Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import React, { ComponentProps } from "react";
import { fireEvent, render, RenderResult, screen, waitFor, within } from "@testing-library/react";
import fetchMock from "fetch-mock-jest";
import { Mocked, mocked } from "jest-mock";
import { ClientEvent, MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, Room, SyncState } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { MediaHandler } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/webrtc/mediaHandler";
import * as MatrixJs from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { completeAuthorizationCodeGrant } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/oidc/authorize";
import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger";
import { OidcError } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/oidc/error";
import { BearerTokenResponse } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/oidc/validate";
import { defer, sleep } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/utils";
import { UserVerificationStatus } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto-api";
import MatrixChat from "../../../src/components/structures/MatrixChat";
import * as StorageAccess from "../../../src/utils/StorageAccess";
import defaultDispatcher from "../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher";
import { Action } from "../../../src/dispatcher/actions";
import { UserTab } from "../../../src/components/views/dialogs/UserTab";
import {
} from "../../test-utils";
import * as leaveRoomUtils from "../../../src/utils/leave-behaviour";
import { OidcClientError } from "../../../src/utils/oidc/error";
import * as voiceBroadcastUtils from "../../../src/voice-broadcast/utils/cleanUpBroadcasts";
import LegacyCallHandler from "../../../src/LegacyCallHandler";
import { CallStore } from "../../../src/stores/CallStore";
import { Call } from "../../../src/models/Call";
import { PosthogAnalytics } from "../../../src/PosthogAnalytics";
import PlatformPeg from "../../../src/PlatformPeg";
import EventIndexPeg from "../../../src/indexing/EventIndexPeg";
import * as Lifecycle from "../../../src/Lifecycle";
import { SSO_HOMESERVER_URL_KEY, SSO_ID_SERVER_URL_KEY } from "../../../src/BasePlatform";
import SettingsStore from "../../../src/settings/SettingsStore";
import { SettingLevel } from "../../../src/settings/SettingLevel";
import { MatrixClientPeg as peg } from "../../../src/MatrixClientPeg";
import DMRoomMap from "../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap";
import { ReleaseAnnouncementStore } from "../../../src/stores/ReleaseAnnouncementStore";
import { DRAFT_LAST_CLEANUP_KEY } from "../../../src/DraftCleaner";
import { UIFeature } from "../../../src/settings/UIFeature";
jest.mock("matrix-js-sdk/src/oidc/authorize", () => ({
completeAuthorizationCodeGrant: jest.fn(),
// Stub out ThemeWatcher as the necessary bits for themes are done in element-web's index.html and thus are lacking here,
// plus JSDOM's implementation of CSSStyleDeclaration has a bunch of differences to real browsers which cause issues.
/** The matrix versions our mock server claims to support */
const SERVER_SUPPORTED_MATRIX_VERSIONS = ["v1.1", "v1.5", "v1.6", "v1.8", "v1.9"];
describe("", () => {
const userId = "@alice:server.org";
const deviceId = "qwertyui";
const accessToken = "abc123";
// reused in createClient mock below
const getMockClientMethods = () => ({
getVersions: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ versions: SERVER_SUPPORTED_MATRIX_VERSIONS }),
startClient: jest.fn(),
stopClient: jest.fn(),
setCanResetTimelineCallback: jest.fn(),
isInitialSyncComplete: jest.fn(),
getSyncState: jest.fn(),
getSsoLoginUrl: jest.fn(),
getSyncStateData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(null),
getThirdpartyProtocols: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}),
getClientWellKnown: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({}),
isVersionSupported: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(false),
isCryptoEnabled: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false),
initRustCrypto: jest.fn(),
getRoom: jest.fn(),
getMediaHandler: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
setVideoInput: jest.fn(),
setAudioInput: jest.fn(),
setAudioSettings: jest.fn(),
stopAllStreams: jest.fn(),
} as unknown as MediaHandler),
setAccountData: jest.fn(),
store: {
destroy: jest.fn(),
startup: jest.fn(),
login: jest.fn(),
loginFlows: jest.fn(),
isGuest: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false),
clearStores: jest.fn(),
setGuest: jest.fn(),
setNotifTimelineSet: jest.fn(),
getAccountData: jest.fn(),
doesServerSupportUnstableFeature: jest.fn(),
getDevices: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ devices: [] }),
getProfileInfo: jest.fn(),
getVisibleRooms: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]),
getRooms: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]),
userHasCrossSigningKeys: jest.fn(),
setGlobalBlacklistUnverifiedDevices: jest.fn(),
setGlobalErrorOnUnknownDevices: jest.fn(),
getCrypto: jest.fn(),
secretStorage: {
isStored: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(null),
matrixRTC: createStubMatrixRTC(),
getDehydratedDevice: jest.fn(),
whoami: jest.fn(),
isRoomEncrypted: jest.fn(),
logout: jest.fn(),
getDeviceId: jest.fn(),
let mockClient: Mocked;
const serverConfig = {
hsUrl: "https://test.com",
hsName: "Test Server",
hsNameIsDifferent: false,
isUrl: "https://is.com",
isDefault: true,
isNameResolvable: true,
warning: "",
const defaultProps: ComponentProps = {
config: {
brand: "Test",
help_url: "help_url",
help_encryption_url: "help_encryption_url",
element_call: {},
feedback: {
existing_issues_url: "https://feedback.org/existing",
new_issue_url: "https://feedback.org/new",
validated_server_config: serverConfig,
onNewScreen: jest.fn(),
onTokenLoginCompleted: jest.fn(),
realQueryParams: {},
const getComponent = (props: Partial> = {}) =>
// make test results readable
"Failed to parse localStorage object",
"Sync store cannot be used on this browser",
"Crypto store cannot be used on this browser",
"Storage consistency checks failed",
"LegacyCallHandler: missing