
289 lines
10 KiB

import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'draft-js';
import * as sdk from './index';
import * as emojione from 'emojione';
import {stateToHTML} from 'draft-js-export-html';
import {SelectionRange} from "./autocomplete/Autocompleter";
LINK: /(?:\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\))|\<(\w+:\/\/[^\>]+)\>/g,
ITALIC: /([\*_])([\w\s]+?)\1/g,
BOLD: /([\*_])\1([\w\s]+?)\1\1/g,
HR: /(\n|^)((-|\*|_) *){3,}(\n|$)/g,
CODE: /`[^`]*`/g,
STRIKETHROUGH: /~{2}[^~]*~{2}/g,
const USERNAME_REGEX = /@\S+:\S+/g;
const ROOM_REGEX = /#\S+:\S+/g;
const EMOJI_REGEX = new RegExp(emojione.unicodeRegexp, 'g');
export const contentStateToHTML = stateToHTML;
export function HTMLtoContentState(html: string): ContentState {
return ContentState.createFromBlockArray(convertFromHTML(html));
function unicodeToEmojiUri(str) {
let replaceWith, unicode, alt;
if ((!emojione.unicodeAlt) || (emojione.sprites)) {
// if we are using the shortname as the alt tag then we need a reversed array to map unicode code point to shortnames
let mappedUnicode = emojione.mapUnicodeToShort();
str = str.replace(emojione.regUnicode, function(unicodeChar) {
if ( (typeof unicodeChar === 'undefined') || (unicodeChar === '') || (!(unicodeChar in emojione.jsEscapeMap)) ) {
// if the unicodeChar doesnt exist just return the entire match
return unicodeChar;
} else {
// get the unicode codepoint from the actual char
unicode = emojione.jsEscapeMap[unicodeChar];
return emojione.imagePathSVG+unicode+'.svg'+emojione.cacheBustParam;
return str;
* Utility function that looks for regex matches within a ContentBlock and invokes {callback} with (start, end)
* From https://facebook.github.io/draft-js/docs/advanced-topics-decorators.html
function findWithRegex(regex, contentBlock: ContentBlock, callback: (start: number, end: number) => any) {
const text = contentBlock.getText();
let matchArr, start;
while ((matchArr = regex.exec(text)) !== null) {
start = matchArr.index;
callback(start, start + matchArr[0].length);
// Workaround for https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/issues/414
let emojiDecorator = {
strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => {
findWithRegex(EMOJI_REGEX, contentBlock, callback);
component: (props) => {
let uri = unicodeToEmojiUri(props.children[0].props.text);
let shortname = emojione.toShort(props.children[0].props.text);
let style = {
display: 'inline-block',
width: '1em',
maxHeight: '1em',
background: `url(${uri})`,
backgroundSize: 'contain',
backgroundPosition: 'center center',
overflow: 'hidden',
return (<span title={shortname} style={style}><span style={{opacity: 0}}>{props.children}</span></span>);
* Returns a composite decorator which has access to provided scope.
export function getScopedRTDecorators(scope: any): CompositeDecorator {
let MemberAvatar = sdk.getComponent('avatars.MemberAvatar');
let usernameDecorator = {
strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => {
findWithRegex(USERNAME_REGEX, contentBlock, callback);
component: (props) => {
let member = scope.room.getMember(props.children[0].props.text);
// unused until we make these decorators immutable (autocomplete needed)
let name = member ? member.name : null;
let avatar = member ? <MemberAvatar member={member} width={16} height={16}/> : null;
return <span className="mx_UserPill">{avatar}{props.children}</span>;
let roomDecorator = {
strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => {
findWithRegex(ROOM_REGEX, contentBlock, callback);
component: (props) => {
return <span className="mx_RoomPill">{props.children}</span>;
// TODO Re-enable usernameDecorator and roomDecorator
return [emojiDecorator];
export function getScopedMDDecorators(scope: any): CompositeDecorator {
let markdownDecorators = ['HR', 'BOLD', 'ITALIC', 'CODE', 'STRIKETHROUGH'].map(
(style) => ({
strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => {
return findWithRegex(MARKDOWN_REGEX[style], contentBlock, callback);
component: (props) => (
<span className={"mx_MarkdownElement mx_Markdown_" + style}>
strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => {
return findWithRegex(MARKDOWN_REGEX.LINK, contentBlock, callback);
component: (props) => (
<a href="#" className="mx_MarkdownElement mx_Markdown_LINK">
return markdownDecorators;
* Passes rangeToReplace to modifyFn and replaces it in contentState with the result.
export function modifyText(contentState: ContentState, rangeToReplace: SelectionState,
modifyFn: (text: string) => string, inlineStyle, entityKey): ContentState {
let getText = (key) => contentState.getBlockForKey(key).getText(),
startKey = rangeToReplace.getStartKey(),
startOffset = rangeToReplace.getStartOffset(),
endKey = rangeToReplace.getEndKey(),
endOffset = rangeToReplace.getEndOffset(),
text = "";
for (let currentKey = startKey;
currentKey && currentKey !== endKey;
currentKey = contentState.getKeyAfter(currentKey)) {
let blockText = getText(currentKey);
text += blockText.substring(startOffset, blockText.length);
// from now on, we'll take whole blocks
startOffset = 0;
// add remaining part of last block
text += getText(endKey).substring(startOffset, endOffset);
return Modifier.replaceText(contentState, rangeToReplace, modifyFn(text), inlineStyle, entityKey);
* Computes the plaintext offsets of the given SelectionState.
* Note that this inherently means we make assumptions about what that means (no separator between ContentBlocks, etc)
* Used by autocomplete to show completions when the current selection lies within, or at the edges of a command.
export function selectionStateToTextOffsets(selectionState: SelectionState,
contentBlocks: Array<ContentBlock>): {start: number, end: number} {
let offset = 0, start = 0, end = 0;
for (let block of contentBlocks) {
if (selectionState.getStartKey() === block.getKey()) {
start = offset + selectionState.getStartOffset();
if (selectionState.getEndKey() === block.getKey()) {
end = offset + selectionState.getEndOffset();
offset += block.getLength();
return {
export function textOffsetsToSelectionState({start, end}: SelectionRange,
contentBlocks: Array<ContentBlock>): SelectionState {
let selectionState = SelectionState.createEmpty();
for (let block of contentBlocks) {
let blockLength = block.getLength();
if (start !== -1 && start < blockLength) {
selectionState = selectionState.merge({
anchorKey: block.getKey(),
anchorOffset: start,
start = -1;
} else {
start -= blockLength;
if (end !== -1 && end <= blockLength) {
selectionState = selectionState.merge({
focusKey: block.getKey(),
focusOffset: end,
end = -1;
} else {
end -= blockLength;
return selectionState;
// modified version of https://github.com/draft-js-plugins/draft-js-plugins/blob/master/draft-js-emoji-plugin/src/modifiers/attachImmutableEntitiesToEmojis.js
export function attachImmutableEntitiesToEmoji(editorState: EditorState): EditorState {
const contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
const blocks = contentState.getBlockMap();
let newContentState = contentState;
blocks.forEach((block) => {
const plainText = block.getText();
const addEntityToEmoji = (start, end) => {
const existingEntityKey = block.getEntityAt(start);
if (existingEntityKey) {
// avoid manipulation in case the emoji already has an entity
const entity = Entity.get(existingEntityKey);
if (entity && entity.get('type') === 'emoji') {
const selection = SelectionState.createEmpty(block.getKey())
.set('anchorOffset', start)
.set('focusOffset', end);
const emojiText = plainText.substring(start, end);
const entityKey = Entity.create('emoji', 'IMMUTABLE', { emojiUnicode: emojiText });
newContentState = Modifier.replaceText(
findWithRegex(EMOJI_REGEX, block, addEntityToEmoji);
if (!newContentState.equals(contentState)) {
const oldSelection = editorState.getSelection();
editorState = EditorState.push(
// this is somewhat of a hack, we're undoing selection changes caused above
// it would be better not to make those changes in the first place
editorState = EditorState.forceSelection(editorState, oldSelection);
return editorState;