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// The contents of this file are in the public domain. See LICENSE_FOR_EXAMPLE_PROGRAMS.txt
This is an example illustrating the use of the ffmpeg wrappers,
in this case the demuxer API.
This is a pretty simple example. It loads a video file, and plots
the image frames on a GUI window.
#include <cstdio>
#include <dlib/media.h>
#include <dlib/gui_widgets.h>
#include <dlib/cmd_line_parser.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace dlib;
using namespace dlib::ffmpeg;
void print_properties(const demuxer& cap)
printf("Video properties:\n\n");
printf("Estimated duration : %f\n", cap.duration());
printf("Video contains images : %i\n", cap.video_enabled());
if (cap.video_enabled())
printf(" height : %i\n", cap.height());
printf(" width : %i\n", cap.width());
printf(" pixel format : %s\n", get_pixel_fmt_str(cap.pixel_fmt()).c_str());
printf(" fps : %f\n", cap.fps());
printf(" nframes : %d\n", cap.estimated_nframes());
printf(" codec : %s\n", cap.get_video_codec_name().c_str());
printf("Video contains audio : %i\n", cap.audio_enabled());
if (cap.audio_enabled())
printf(" sample rate : %i\n", cap.sample_rate());
printf(" channel layout : %s\n", get_channel_layout_str(cap.channel_layout()).c_str());
printf(" sample format : %s\n", get_audio_fmt_str(cap.sample_fmt()).c_str());
printf(" nchannels : %i\n", cap.nchannels());
printf(" estimated samples : %i\n", cap.estimated_total_samples());
printf(" codec : %s\n", cap.get_audio_codec_name().c_str());
printf("Video metadata:\n");
for (auto&& metadata : cap.get_metadata())
printf(" key : %-32s ; val : %-32s\n", metadata.first.c_str(), metadata.second.c_str());
int main(const int argc, const char** argv)
command_line_parser parser;
parser.add_option("i", "input video", 1);
parser.add_option("verbose", "enable all internal ffmpeg logging");
parser.set_group_name("Help Options");
parser.add_option("h", "alias of --help");
parser.add_option("help", "display this message and exit");
parser.parse(argc, argv);
const char* one_time_opts[] = {"i"};
if (parser.option("h") || parser.option("help"))
return 0;
if (parser.option("verbose"))
// You can set the verbosity of some global loggers:
// - logger_dlib_wrapper() is the global logger used by dlib's wrappers
// - logger_ffmpeg() is the global logger used by the internal ffmpeg libraries (Nice that we are able to do that!)
const std::string filepath = parser.option("i").argument();
// In this example, we only read images.
// This constructor allows you to concisely enabled images and disable audio frames.
demuxer cap({filepath, video_enabled, audio_disabled});
if (!cap.is_open())
printf("%s is not a valid video file\n", filepath.c_str());
// Print all the demuxer's properties for fun
// Read all images and plot
array2d<rgb_pixel> img;
image_window win;
while (
catch (const std::exception& e)
printf("%s\n", e.what());