require('../../helper'); require('../../support/assert'); var app = require(global.settings.app_root + '/app/controllers/app') , assert = require('assert') , querystring = require('querystring') , _ = require('underscore') , zipfile = require('zipfile') , fs = require('fs') , libxmljs = require('libxmljs') ; // allow lots of emitters to be set to silence warning app.setMaxListeners(0); suite('export.topojson', function() { // TOPOJSON tests test('GET two polygons sharing an edge as topojson', function(done){ assert.response(app, { url: '/api/v1/sql?' + querystring.stringify({ q: "SELECT 1 as gid, 'U' as name, 'POLYGON((-5 0,5 0,0 5,-5 0))'::geometry as the_geom " + " UNION ALL " + "SELECT 2, 'D', 'POLYGON((0 -5,0 5,-5 0,0 -5))'::geometry as the_geom ", format: 'topojson' }), headers: {host: ''}, method: 'GET' },{ }, function(res){ assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition'); assert.equal(true, /^attachment/.test(cd), 'TOPOJSON is not disposed as attachment: ' + cd); assert.equal(true, /filename=cartodb-query.topojson/gi.test(cd)); var topojson = JSON.parse(res.body); assert.equal(topojson.type, 'Topology'); // Check transform assert.ok(topojson.hasOwnProperty('transform')); var trans = topojson.transform; assert.equal(_.keys(trans).length, 2); // only scale and translate assert.equal(trans.scale.length, 2); // scalex, scaley assert.equal(Math.round(trans.scale[0]*1e6), 1000); assert.equal(Math.round(trans.scale[1]*1e6), 1000); assert.equal(trans.translate.length, 2); // translatex, translatey assert.equal(trans.translate[0], -5); assert.equal(trans.translate[1], -5); // Check objects assert.ok(topojson.hasOwnProperty('objects')); assert.equal(_.keys(topojson.objects).length, 2); var obj = topojson.objects[0]; //console.dir(obj); // Expected: // { type: 'Polygon', // arcs: [ [ 0, 1 ] ], // properties: { gid: 1, nam: 'U' } } assert.equal(_.keys(obj).length, 3); // type, arcs, properties assert.equal(obj.type, 'Polygon'); assert.equal(obj.arcs.length, 1); /* only shell, no holes */ var shell = obj.arcs[0]; assert.equal(shell.length, 2); /* one shared arc, one non-shared */ assert.equal(shell[0], 0); /* shared arc */ assert.equal(shell[1], 1); /* non-shared arc */ var props =; assert.equal(_.keys(props).length, 2); // gid, name assert.equal(props['gid'], 1); assert.equal(props['name'], 'U'); obj = topojson.objects[1]; //console.dir(obj); // Expected: // { type: 'Polygon', // arcs: [ [ 0, 2 ] ], // properties: { gid: 2, nam: 'D' } } assert.equal(_.keys(obj).length, 3); // type, arcs, properties assert.equal(obj.type, 'Polygon'); assert.equal(obj.arcs.length, 1); /* only shell, no holes */ shell = obj.arcs[0]; assert.equal(shell.length, 2); /* one shared arc, one non-shared */ assert.equal(shell[0], 0); /* shared arc */ assert.equal(shell[1], 2); /* non-shared arc */ props =; assert.equal(_.keys(props).length, 2); // gid, name assert.equal(props['gid'], 2); assert.equal(props['name'], 'D'); // Check arcs assert.ok(topojson.hasOwnProperty('arcs')); assert.equal(topojson.arcs.length, 3); // one shared, two non-shared var arc = topojson.arcs[0]; // shared arc assert.equal(arc.length, 2); // shared arc has two vertices var p = arc[0]; assert.equal(Math.round(p[0]*trans.scale[0]), 0); assert.equal(Math.round(p[1]*trans.scale[1]), 5); p = arc[1]; assert.equal(Math.round(p[0]*trans.scale[0]), 5); assert.equal(Math.round(p[1]*trans.scale[1]), 5); arc = topojson.arcs[1]; // non shared arc assert.equal(arc.length, 3); // non shared arcs have three vertices p = arc[0]; assert.equal(Math.round(p[0]*trans.scale[0]), 5); assert.equal(Math.round(p[1]*trans.scale[1]), 10); p = arc[1]; assert.equal(Math.round(p[0]*trans.scale[0]), 5); assert.equal(Math.round(p[1]*trans.scale[1]), -5); p = arc[2]; assert.equal(Math.round(p[0]*trans.scale[0]), -10); assert.equal(Math.round(p[1]*trans.scale[1]), 0); arc = topojson.arcs[2]; // non shared arc assert.equal(arc.length, 3); // non shared arcs have three vertices p = arc[0]; assert.equal(Math.round(p[0]*trans.scale[0]), 5); assert.equal(Math.round(p[1]*trans.scale[1]), 10); p = arc[1]; assert.equal(Math.round(p[0]*trans.scale[0]), 0); assert.equal(Math.round(p[1]*trans.scale[1]), -10); p = arc[2]; assert.equal(Math.round(p[0]*trans.scale[0]), -5); assert.equal(Math.round(p[1]*trans.scale[1]), 5); done(); }); }); });