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commit 77da29b4f7

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simgear/sky \
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@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
// sky.hxx -- ssg based sky model
* \file sky.hxx
* Provides a class to model a realistic (time/date/position) based sky.
// Written by Curtis Olson, started December 1997.
// SSG-ified by Curtis Olson, February 2000.
@ -52,6 +55,131 @@ typedef vector < SGCloudLayer* > layer_list_type;
typedef layer_list_type::iterator layer_list_iterator;
typedef layer_list_type::const_iterator layer_list_const_iterator;
* A class to model a realistic (time/date/position) based sky.
* Introduction
* The SGSky class models a blended sky dome, a haloed sun, a textured
* moon with phase that properly matches the date, stars and planets,
* and cloud layers. SGSky is designed to be dropped into existing
* plib based applications and depends heavily on plib's scene graph
* library, ssg. The sky implements various time of day lighting
* effects, it plays well with fog and visibility effects, and
* implements scudded cloud fly-through effects. Additionally, you can
* wire in the output of the SGEphemeris class to accurately position
* all the objects in the sky.
* Building the sky
* Once you have created an instance of SGSky you must call the
* build() method. Building the sky requires several textures. So,
* you must specify the path/directory where these textures reside
* before building the sky. You do this first by calling the
* texture_path() method.
* The arguments you pass to the build() method allow you to specify
* the size of your sun sphere and moon sphere, a number of planets,
* and a multitude of stars. For the planets and stars you pass in an
* array of right ascensions, declinations, magnitudes, and the
* distance from the view point.
* Cloud Layers
* Cloud layers can be added, changed, or removed individually. To add
* a cloud layer use the add_cloud_layer() method. The arguments
* allow you to specify base height above sea level, layer thickness,
* a transition zone for entering/leaving the cloud layer, the size of
* the cloud object, and the type of cloud texture. All distances are
* in meters. There are additional forms of this method that allow you
* to specify your own ssgSimpleState or texture name for drawing the
* cloud layer.
* Repainting the Sky
* As the sun circles the globe, you can call the repaint() method to
* recolor the sky objects to simulate sunrise and sunset effects,
* visibility, and other lighting changes. The arguments allow you to
* specify a base sky color (for the top of the dome), a fog color
* (for the horizon), the sun angle with the horizon (for
* sunrise/sunset effects), the moon angle (so we can make it more
* yellow at the horizon), and new star and planet data so that we can
* optionally change the magnitude of these (for day / night
* transitions.)
* Positioning Sky Objects
* As time progresses and as you move across the surface of the earth,
* the apparent position of the objects and the various lighting
* effects can change. the reposition() method allows you to specify
* the positions of all the sky objects as well as your view position.
* The arguments allow you to specify your view position in world
* Cartesian coordinates, the zero elevation position in world
* Cartesian coordinates (your longitude, your latitude, sea level),
* the ``up'' vector in world Cartesian coordinates, current
* longitude, latitude, and altitude. A ``spin'' angle can be
* specified for orienting the sky with the sun position so sunset and
* sunrise effects look correct. You must specify GMT side real time,
* the sun right ascension, sun declination, and sun distance from
* view point (to keep it inside your view volume.) You also must
* specify moon right ascension, moon declination, and moon distance
* from view point.
* Rendering the Sky
* The sky is designed to be rendered in two stages. The first stage
* renders the parts that form your back drop - the sky dome, the
* stars and planets, the sun, and the moon. These should be rendered
* before the rest of your scene by calling the preDraw() method. The
* second stage renders the clouds which are likely to be translucent
* (depending on type) and should be drawn after your scene has been
* rendered. Use the postDraw() method to draw the second stage of
* the sky.
* A typical application might do the following:
* <li> thesky->preDraw();
* <li> ssgCullAndDraw ( myscene ) ;
* <li> thesky->postDraw( my_altitude );
* The current altitude in meters is passed to the postDraw() method
* so the clouds layers can be rendered correction from most distant
* to closest.
* Visibility Effects
* Visibility and fog is important for correctly rendering the
* sky. You can inform SGSky of the current visibility by calling the
* set_visibility() method.
* When transitioning through clouds, it is nice to pull in the fog as
* you get close to the cloud layer to hide the fact that the clouds
* are drawn as a flat polygon. As you get nearer to the cloud layer
* it is also nice to temporarily pull in the visibility to simulate
* the effects of flying in and out of the puffy edge of the
* cloud. These effects can all be accomplished by calling the
* modify_vis() method. The arguments allow you to specify your
* current altitude (which is then compared to the altitudes of the
* various cloud layers.) You can also specify a time factor which
* should be the length in seconds since the last time you called
* modify_vis(). The time_factor value allows the puffy cloud effect
* to be calculated correctly.
* The modify_vis() method alters the SGSky's internal idea of
* visibility, so you should subsequently call get_visibility() to get
* the actual modified visibility. You should then make the
* appropriate glFog() calls to setup fog properly for your scene.
* Accessor Methods
* Once an instance of SGSky has been successfully initialized, there
* are a couple accessor methods you can use such as get_num_layers()
* to return the number of cloud layers, get_cloud_layer(i) to return
* cloud layer number i, get_visibility() to return the actual
* visibility as modified by the sky/cloud model.
class SGSky {
@ -86,90 +214,197 @@ private:
// Constructor
/** Constructor */
SGSky( void );
// Destructor
/** Destructor */
~SGSky( void );
// initialize the sky and connect the components to the scene
// graph at the provided branch
* Initialize the sky and connect the components to the scene
* graph at the provided branch. See discussion in detailed class
* description.
* @param sun_size size of sun
* @param moon_size size of moon
* @param nplanets number of planets
* @param planet_data an array of planet right ascensions, declinations,
* and magnitudes
* @param planet_dist distance from viewer to put the planets
* @param nstars number of stars
* @param star_data an array of star right ascensions, declinations,
* and magnitudes
* @param star_dist distance from viewer to put the stars */
void build( double sun_size, double moon_size,
int nplanets, sgdVec3 *planet_data, double planet_dist,
int nstars, sgdVec3 *star_data, double star_dist );
// repaint the sky components based on current value of sun_angle,
// sky, and fog colors.
// sun angle in degrees relative to verticle
// 0 degrees = high noon
// 90 degrees = sun rise/set
// 180 degrees = darkest midnight
* Repaint the sky components based on current value of sun_angle,
* sky, and fog colors. You can also specify new star and planet
* data so that we can optionally change the magnitude of these
* (for day/night transitions.) See discussion in detailed
* class description.
* Sun and moon angles are specified in degrees relative to local up
* <li> 0 degrees = high noon
* <li> 90 degrees = sun rise/set
* <li> 180 degrees = darkest midnight
* @param sky_color the base sky color (for the top of the dome)
* @param fog_color the fog color (for the horizon)
* @param sun_angle the sun angle with the horizon (for sunrise/sunset
* effects)
* @param moon_angle the moon angle (so we can make it more yellow
* at the horizon)
* @param nplanets number of planets
* @param planet_data an array of planet right ascensions, declinations,
* and magnitudes
* @param nstars number of stars
* @param star_data an array of star right ascensions, declinations,
* and magnitudes
bool repaint( sgVec4 sky_color, sgVec4 fog_color,
double sun_angle, double moon_angle,
int nplanets, sgdVec3 *planet_data,
int nstars, sgdVec3 *star_data );
// reposition the sky at the specified origin and orientation
// lon specifies a rotation about the Z axis
// lat specifies a rotation about the new Y axis
// spin specifies a rotation about the new Z axis (this allows
// additional orientation for the sunrise/set effects and is used
// by the skydome and perhaps clouds.
* Reposition the sky at the specified origin and orientation
* lon specifies a rotation about the Z axis
* lat specifies a rotation about the new Y axis
* spin specifies a rotation about the new Z axis (this allows
* additional orientation for the sunrise/set effects and is used
* by the skydome and perhaps clouds. See discussion in detailed
* class description.
* @param view_pos specify your view position in world Cartesian
* coordinates
* @param zero_elev the zero elevation position in world Cartesian
* coordinates
* @param view_up the up vector in world Cartesian coordinates
* @param lon current longitude
* @param lat current latitude
* @param alt current altitude
* @param spin an offset angle for orienting the sky effects with the
* sun position so sunset and sunrise effects look correct.
* @param gst GMT side real time
* @param sun_ra the sun's current right ascension
* @param sun_dec the sun's current declination
* @param sun_dist the sun's distance from the current view point
* (to keep it inside your view volume.)
* @param moon_ra the moon's current right ascension
* @param moon_dec the moon's current declination
* @param moon_dist the moon's distance from the current view point.
bool reposition( sgVec3 view_pos, sgVec3 zero_elev, sgVec3 view_up,
double lon, double lat, double alt, double spin,
double gst,
double sun_ra, double sun_dec, double sun_dist,
double moon_ra, double moon_dec, double moon_dist );
// modify the given visibility based on cloud layers, thickness,
// transition range, and simulated "puffs".
* Modify the given visibility based on cloud layers, thickness,
* transition range, and simulated "puffs". See discussion in detailed
* class description.
* @param alt current altitude
* @param time_factor amount of time since modify_vis() last called so
* we can scale effect rates properly despite variable frame rates.
void modify_vis( float alt, float time_factor );
// draw background portions of the sky ... do this before you draw
// the rest of your scene.
* Draw background portions of the sky ... do this before you draw
* the rest of your scene. See discussion in detailed
* class description.
void preDraw();
// draw translucent clouds ... do this after you've drawn all the
// oapaque elements of your scene.
* Draw translucent clouds ... do this after you've drawn all the
* oapaque elements of your scene. See discussion in detailed
* class description.
* @param alt current altitude
void postDraw( float alt );
// specify the texture path (optional, defaults to current directory)
* Specify the texture path (optional, defaults to current directory)
* @param path base path to texture locations
inline void texture_path( const string& path ) {
tex_path = SGPath( path );
// enable the sky
/** Enable drawing of the sky. */
inline void enable() {
pre_selector->select( 1 );
post_selector->select( 1 );
// disable the sky in the scene graph. The leaf node is still
// there, how ever it won't be traversed on by ssgCullandRender()
* Disable drawing of the sky in the scene graph. The leaf node is still
* there, how ever it won't be traversed on by ssgCullandRender()
inline void disable() {
pre_selector->select( 0 );
post_selector->select( 0 );
// add a cloud layer (above sea level in meters)
* Add a cloud layer (distances in meters).
* @param asl cloud base height above sea level
* @param thickness cloud layer thickness
* @param transition thickness of transition layer from 100% out of
* cloud to 100% in cloud. Used for scudded clouds effect.
* @param span horizontal size of cloud object
* @param type type of cloud (chosen from available cloud types)
void add_cloud_layer( double asl, double thickness,
double transition, double span,
SGCloudType type );
* Add a cloud layer (distances in meters).
* @param asl cloud base height above sea level
* @param thickness cloud layer thickness
* @param transition thickness of transition layer from 100% out of
* cloud to 100% in cloud. Used for scudded clouds effect.
* @param span horizontal size of cloud object
* @param tex_path file name of a cloud texture
void add_cloud_layer( double asl, double thickness,
double transition, double span,
const string &tex_path );
* Add a cloud layer (distances in meters).
* @param asl cloud base height above sea level
* @param thickness cloud layer thickness
* @param transition thickness of transition layer from 100% out of
* cloud to 100% in cloud. Used for scudded clouds effect.
* @param span horizontal size of cloud object
* @param state pointer to an existing ssgSimpleState
void add_cloud_layer( double asl, double thickness,
double transition, double span,
ssgSimpleState *state );
/** @return number of cloud layers */
inline int get_num_layers() const { return cloud_layers.size(); }
* Get a cloud layer
* @param i which cloud layer
* @return cloud layer number i */
inline SGCloudLayer *get_cloud_layer( int i ) const {
return cloud_layers[i];
/** @return current effective visibility */
inline float get_visibility() const { return effective_visibility; }
/** Set desired clear air visibility.
* @param v visibility in meters
inline void set_visibility( float v ) {
effective_visibility = visibility = v;

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
// sg_time.hxx -- data structures and routines for managing time related stuff.
* \file sg_time.hxx
* Data structures and routines for managing time related values.
// Written by Curtis Olson, started August 1997.
// Copyright (C) 1997 Curtis L. Olson -
@ -46,7 +49,10 @@
#include <simgear/timing/timezone.h>
// Define a structure containing time parameters
* A class to calculate and manage a variety of time parameters.
class SGTime {
@ -84,12 +90,33 @@ private:
/** Default constructor */
* Create an instance based on a specified position and data file path.
* @param lon current longitude
* @param lat current latitude
* @param root root path point to data file location (timezone, etc.)
SGTime( double lon, double lat, const string& root );
* Create an instance given a data file path
* @param root root path point to data file location (timezone, etc.)
SGTime( const string& root );
/** Destructor */
// Update the time related variables
* Update the time related variables.
* @param lon current longitude
* @param lat current latitude
* @param warp an optional time offset specified in seconds. This
* allows us to advance or rewind "time" if we choose to.
void update( double lon, double lat, long int warp = 0 );
// Given lon/lat, update timezone information and local_offset
