dnl $Id$ dnl config.m4 for extension pdlib dnl Comments in this file start with the string 'dnl'. dnl Remove where necessary. This file will not work dnl without editing. if test -z "$PHP_DEBUG"; then AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [ --enable-debug compile with debugging symbols],[ PHP_DEBUG=$enableval ],[ PHP_DEBUG=no ]) fi PHP_ARG_WITH(pdlib, for pdlib support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: [ --with-pdlib Include pdlib support]) if test "$PHP_PDLIB" != "no"; then dnl using C++11 CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11" PHP_REQUIRE_CXX() PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(stdc++, 1, PDLIB_SHARED_LIBADD) PHP_SUBST(PDLIB_SHARED_LIBADD) pdlib_src_files="pdlib.cc \ src/chinese_whispers.cc \ src/face_detection.cc \ src/face_landmark_detection.cc \ src/cnn_face_detection.cc" AC_MSG_CHECKING(for pkg-config) if test ! -f "$PKG_CONFIG"; then PKG_CONFIG=`which pkg-config` fi if test -x "$PKG_CONFIG" && $PKG_CONFIG --exists dlib-1; then if $PKG_CONFIG dlib-1 --atleast-version 19.00; then LIBDLIB_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG dlib-1 --cflags` LIBDLIB_LIBDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG dlib-1 --libs` LIBDLIB_VERSON=`$PKG_CONFIG dlib-1 --modversion` AC_MSG_RESULT(from pkgconfig: dlib version $LIBDLIB_VERSON) else AC_MSG_ERROR(system dlib is too old: version 19.00 required) fi else AC_MSG_ERROR(pkg-config not found) fi PHP_EVAL_LIBLINE($LIBDLIB_LIBDIR, PDLIB_SHARED_LIBADD) PHP_EVAL_INCLINE($LIBDLIB_CFLAGS) PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(pdlib, $pdlib_src_files, $ext_shared,, -DZEND_ENABLE_STATIC_TSRMLS_CACHE=1) fi