323 lines
9.0 KiB
323 lines
9.0 KiB
This is a decoder of ABS-D date from Mode-S receiver. The inputs
of most functions are the Hexdecial strings.
Created by : Junzi Sun (TU Delft)
Date : March 2015
import math
0x3935ea, 0x1c9af5, 0xf1b77e, 0x78dbbf,
0xc397db, 0x9e31e9, 0xb0e2f0, 0x587178,
0x2c38bc, 0x161c5e, 0x0b0e2f, 0xfa7d13,
0x82c48d, 0xbe9842, 0x5f4c21, 0xd05c14,
0x682e0a, 0x341705, 0xe5f186, 0x72f8c3,
0xc68665, 0x9cb936, 0x4e5c9b, 0xd8d449,
0x939020, 0x49c810, 0x24e408, 0x127204,
0x093902, 0x049c81, 0xfdb444, 0x7eda22,
0x3f6d11, 0xe04c8c, 0x702646, 0x381323,
0xe3f395, 0x8e03ce, 0x4701e7, 0xdc7af7,
0x91c77f, 0xb719bb, 0xa476d9, 0xadc168,
0x56e0b4, 0x2b705a, 0x15b82d, 0xf52612,
0x7a9309, 0xc2b380, 0x6159c0, 0x30ace0,
0x185670, 0x0c2b38, 0x06159c, 0x030ace,
0x018567, 0xff38b7, 0x80665f, 0xbfc92b,
0xa01e91, 0xaff54c, 0x57faa6, 0x2bfd53,
0xea04ad, 0x8af852, 0x457c29, 0xdd4410,
0x6ea208, 0x375104, 0x1ba882, 0x0dd441,
0xf91024, 0x7c8812, 0x3e4409, 0xe0d800,
0x706c00, 0x383600, 0x1c1b00, 0x0e0d80,
0x0706c0, 0x038360, 0x01c1b0, 0x00e0d8,
0x00706c, 0x003836, 0x001c1b, 0xfff409,
0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000
def hex2bin(hexstr):
"""Convert a hexdecimal string to binary string, with zero fillings. """
length = len(hexstr) * 4
msgbin = bin(int(hexstr, 16))[2:]
while ((len(msgbin)) < length):
msgbin = '0' + msgbin
return msgbin
def bin2int(binstr):
return int(binstr, 2)
def hex2int(hexstr):
return int(hexstr, 16)
def checksum(msg):
if len(msg) == 28:
offset = 0
elif len(msg) == 14:
offset = 112-56
# raise exception
return False
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
checksum = int(msg[22:28], 16)
crc = 0
for i in xrange(len(msgbin)):
if int(msgbin[i]):
crc ^= MODES_CHECKSUM_TABLE[i+offset]
if crc == checksum:
return True
return False
def get_df(msg):
"""Decode Downlink Format vaule, bits 1 to 5."""
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
return bin2int(msgbin[0: 5])
def get_ca(msg):
"""Decode CA vaule, bits: 6 to 8."""
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
return bin2int(msgbin[5:8])
def get_icao_addr(msg):
"""Get the ICAO 24 bits address, bytes 3 to 8. """
return msg[2:8]
def get_tc(msg):
"""Get Type Code, bits 33 to 37 """
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
return bin2int(msgbin[32:37])
def get_oe_flag(msg):
"""Check the odd/even flag. Bit 54, 0 for even, 1 for odd."""
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
return msgbin[53]
def get_alt(msg):
"""Calculate the altitude from the message. Bit 41 to 52, Q-bit at 48"""
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
q = msgbin[47]
if q:
n = bin2int(msgbin[40:47]+msgbin[48:52])
alt = n * 25 - 1000
return alt
return None
def get_cprlat(msg):
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
return bin2int(msgbin[54:71])
def get_cprlon(msg):
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
return bin2int(msgbin[71:88])
def get_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1):
cprlat0 = get_cprlat(msg0)
cprlat1 = get_cprlat(msg1)
cprlon0 = get_cprlon(msg0)
cprlon1 = get_cprlon(msg1)
return cpr2position(cprlat0, cprlat1, cprlon0, cprlon1, t0, t1)
def cpr2position(cprlat0, cprlat1, cprlon0, cprlon1, t0, t1):
This algorithm comes from:
131072 is 2^17 since CPR latitude and longitude are encoded in 17 bits.
cprlat_even = cprlat0 / 131072.0
cprlat_odd = cprlat1 / 131072.0
cprlon_even = cprlon0 / 131072.0
cprlon_odd = cprlon1 / 131072.0
air_d_lat_even = 360.0 / 60
air_d_lat_odd = 360.0 / 59
# compute latitude index 'j'
j = int(math.floor(59 * cprlat_even - 60 * cprlat_odd + 0.5))
lat_even = float(air_d_lat_even * (j % 60 + cprlat_even))
lat_odd = float(air_d_lat_odd * (j % 59 + cprlat_odd))
if lat_even >= 270:
lat_even = lat_even - 360
if lat_odd >= 270:
lat_odd = lat_odd - 360
# check if both are in the same latidude zone, exit if not
if cprNL(lat_even) != cprNL(lat_odd):
return None
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
if (t0 > t1):
ni = cprN(lat_even, 0)
m = math.floor(cprlon_even * (cprNL(lat_even)-1)
- cprlon_odd * cprNL(lat_even) + 0.5)
lon = (360.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lat = lat_even
ni = cprN(lat_odd, 1)
m = math.floor(cprlon_even * (cprNL(lat_odd)-1)
- cprlon_odd * cprNL(lat_odd) + 0.5)
lon = (360.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
lat = lat_odd
if lon > 180:
lon = lon - 360
return [lat, lon]
def get_speed_heading(msg):
"""Calculate the speed and heading."""
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
v_ew_dir = bin2int(msgbin[45])
v_ew = bin2int(msgbin[46:56]) # east-west velocity
v_ns_dir = bin2int(msgbin[56])
v_ns = bin2int(msgbin[57:67]) # north-south velocity
v_ew = -1*v_ew if v_ew_dir else v_ew
v_ns = -1*v_ns if v_ns_dir else v_ns
# vr = bin2int(msgbin[68:77]) # vertical rate
# vr_dir = bin2int(msgbin[77])
speed = math.sqrt(v_ns*v_ns + v_ew*v_ew) # unit in kts
heading = math.atan2(v_ew, v_ns)
heading = heading * 360.0 / (2 * math.pi) # convert to degrees
heading = heading if heading >= 0 else heading + 360 # no negative val
return [speed, heading]
def get_callsign(msg):
"""Decode aircraft identification, aka. Callsign"""
chars = '#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#####_###############0123456789######'
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
csbin = msgbin[40:96]
cs = ''
cs += chars[bin2int(csbin[0:6])]
cs += chars[bin2int(csbin[6:12])]
cs += chars[bin2int(csbin[12:18])]
cs += chars[bin2int(csbin[18:24])]
cs += chars[bin2int(csbin[24:30])]
cs += chars[bin2int(csbin[30:36])]
cs += chars[bin2int(csbin[36:42])]
cs += chars[bin2int(csbin[42:48])]
# clean string, remove spaces and marks, if any.
# cs = cs.replace('_', '')
cs = cs.replace('#', '')
return cs
def cprN(lat, is_odd):
nl = cprNL(lat) - is_odd
return nl if nl > 1 else 1
def cprNL(lat):
nz = 60
a = 1 - math.cos(math.pi * 2 / nz)
b = math.cos(math.pi / 180.0 * abs(lat)) ** 2
nl = 2 * math.pi / (math.acos(1 - a/b))
return int(nl)
# happens when latitude is +/-90 degree
return 1
def cprNL_lookup(lat):
Lookup table to convert the latitude to index.
Slightly faster than calculation.
if lat < 0 : lat = -lat # Table is simmetric about the equator.
if lat < 10.47047130 : return 59
if lat < 14.82817437 : return 58
if lat < 18.18626357 : return 57
if lat < 21.02939493 : return 56
if lat < 23.54504487 : return 55
if lat < 25.82924707 : return 54
if lat < 27.93898710 : return 53
if lat < 29.91135686 : return 52
if lat < 31.77209708 : return 51
if lat < 33.53993436 : return 50
if lat < 35.22899598 : return 49
if lat < 36.85025108 : return 48
if lat < 38.41241892 : return 47
if lat < 39.92256684 : return 46
if lat < 41.38651832 : return 45
if lat < 42.80914012 : return 44
if lat < 44.19454951 : return 43
if lat < 45.54626723 : return 42
if lat < 46.86733252 : return 41
if lat < 48.16039128 : return 40
if lat < 49.42776439 : return 39
if lat < 50.67150166 : return 38
if lat < 51.89342469 : return 37
if lat < 53.09516153 : return 36
if lat < 54.27817472 : return 35
if lat < 55.44378444 : return 34
if lat < 56.59318756 : return 33
if lat < 57.72747354 : return 32
if lat < 58.84763776 : return 31
if lat < 59.95459277 : return 30
if lat < 61.04917774 : return 29
if lat < 62.13216659 : return 28
if lat < 63.20427479 : return 27
if lat < 64.26616523 : return 26
if lat < 65.31845310 : return 25
if lat < 66.36171008 : return 24
if lat < 67.39646774 : return 23
if lat < 68.42322022 : return 22
if lat < 69.44242631 : return 21
if lat < 70.45451075 : return 20
if lat < 71.45986473 : return 19
if lat < 72.45884545 : return 18
if lat < 73.45177442 : return 17
if lat < 74.43893416 : return 16
if lat < 75.42056257 : return 15
if lat < 76.39684391 : return 14
if lat < 77.36789461 : return 13
if lat < 78.33374083 : return 12
if lat < 79.29428225 : return 11
if lat < 80.24923213 : return 10
if lat < 81.19801349 : return 9
if lat < 82.13956981 : return 8
if lat < 83.07199445 : return 7
if lat < 83.99173563 : return 6
if lat < 84.89166191 : return 5
if lat < 85.75541621 : return 4
if lat < 86.53536998 : return 3
if lat < 87.00000000 : return 2
else : return 1