[ { "id": "ea0921f33b58e337", "type": "switch", "z": "f025a8b9fbd1b054", "name": "msg.payload is \"newroom\"", "property": "payload", "propertyType": "msg", "rules": [ { "t": "eq", "v": "newroom", "vt": "str" } ], "checkall": "true", "repair": false, "outputs": 1, "x": 640, "y": 1820, "wires": [ [ "d7ce5027bc1e2eee" ] ] }, { "id": "9f9a24376b94c977", "type": "switch", "z": "f025a8b9fbd1b054", "name": "is from me", "property": "userId", "propertyType": "msg", "rules": [ { "t": "eq", "v": "@skylord123:skylar.tech", "vt": "str" } ], "checkall": "true", "repair": false, "outputs": 1, "x": 430, "y": 1820, "wires": [ [ "ea0921f33b58e337" ] ] }, { "id": "3bce23488138c013", "type": "matrix-receive", "z": "f025a8b9fbd1b054", "name": "", "server": null, "roomId": "", "acceptText": true, "acceptEmotes": true, "acceptStickers": true, "acceptReactions": true, "acceptFiles": true, "acceptImages": true, "x": 260, "y": 1820, "wires": [ [ "9f9a24376b94c977" ] ] }, { "id": "d7ce5027bc1e2eee", "type": "matrix-create-room", "z": "f025a8b9fbd1b054", "name": "", "server": null, "x": 250, "y": 1880, "wires": [ [ "735b9d9fd1401e96" ], [] ] }, { "id": "735b9d9fd1401e96", "type": "matrix-invite-room", "z": "f025a8b9fbd1b054", "name": "", "server": null, "roomId": "", "x": 410, "y": 1880, "wires": [ [ "089f2a7f0c079b6b" ], [] ] }, { "id": "222ee3c08028c1df", "type": "matrix-send-message", "z": "f025a8b9fbd1b054", "name": "", "server": null, "roomId": "", "messageType": "m.text", "messageFormat": "", "x": 760, "y": 1880, "wires": [ [], [] ] }, { "id": "089f2a7f0c079b6b", "type": "change", "z": "f025a8b9fbd1b054", "name": "", "rules": [ { "t": "set", "p": "payload", "pt": "msg", "to": "Welcome to my new room!", "tot": "str" } ], "action": "", "property": "", "from": "", "to": "", "reg": false, "x": 580, "y": 1880, "wires": [ [ "222ee3c08028c1df" ] ] }, { "id": "48a1fd26227f277e", "type": "comment", "z": "f025a8b9fbd1b054", "name": "Respond to \"newroom\" by creating new room and inviting person that said it then send welcome message", "info": "", "x": 520, "y": 1780, "wires": [] } ]