- We now use /whoami to validate the auth token since it gives us the user_id and device_id for the given auth_token (device_id is only available on Synapse 1.40 onwards)

- Error is now thrown if device_id cannot be automatically detected
- Do not store `null` into my_device_id and ignore if it has already been set. Fixes #51
Skylar Sadlier 3 years ago
parent d0ba671452
commit 33823dea25

@ -64,32 +64,37 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
// store Device ID internally
let stored_device_id = getStoredDeviceId(localStorage),
device_id = this.matrixClient.getDeviceId();
if(!stored_device_id || stored_device_id !== device_id) {
node.log(`Saving Device ID (old:${stored_device_id} new:${device_id})`);
storeDeviceId(localStorage, device_id);
// update device label
if(node.deviceLabel) {
function(response) {
if(response.display_name !== node.deviceLabel) {
node.matrixClient.setDeviceDetails(device_id, {
display_name: node.deviceLabel
function(response) {},
function(error) {
node.error("Failed to set device label: " + error);
if(!device_id && node.enableE2ee) {
node.error("Failed to auto detect deviceId for this auth token. You will need to manually specify one. You may need to login to create a new deviceId.")
} else {
if(!stored_device_id || stored_device_id !== device_id) {
node.log(`Saving Device ID (old:${stored_device_id} new:${device_id})`);
storeDeviceId(localStorage, device_id);
// update device label
if(node.deviceLabel) {
function(response) {
if(response.display_name !== node.deviceLabel) {
node.matrixClient.setDeviceDetails(device_id, {
display_name: node.deviceLabel
function(response) {},
function(error) {
node.error("Failed to set device label: " + error);
function(error) {
node.error("Failed to fetch device: " + error);
function(error) {
node.error("Failed to fetch device: " + error);
initialSetup = true;
@ -326,9 +331,29 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
* We do a /whoami request before starting for a few reasons:
* - validate our auth token
* - make sure auth token belongs to provided node.userId
* - fetch device_id if possible (only available on Synapse >= v1.40.0 under MSC2033)
function() {
function(data) {
if((typeof data['device_id'] === undefined || !data['device_id']) && !node.deviceId && !getStoredDeviceId(localStorage)) {
node.error("/whoami request did not return device_id. You will need to manually set one in your configuration because this cannot be automatically fetched.");
if('device_id' in data && data['device_id'] && !node.deviceId) {
// if we have no device_id configured lets use the one
// returned by /whoami for this access_token
node.matrixClient.deviceId = data['device_id'];
// make sure our userId matches the access token's
if(data['user_id'].toLowerCase() !== node.userId.toLowerCase()) {
node.error(`User ID provided is ${node.userId} but token belongs to ${data['user_id']}`);
run().catch((error) => node.error(error));
function(err) {
@ -436,10 +461,18 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
* If a device ID is stored we will use that for the client
function getStoredDeviceId(localStorage) {
return localStorage.getItem('my_device_id');
let deviceId = localStorage.getItem('my_device_id');
if(deviceId === "null" || !deviceId) {
return null;
return deviceId;
function storeDeviceId(localStorage, deviceId) {
if(!deviceId) {
return false;
localStorage.setItem('my_device_id', deviceId);
return true;