const ErrorHandler = require('./error_handler'); const { codeToCondition } = require('../postgresql/error_codes'); module.exports = function ErrorHandlerFactory (err) { if (isTimeoutError(err)) { return createTimeoutError(); } else { return createGenericError(err); } }; function isTimeoutError(err) { return err.message && ( err.message.indexOf('statement timeout') > -1 || err.message.indexOf('RuntimeError: Execution of function interrupted by signal') > -1 ); } function createTimeoutError() { return new ErrorHandler( 'You are over platform\'s limits. Please contact us to know more details', 'limit', 'datasource', undefined, 429 ); } function createGenericError(err) { return new ErrorHandler( err.message, err.context, err.detail, err.hint, err.http_status, codeToCondition[err.code] || ); }