'use strict'; // jshint ignore:start const debug = require('debug')('>'); debug.enabled = true; const { promisify } = require('util'); const RedisPool = require('redis-mpool'); const cartodbRedis = require('cartodb-redis'); const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; const config = require(`../../config/environments/${env}`); debug(`using "${env}" environment`); debug(`redis "${config.redis_host}:${config.redis_port}"`); const redisPool = new RedisPool({ name: 'remove-old-batch-jobs', host: config.redis_host, port: config.redis_port, max: config.redisPool, idleTimeoutMillis: config.redisIdleTimeoutMillis, reapIntervalMillis: config.redisReapIntervalMillis }); const metadata = cartodbRedis({ pool: redisPool }); const JOBS = { DB: 5, PREFIX: 'batch:jobs' }; const TWO_DAYS_IN_MILLISECONDS = 48 * 3600 * 1000; async function redisCmd (db, command, params) { const cmd = promisify(metadata.redisCmd.bind(metadata)); const result = await cmd(db, command, params); return result; } async function scan () { const jobs = []; const initialCursor = '0'; return await _scan(initialCursor, jobs); }; async function _scan (cursor, jobs) { const redisParams = [cursor, 'MATCH', `${JOBS.PREFIX}:*`]; const [_cursor, _jobs] = await redisCmd(JOBS.DB, 'SCAN', redisParams); if (_jobs && _jobs.length) { jobs = jobs.concat(_jobs); } if (_cursor === '0') { return jobs; } return await _scan(_cursor, jobs); } async function getJob (key) { const props = [ 'user', 'status', 'created_at', 'updated_at' ]; const redisParams = [`${key}`, ...props]; const values = await redisCmd(JOBS.DB, 'HMGET', redisParams); const job = {}; for (const [i, v] of values.entries()) { job[props[i]] = v; } return job; } async function removeJob (key) { const redisParams = [key]; const done = await redisCmd(JOBS.DB, 'DEL', redisParams); return done; } async function main () { const summary = { found: 0, removed: 0 }; try { debug('going to scan jobs'); const jobKeys = await scan(); summary.found = jobKeys.length; debug(`found "${jobKeys.length}" jobs`); debug('--------------------------------------------------'); for (const key of jobKeys) { debug(`fetching job "${key}"`); const job = await getJob(key); debug(`job "${key}" found (user:${job.user}, status: ${job.status}, created_at: ${job.created_at}, updated_at: ${job.updated_at})`); const updatedAt = new Date(job.updated_at).getTime(); const now = Date.now(); const elapsed = now - updatedAt; if (elapsed > TWO_DAYS_IN_MILLISECONDS) { debug(`job ${key} is older than two days, removing it`); const removed = await removeJob(key); debug(removed ? `job "${key}" removed` : `job "${key}" was not removed`); summary.removed += removed ? 1 : 0; } else { debug(`job "${key}" is younger than two days, keeping it`); } debug('--------------------------------------------------'); } debug('summary:', summary); debug('done'); } catch (err) { debug(err); } } main().then(() => process.exit(0)); // jshint ignore:end