/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { EventType, MatrixEvent, Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { MatrixDispatcher } from "../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import { ListAlgorithm, SortAlgorithm } from "../../../src/stores/room-list/algorithms/models"; import { OrderedDefaultTagIDs, RoomUpdateCause } from "../../../src/stores/room-list/models"; import RoomListStore, { RoomListStoreClass } from "../../../src/stores/room-list/RoomListStore"; import { stubClient, upsertRoomStateEvents } from "../../test-utils"; describe("RoomListStore", () => { const client = stubClient(); const roomWithCreatePredecessorId = "!roomid:example.com"; const roomNoPredecessorId = "!roomnopreid:example.com"; const oldRoomId = "!oldroomid:example.com"; const userId = "@user:example.com"; const createWithPredecessor = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomCreate, sender: userId, room_id: roomWithCreatePredecessorId, content: { predecessor: { room_id: oldRoomId, event_id: "tombstone_event_id" }, }, event_id: "$create", state_key: "", }); const createNoPredecessor = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomCreate, sender: userId, room_id: roomWithCreatePredecessorId, content: {}, event_id: "$create", state_key: "", }); const roomWithCreatePredecessor = new Room(roomWithCreatePredecessorId, client, userId, {}); upsertRoomStateEvents(roomWithCreatePredecessor, [createWithPredecessor]); const roomNoPredecessor = new Room(roomNoPredecessorId, client, userId, {}); upsertRoomStateEvents(roomNoPredecessor, [createNoPredecessor]); const oldRoom = new Room(oldRoomId, client, userId, {}); client.getRoom = jest.fn().mockImplementation((roomId) => { switch (roomId) { case roomWithCreatePredecessorId: return roomWithCreatePredecessor; case oldRoomId: return oldRoom; default: return null; } }); beforeAll(async () => { await (RoomListStore.instance as RoomListStoreClass).makeReady(client); }); it.each(OrderedDefaultTagIDs)("defaults to importance ordering for %s=", (tagId) => { expect(RoomListStore.instance.getTagSorting(tagId)).toBe(SortAlgorithm.Recent); }); it.each(OrderedDefaultTagIDs)("defaults to activity ordering for %s=", (tagId) => { expect(RoomListStore.instance.getListOrder(tagId)).toBe(ListAlgorithm.Importance); }); function createStore(): { store: RoomListStoreClass; handleRoomUpdate: jest.Mock } { const fakeDispatcher = { register: jest.fn() } as unknown as MatrixDispatcher; const store = new RoomListStoreClass(fakeDispatcher); // @ts-ignore accessing private member to set client store.readyStore.matrixClient = client; const handleRoomUpdate = jest.fn(); // @ts-ignore accessing private member to mock it store.algorithm.handleRoomUpdate = handleRoomUpdate; return { store, handleRoomUpdate }; } it("Removes old room if it finds a predecessor in the create event", () => { // Given a store we can spy on const { store, handleRoomUpdate } = createStore(); // When we tell it we joined a new room that has an old room as // predecessor in the create event const payload = { oldMembership: "invite", membership: "join", room: roomWithCreatePredecessor, }; store.onDispatchMyMembership(payload); // Then the old room is removed expect(handleRoomUpdate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(oldRoom, RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved); // And the new room is added expect(handleRoomUpdate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(roomWithCreatePredecessor, RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom); }); it("Does not remove old room if there is no predecessor in the create event", () => { // Given a store we can spy on const { store, handleRoomUpdate } = createStore(); // When we tell it we joined a new room with no predecessor const payload = { oldMembership: "invite", membership: "join", room: roomNoPredecessor, }; store.onDispatchMyMembership(payload); // Then the new room is added expect(handleRoomUpdate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(roomNoPredecessor, RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom); // And no other updates happen expect(handleRoomUpdate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); });