/* Copyright 2021-2024 New Vector Ltd. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details. */ import { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useState, createContext, useContext, useRef, useMemo, } from "react"; import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { ISyncStateData, SyncState } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/sync"; import { ClientEvent, type MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/client"; import type { WidgetApi } from "matrix-widget-api"; import { ErrorView } from "./FullScreenView"; import { widget } from "./widget"; import { PosthogAnalytics, RegistrationType, } from "./analytics/PosthogAnalytics"; import { translatedError } from "./TranslatedError"; import { useEventTarget } from "./useEvents"; declare global { interface Window { matrixclient: MatrixClient; passwordlessUser: boolean; } } export type ClientState = ValidClientState | ErrorState; export type ValidClientState = { state: "valid"; authenticated?: AuthenticatedClient; // 'Disconnected' rather than 'connected' because it tracks specifically // whether the client is supposed to be connected but is not disconnected: boolean; supportedFeatures: { reactions: boolean; }; setClient: (params?: SetClientParams) => void; }; export type AuthenticatedClient = { client: MatrixClient; isPasswordlessUser: boolean; changePassword: (password: string) => Promise; logout: () => void; }; export type ErrorState = { state: "error"; error: Error; }; export type SetClientParams = { client: MatrixClient; session: Session; }; const ClientContext = createContext(undefined); export const useClientState = (): ClientState | undefined => useContext(ClientContext); export function useClient(): { client?: MatrixClient; setClient?: (params?: SetClientParams) => void; } { let client; let setClient; const clientState = useClientState(); if (clientState?.state === "valid") { client = clientState.authenticated?.client; setClient = clientState.setClient; } return { client, setClient }; } // Plain representation of the `ClientContext` as a helper for old components that expected an object with multiple fields. export function useClientLegacy(): { client?: MatrixClient; setClient?: (params?: SetClientParams) => void; passwordlessUser: boolean; loading: boolean; authenticated: boolean; logout?: () => void; error?: Error; } { const clientState = useClientState(); let client; let setClient; let passwordlessUser = false; let loading = true; let error; let authenticated = false; let logout; if (clientState?.state === "valid") { client = clientState.authenticated?.client; setClient = clientState.setClient; passwordlessUser = clientState.authenticated?.isPasswordlessUser ?? false; loading = false; authenticated = client !== undefined; logout = clientState.authenticated?.logout; } else if (clientState?.state === "error") { error = clientState.error; loading = false; } return { client, setClient, passwordlessUser, loading, authenticated, logout, error, }; } const loadChannel = "BroadcastChannel" in window ? new BroadcastChannel("load") : null; interface Props { children: JSX.Element; } export const ClientProvider: FC = ({ children }) => { const history = useHistory(); // null = signed out, undefined = loading const [initClientState, setInitClientState] = useState< InitResult | null | undefined >(undefined); const initializing = useRef(false); useEffect(() => { // In case the component is mounted, unmounted, and remounted quickly (as // React does in strict mode), we need to make sure not to doubly initialize // the client. if (initializing.current) return; initializing.current = true; loadClient() .then(setInitClientState) .catch((err) => logger.error(err)) .finally(() => (initializing.current = false)); }, []); const changePassword = useCallback( async (password: string) => { const session = loadSession(); if (!initClientState?.client || !session) { return; } await initClientState.client.setPassword( { type: "m.login.password", identifier: { type: "m.id.user", user: session.user_id, }, user: session.user_id, password: session.tempPassword, }, password, ); saveSession({ ...session, passwordlessUser: false }); setInitClientState({ ...initClientState, passwordlessUser: false, }); }, [initClientState], ); const setClient = useCallback( (clientParams?: SetClientParams) => { const oldClient = initClientState?.client; const newClient = clientParams?.client; if (oldClient && oldClient !== newClient) { oldClient.stopClient(); } if (clientParams) { saveSession(clientParams.session); setInitClientState({ widgetApi: null, client: clientParams.client, passwordlessUser: clientParams.session.passwordlessUser, }); } else { clearSession(); setInitClientState(null); } }, [initClientState?.client], ); const logout = useCallback(async () => { const client = initClientState?.client; if (!client) { return; } await client.logout(true); await client.clearStores(); clearSession(); setInitClientState(null); history.push("/"); PosthogAnalytics.instance.setRegistrationType(RegistrationType.Guest); }, [history, initClientState?.client]); const { t } = useTranslation(); // To protect against multiple sessions writing to the same storage // simultaneously, we send a broadcast message that shuts down all other // running instances of the app. This isn't necessary if the app is running in // a widget though, since then it'll be mostly stateless. useEffect(() => { if (!widget) loadChannel?.postMessage({}); }, []); const [alreadyOpenedErr, setAlreadyOpenedErr] = useState( undefined, ); useEventTarget( loadChannel, "message", useCallback(() => { initClientState?.client.stopClient(); setAlreadyOpenedErr(translatedError("application_opened_another_tab", t)); }, [initClientState?.client, setAlreadyOpenedErr, t]), ); const [isDisconnected, setIsDisconnected] = useState(false); const [supportsReactions, setSupportsReactions] = useState(false); const state: ClientState | undefined = useMemo(() => { if (alreadyOpenedErr) { return { state: "error", error: alreadyOpenedErr }; } if (initClientState === undefined) return undefined; const authenticated = initClientState === null ? undefined : { client: initClientState.client, isPasswordlessUser: initClientState.passwordlessUser, changePassword, logout, }; return { state: "valid", authenticated, setClient, disconnected: isDisconnected, supportedFeatures: { reactions: supportsReactions, }, }; }, [ alreadyOpenedErr, changePassword, initClientState, logout, setClient, isDisconnected, supportsReactions, ]); const onSync = useCallback( (state: SyncState, _old: SyncState | null, data?: ISyncStateData) => { setIsDisconnected(clientIsDisconnected(state, data)); }, [], ); useEffect(() => { if (!initClientState) { return; } window.matrixclient = initClientState.client; window.passwordlessUser = initClientState.passwordlessUser; if (PosthogAnalytics.hasInstance()) PosthogAnalytics.instance.onLoginStatusChanged(); if (initClientState.client) { initClientState.client.on(ClientEvent.Sync, onSync); } if (initClientState.widgetApi) { const reactSend = initClientState.widgetApi.hasCapability( "org.matrix.msc2762.send.event:m.reaction", ); const redactSend = initClientState.widgetApi.hasCapability( "org.matrix.msc2762.send.event:m.room.redaction", ); const reactRcv = initClientState.widgetApi.hasCapability( "org.matrix.msc2762.receive.event:m.reaction", ); const redactRcv = initClientState.widgetApi.hasCapability( "org.matrix.msc2762.receive.event:m.room.redaction", ); if (!reactSend || !reactRcv || !redactSend || !redactRcv) { logger.warn("Widget does not support reactions"); setSupportsReactions(false); } else { setSupportsReactions(true); } } else { setSupportsReactions(true); } return (): void => { if (initClientState.client) { initClientState.client.removeListener(ClientEvent.Sync, onSync); } }; }, [initClientState, onSync]); if (alreadyOpenedErr) { return ; } return ( {children} ); }; export type InitResult = { widgetApi: WidgetApi | null; client: MatrixClient; passwordlessUser: boolean; }; async function loadClient(): Promise { if (widget) { // We're inside a widget, so let's engage *matryoshka mode* logger.log("Using a matryoshka client"); const client = await widget.client; return { widgetApi: widget.api, client, passwordlessUser: false, }; } else { const { initSPA } = await import("./utils/spa"); return initSPA(loadSession, clearSession); } } export interface Session { user_id: string; device_id: string; access_token: string; passwordlessUser: boolean; tempPassword?: string; } const clearSession = (): void => localStorage.removeItem("matrix-auth-store"); const saveSession = (s: Session): void => localStorage.setItem("matrix-auth-store", JSON.stringify(s)); const loadSession = (): Session | undefined => { const data = localStorage.getItem("matrix-auth-store"); if (!data) { return undefined; } return JSON.parse(data); }; const clientIsDisconnected = ( syncState: SyncState, syncData?: ISyncStateData, ): boolean => syncState === "ERROR" && syncData?.error?.name === "ConnectionError";