'use strict'; var Pg = require('./../pg'); var svg_width = 1024.0; var svg_height = 768.0; var svg_ratio = svg_width / svg_height; var radius = 5; // in pixels (based on svg_width and svg_height) var stroke_width = 1; // in pixels (based on svg_width and svg_height) var stroke_color = 'black'; // fill settings affect polygons and points (circles) var fill_opacity = 0.5; // 0.0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque // unused if fill_color='none' var fill_color = 'none'; // affects polygons and circles function SvgFormat () { this.totalRows = 0; this.bbox = null; // will be computed during the results scan this.buffer = ''; this._streamingStarted = false; } SvgFormat.prototype = new Pg('svg'); SvgFormat.prototype._contentType = 'image/svg+xml; charset=utf-8'; SvgFormat.prototype.getQuery = function (sql, options) { var gn = options.gn; var dp = options.dp; return 'WITH source AS ( ' + sql + '), extent AS ( ' + ' SELECT ST_Extent(' + gn + ') AS e FROM source ' + '), extent_info AS ( SELECT e, ' + 'st_xmin(e) as ex0, st_ymax(e) as ey0, ' + 'st_xmax(e)-st_xmin(e) as ew, ' + 'st_ymax(e)-st_ymin(e) as eh FROM extent )' + ', trans AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN ' + 'eh = 0 THEN ' + svg_width + '/ COALESCE(NULLIF(ew,0),' + svg_width + ') WHEN ' + svg_ratio + ' <= (ew / eh) THEN (' + svg_width + '/ew ) ELSE (' + svg_height + '/eh ) END as s ' + ', ex0 as x0, ey0 as y0 FROM extent_info ) ' + 'SELECT st_TransScale(e, -x0, -y0, s, s)::box2d as ' + gn + '_box, ST_Dimension(' + gn + ') as ' + gn + '_dimension, ST_AsSVG(ST_TransScale(' + gn + ', ' + '-x0, -y0, s, s), 0, ' + dp + ') as ' + gn + // + ', ex0, ey0, ew, eh, s ' // DEBUG ONLY + ' FROM trans, extent_info, source' + ' ORDER BY the_geom_dimension ASC'; }; SvgFormat.prototype.startStreaming = function () { if (this.opts.beforeSink) { this.opts.beforeSink(); } var header = [ '', '' ]; var rootTag = '\n'; } else if (gdims == '1') { // Avoid filling closed linestrings this.buffer += '\n'; } else if (gdims == '2') { this.buffer += '\n'; } // jshint ignore:end if (!this.bbox) { // Parse layer extent: "BOX(x y, X Y)" // NOTE: the name of the extent field is // determined by the same code adding the // ST_AsSVG call (in queryResult) // var bbox = row[this.opts.gn + '_box']; bbox = bbox.match(/BOX\(([^ ]*) ([^ ,]*),([^ ]*) ([^)]*)\)/); this.bbox = { xmin: parseFloat(bbox[1]), ymin: parseFloat(bbox[2]), xmax: parseFloat(bbox[3]), ymax: parseFloat(bbox[4]) }; } if (!this._streamingStarted && this.bbox) { this.startStreaming(); } if (this._streamingStarted && (this.totalRows % (this.opts.bufferedRows || 1000))) { this.opts.sink.write(this.buffer); this.buffer = ''; } }; SvgFormat.prototype.handleQueryEnd = function () { if (this.error && !this._streamingStarted) { this.callback(this.error); return; } if (this.opts.profiler) { this.opts.profiler.done('gotRows'); } if (!this._streamingStarted) { this.startStreaming(); } // rootTag close this.buffer += '\n'; this.opts.sink.write(this.buffer); this.opts.sink.end(); this.callback(); }; module.exports = SvgFormat;