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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import OrderedDict
import requests
import json
import re
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# A list of words to not capitalize in emoji-names
capitalization_exclude = {'with', 'a', 'at', 'of', 'for', 'and', 'over', 'the', 'off', 'on', 'out', 'in', 'but', 'or'}
# Create skeleton of the final json file as a python dictionary:
emoji_picker_datasource = {
"compressed": True,
"categories": [],
"emojis": {},
"aliases": {}
emoji_picker_datasource_categories = emoji_picker_datasource["categories"]
emoji_picker_datasource_emojis = emoji_picker_datasource["emojis"]
# Get official emoji list from unicode.org (Emoji List, v13.1 at time of writing)
2021-04-08 01:00:02 +08:00
print("Fetching emoji list from Unicode.org...")
req = requests.get("https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/emoji-list.html")
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, 'html.parser')
# Navigate to table
table = soup.body.table
# Go over all rows
print("Extracting emojis...")
for row in table.find_all('tr'):
# Add "bigheads" rows to categories
if 'bighead' in next(row.children)['class']:
relevant_element = row.find('a')
category_id = relevant_element['name']
category_name = relevant_element.text
"id": category_id,
"name": category_name,
"emojis": []
# Add information in "rchars" rows to the last encountered category and emojis
if row.find('td', class_='code'):
# Get columns
cols = row.find_all('td')
no_element = cols[0]
code_element = cols[1]
sample_element = cols[2]
cldr_element = cols[3]
keywords_element = cols[4]
# Extract information from columns
# Extract name and id
# => Remove spaces, colons and unicode-characters
emoji_name = cldr_element.text
emoji_id = cldr_element.text.lower()
emoji_id = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+', '', emoji_id, flags=re.UNICODE) # Only keep alphanumeric, space characters
emoji_id = emoji_id.strip() # Remove leading/trailing whitespaces
emoji_id = emoji_id.replace(' ', '-')
# Capitalize name according to the same rules as the previous emoji_picker_datasource.json
# - Words are separated by any non-word character (\W), e.g. space, comma, parentheses, dots, etc.
# - Words are capitalized if they are either at the beginning of the name OR not in capitalization_exclude (extracted from the previous datasource, too)
emoji_name_cap = "".join([w.capitalize() if i == 0 or w not in capitalization_exclude else w for i, w in enumerate(re.split('(\W)', emoji_name))])
# Extract emoji unicode-codepoint
emoji_code_raw = code_element.text
emoji_code_list = emoji_code_raw.split(" ")
emoji_code_list = [e[2:] for e in emoji_code_list]
emoji_code = "-".join(emoji_code_list)
# Extract keywords
emoji_keywords = keywords_element.text.split(" | ")
# Add the emoji-id to the last entry in "categories"
# Add the emoji itself to the "emojis" dict
emoji_picker_datasource_emojis[emoji_id] = {
"a": emoji_name_cap,
"b": emoji_code,
"j": emoji_keywords
# The keywords of unicode.org are usually quite sparse.
# There is no official specification of keywords beyond that, but muan/emojilib maintains a well maintained and
# established repository with additional keywords. We extend our list with the keywords from there.
# At the time of writing it had additional keyword information for all emojis except a few from the newest unicode 13.1.
print("Fetching additional keywords from Emojilib...")
req = requests.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/muan/emojilib/main/dist/emoji-en-US.json")
emojilib_data = json.loads(req.content)
# We just go over all the official emojis from unicode, and add the keywords there
print("Adding keywords to emojis...")
for emoji in emoji_picker_datasource_emojis:
emoji_name = emoji_picker_datasource_emojis[emoji]["a"]
emoji_code = emoji_picker_datasource_emojis[emoji]["b"]
# Convert back to actual unicode emoji
emoji_unicode = ''.join(map(lambda s: chr(int(s, 16)), emoji_code.split("-")))
# Search for emoji in emojilib
if emoji_unicode in emojilib_data:
emoji_additional_keywords = emojilib_data[emoji_unicode]
elif emoji_unicode+chr(0xfe0f) in emojilib_data:
emoji_additional_keywords = emojilib_data[emoji_unicode+chr(0xfe0f)]
print("* No additional keywords for", emoji_unicode, emoji_picker_datasource_emojis[emoji])
# If additional keywords exist, add them to emoji_picker_datasource_emojis
# Avoid duplicates and keep order. Put official unicode.com keywords first and extend up with emojilib ones.
new_keywords = OrderedDict.fromkeys(emoji_picker_datasource_emojis[emoji]["j"] + emoji_additional_keywords)
# Remove the ones derived from the unicode name
for keyword in [emoji.replace("-", "_")] + [emoji.replace("-", " ")] + [emoji_name]:
if keyword in new_keywords:
# Write new keywords back
emoji_picker_datasource_emojis[emoji]["j"] = list(new_keywords.keys())
# Filter out components from unicode 13.1 (as they are not suitable for single-emoji reactions)
emoji_picker_datasource['categories'] = [x for x in emoji_picker_datasource['categories'] if x['id'] != 'component']
# Write result to file (overwrite previous), without escaping unicode characters
print("Writing emoji_picker_datasource.json...")
scripts_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
with open(os.path.join(scripts_dir, "../vector/src/main/res/raw/emoji_picker_datasource.json"), "w") as outfile:
json.dump(emoji_picker_datasource, outfile, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ':'))