// In case the base_url has a :user param the username will be the one specified in the URL, // otherwise it will fallback to extract the username from the host header. module.exports.base_url = '(?:/api/:version|/user/:user/api/:version)'; // If useProfiler is true every response will be served with an // X-SQLAPI-Profile header containing elapsed timing for various // steps taken for producing the response. module.exports.useProfiler = true; module.exports.log_format = '[:date] :req[X-Real-IP] :method :req[Host]:url :status :response-time ms -> :res[Content-Type] (:res[X-SQLAPI-Profiler])'; // If log_filename is given logs will be written there, in append mode. Otherwise stdout is used (default). // Log file will be re-opened on receiving the HUP signal // module.exports.log_filename = 'logs/cartodb-sql-api.log'; // Regular expression pattern to extract username // from hostname. Must have a single grabbing block. module.exports.user_from_host = '^([^.]*)\\.'; module.exports.node_port = 8080; module.exports.node_host = ''; // idle socket timeout, in miliseconds module.exports.node_socket_timeout = 600000; module.exports.environment = 'test'; module.exports.db_base_name = 'cartodb_test_user_<%= user_id %>_db'; module.exports.db_user = 'test_cartodb_user_<%= user_id %>'; module.exports.db_user_pass = 'test_cartodb_user_<%= user_id %>_pass'; // Name of the anonymous PostgreSQL user module.exports.db_pubuser = 'testpublicuser'; // Password for the anonymous PostgreSQL user module.exports.db_pubuser_pass = 'public'; module.exports.db_host = 'localhost'; module.exports.db_port = '5432'; // Max database connections in the pool // Subsequent connections will wait for a free slot. // NOTE: not used by OGR-mediated accesses module.exports.db_pool_size = 500; // Milliseconds before a connection is removed from pool module.exports.db_pool_idleTimeout = 30000; // Milliseconds between idle client checking module.exports.db_pool_reapInterval = 1000; // max number of bytes for a row, when exceeded the query will throw an error //module.exports.db_max_row_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // allows to use an object to connect with node-postgres instead of a connection string //module.exports.db_use_config_object = true; // requires enabling db_use_config_object=true // allows to enable/disable keep alive for database connections // by default is not enabled //module.exports.db_keep_alive = { // enabled: true, // initialDelay: 5000 //}; module.exports.redis_host = ''; module.exports.redis_port = 6336; module.exports.redisPool = 50; module.exports.redisIdleTimeoutMillis = 1; module.exports.redisReapIntervalMillis = 1; module.exports.redisLog = false; // Max number of entries in the query tables cache module.exports.tableCacheMax = 8192; // Max age of query table cache items, in milliseconds module.exports.tableCacheMaxAge = 1000*60*10; // Temporary directory, make sure it is writable by server user module.exports.tmpDir = '/tmp'; // Optional statsd support module.exports.statsd = { host: 'localhost', port: 8125, prefix: 'dev.:host.', cacheDns: true // support all allowed node-statsd options }; module.exports.health = { enabled: true, username: 'vizzuality', query: 'select 1' }; module.exports.disabled_file = 'pids/disabled';