Extended the documentation about how and when to use the merge function

Oliver Sartun 11 years ago
parent 39ec25b4e4
commit 60ed5584cc

@ -423,6 +423,25 @@ As stated above you can also add, change and remove UndoTypes for a specific ins
Please note that removing an UndoType on a per instance level just causes a fallback to the global UndoTypes and won't take away the support for this type. You have to overwrite the type with an UndoType of empty functions to accomplish that.
Using the UndoTypes-API is especially useful if you have several undo managers.
var undoA = new Backbone.UndoManager,
undoB = new Backbone.UndoManager,
undoC = new Backbone.UndoManager;
undoA.addUndoType(…); // behavior A
undoB.addUndoType(…); // behavior B
undoC.addUndoType(…); // behavior C
However, several undo managers cause the problem that you don't know on which undo manager you should call `undo()` and `redo()`.
That's what the `merge()` function is for: It merges several undo managers by making them write on a single stack.
var mainUndo = new Backbone.UndoManager;
mainUndo.merge(undoA, undoB, undoC)
Now, you just need to call `undo()` and `redo()` on the main undo manager.
## License (MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2013 Oliver Sartun
