/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022, 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import React from "react"; import { act, render, fireEvent, screen, waitFor } from "jest-matrix-react"; import { EventType, EventStatus, MatrixEvent, MatrixEventEvent, MsgType, Room, FeatureSupport, Thread, EventTimeline, RoomStateEvent, } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import MessageActionBar from "../../../../src/components/views/messages/MessageActionBar"; import { getMockClientWithEventEmitter, mockClientMethodsUser, mockClientMethodsEvents, makeBeaconInfoEvent, } from "../../../test-utils"; import { RoomPermalinkCreator } from "../../../../src/utils/permalinks/Permalinks"; import RoomContext, { TimelineRenderingType } from "../../../../src/contexts/RoomContext"; import { IRoomState } from "../../../../src/components/structures/RoomView"; import dispatcher from "../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import SettingsStore from "../../../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import { Action } from "../../../../src/dispatcher/actions"; import PinningUtils from "../../../../src/utils/PinningUtils"; jest.mock("../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"); describe("", () => { const userId = "@alice:server.org"; const roomId = "!room:server.org"; const client = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ ...mockClientMethodsUser(userId), ...mockClientMethodsEvents(), getRoom: jest.fn(), setRoomAccountData: jest.fn(), sendStateEvent: jest.fn(), }); const room = new Room(roomId, client, userId); const alicesMessageEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "Hello", }, event_id: "$alices_message", }); const bobsMessageEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: "@bob:server.org", room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "I am bob", }, event_id: "$bobs_message", }); const redactedEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, }); redactedEvent.makeRedacted(redactedEvent, room); const localStorageMock = (() => { let store: Record = {}; return { getItem: jest.fn().mockImplementation((key) => store[key] ?? null), setItem: jest.fn().mockImplementation((key, value) => { store[key] = value; }), clear: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { store = {}; }), removeItem: jest.fn().mockImplementation((key) => delete store[key]), }; })(); Object.defineProperty(window, "localStorage", { value: localStorageMock, writable: true, }); jest.spyOn(room, "getPendingEvents").mockReturnValue([]); client.getRoom.mockReturnValue(room); const defaultProps = { getTile: jest.fn(), getReplyChain: jest.fn(), toggleThreadExpanded: jest.fn(), mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent, permalinkCreator: new RoomPermalinkCreator(room), }; const defaultRoomContext = { ...RoomContext, timelineRenderingType: TimelineRenderingType.Room, canSendMessages: true, canReact: true, room, } as unknown as IRoomState; const getComponent = (props = {}, roomContext: Partial = {}) => render( , ); beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.SENT); jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockReturnValue(false); jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "setValue").mockResolvedValue(undefined); }); afterAll(() => { jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockRestore(); jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "setValue").mockRestore(); }); it("kills event listeners on unmount", () => { const offSpy = jest.spyOn(alicesMessageEvent, "off").mockClear(); const wrapper = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); act(() => { wrapper.unmount(); }); expect(offSpy.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(MatrixEventEvent.Status); expect(offSpy.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual(MatrixEventEvent.Decrypted); expect(offSpy.mock.calls[2][0]).toEqual(MatrixEventEvent.BeforeRedaction); expect(client.decryptEventIfNeeded).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe("decryption", () => { it("decrypts event if needed", () => { getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(client.decryptEventIfNeeded).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("updates component on decrypted event", () => { const decryptingEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessageEncrypted, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: {}, }); jest.spyOn(decryptingEvent, "isBeingDecrypted").mockReturnValue(true); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: decryptingEvent }); // still encrypted event is not actionable => no reply button expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeFalsy(); act(() => { // ''decrypt'' the event decryptingEvent.event.type = alicesMessageEvent.getType(); decryptingEvent.event.content = alicesMessageEvent.getContent(); decryptingEvent.emit(MatrixEventEvent.Decrypted, decryptingEvent); }); // new available actions after decryption expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("status", () => { it("updates component when event status changes", () => { alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); // pending event status, cancel action available expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); act(() => { alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.SENT); }); // event is sent, no longer cancelable expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe("redaction", () => { // this doesn't do what it's supposed to // because beforeRedaction event is fired... before redaction // event is unchanged at point when this component updates // TODO file bug it.skip("updates component on before redaction event", () => { const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "Hello", }, }); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: event }); // no pending redaction => no delete button expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeFalsy(); act(() => { const redactionEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomRedaction, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, }); redactionEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); event.markLocallyRedacted(redactionEvent); }); // updated with local redaction event, delete now available expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("options button", () => { it("renders options menu", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Options")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("opens message context menu on click", () => { const { getByTestId, queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.click(queryByLabelText("Options")!); expect(getByTestId("mx_MessageContextMenu")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("reply button", () => { it("renders reply button on own actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders reply button on others actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: bobsMessageEvent }, { canSendMessages: true }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("does not render reply button on non-actionable event", () => { // redacted event is not actionable const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: redactedEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("does not render reply button when user cannot send messaged", () => { // redacted event is not actionable const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: redactedEvent }, { canSendMessages: false }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("dispatches reply event on click", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.click(queryByLabelText("Reply")!); expect(dispatcher.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: "reply_to_event", event: alicesMessageEvent, context: TimelineRenderingType.Room, }); }); }); describe("react button", () => { it("renders react button on own actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("React")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders react button on others actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: bobsMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("React")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("does not render react button on non-actionable event", () => { // redacted event is not actionable const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: redactedEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("React")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("does not render react button when user cannot react", () => { // redacted event is not actionable const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: redactedEvent }, { canReact: false }); expect(queryByLabelText("React")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("opens reaction picker on click", () => { const { queryByLabelText, getByTestId } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.click(queryByLabelText("React")!); expect(getByTestId("mx_EmojiPicker")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("cancel button", () => { it("renders cancel button for an event with a cancelable status", () => { alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders cancel button for an event with a pending edit", () => { const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "Hello", }, }); event.setStatus(EventStatus.SENT); const replacingEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "replacing event body", }, }); replacingEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); event.makeReplaced(replacingEvent); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: event }); expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders cancel button for an event with a pending redaction", () => { const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "Hello", }, }); event.setStatus(EventStatus.SENT); const redactionEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomRedaction, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, }); redactionEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); event.markLocallyRedacted(redactionEvent); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: event }); expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders cancel and retry button for an event with NOT_SENT status", () => { alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.NOT_SENT); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Retry")).toBeTruthy(); expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); it.todo("unsends event on cancel click"); it.todo("retrys event on retry click"); }); describe("thread button", () => { beforeEach(() => { Thread.setServerSideSupport(FeatureSupport.Stable); }); describe("when threads feature is enabled", () => { it("renders thread button on own actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply in thread")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("does not render thread button for a beacon_info event", () => { const beaconInfoEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(userId, roomId); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: beaconInfoEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply in thread")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("opens thread on click", () => { const { getByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.click(getByLabelText("Reply in thread")); expect(dispatcher.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ShowThread, rootEvent: alicesMessageEvent, push: false, }); }); it("opens parent thread for a thread reply message", () => { const threadReplyEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "this is a thread reply", }, }); // mock the thread stuff jest.spyOn(threadReplyEvent, "isThreadRoot", "get").mockReturnValue(false); // set alicesMessageEvent as the root event jest.spyOn(threadReplyEvent, "getThread").mockReturnValue({ rootEvent: alicesMessageEvent, } as unknown as Thread); const { getByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: threadReplyEvent }); fireEvent.click(getByLabelText("Reply in thread")); expect(dispatcher.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ShowThread, rootEvent: alicesMessageEvent, initialEvent: threadReplyEvent, highlighted: true, scroll_into_view: true, push: false, }); }); }); }); it.each([["React"], ["Reply"], ["Reply in thread"], ["Edit"], ["Pin"]])( "does not show context menu when right-clicking", (buttonLabel: string) => { // For favourite and pin buttons jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockReturnValue(true); const event = new MouseEvent("contextmenu", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }); event.stopPropagation = jest.fn(); event.preventDefault = jest.fn(); const { queryByTestId, queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent(queryByLabelText(buttonLabel)!, event); expect(event.stopPropagation).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(event.preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(queryByTestId("mx_MessageContextMenu")).toBeFalsy(); }, ); it("does shows context menu when right-clicking options", () => { const { queryByTestId, queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.contextMenu(queryByLabelText("Options")!); expect(queryByTestId("mx_MessageContextMenu")).toBeTruthy(); }); describe("pin button", () => { beforeEach(() => { // enable pin button jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockReturnValue(true); jest.spyOn(PinningUtils, "isPinned").mockReturnValue(false); }); afterEach(() => { jest.spyOn( room.getLiveTimeline().getState(EventTimeline.FORWARDS)!, "mayClientSendStateEvent", ).mockRestore(); }); it("should not render pin button when user can't send state event", () => { jest.spyOn( room.getLiveTimeline().getState(EventTimeline.FORWARDS)!, "mayClientSendStateEvent", ).mockReturnValue(false); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Pin")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should render pin button", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Pin")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should listen to room pinned events", async () => { getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(screen.getByLabelText("Pin")).toBeInTheDocument(); // Event is considered pinned jest.spyOn(PinningUtils, "isPinned").mockReturnValue(true); // Emit that the room pinned events have changed const roomState = room.getLiveTimeline().getState(EventTimeline.FORWARDS)!; roomState.emit( RoomStateEvent.Events, { getType: () => EventType.RoomPinnedEvents, } as MatrixEvent, roomState, null, ); await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByLabelText("Unpin")).toBeInTheDocument()); }); }); });