# OpenTelemetry Collector for development This directory contains a docker compose file that starts a jaeger all-in-one instance with an in-memory database, along with a standalone OpenTelemetry collector that forwards traces into the jaeger. Jaeger has a built-in OpenTelemetry collector, but it can't be configured to send CORS headers so can't be used from a browser. This sets the config on the collector to send CORS headers. This also adds an nginx to add CORS headers to the jaeger query endpoint, such that it can be used from webapps like stalk (https://deniz.co/stalk/). The CORS enabled endpoint is exposed on port 16687. To use stalk, you should simply be able to navigate to it and add as a data source. (Yes, we could enable the OTLP collector in jaeger all-in-one and passed this through the nginx to enable CORS too, rather than running a separate collector. There's no reason it's done this way other than that I'd already set up the separate collector.) Running `docker compose up` in this directory should be all you need.