sudo: required matrix: include: ################### - language: cpp compiler: clang os: linux env: - VARIANT=test - DISABLED_TESTS="" script: - dlib/travis/ ################### - language: cpp compiler: gcc os: linux env: - VARIANT=test-debug - DISABLED_TESTS="" script: - dlib/travis/ ################### - language: cpp compiler: gcc os: linux env: - VARIANT=old-cmake before_install: - dlib/travis/ cache: - directories: cmake script: - dlib/travis/ ########### test with C++17 ######## - language: cpp compiler: gcc os: linux env: - VARIANT=test - CXXFLAGS=-std=c++17 # Need to set MATRIX_EVAL to set CC and CXX env vars. You would # think you could just set them in the env area like any other, but # travis is wonky about CC and CXX vars so you have to do it this way. - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-7 && CXX=g++-7" - DISABLED_TESTS="" addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - g++-7 script: - dlib/travis/ ################### # Disabled to avoid spending too many travis-ci credits each month. #- language: python # python: 3.5 # env: # - VARIANT=python-api # script: # - dlib/travis/ ################### - language: python python: 3.8 env: - VARIANT=python-api script: - dlib/travis/ ################### # Disabled to avoid spending too many travis-ci credits each month. They # also charge 5x as many credits for osx as linux. #- language: cpp # os: osx # osx_image: xcode9.2 # env: # - VARIANT=test # # Don't test the timer because it relies on the machine running it not # # being under high load, but that seems to be unlikely on the travis # # osx VMs. # - DISABLED_TESTS="--no_test_timer" # script: # - dlib/travis/