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#include <dlib/dnn.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <dlib/data_io.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace dlib;
2016-03-27 22:50:52 +08:00
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <int stride, typename SUBNET>
using base_res = relu<add_prev1< bn_con<con<8,3,3,1,1,relu< bn_con<con<8,3,3,stride,stride,tag1<SUBNET>>>>>>>>;
2016-03-27 22:50:52 +08:00
template <int stride, typename SUBNET>
using base_ares = relu<add_prev1<affine_con<con<8,3,3,1,1,relu<affine_con<con<8,3,3,stride,stride,tag1<SUBNET>>>>>>>>;
template <typename SUBNET> using res = base_res<1,SUBNET>;
template <typename SUBNET> using res_down = base_res<2,SUBNET>;
template <typename SUBNET> using ares = base_ares<1,SUBNET>;
template <typename SUBNET> using ares_down = base_ares<2,SUBNET>;
template <typename SUBNET>
using pres = prelu<add_prev1< bn_con<con<8,3,3,1,1,prelu< bn_con<con<8,3,3,1,1,tag1<SUBNET>>>>>>>>;
2016-03-27 22:50:52 +08:00
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char** argv) try
if (argc != 2)
cout << "give MNIST data folder!" << endl;
return 1;
std::vector<matrix<unsigned char>> training_images;
std::vector<unsigned long> training_labels;
std::vector<matrix<unsigned char>> testing_images;
std::vector<unsigned long> testing_labels;
load_mnist_dataset(argv[1], training_images, training_labels, testing_images, testing_labels);
const unsigned long number_of_classes = 10;
typedef loss_multiclass_log<fc<number_of_classes,FC_HAS_BIAS,
repeat<9,res, // repeat this layer 9 times
input<matrix<unsigned char>
>>>>>>>>>>> net_type;
net_type net;
// If you wanted to use the same network but override the number of outputs at runtime
// you can do so like this:
net_type net2(num_fc_outputs(15));
// Let's imagine we wanted to replace some of the relu layers with prelu layers. We
// might do it like this:
typedef loss_multiclass_log<fc<number_of_classes,FC_HAS_BIAS,
pres<res<res<res_down< // 2 prelu layers here
tag4<repeat<9,pres, // 9 groups, each containing 2 prelu layers
input<matrix<unsigned char>
>>>>>>>>>>>> net_type2;
// prelu layers have a floating point parameter. If you want to set it to something
// other than its default value you can do so like this:
net_type2 pnet(prelu_(0.2),
repeat_group(prelu_(0.3),prelu_(0.4)) // Initialize all the prelu instances in the repeat
// layer. repeat_group() is needed to group the things
// that are part of repeat's block.
// As you can see, a network will greedily assign things given to its constructor to
// the layers inside itself. The assignment is done in the order the layers are
// defined but it will skip layers where the assignment doesn't make sense.
// You can access sub layers of the network like this:
// To further illustrate the use of layer(), let's loop over the repeated layers and
// print out their parameters. But first, let's grab a reference to the repeat layer.
// Since we tagged the repeat layer we can access it using the layer() method.
// layer<tag4>(pnet) returns the tag4 layer, but we want the repeat layer so we can
// give an integer as the second argument and it will jump that many layers down the
// network. In our case we need to jump just 1 layer down to get to repeat.
auto&& repeat_layer = layer<tag4,1>(pnet);
for (size_t i = 0; i < repeat_layer.num_repetitions(); ++i)
// The repeat layer just instantiates the network block a bunch of times as a
// network object. get_repeated_layer() allows us to grab each of these instances.
auto&& repeated_layer = repeat_layer.get_repeated_layer(i);
// Now that we have the i-th layer inside our repeat layer we can look at its
// properties. Recall that we repeated the "pres" network block, which is itself a
// network with a bunch of layers. So we can again use layer() to jump to the
// prelu layers we are interested in like so:
prelu_ prelu1 = layer<prelu>(repeated_layer).layer_details();
prelu_ prelu2 = layer<prelu>(repeated_layer.subnet()).layer_details();
cout << "first prelu layer parameter value: "<< prelu1.get_initial_param_value() << endl;;
cout << "second prelu layer parameter value: "<< prelu2.get_initial_param_value() << endl;;
2016-03-27 22:29:30 +08:00
dnn_trainer<net_type,adam> trainer(net,adam(0.001));
trainer.set_synchronization_file("mnist_resnet_sync", std::chrono::seconds(100));
std::vector<matrix<unsigned char>> mini_batch_samples;
std::vector<unsigned long> mini_batch_labels;
dlib::rand rnd;
//trainer.train(training_images, training_labels);
while(trainer.get_step_size() >= 1e-3)
// make a 128 image mini-batch
while(mini_batch_samples.size() < 128)
auto idx = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%training_images.size();
trainer.train_one_step(mini_batch_samples, mini_batch_labels);
// wait for threaded processing to stop.
2016-03-27 22:29:30 +08:00
serialize("mnist_res_network.dat") << net;
typedef loss_multiclass_log<fc<number_of_classes,FC_HAS_BIAS,
2016-03-27 22:29:30 +08:00
input<matrix<unsigned char>
>>>>>>>>>>> test_net_type;
test_net_type tnet = net;
// or you could deserialize the saved network
deserialize("mnist_res_network.dat") >> tnet;
// Run the net on all the data to get predictions
2016-03-27 22:29:30 +08:00
std::vector<unsigned long> predicted_labels = tnet(training_images);
int num_right = 0;
int num_wrong = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < training_images.size(); ++i)
if (predicted_labels[i] == training_labels[i])
cout << "training num_right: " << num_right << endl;
cout << "training num_wrong: " << num_wrong << endl;
cout << "training accuracy: " << num_right/(double)(num_right+num_wrong) << endl;
2016-03-27 22:29:30 +08:00
predicted_labels = tnet(testing_images);
num_right = 0;
num_wrong = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < testing_images.size(); ++i)
if (predicted_labels[i] == testing_labels[i])
cout << "testing num_right: " << num_right << endl;
cout << "testing num_wrong: " << num_wrong << endl;
cout << "testing accuracy: " << num_right/(double)(num_right+num_wrong) << endl;
catch(std::exception& e)
cout << e.what() << endl;