Robin 869d9b43cb Reduce noise coming from Renovate updates
What I've tried to do here is to group most dependency updates together and put them on a weekly schedule. Some of our more sensitive dependencies such as LiveKit and Compound have been put into separate groups, so we still receive frequent updates for them.
2024-06-20 15:43:21 -04:00

55 lines
1.4 KiB

"$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
"extends": ["config:base"],
"packageRules": [
"extends": ["group:allNonMajor", "schedule:weekly"]
"description": "Disable Renovate for packages we want to monitor ourselves",
"groupName": "manually updated packages",
"matchPackageNames": ["matrix-js-sdk"],
"enabled": false
"groupName": "matrix-widget-api",
"matchPackageNames": ["matrix-widget-api"]
"groupName": "Compound",
"matchPackagePrefixes": ["@vector-im/compound-"],
"schedule": "before 5am on Tuesday and Friday"
"groupName": "LiveKit client",
"matchPackageNames": ["livekit-client"]
"groupName": "LiveKit components",
"matchPackagePrefixes": ["@livekit/components-"]
"groupName": "Vaul",
"matchPackageNames": ["vaul"],
"extends": ["schedule:monthly"],
"prHeader": "Please review modals on mobile for visual regressions."
"semanticCommits": "disabled",
"ignoreDeps": [