var crypto = require('crypto') var Step = require('step') var fs = require('fs') var _ = require('underscore') var PSQL = require(global.settings.app_root + '/app/models/psql') var spawn = require('child_process').spawn // Keeps track of what's waiting baking for export var bakingExports = {}; // Return database username from user_id // NOTE: a "null" user_id is a request to use the public user function userid_to_dbuser(user_id) { if ( _.isString(user_id) ) return _.template(global.settings.db_user, {user_id: user_id}); return "publicuser" // FIXME: make configurable }; function ogr(id) { = id; } ogr.prototype = { id: "ogr", is_file: true, getQuery: function(sql, options) { return null; // dont execute the query }, transform: function(result, options, callback) { throw "should not be called for file formats" }, getContentType: function(){ return this._contentType; }, getFileExtension: function(){ return this._fileExtension; }, getKey: function(options) { return [, options.dbname, options.user_id,, this.generateMD5(options.sql)].concat(options.skipfields).join(':'); }, generateMD5: function (data){ var hash = crypto.createHash('md5'); hash.update(data); return hash.digest('hex'); } }; // Internal function usable by all OGR-driven outputs ogr.prototype.toOGR = function(dbname, user_id, gcol, sql, skipfields, out_format, out_filename, callback) { var ogr2ogr = 'ogr2ogr'; // FIXME: make configurable var dbhost = global.settings.db_host; var dbport = global.settings.db_port; var dbuser = userid_to_dbuser(user_id); var dbpass = ''; // turn into a parameter.. var columns = []; // Drop ending semicolon (ogr doens't like it) sql = sql.replace(/;\s*$/, ''); Step ( function fetchColumns() { var colsql = 'SELECT * FROM (' + sql + ') as _cartodbsqlapi LIMIT 1'; var pg = new PSQL(user_id, dbname, 1, 0); pg.query(colsql, this); }, function spawnDumper(err, result) { if (err) throw err; //if ( ! result.rows.length ) throw new Error("Query returns no rows"); // Skip system columns if ( result.rows.length ) { for (var k in result.rows[0]) { if ( skipfields.indexOf(k) != -1 ) continue; if ( out_format != 'CSV' && k == "the_geom_webmercator" ) continue; // TODO: drop ? if ( out_format == 'CSV' ) columns.push('"' + k + '"::text'); else columns.push('"' + k + '"'); } } else columns.push('*'); //console.log(columns.join(',')); var next = this; sql = 'SELECT ' + columns.join(',') + ' FROM (' + sql + ') as _cartodbsqlapi'; var child = spawn(ogr2ogr, [ '-f', out_format, '-lco', 'ENCODING=UTF-8', '-lco', 'LINEFORMAT=CRLF', out_filename, "PG:host=" + dbhost + " user=" + dbuser + " dbname=" + dbname + " password=" + dbpass + " tables=fake" // trick to skip query to geometry_columns + "", '-sql', sql ]); /* console.log(['ogr2ogr', '-f', '"'+out_format+'"', out_filename, "'PG:host=" + dbhost + " user=" + dbuser + " dbname=" + dbname + " password=" + dbpass + " tables=fake" // trick to skip query to geometry_columns + "'", "-sql '", sql, "'"].join(' ')); */ var stdout = ''; child.stdout.on('data', function(data) { stdout += data; //console.log('stdout: ' + data); }); var stderr; var logErrPat = new RegExp(/^ERROR/); child.stderr.on('data', function(data) { data = data.toString(); // know of a faster way ? // Store only the first ERROR line if ( ! stderr && data.match(logErrPat) ) stderr = data; console.log('ogr2ogr stderr: ' + data); }); child.on('exit', function(code) { if ( code ) { var emsg = stderr.split('\n')[0]; // TODO: add more info about this error ? //if ( RegExp(/attempt to write non-.*geometry.*to.*type shapefile/i).exec(emsg) ) next(new Error(emsg)); } else { next(null); } }); }, function finish(err) { callback(err, out_filename); } ); }; ogr.prototype.toOGR_SingleFile = function(dbname, user_id, gcol, sql, skipfields, fmt, ext, callback) { var tmpdir = global.settings.tmpDir || '/tmp'; var reqKey = [ fmt, dbname, user_id, gcol, this.generateMD5(sql) ].concat(skipfields).join(':'); var outdirpath = tmpdir + '/sqlapi-' + reqKey; var dumpfile = outdirpath + ':cartodb-query.' + ext; // TODO: following tests: // - fetch query with no "the_geom" column this.toOGR(dbname, user_id, gcol, sql, skipfields, fmt, dumpfile, callback); }; ogr.prototype.sendResponse = function(opts, callback) { var next = callback; var reqKey = this.getKey(opts); var qElem = new ExportRequest(opts.sink, callback); var baking = bakingExports[reqKey]; if ( baking ) { baking.req.push( qElem ); } else { baking = bakingExports[reqKey] = { req: [ qElem ] }; this.generate(opts, function(err, dumpfile) { if(err) { next(err); return; } Step ( function sendResults(err) { var nextPipe = function(finish) { var r = baking.req.shift(); if ( ! r ) { finish(null); return; } r.sendFile(err, dumpfile, function() { nextPipe(finish); }); } if ( ! err ) nextPipe(this); else { _.each(baking.req, function(r) { r.cb(err); }); return true; } }, function cleanup(err) { delete bakingExports[reqKey]; // unlink dump file (sync to avoid race condition) console.log("removing", dumpfile); try { fs.unlinkSync(dumpfile); } catch (e) { if ( e.code != 'ENOENT' ) { console.log("Could not unlink dumpfile " + dumpfile + ": " + e); } } } ); }) } return; }; // TODO: put in an ExportRequest.js ----- { function ExportRequest(ostream, callback) { this.cb = callback; this.ostream = ostream; this.istream = null; this.canceled = false; var that = this; this.ostream.on('close', function() { //console.log("Request close event, is " +; that.canceled = true; if ( that.istream ) { that.istream.destroy(); } }); } ExportRequest.prototype.sendFile = function (err, filename, callback) { var that = this; if ( ! this.canceled ) { //console.log("Creating readable stream out of dumpfile"); this.istream = fs.createReadStream(filename) .on('open', function(fd) { that.istream.pipe(that.ostream); callback(); }) .on('error', function(e) { console.log("Can't send response: " + e); that.ostream.end(); callback(); }); } else { //console.log("Response was canceled, not streaming the file"); callback(); } this.cb(); } //------ } module.exports = ogr;