#### # Build-time app config # Environment files are documented here: # https://vitejs.dev/guide/env-and-mode.html#env-files #### # Develop backend settings: LIVEKIT_KEY="devkey" LIVEKIT_SECRET="secret" # Used for determining the homeserver to use for short urls etc. # VITE_FALLBACK_STUN_ALLOWED=false # CSS to be injected into the page for the purpose of custom theming. # Generally, writing a custom theme involves overriding Compound design tokens, # which are documented here: # https://compound.element.io/?path=/docs/foundations-design-tokens--docs # https://compound.element.io/?path=/docs/tokens-color-palettes--docs # https://compound.element.io/?path=/docs/tokens-semantic-colors--docs # VITE_CUSTOM_CSS=".cpd-theme-dark.cpd-theme-dark { --cpd-color-theme-bg: #101317; }"