// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[` message case AskToJoin renders the corresponding actions 1`] = `
exports[` message case AskToJoin renders the corresponding message 1`] = `
Ask to join RoomPreviewBar-test-room?
You need to be granted access to this room in order to view or participate in the conversation. You can send a request to join below.
exports[` message case AskToJoin renders the corresponding message with a generic title 1`] = `
Ask to join?
You need to be granted access to this room in order to view or participate in the conversation. You can send a request to join below.
exports[` message case Knocked renders the corresponding actions 1`] = `
exports[` message case Knocked renders the corresponding message 1`] = `
Request to join sent
Your request to join is pending.
exports[` renders banned message 1`] = `
You were banned from RoomPreviewBar-test-room by @kicker:test.com
Reason: test reason
exports[` renders denied request message 1`] = `
You have been denied access
As you have been denied access, you cannot rejoin unless you are invited by the admin or moderator of the group.
exports[` renders kicked message 1`] = `
You were removed from RoomPreviewBar-test-room by @kicker:test.com
Reason: test reason
exports[` renders viewing room message when room an be previewed 1`] = `
You're previewing RoomPreviewBar-test-room. Want to join it?
exports[` renders viewing room message when room can not be previewed 1`] = `
RoomPreviewBar-test-room can't be previewed. Do you want to join it?
exports[` with an error renders other errors 1`] = `
RoomPreviewBar-test-room is not accessible at this time.
Try again later, or ask a room or space admin to check if you have access.
Something_else was returned while trying to access the room or space. If you think you're seeing this message in error, please
submit a bug report
exports[` with an error renders room not found error 1`] = `
RoomPreviewBar-test-room does not exist.
Are you sure you're at the right place?
exports[` with an invite with an invited email when client fails to get 3PIDs renders error message 1`] = `
Something went wrong with your invite to RoomPreviewBar-test-room
An error (unknown error code) was returned while trying to validate your invite. You could try to pass this information on to the person who invited you.
exports[` with an invite with an invited email when client has an identity server connected renders email mismatch message when invite email mxid doesnt match 1`] = `
This invite to RoomPreviewBar-test-room was sent to test@test.com
Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in Element.
exports[` with an invite with an invited email when client has an identity server connected renders invite message when invite email mxid match 1`] = `
Do you want to join RoomPreviewBar-test-room?
invited you
exports[` with an invite with an invited email when client has no identity server connected renders invite message with invited email 1`] = `
This invite to RoomPreviewBar-test-room was sent to test@test.com
Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in Element.
exports[` with an invite with an invited email when invitedEmail is not associated with current account renders invite message with invited email 1`] = `
This invite to RoomPreviewBar-test-room was sent to test@test.com which is not associated with your account
Link this email with your account in Settings to receive invites directly in Element.
exports[` with an invite without an invited email for a dm room renders invite message 1`] = `
Do you want to chat with @inviter:test.com?
@inviter:test.com name
wants to chat
exports[` with an invite without an invited email for a dm room renders join and reject action buttons with correct labels 1`] = `
Start chatting
Reject & Ignore user
exports[` with an invite without an invited email for a non-dm room renders invite message 1`] = `
Do you want to join RoomPreviewBar-test-room?
@inviter:test.com name
invited you
exports[` with an invite without an invited email for a non-dm room renders join and reject action buttons correctly 1`] = `
exports[` with an invite without an invited email for a non-dm room renders join and reject action buttons in reverse order when room can previewed 1`] = `
exports[` with an invite without an invited email for a non-dm room renders reject and ignore action buttons when handler is provided 1`] = `
Reject & Ignore user