/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { JSHandle, Page } from "@playwright/test"; import { uniqueId } from "lodash"; import { type MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import type { Logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger"; import type { SecretStorageKeyDescription } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/secret-storage"; import type { Credentials, HomeserverInstance } from "../plugins/homeserver"; import type { GeneratedSecretStorageKey } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto-api"; import { Client } from "./client"; export interface CreateBotOpts { /** * A prefix to use for the userid. If unspecified, "bot_" will be used. */ userIdPrefix?: string; /** * Whether the bot should automatically accept all invites. */ autoAcceptInvites?: boolean; /** * The display name to give to that bot user */ displayName?: string; /** * Whether to start the syncing client. */ startClient?: boolean; /** * Whether to generate cross-signing keys */ bootstrapCrossSigning?: boolean; /** * Whether to bootstrap the secret storage */ bootstrapSecretStorage?: boolean; } const defaultCreateBotOptions = { userIdPrefix: "bot_", autoAcceptInvites: true, startClient: true, bootstrapCrossSigning: true, } satisfies CreateBotOpts; type ExtendedMatrixClient = MatrixClient & { __playwright_recovery_key: GeneratedSecretStorageKey }; export class Bot extends Client { public credentials?: Credentials; private handlePromise: Promise>; constructor( page: Page, private homeserver: HomeserverInstance, private readonly opts: CreateBotOpts, ) { super(page); this.opts = Object.assign({}, defaultCreateBotOptions, opts); } public setCredentials(credentials: Credentials): void { if (this.credentials) throw new Error("Bot has already started"); this.credentials = credentials; } public async getRecoveryKey(): Promise { const client = await this.getClientHandle(); return client.evaluate((cli) => cli.__playwright_recovery_key); } private async getCredentials(): Promise { if (this.credentials) return this.credentials; // We want to pad the uniqueId but not the prefix const username = this.opts.userIdPrefix + uniqueId(this.opts.userIdPrefix) .substring(this.opts.userIdPrefix?.length ?? 0) .padStart(4, "0"); const password = uniqueId("password_"); console.log(`getBot: Create bot user ${username} with opts ${JSON.stringify(this.opts)}`); this.credentials = await this.homeserver.registerUser(username, password, this.opts.displayName); return this.credentials; } protected async getClientHandle(): Promise> { if (this.handlePromise) return this.handlePromise; this.handlePromise = this.page.evaluateHandle( async ({ homeserver, credentials, opts }) => { function getLogger(loggerName: string): Logger { const logger = { getChild: (namespace: string) => getLogger(`${loggerName}:${namespace}`), trace(...msg: any[]): void { console.trace(loggerName, ...msg); }, debug(...msg: any[]): void { console.debug(loggerName, ...msg); }, info(...msg: any[]): void { console.info(loggerName, ...msg); }, warn(...msg: any[]): void { console.warn(loggerName, ...msg); }, error(...msg: any[]): void { console.error(loggerName, ...msg); }, } satisfies Logger; return logger as unknown as Logger; } const logger = getLogger(`cypress bot ${credentials.userId}`); const keys = {}; const getCrossSigningKey = (type: string) => { return keys[type]; }; const saveCrossSigningKeys = (k: Record) => { Object.assign(keys, k); }; // Store the cached secret storage key and return it when `getSecretStorageKey` is called let cachedKey: { keyId: string; key: Uint8Array }; const cacheSecretStorageKey = ( keyId: string, keyInfo: SecretStorageKeyDescription, key: Uint8Array, ) => { cachedKey = { keyId, key, }; }; const getSecretStorageKey = () => Promise.resolve<[string, Uint8Array]>([cachedKey.keyId, cachedKey.key]); const cryptoCallbacks = { getCrossSigningKey, saveCrossSigningKeys, cacheSecretStorageKey, getSecretStorageKey, }; const cli = new window.matrixcs.MatrixClient({ baseUrl: homeserver.baseUrl, userId: credentials.userId, deviceId: credentials.deviceId, accessToken: credentials.accessToken, store: new window.matrixcs.MemoryStore(), scheduler: new window.matrixcs.MatrixScheduler(), cryptoStore: new window.matrixcs.MemoryCryptoStore(), cryptoCallbacks, logger, }) as ExtendedMatrixClient; if (opts.autoAcceptInvites) { cli.on(window.matrixcs.RoomMemberEvent.Membership, (event, member) => { if (member.membership === "invite" && member.userId === cli.getUserId()) { cli.joinRoom(member.roomId); } }); } if (!opts.startClient) { return cli; } await cli.initRustCrypto({ useIndexedDB: false }); cli.setGlobalErrorOnUnknownDevices(false); await cli.startClient(); if (opts.bootstrapCrossSigning) { // XXX: workaround https://github.com/element-hq/element-web/issues/26755 // wait for out device list to be available, as a proxy for the device keys having been uploaded. await cli.getCrypto()!.getUserDeviceInfo([credentials.userId]); await cli.getCrypto()!.bootstrapCrossSigning({ authUploadDeviceSigningKeys: async (func) => { await func({ type: "m.login.password", identifier: { type: "m.id.user", user: credentials.userId, }, password: credentials.password, }); }, }); } if (opts.bootstrapSecretStorage) { const passphrase = "new passphrase"; const recoveryKey = await cli.getCrypto().createRecoveryKeyFromPassphrase(passphrase); Object.assign(cli, { __playwright_recovery_key: recoveryKey }); await cli.getCrypto()!.bootstrapSecretStorage({ setupNewSecretStorage: true, setupNewKeyBackup: true, createSecretStorageKey: () => Promise.resolve(recoveryKey), }); } return cli; }, { homeserver: this.homeserver.config, credentials: await this.getCredentials(), opts: this.opts, }, ); return this.handlePromise; } }