Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import React from "react";
import { CallType, MatrixCall } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/webrtc/call";
import {
} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { KnownMembership } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/types";
import {
} from "@testing-library/react";
import { ViewRoomOpts } from "@matrix-org/react-sdk-module-api/lib/lifecycles/RoomViewLifecycle";
import { mocked } from "jest-mock";
import { filterConsole, stubClient } from "../../../test-utils";
import RoomHeader from "../../../../src/components/views/rooms/RoomHeader";
import DMRoomMap from "../../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap";
import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg";
import RightPanelStore from "../../../../src/stores/right-panel/RightPanelStore";
import { RightPanelPhases } from "../../../../src/stores/right-panel/RightPanelStorePhases";
import LegacyCallHandler from "../../../../src/LegacyCallHandler";
import SettingsStore from "../../../../src/settings/SettingsStore";
import SdkConfig from "../../../../src/SdkConfig";
import dispatcher from "../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher";
import { CallStore } from "../../../../src/stores/CallStore";
import { Call, ElementCall } from "../../../../src/models/Call";
import * as ShieldUtils from "../../../../src/utils/ShieldUtils";
import { Container, WidgetLayoutStore } from "../../../../src/stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore";
import MatrixClientContext from "../../../../src/contexts/MatrixClientContext";
import { _t } from "../../../../src/languageHandler";
import * as UseCall from "../../../../src/hooks/useCall";
import { SdkContextClass } from "../../../../src/contexts/SDKContext";
import WidgetStore, { IApp } from "../../../../src/stores/WidgetStore";
import { UIFeature } from "../../../../src/settings/UIFeature";
function getWrapper(): RenderOptions {
return {
wrapper: ({ children }) => (
describe("RoomHeader", () => {
"[getType] Room !1:example.org does not have an m.room.create event",
"Age for event was not available, using `now - origin_server_ts` as a fallback. If the device clock is not correct issues might occur.",
let room: Room;
const ROOM_ID = "!1:example.org";
let setCardSpy: jest.SpyInstance | undefined;
beforeEach(async () => {
room = new Room(ROOM_ID, MatrixClientPeg.get()!, "@alice:example.org", {
pendingEventOrdering: PendingEventOrdering.Detached,
getUserIdForRoomId: jest.fn(),
} as unknown as DMRoomMap);
setCardSpy = jest.spyOn(RightPanelStore.instance, "setCard");
afterEach(() => {
it("renders the room header", () => {
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
it("opens the room summary", async () => {
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
fireEvent.click(getByText(container, ROOM_ID));
expect(setCardSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ phase: RightPanelPhases.RoomSummary });
it("shows a face pile for rooms", async () => {
const members = [
userId: "@me:example.org",
name: "Member",
rawDisplayName: "Member",
roomId: room.roomId,
membership: KnownMembership.Join,
getAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
getMxcAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
userId: "@you:example.org",
name: "Member",
rawDisplayName: "Member",
roomId: room.roomId,
membership: KnownMembership.Join,
getAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
getMxcAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
userId: "@them:example.org",
name: "Member",
rawDisplayName: "Member",
roomId: room.roomId,
membership: KnownMembership.Join,
getAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
getMxcAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
userId: "@bot:example.org",
name: "Bot user",
rawDisplayName: "Bot user",
roomId: room.roomId,
membership: KnownMembership.Join,
getAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
getMxcAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
room.getJoinedMembers = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(members);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
const facePile = getByLabelText(container, "4 members");
expect(setCardSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ phase: RightPanelPhases.RoomMemberList });
it("has room info icon that opens the room info panel", async () => {
const { getAllByRole } = render(, getWrapper());
const infoButton = getAllByRole("button", { name: "Room info" })[1];
expect(setCardSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ phase: RightPanelPhases.RoomSummary });
it("opens the thread panel", async () => {
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
fireEvent.click(getByLabelText(container, "Threads"));
expect(setCardSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ phase: RightPanelPhases.ThreadPanel });
it("opens the notifications panel", async () => {
jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation((name: string) => {
if (name === "feature_notifications") return true;
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
fireEvent.click(getByLabelText(container, "Notifications"));
expect(setCardSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ phase: RightPanelPhases.NotificationPanel });
it("should show both call buttons in rooms smaller than 3 members", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 2);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Video call")).toBeInTheDocument();
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Voice call")).toBeInTheDocument();
it("should not show voice call button in managed hybrid environments", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 2);
jest.spyOn(SdkConfig, "get").mockReturnValue({ widget_build_url: "https://widget.build.url" });
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Video call")).toBeInTheDocument();
expect(queryByLabelText(container, "Voice call")).not.toBeInTheDocument();
it("should not show voice call button in rooms larger than 2 members", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Video call")).toBeInTheDocument();
expect(queryByLabelText(container, "Voice call")).not.toBeInTheDocument();
describe("UIFeature.Widgets enabled (default)", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation((feature) => feature == UIFeature.Widgets);
it("should show call buttons in a room with 2 members", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 2);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Video call")).toBeInTheDocument();
it("should show call buttons in a room with more than 2 members", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Video call")).toBeInTheDocument();
describe("UIFeature.Widgets disabled", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation((feature) => false);
it("should show call buttons in a room with 2 members", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 2);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Video call")).toBeInTheDocument();
it("should not show call buttons in a room with more than 2 members", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(queryByLabelText(container, "Video call")).not.toBeInTheDocument();
describe("groups call disabled", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation((feature) => feature == UIFeature.Widgets);
it("you can't call if you're alone", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 1);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
for (const button of getAllByLabelText(container, "There's no one here to call")) {
expect(button).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
it("you can call when you're two in the room", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 2);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
const voiceButton = getByLabelText(container, "Voice call");
const videoButton = getByLabelText(container, "Video call");
expect(voiceButton).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
expect(videoButton).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
const placeCallSpy = jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "placeCall");
expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Voice);
expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Video);
it("you can't call if there's already a call", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 2);
jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "getCallForRoom").mockReturnValue(
// The JS-SDK does not export the class `MatrixCall` only the type
{} as MatrixCall,
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
for (const button of getAllByLabelText(container, "Ongoing call")) {
expect(button).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
it("can call in large rooms if able to edit widgets", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 10);
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "mayClientSendStateEvent").mockReturnValue(true);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Video call")).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
it("disable calls in large rooms by default", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 10);
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "mayClientSendStateEvent").mockReturnValue(false);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
getByLabelText(container, "You do not have permission to start video calls", { selector: "button" }),
).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
describe("group call enabled", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation(
(feature) => feature === "feature_group_calls" || feature == UIFeature.Widgets,
it("renders only the video call element", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
jest.spyOn(SdkConfig, "get").mockReturnValue({ use_exclusively: true });
// allow element calls
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "mayClientSendStateEvent").mockReturnValue(true);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(screen.queryByTitle("Voice call")).toBeNull();
const videoCallButton = getByLabelText(container, "Video call");
expect(videoCallButton).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
const dispatcherSpy = jest.spyOn(dispatcher, "dispatch");
fireEvent.click(getByLabelText(container, "Video call"));
expect(dispatcherSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ view_call: true }));
it("can't call if there's an ongoing (pinned) call", () => {
jest.spyOn(SdkConfig, "get").mockReturnValue({ use_exclusively: true });
// allow element calls
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "mayClientSendStateEvent").mockReturnValue(true);
jest.spyOn(WidgetLayoutStore.instance, "isInContainer").mockReturnValue(true);
const widget = { type: "m.jitsi" } as IApp;
jest.spyOn(CallStore.instance, "getCall").mockReturnValue({
on: () => {},
off: () => {},
} as unknown as Call);
jest.spyOn(WidgetStore.instance, "getApps").mockReturnValue([widget]);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Ongoing call")).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
it("clicking on ongoing (unpinned) call re-pins it", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation((feature) => feature == UIFeature.Widgets);
// allow calls
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "mayClientSendStateEvent").mockReturnValue(true);
jest.spyOn(WidgetLayoutStore.instance, "isInContainer").mockReturnValue(false);
const spy = jest.spyOn(WidgetLayoutStore.instance, "moveToContainer");
const widget = { type: "m.jitsi" } as IApp;
jest.spyOn(CallStore.instance, "getCall").mockReturnValue({
on: () => {},
off: () => {},
} as unknown as Call);
jest.spyOn(WidgetStore.instance, "getApps").mockReturnValue([widget]);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Video call")).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
fireEvent.click(getByLabelText(container, "Video call"));
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room, widget, Container.Top);
it("disables calling if there's a jitsi call", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 2);
jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "getCallForRoom").mockReturnValue(
// The JS-SDK does not export the class `MatrixCall` only the type
{} as MatrixCall,
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
for (const button of getAllByLabelText(container, "Ongoing call")) {
expect(button).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
it("can't call if you have no friends and cannot invite friends", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 1);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
for (const button of getAllByLabelText(container, "There's no one here to call")) {
expect(button).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
it("can call if you have no friends but can invite friends", () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 1);
// go through all the different `canInvite` and `getJoinRule` combinations
// check where we can't do anything but can upgrade
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "maySendStateEvent").mockReturnValue(true);
jest.spyOn(room, "getJoinRule").mockReturnValue(JoinRule.Invite);
jest.spyOn(room, "canInvite").mockReturnValue(false);
const guestSpaUrlMock = jest.spyOn(SdkConfig, "get").mockImplementation((key) => {
return { guest_spa_url: "https://guest_spa_url.com", url: "https://spa_url.com" };
const { container: containerNoInviteNotPublicCanUpgradeAccess } = render(
queryAllByLabelText(containerNoInviteNotPublicCanUpgradeAccess, "There's no one here to call"),
// dont allow upgrading anymore and go through the other combinations
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "maySendStateEvent").mockReturnValue(false);
jest.spyOn(room, "getJoinRule").mockReturnValue(JoinRule.Invite);
jest.spyOn(room, "canInvite").mockReturnValue(false);
jest.spyOn(SdkConfig, "get").mockImplementation((key) => {
return { guest_spa_url: "https://guest_spa_url.com", url: "https://spa_url.com" };
const { container: containerNoInviteNotPublic } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(queryAllByLabelText(containerNoInviteNotPublic, "There's no one here to call")).toHaveLength(2);
jest.spyOn(room, "getJoinRule").mockReturnValue(JoinRule.Knock);
jest.spyOn(room, "canInvite").mockReturnValue(false);
const { container: containerNoInvitePublic } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(queryAllByLabelText(containerNoInvitePublic, "There's no one here to call")).toHaveLength(2);
jest.spyOn(room, "canInvite").mockReturnValue(true);
jest.spyOn(room, "getJoinRule").mockReturnValue(JoinRule.Invite);
const { container: containerInviteNotPublic } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(queryAllByLabelText(containerInviteNotPublic, "There's no one here to call")).toHaveLength(2);
jest.spyOn(room, "getJoinRule").mockReturnValue(JoinRule.Knock);
jest.spyOn(room, "canInvite").mockReturnValue(true);
const { container: containerInvitePublic } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(queryAllByLabelText(containerInvitePublic, "There's no one here to call")).toHaveLength(0);
// last we can allow everything but without guest_spa_url nothing will work
const { container: containerAllAllowedButNoGuestSpaUrl } = render(, getWrapper());
queryAllByLabelText(containerAllAllowedButNoGuestSpaUrl, "There's no one here to call"),
it("calls using legacy or jitsi", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 2);
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "mayClientSendStateEvent").mockImplementation((key) => {
if (key === "im.vector.modular.widgets") return true;
return false;
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
const voiceButton = getByLabelText(container, "Voice call");
const videoButton = getByLabelText(container, "Video call");
expect(voiceButton).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
expect(videoButton).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
const placeCallSpy = jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "placeCall");
expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Voice);
expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Video);
it("calls using legacy or jitsi for large rooms", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "mayClientSendStateEvent").mockImplementation((key) => {
if (key === "im.vector.modular.widgets") return true;
return false;
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
const videoButton = getByLabelText(container, "Video call");
expect(videoButton).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
const placeCallSpy = jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "placeCall");
expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Video);
it("calls using element call for large rooms", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "mayClientSendStateEvent").mockImplementation((key) => {
if (key === ElementCall.MEMBER_EVENT_TYPE.name) return true;
return false;
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
const videoButton = getByLabelText(container, "Video call");
expect(videoButton).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
const dispatcherSpy = jest.spyOn(dispatcher, "dispatch");
expect(dispatcherSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ view_call: true }));
it("buttons are disabled if there is an ongoing call", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
jest.spyOn(CallStore.prototype, "connectedCalls", "get").mockReturnValue(
new Set([{ roomId: "some_other_room" } as Call]),
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
const [videoButton] = getAllByLabelText(container, "Ongoing call");
expect(videoButton).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
it("join button is shown if there is an ongoing call", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
jest.spyOn(UseCall, "useParticipantCount").mockReturnValue(3);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
const joinButton = getByLabelText(container, "Join");
expect(joinButton).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
it("join button is disabled if there is an other ongoing call", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
jest.spyOn(UseCall, "useParticipantCount").mockReturnValue(3);
jest.spyOn(CallStore.prototype, "connectedCalls", "get").mockReturnValue(
new Set([{ roomId: "some_other_room" } as Call]),
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
const joinButton = getByLabelText(container, "Ongoing call");
expect(joinButton).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
it("close lobby button is shown", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
jest.spyOn(SdkContextClass.instance.roomViewStore, "isViewingCall").mockReturnValue(true);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
getByLabelText(container, "Close lobby");
it("close lobby button is shown if there is an ongoing call but we are viewing the lobby", async () => {
mockRoomMembers(room, 3);
jest.spyOn(UseCall, "useParticipantCount").mockReturnValue(3);
jest.spyOn(SdkContextClass.instance.roomViewStore, "isViewingCall").mockReturnValue(true);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
getByLabelText(container, "Close lobby");
it("don't show external conference button if the call is not shown", () => {
jest.spyOn(SdkContextClass.instance.roomViewStore, "isViewingCall").mockReturnValue(false);
jest.spyOn(SdkConfig, "get").mockImplementation((key) => {
return { guest_spa_url: "https://guest_spa_url.com", url: "https://spa_url.com" };
let { container } = render(, getWrapper());
jest.spyOn(SdkContextClass.instance.roomViewStore, "isViewingCall").mockReturnValue(true);
container = render(, getWrapper()).container;
expect(getByLabelText(container, _t("voip|get_call_link"))).toBeInTheDocument();
describe("public room", () => {
it("shows a globe", () => {
const joinRuleEvent = new MatrixEvent({
type: EventType.RoomJoinRules,
content: { join_rule: JoinRule.Public },
sender: MatrixClientPeg.get()!.getSafeUserId(),
state_key: "",
room_id: room.roomId,
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
expect(getByLabelText(container, "Public room")).toBeInTheDocument();
describe("dm", () => {
let client: MatrixClient;
beforeEach(() => {
client = MatrixClientPeg.get()!;
// Make the mocked room a DM
mocked(DMRoomMap.shared().getUserIdForRoomId).mockImplementation((roomId) => {
if (roomId === room.roomId) return "@user:example.com";
room.getMember = jest.fn((userId) => new RoomMember(room.roomId, userId));
room.getJoinedMembers = jest.fn().mockReturnValue([
userId: "@me:example.org",
name: "Member",
rawDisplayName: "Member",
roomId: room.roomId,
membership: KnownMembership.Join,
getAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
getMxcAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
userId: "@bob:example.org",
name: "Other Member",
rawDisplayName: "Other Member",
roomId: room.roomId,
membership: KnownMembership.Join,
getAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
getMxcAvatarUrl: () => "mxc://avatar.url/image.png",
jest.spyOn(client, "isCryptoEnabled").mockReturnValue(true);
[ShieldUtils.E2EStatus.Verified, "Verified"],
[ShieldUtils.E2EStatus.Warning, "Untrusted"],
])("shows the %s icon", async (value: ShieldUtils.E2EStatus, expectedLabel: string) => {
jest.spyOn(ShieldUtils, "shieldStatusForRoom").mockResolvedValue(value);
const { container } = render(, getWrapper());
await waitFor(() => expect(getByLabelText(container, expectedLabel)).toBeInTheDocument());
it("does not show the face pile for DMs", () => {
const { asFragment } = render(, getWrapper());
it("renders additionalButtons", async () => {
const additionalButtons: ViewRoomOpts["buttons"] = [
icon: () => <>test-icon>,
id: "test-id",
label: () => "test-label",
onClick: () => {},
render(, getWrapper());
expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "test-label" })).toBeInTheDocument();
it("calls onClick-callback on additionalButtons", () => {
const callback = jest.fn();
const additionalButtons: ViewRoomOpts["buttons"] = [
icon: () => <>test-icon>,
id: "test-id",
label: () => "test-label",
onClick: callback,
render(, getWrapper());
const button = screen.getByRole("button", { name: "test-label" });
const event = createEvent.click(button);
event.stopPropagation = jest.fn();
fireEvent(button, event);
describe("ask to join disabled", () => {
it("does not render the RoomKnocksBar", () => {
render(, getWrapper());
expect(screen.queryByRole("heading", { name: "Asking to join" })).not.toBeInTheDocument();
describe("ask to join enabled", () => {
it("does render the RoomKnocksBar", () => {
jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation((feature) => feature === "feature_ask_to_join");
jest.spyOn(room, "canInvite").mockReturnValue(true);
jest.spyOn(room, "getJoinRule").mockReturnValue(JoinRule.Knock);
jest.spyOn(room, "getMembersWithMembership").mockReturnValue([new RoomMember(room.roomId, "@foo")]);
render(, getWrapper());
expect(screen.getByRole("heading", { name: "Asking to join" })).toBeInTheDocument();
* @param count the number of users to create
function mockRoomMembers(room: Room, count: number) {
const members = Array(count)
.map((_, index) => ({
userId: `@user-${index}:example.org`,
name: `Member ${index}`,
rawDisplayName: `Member ${index}`,
roomId: room.roomId,
membership: KnownMembership.Join,
getAvatarUrl: () => `mxc://avatar.url/user-${index}.png`,
getMxcAvatarUrl: () => `mxc://avatar.url/user-${index}.png`,
room.getJoinedMembers = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(members);