip PARALLEL labels for PostgreSQL releases before 9.6 if [ $PG_PARALLEL -eq 0 ]; then TMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXX) sed -e 's/PARALLEL \= [A-Z]*,/''/g' \ -e 's/PARALLEL [A-Z]*/''/g' support/sql/${i}.sql > $TMPFILE mv $TMPFILE support/sql/${i}.sql fi cat support/sql/${i}.sql | sed -e 's/cartodb\./public./g' -e "s/''cartodb''/''public''/g" | sed "s/:PUBLICUSER/${PUBLICUSER}/" | sed "s/:PUBLICPASS/${PUBLICPASS}/" | sed "s/:TESTUSER/${TESTUSER}/" | sed "s/:TESTPASS/${TESTPASS}/" | psql -q -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 ${TEST_DB} > /dev/null || exit 1 done fi if test x"$PREPARE_REDIS" = xyes; then REDIS_HOST=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').redis_host || '')"` REDIS_PORT=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').redis_port || '6336')"` echo "preparing redis..." # delete previous publicuser cat <