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1 year ago
* OrangeHRM is a comprehensive Human Resource Management (HRM) System that captures
* all the essential functionalities required for any enterprise.
* Copyright (C) 2006 OrangeHRM Inc.,
* OrangeHRM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OrangeHRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
* if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
use OrangeHRM\Authentication\Dto\UserCredential;
use OrangeHRM\Config\Config;
use OrangeHRM\Framework\Http\Session\MemorySessionStorage;
use OrangeHRM\Framework\Http\Session\Session;
use OrangeHRM\Framework\ServiceContainer;
use OrangeHRM\Framework\Services;
use OrangeHRM\Installer\Framework\HttpKernel;
use OrangeHRM\Installer\Util\AppSetupUtility;
use OrangeHRM\Installer\Util\StateContainer;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
$pathToAutoload = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../src/vendor/autoload.php');
$deprecatedNote = "
This CLI installer is deprecated. Instead use following commands\n
$ cd %s
$ php installer/console install:on-new-database
# OR
$ php installer/console install:on-existing-database\n
echo(sprintf($deprecatedNote, realpath(__DIR__ . '/../')));
$errorMessage = "
Cannot find composer dependencies.
Run below command and try again;\n
$ cd %s
$ composer install -d src
if ($pathToAutoload === false) {
die(sprintf($errorMessage, realpath(__DIR__ . '/../')));
require_once $pathToAutoload;
if (Config::isInstalled()) {
die("This system already installed.\n");
new HttpKernel('prod', false);
$sessionStorage = new MemorySessionStorage();
ServiceContainer::getContainer()->set(Services::SESSION_STORAGE, $sessionStorage);
$session = new Session($sessionStorage);
ServiceContainer::getContainer()->set(Services::SESSION, $session);
$cliConfig = Yaml::parseFile(realpath(__DIR__ . '/cli_install_config.yaml'));
if ($cliConfig['license']['agree'] != 'y') {
$licenseFilePath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../LICENSE');
echo "For continue installation need to accept OrangeHRM license agreement. It is available in '$licenseFilePath'.";
echo "Agreed to license from config file\n";
$dbType = $cliConfig['database']['isExistingDatabase'] == 'n' ? AppSetupUtility::INSTALLATION_DB_TYPE_NEW : AppSetupUtility::INSTALLATION_DB_TYPE_EXISTING;
$dbHost = $cliConfig['database']['hostName'];
$dbPort = $cliConfig['database']['hostPort'];
$dbUser = $cliConfig['database']['privilegedDatabaseUser'];
$dbPassword = $cliConfig['database']['privilegedDatabasePassword'];
$dbName = $cliConfig['database']['databaseName'];
$useSameDbUserForOrangeHRM = $cliConfig['database']['useSameDbUserForOrangeHRM'] == 'y';
$enableDataEncryption = $cliConfig['database']['enableDataEncryption'] == 'y';
$organizationName = $cliConfig['organization']['name'];
$countryCode = $cliConfig['organization']['country'];
$adminUsername = $cliConfig['admin']['adminUserName'];
$adminPassword = $cliConfig['admin']['adminPassword'];
$firstName = $cliConfig['admin']['adminEmployeeFirstName'];
$lastName = $cliConfig['admin']['adminEmployeeLastName'];
$email = $cliConfig['admin']['workEmail'];
$contact = $cliConfig['admin']['contactNumber'];
if ($dbType === AppSetupUtility::INSTALLATION_DB_TYPE_NEW) {
$ohrmDbUser = $dbUser;
$ohrmDbPassword = $dbPassword;
if (!$useSameDbUserForOrangeHRM) {
$ohrmDbUser = $cliConfig['database']['orangehrmDatabaseUser'];
$ohrmDbPassword = $cliConfig['database']['orangehrmDatabasePassword'];
new UserCredential($dbUser, $dbPassword),
new UserCredential($ohrmDbUser, $ohrmDbPassword)
} else {
// `existing` database
new UserCredential($dbUser, $dbPassword),
// Instance data
StateContainer::getInstance()->storeInstanceData($organizationName, $countryCode, null, null);
// Admin user
new UserCredential($adminUsername, $adminPassword),
$appSetupUtility = new AppSetupUtility();
echo "Database creation\n";
echo "Applying database changes\n";
$appSetupUtility->runMigrations('3.3.3', Config::PRODUCT_VERSION);
echo "Instance creation & Admin user creation\n";
echo "Create OrangeHRM database user\n";
echo "Creating configuration files\n";
if ($enableDataEncryption) {
echo "Done\n";