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# The contents of this file are in the public domain. See LICENSE_FOR_EXAMPLE_PROGRAMS.txt
# This example program shows how to use the dlib sequence segmentation tools from within a
# python program. In particular, we will create a simple training dataset, learn a
# sequence segmentation model, and then test it on some sequences.
# You need to compile the dlib python interface before you can use this file. To do
# this, run compile_dlib_python_module.bat. This should work on any operating system so
# long as you have CMake and boost-python installed. On Ubuntu, this can be done easily
# by running the command: sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev cmake
import dlib
# In a sequence segmentation task we are given a sequence of objects (e.g. words in a
# sentence) and we are supposed to detect certain subsequences (e.g. named entities). In
# the code below we create some very simple sequence/segmentation training pairs. In
# particular, each element of a sequence is represented by a vector which describes
# important properties of the element. The idea is to use vectors that contain information
# useful for detecting whatever kind of subsequences you are interested in detecting.
# To keep this example simple we will use very simple vectors. Specifically, each vector
# is 2D and is either the vector [0 1] or [1 0]. Moreover, we will say that the
# subsequences we want to detect are any runs of the [0 1] vector. Note that the code
# works with both dense and sparse vectors. The following if statement constructs either
# kind depending on the value in use_sparse_vects.
use_sparse_vects = False
if use_sparse_vects:
training_sequences = dlib.sparse_vectorss()
inside = dlib.sparse_vector()
outside = dlib.sparse_vector()
# Add index/value pairs to each sparse vector. Any index not mentioned in a sparse
# vector is implicitly associated with a value of zero.
training_sequences = dlib.vectorss()
inside = dlib.vector([0, 1])
outside = dlib.vector([1, 0])
# Here we make our training sequences and their annotated subsegments. We create two
# training sequences.
segments = dlib.rangess()
# training_sequences[0] starts out empty and we append vectors onto it. Note that we wish
# to detect the subsequence of "inside" vectors within the sequence. So the output should
# be the range (2,5). Note that this is a "half open" range meaning that it starts with
# the element with index 2 and ends just before the element with index 5.
training_sequences[0].append(outside) # index 0
training_sequences[0].append(outside) # index 1
training_sequences[0].append(inside) # index 2
training_sequences[0].append(inside) # index 3
training_sequences[0].append(inside) # index 4
training_sequences[0].append(outside) # index 5
training_sequences[0].append(outside) # index 6
training_sequences[0].append(outside) # index 7
# Add another training sequence. This one is a little longer and has two "inside" segments
# which should be detected.
training_sequences[1].append(outside) # index 0
training_sequences[1].append(outside) # index 1
training_sequences[1].append(inside) # index 2
training_sequences[1].append(inside) # index 3
training_sequences[1].append(inside) # index 4
training_sequences[1].append(inside) # index 5
training_sequences[1].append(outside) # index 6
training_sequences[1].append(outside) # index 7
training_sequences[1].append(outside) # index 8
training_sequences[1].append(inside) # index 9
training_sequences[1].append(inside) # index 10
# Now that we have a simple training set we can train a sequence segmenter. However, the
# sequence segmentation trainer has some optional parameters we can set. These parameters
# determine properties of the segmentation model we will learn. See the dlib documentation
# for the sequence_segmenter object for a full discussion of their meanings.
params = dlib.segmenter_params()
params.window_size = 1
params.use_high_order_features = False
params.use_BIO_model = True
params.C = 1
# Train a model
model = dlib.train_sequence_segmenter(training_sequences, segments, params)
# A segmenter model takes a sequence of vectors and returns an array of detected ranges.
# So for example, we can give it the first training sequence and it will predict the
# locations of the subsequences. This statement will correctly print 2,5.
print model.segment_sequence(training_sequences[0])[0]
# We can also measure the accuracy of a model relative to some labeled data. This
# statement prints the precision, recall, and F1-score of the model relative to the data in
# training_sequences/segments.
print "Test on training data:", dlib.test_sequence_segmenter(model, training_sequences, segments)
# We can also do n-fold cross-validation and print the resulting precision, recall, and
# F1-score.
num_folds = 2
print "cross validation:", dlib.cross_validate_sequence_segmenter(training_sequences, segments, num_folds, params)