**Familiarise yourself with the [Important Security Notes](../README.md#important-security-notes) before starting, they apply to all installation methods.**
_Note: that for the security of your chats will need to serve Element over HTTPS.
Major browsers also do not allow you to use VoIP/video chats over HTTP, as WebRTC is only usable over HTTPS.
There are some exceptions like when using localhost, which is considered a [secure context](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/Security/Secure_Contexts) and thus allowed._
## Release tarball
1. Download the latest version from <https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/releases>
1. Untar the tarball on your web server
1. Move (or symlink) the `element-x.x.x` directory to an appropriate name
1. Configure the correct caching headers in your webserver (see below)
1. Configure the app by copying `config.sample.json` to `config.json` and