frohlich 5127e2f89c Modified Files: SGMath.hxx SGMathFwd.hxx SGMatrix.hxx SGQuat.hxx
Added Files:
	Improove the matrix functions. Improove the quaterion functions.
	Add the 2d vector.
2006-11-01 21:25:21 +00:00

613 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2006 Mathias Froehlich -
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef SGMatrix_H
#define SGMatrix_H
/// Expression templates for poor programmers ... :)
template<typename T>
struct TransNegRef;
/// 3D Matrix Class
template<typename T>
class SGMatrix {
enum { nCols = 4, nRows = 4, nEnts = 16 };
typedef T value_type;
/// Default constructor. Does not initialize at all.
/// If you need them zero initialized, use SGMatrix::zeros()
/// Initialize with nans in the debug build, that will guarantee to have
/// a fast uninitialized default constructor in the release but shows up
/// uninitialized values in the debug build very fast ...
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nEnts; ++i)
_data.flat[i] = SGLimits<T>::quiet_NaN();
/// Constructor. Initialize by the content of a plain array,
/// make sure it has at least 16 elements
explicit SGMatrix(const T* data)
{ for (unsigned i = 0; i < nEnts; ++i) _data.flat[i] = data[i]; }
/// Constructor, build up a SGMatrix from given elements
SGMatrix(T m00, T m01, T m02, T m03,
T m10, T m11, T m12, T m13,
T m20, T m21, T m22, T m23,
T m30, T m31, T m32, T m33)
_data.flat[0] = m00; _data.flat[1] = m10;
_data.flat[2] = m20; _data.flat[3] = m30;
_data.flat[4] = m01; _data.flat[5] = m11;
_data.flat[6] = m21; _data.flat[7] = m31;
_data.flat[8] = m02; _data.flat[9] = m12;
_data.flat[10] = m22; _data.flat[11] = m32;
_data.flat[12] = m03; _data.flat[13] = m13;
_data.flat[14] = m23; _data.flat[15] = m33;
/// Constructor, build up a SGMatrix from a translation
template<typename S>
SGMatrix(const SGVec3<S>& trans)
{ set(trans); }
/// Constructor, build up a SGMatrix from a rotation and a translation
template<typename S>
SGMatrix(const SGQuat<S>& quat)
{ set(quat); }
/// Copy constructor for a transposed negated matrix
SGMatrix(const TransNegRef<T>& tm)
{ set(tm); }
/// Set from a tranlation
template<typename S>
void set(const SGVec3<S>& trans)
_data.flat[0] = 1; _data.flat[4] = 0;
_data.flat[8] = 0; _data.flat[12] = T(trans(0));
_data.flat[1] = 0; _data.flat[5] = 1;
_data.flat[9] = 0; _data.flat[13] = T(trans(1));
_data.flat[2] = 0; _data.flat[6] = 0;
_data.flat[10] = 1; _data.flat[14] = T(trans(2));
_data.flat[3] = 0; _data.flat[7] = 0;
_data.flat[11] = 0; _data.flat[15] = 1;
/// Set from a scale/rotation and tranlation
template<typename S>
void set(const SGQuat<S>& quat)
T w = quat.w(); T x = quat.x(); T y = quat.y(); T z = quat.z();
T xx = x*x; T yy = y*y; T zz = z*z;
T wx = w*x; T wy = w*y; T wz = w*z;
T xy = x*y; T xz = x*z; T yz = y*z;
_data.flat[0] = 1-2*(yy+zz); _data.flat[1] = 2*(xy-wz);
_data.flat[2] = 2*(xz+wy); _data.flat[3] = 0;
_data.flat[4] = 2*(xy+wz); _data.flat[5] = 1-2*(xx+zz);
_data.flat[6] = 2*(yz-wx); _data.flat[7] = 0;
_data.flat[8] = 2*(xz-wy); _data.flat[9] = 2*(yz+wx);
_data.flat[10] = 1-2*(xx+yy); _data.flat[11] = 0;
_data.flat[12] = 0; _data.flat[13] = 0;
_data.flat[14] = 0; _data.flat[15] = 1;
/// set from a transposed negated matrix
void set(const TransNegRef<T>& tm)
const SGMatrix& m = tm.m;
_data.flat[0] = m(0,0);
_data.flat[1] = m(0,1);
_data.flat[2] = m(0,2);
_data.flat[3] = m(3,0);
_data.flat[4] = m(1,0);
_data.flat[5] = m(1,1);
_data.flat[6] = m(1,2);
_data.flat[7] = m(3,1);
_data.flat[8] = m(2,0);
_data.flat[9] = m(2,1);
_data.flat[10] = m(2,2);
_data.flat[11] = m(3,2);
// Well, this one is ugly here, as that xform method on the current
// object needs the above data to be already set ...
SGVec3<T> t = xformVec(SGVec3<T>(m(0,3), m(1,3), m(2,3)));
_data.flat[12] = -t(0);
_data.flat[13] = -t(1);
_data.flat[14] = -t(2);
_data.flat[15] = m(3,3);
/// Access by index, the index is unchecked
const T& operator()(unsigned i, unsigned j) const
{ return _data.flat[i + 4*j]; }
/// Access by index, the index is unchecked
T& operator()(unsigned i, unsigned j)
{ return _data.flat[i + 4*j]; }
/// Access raw data by index, the index is unchecked
const T& operator[](unsigned i) const
{ return _data.flat[i]; }
/// Access by index, the index is unchecked
T& operator[](unsigned i)
{ return _data.flat[i]; }
/// Get the data pointer
const T* data(void) const
{ return _data.flat; }
/// Get the data pointer
T* data(void)
{ return _data.flat; }
/// Readonly interface function to ssg's sgMat4/sgdMat4
const T (&sg(void) const)[4][4]
{ return _data.carray; }
/// Interface function to ssg's sgMat4/sgdMat4
T (&sg(void))[4][4]
{ return _data.carray; }
/// Inplace addition
SGMatrix& operator+=(const SGMatrix& m)
{ for (unsigned i = 0; i < nEnts; ++i) _data.flat[i] += m._data.flat[i]; return *this; }
/// Inplace subtraction
SGMatrix& operator-=(const SGMatrix& m)
{ for (unsigned i = 0; i < nEnts; ++i) _data.flat[i] -= m._data.flat[i]; return *this; }
/// Inplace scalar multiplication
template<typename S>
SGMatrix& operator*=(S s)
{ for (unsigned i = 0; i < nEnts; ++i) _data.flat[i] *= s; return *this; }
/// Inplace scalar multiplication by 1/s
template<typename S>
SGMatrix& operator/=(S s)
{ return operator*=(1/T(s)); }
/// Inplace matrix multiplication, post multiply
SGMatrix& operator*=(const SGMatrix<T>& m2);
template<typename S>
SGMatrix& preMultTranslate(const SGVec3<S>& t)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols-1; ++i)
(*this)(i,3) += T(t(i));
return *this;
template<typename S>
SGMatrix& postMultTranslate(const SGVec3<S>& t)
SGVec4<T> col3((*this)(0,3), (*this)(1,3), (*this)(2,3), (*this)(3,3));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols-1; ++i) {
SGVec4<T> tmp((*this)(0,3), (*this)(1,3), (*this)(2,3), (*this)(3,3));
col3 += T(t(i))*tmp;
(*this)(0,3) = col3(0); (*this)(1,3) = col3(1);
(*this)(2,3) = col3(2); (*this)(3,3) = col3(3);
return *this;
SGMatrix& preMultRotate(const SGQuat<T>& r)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols; ++i) {
SGVec3<T> col((*this)(0,i), (*this)(1,i), (*this)(2,i));
col = r.transform(col);
(*this)(0,i) = col(0); (*this)(1,i) = col(1); (*this)(2,i) = col(2);
return *this;
SGMatrix& postMultRotate(const SGQuat<T>& r)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols; ++i) {
SGVec3<T> col((*this)(i,0), (*this)(i,1), (*this)(i,2));
col = r.backTransform(col);
(*this)(i,0) = col(0); (*this)(i,1) = col(1); (*this)(i,2) = col(2);
return *this;
SGVec3<T> xformPt(const SGVec3<T>& pt) const
SGVec3<T> tpt;
tpt(0) = (*this)(0,3);
tpt(1) = (*this)(1,3);
tpt(2) = (*this)(2,3);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols-1; ++i) {
T tmp = pt(i);
tpt(0) += tmp*(*this)(0,i);
tpt(1) += tmp*(*this)(1,i);
tpt(2) += tmp*(*this)(2,i);
return tpt;
SGVec3<T> xformVec(const SGVec3<T>& v) const
SGVec3<T> tv;
T tmp = v(0);
tv(0) = tmp*(*this)(0,0);
tv(1) = tmp*(*this)(1,0);
tv(2) = tmp*(*this)(2,0);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols-1; ++i) {
T tmp = v(i);
tv(0) += tmp*(*this)(0,i);
tv(1) += tmp*(*this)(1,i);
tv(2) += tmp*(*this)(2,i);
return tv;
/// Return an all zero matrix
static SGMatrix zeros(void)
{ return SGMatrix(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
/// Return a unit matrix
static SGMatrix unit(void)
{ return SGMatrix(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); }
/// Required to make that alias safe.
union Data {
T flat[16];
T carray[4][4];
/// The actual data, the matrix is stored in column major order,
/// that matches the storage format of OpenGL
Data _data;
/// Class to distinguish between a matrix and the matrix with a transposed
/// rotational part and a negated translational part
template<typename T>
struct TransNegRef {
TransNegRef(const SGMatrix<T>& _m) : m(_m) {}
const SGMatrix<T>& m;
/// Unary +, do nothing ...
template<typename T>
const SGMatrix<T>&
operator+(const SGMatrix<T>& m)
{ return m; }
/// Unary -, do nearly nothing
template<typename T>
operator-(const SGMatrix<T>& m)
SGMatrix<T> ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nEnts; ++i)
ret[i] = -m[i];
return ret;
/// Binary +
template<typename T>
operator+(const SGMatrix<T>& m1, const SGMatrix<T>& m2)
SGMatrix<T> ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nEnts; ++i)
ret[i] = m1[i] + m2[i];
return ret;
/// Binary -
template<typename T>
operator-(const SGMatrix<T>& m1, const SGMatrix<T>& m2)
SGMatrix<T> ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nEnts; ++i)
ret[i] = m1[i] - m2[i];
return ret;
/// Scalar multiplication
template<typename S, typename T>
operator*(S s, const SGMatrix<T>& m)
SGMatrix<T> ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nEnts; ++i)
ret[i] = s*m[i];
return ret;
/// Scalar multiplication
template<typename S, typename T>
operator*(const SGMatrix<T>& m, S s)
SGMatrix<T> ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nEnts; ++i)
ret[i] = s*m[i];
return ret;
/// Vector multiplication
template<typename T>
operator*(const SGMatrix<T>& m, const SGVec4<T>& v)
SGVec4<T> mv;
T tmp = v(0);
mv(0) = tmp*m(0,0);
mv(1) = tmp*m(1,0);
mv(2) = tmp*m(2,0);
mv(3) = tmp*m(3,0);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols; ++i) {
T tmp = v(i);
mv(0) += tmp*m(0,i);
mv(1) += tmp*m(1,i);
mv(2) += tmp*m(2,i);
mv(3) += tmp*m(3,i);
return mv;
/// Vector multiplication
template<typename T>
operator*(const TransNegRef<T>& tm, const SGVec4<T>& v)
const SGMatrix<T>& m = tm.m;
SGVec4<T> mv;
SGVec3<T> v2;
T tmp = v(3);
mv(0) = v2(0) = -tmp*m(0,3);
mv(1) = v2(1) = -tmp*m(1,3);
mv(2) = v2(2) = -tmp*m(2,3);
mv(3) = tmp*m(3,3);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols - 1; ++i) {
T tmp = v(i) + v2(i);
mv(0) += tmp*m(i,0);
mv(1) += tmp*m(i,1);
mv(2) += tmp*m(i,2);
mv(3) += tmp*m(3,i);
return mv;
/// Matrix multiplication
template<typename T>
operator*(const SGMatrix<T>& m1, const SGMatrix<T>& m2)
SGMatrix<T> m;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < SGMatrix<T>::nCols; ++j) {
T tmp = m2(0,j);
m(0,j) = tmp*m1(0,0);
m(1,j) = tmp*m1(1,0);
m(2,j) = tmp*m1(2,0);
m(3,j) = tmp*m1(3,0);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols; ++i) {
T tmp = m2(i,j);
m(0,j) += tmp*m1(0,i);
m(1,j) += tmp*m1(1,i);
m(2,j) += tmp*m1(2,i);
m(3,j) += tmp*m1(3,i);
return m;
/// Inplace matrix multiplication, post multiply
template<typename T>
SGMatrix<T>::operator*=(const SGMatrix<T>& m2)
{ (*this) = operator*(*this, m2); return *this; }
/// Return a reference to the matrix typed to make sure we use the transposed
/// negated matrix
template<typename T>
transNeg(const SGMatrix<T>& m)
{ return TransNegRef<T>(m); }
/// Compute the inverse if the matrix src. Store the result in dst.
/// Return if the matrix is nonsingular. If it is singular dst contains
/// undefined values
template<typename T>
invert(SGMatrix<T>& dst, const SGMatrix<T>& src)
// Do a LU decomposition with row pivoting and solve into dst
SGMatrix<T> tmp = src;
dst = SGMatrix<T>::unit();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
T val = tmp(i,i);
unsigned ind = i;
// Find the row with the maximum value in the i-th colum
for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < 4; ++j) {
if (fabs(tmp(j, i)) > fabs(val)) {
ind = j;
val = tmp(j, i);
// Do row pivoting
if (ind != i) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
T t;
t = dst(i,j); dst(i,j) = dst(ind,j); dst(ind,j) = t;
t = tmp(i,j); tmp(i,j) = tmp(ind,j); tmp(ind,j) = t;
// Check for singularity
if (fabs(val) <= SGLimits<T>::min())
return false;
T ival = 1/val;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
tmp(i,j) *= ival;
dst(i,j) *= ival;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
if (j == i)
val = tmp(j,i);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
tmp(j,k) -= tmp(i,k) * val;
dst(j,k) -= dst(i,k) * val;
return true;
/// The 1-norm of the matrix, this is the largest column sum of
/// the absolute values of A.
template<typename T>
norm1(const SGMatrix<T>& m)
T nrm = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nRows; ++i) {
T sum = fabs(m(i, 0)) + fabs(m(i, 1)) + fabs(m(i, 2)) + fabs(m(i, 3));
if (nrm < sum)
nrm = sum;
return nrm;
/// The inf-norm of the matrix, this is the largest row sum of
/// the absolute values of A.
template<typename T>
normInf(const SGMatrix<T>& m)
T nrm = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nCols; ++i) {
T sum = fabs(m(0, i)) + fabs(m(1, i)) + fabs(m(2, i)) + fabs(m(3, i));
if (nrm < sum)
nrm = sum;
return nrm;
/// Return true if exactly the same
template<typename T>
operator==(const SGMatrix<T>& m1, const SGMatrix<T>& m2)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nEnts; ++i)
if (m1[i] != m2[i])
return false;
return true;
/// Return true if not exactly the same
template<typename T>
operator!=(const SGMatrix<T>& m1, const SGMatrix<T>& m2)
{ return ! (m1 == m2); }
/// Return true if equal to the relative tolerance tol
template<typename T>
equivalent(const SGMatrix<T>& m1, const SGMatrix<T>& m2, T rtol, T atol)
{ return norm1(m1 - m2) < rtol*(norm1(m1) + norm1(m2)) + atol; }
/// Return true if equal to the relative tolerance tol
template<typename T>
equivalent(const SGMatrix<T>& m1, const SGMatrix<T>& m2, T rtol)
{ return norm1(m1 - m2) < rtol*(norm1(m1) + norm1(m2)); }
/// Return true if about equal to roundoff of the underlying type
template<typename T>
equivalent(const SGMatrix<T>& m1, const SGMatrix<T>& m2)
T tol = 100*SGLimits<T>::epsilon();
return equivalent(m1, m2, tol, tol);
#ifndef NDEBUG
template<typename T>
isNaN(const SGMatrix<T>& m)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SGMatrix<T>::nEnts; ++i) {
if (SGMisc<T>::isNaN(m[i]))
return true;
return false;
/// Output to an ostream
template<typename char_type, typename traits_type, typename T>
std::basic_ostream<char_type, traits_type>&
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char_type, traits_type>& s, const SGMatrix<T>& m)
s << "[ " << m(0,0) << ", " << m(0,1) << ", " << m(0,2) << ", " << m(0,3) << "\n";
s << " " << m(1,0) << ", " << m(1,1) << ", " << m(1,2) << ", " << m(1,3) << "\n";
s << " " << m(2,0) << ", " << m(2,1) << ", " << m(2,2) << ", " << m(2,3) << "\n";
s << " " << m(3,0) << ", " << m(3,1) << ", " << m(3,2) << ", " << m(3,3) << " ]";
return s;
toMatrixf(const SGMatrixd& m)
return SGMatrixf((float)m(0,0), (float)m(0,1), (float)m(0,2), (float)m(0,3),
(float)m(1,0), (float)m(1,1), (float)m(1,2), (float)m(1,3),
(float)m(2,0), (float)m(2,1), (float)m(2,2), (float)m(2,3),
(float)m(3,0), (float)m(3,1), (float)m(3,2), (float)m(3,3));
toMatrixd(const SGMatrixf& m)
return SGMatrixd(m(0,0), m(0,1), m(0,2), m(0,3),
m(1,0), m(1,1), m(1,2), m(1,3),
m(2,0), m(2,1), m(2,2), m(2,3),
m(3,0), m(3,1), m(3,2), m(3,3));