#### # App Config # Environment files are documented here: # https://vitejs.dev/guide/env-and-mode.html#env-files #### # Used for determining the homeserver to use for short urls etc. # VITE_DEFAULT_HOMESERVER=http://localhost:8008 # Used for submitting debug logs to an external rageshake server # VITE_RAGESHAKE_SUBMIT_URL=http://localhost:9110/api/submit # The Sentry DSN to use for error reporting. Leave undefined to disable. # VITE_SENTRY_DSN=https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0 # VITE_CUSTOM_THEME=true # VITE_PRIMARY_COLOR=#0dbd8b # VITE_BG_COLOR_1=#ffffff # VITE_BG_COLOR_2=#f0f1f4 # VITE_BG_COLOR_3=#dbdfe4 # VITE_BG_COLOR_4=#d1d3d7 # VITE_INPUT_BORDER_COLOR=#e7e7e7 # VITE_INPUT_BORDER_COLOR_FOCUSED=#238cf5 # VITE_TEXT_COLOR_1=#17191c # VITE_TEXT_COLOR_2=#61708b