Compare commits
No commits in common. "master" and "pr_readme" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
branch = True
include = */pyModeS/*
omit = *tests*
exclude_lines =
coverage: ignore
raise NotImplementedError
ignore_errors = True
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "pip"
directory: "/"
interval: "monthly"
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "monthly"
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
name: build and publish
types: [created]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build and publish to pypi
uses: JRubics/poetry-publish@v2.0
poetry_version: "==1.8.2"
pypi_token: ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN_PYMODES }}
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
name: tests
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
python-version: ["3.9", "3.10", "3.11", "3.12"]
PYTHON_VERSION: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
# virtualenv cache should depends on OS, Python version and `poetry.lock` (and optionally workflow files).
- name: Cache Packages
uses: actions/cache@v4
if: ${{ !startsWith(runner.os, 'windows') }}
path: |
key: poetry-${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/poetry.lock') }}
- name: Add poetry to windows path
if: "startsWith(runner.os, 'windows')"
run: |
echo "C:\Users\runneradmin\.local\bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- name: Install and configure Poetry
uses: snok/install-poetry@v1.4.0
version: ${{ env.POETRY_VERSION }}
virtualenvs-create: true
virtualenvs-in-project: true
- name: Display Python version
run: poetry run python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
poetry install
- name: Type checking
run: |
poetry run mypy pyModeS
- name: Run tests
run: |
poetry run pytest tests --cov --cov-report term-missing
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ __pycache__/
# C extensions
# C extensions
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The Python ADS-B/Mode-S Decoder
The Python ADS-B/Mode-S Decoder
PyModeS is a Python library designed to decode Mode-S (including ADS-B) messages. It can be imported to your python project or used as a standalone tool to view and save live traffic data.
PyModeS is a Python library designed to decode Mode-S (including ADS-B) message. It can be imported to your python project or used as a standalone tool to view and save live traffic data.
This is a project created by Junzi Sun, who works at `TU Delft <>`_, `Aerospace Engineering Faculty <>`_, `CNS/ATM research group <>`_. It is supported by many `contributors <>`_ from different institutions.
This is a project created by Junzi Sun, who works at `TU Delft <>`_, `Aerospace Engineering Faculty <>`_, `CNS/ATM research group <>`_. It is supported by many `contributors <>`_ from different institutions.
@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ If you want to make use of the (faster) c module, install ``pyModeS`` as follows
# conda (compiled) version
# conda (compiled) version
conda install -c conda-forge pymodes
conda install -c conda-forge pymodes
# stable version
# stable version (to be compiled on your side)
pip install pyModeS
pip install pyModeS[fast]
# development version
# development version
git clone
git clone
cd pyModeS
cd pyModeS
poetry install -E rtlsdr
pip install .[fast]
View live traffic (modeslive)
View live traffic (modeslive)
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
import os
import shutil
import sys
# import pip
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from setuptools import Distribution, Extension
from setuptools.command import build_ext
def build() -> None:
compile_args = []
if sys.platform == "linux":
compile_args += ["-Wno-pointer-sign", "-Wno-unused-variable"]
extensions = [
# Extension(
# "pyModeS.extra.demod2400.core",
# [
# "pyModeS/extra/demod2400/core.pyx",
# "pyModeS/extra/demod2400/demod2400.c",
# ],
# extra_compile_args=compile_args,
# include_dirs=["pyModeS/extra/demod2400"],
# libraries=["m"],
# ),
ext_modules = cythonize(
compiler_directives={"binding": True, "language_level": 3},
distribution = Distribution({"name": "extended", "ext_modules": ext_modules})
distribution.package_dir = "extended" # type: ignore
cmd = build_ext.build_ext(distribution)
cmd.verbose = True # type: ignore
cmd.ensure_finalized() # type: ignore
# Copy built extensions back to the project
for output in cmd.get_output_mapping():
relative_extension = os.path.relpath(output, cmd.build_lib)
shutil.copyfile(output, relative_extension)
mode = os.stat(relative_extension).st_mode
mode |= (mode & 0o444) >> 2
os.chmod(relative_extension, mode)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,881 +0,0 @@
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{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:702855feff378050ae4f741045e19a32d57d19f3e0676d589df0575008ea5004"},
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{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:9c56863d44bd1c4fe2abb8a4d6f5371d197f1ac0ebdee542f07f35895fc07f36"},
{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp39-cp39-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:6e2cd258d7d927d09493c8df1ce9174ad01b381d4729a9d8d4e38670ca24774c"},
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{file = "coverage-7.6.1-pp38.pp39.pp310-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:e9a6e0eb86070e8ccaedfbd9d38fec54864f3125ab95419970575b42af7541df"},
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version = "1.2.2"
description = "Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups)"
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files = [
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{file = "exceptiongroup-1.2.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:47c2edf7c6738fafb49fd34290706d1a1a2f4d1c6df275526b62cbb4aa5393cc"},
test = ["pytest (>=6)"]
name = "flake8"
version = "7.1.1"
description = "the modular source code checker: pep8 pyflakes and co"
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python-versions = ">=3.8.1"
files = [
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{file = "flake8-7.1.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:049d058491e228e03e67b390f311bbf88fce2dbaa8fa673e7aea87b7198b8d38"},
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pyflakes = ">=3.2.0,<3.3.0"
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description = "brain-dead simple config-ini parsing"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
{file = "iniconfig-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b6a85871a79d2e3b22d2d1b94ac2824226a63c6b741c88f7ae975f18b6778374"},
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version = "5.13.2"
description = "A Python utility / library to sort Python imports."
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python-versions = ">=3.8.0"
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{file = "numpy-2.0.1-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:81b0893a39bc5b865b8bf89e9ad7807e16717f19868e9d234bdaf9b1f1393868"},
{file = "numpy-2.0.1-cp311-cp311-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:75b4e316c5902d8163ef9d423b1c3f2f6252226d1aa5cd8a0a03a7d01ffc6268"},
{file = "numpy-2.0.1-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:6e4eeb6eb2fced786e32e6d8df9e755ce5be920d17f7ce00bc38fcde8ccdbf9e"},
{file = "numpy-2.0.1-cp311-cp311-macosx_14_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:a1e01dcaab205fbece13c1410253a9eea1b1c9b61d237b6fa59bcc46e8e89343"},
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{file = "numpy-2.0.1-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:15eb4eca47d36ec3f78cde0a3a2ee24cf05ca7396ef808dda2c0ddad7c2bde67"},
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{file = "numpy-2.0.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:8fae4ebbf95a179c1156fab0b142b74e4ba4204c87bde8d3d8b6f9c34c5825ef"},
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{file = "numpy-2.0.1-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:24a0e1befbfa14615b49ba9659d3d8818a0f4d8a1c5822af8696706fbda7310c"},
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{file = "pyzmq-26.2.0-pp38-pypy38_pp73-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:226af7dcb51fdb0109f0016449b357e182ea0ceb6b47dfb5999d569e5db161d5"},
{file = "pyzmq-26.2.0-pp38-pypy38_pp73-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:0bed0e799e6120b9c32756203fb9dfe8ca2fb8467fed830c34c877e25638c3fc"},
{file = "pyzmq-26.2.0-pp38-pypy38_pp73-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:29c7947c594e105cb9e6c466bace8532dc1ca02d498684128b339799f5248277"},
{file = "pyzmq-26.2.0-pp39-pypy39_pp73-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:cdeabcff45d1c219636ee2e54d852262e5c2e085d6cb476d938aee8d921356b3"},
{file = "pyzmq-26.2.0-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:35cffef589bcdc587d06f9149f8d5e9e8859920a071df5a2671de2213bef592a"},
{file = "pyzmq-26.2.0-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:18c8dc3b7468d8b4bdf60ce9d7141897da103c7a4690157b32b60acb45e333e6"},
{file = "pyzmq-26.2.0-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:7133d0a1677aec369d67dd78520d3fa96dd7f3dcec99d66c1762870e5ea1a50a"},
{file = "pyzmq-26.2.0-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:6a96179a24b14fa6428cbfc08641c779a53f8fcec43644030328f44034c7f1f4"},
{file = "pyzmq-26.2.0-pp39-pypy39_pp73-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:4f78c88905461a9203eac9faac157a2a0dbba84a0fd09fd29315db27be40af9f"},
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{file = "requests-2.32.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:55365417734eb18255590a9ff9eb97e9e1da868d4ccd6402399eaf68af20a760"},
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use-chardet-on-py3 = ["chardet (>=3.0.2,<6)"]
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version = "2.0.1"
description = "A lil' TOML parser"
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python-versions = ">=3.7"
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{file = "tomli-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:939de3e7a6161af0c887ef91b7d41a53e7c5a1ca976325f429cb46ea9bc30ecc"},
{file = "tomli-2.0.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:de526c12914f0c550d15924c62d72abc48d6fe7364aa87328337a31007fe8a4f"},
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version = "4.12.2"
description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.8+"
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{file = "typing_extensions-4.12.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1a7ead55c7e559dd4dee8856e3a88b41225abfe1ce8df57b7c13915fe121ffb8"},
name = "urllib3"
version = "2.2.2"
description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more."
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
{file = "urllib3-2.2.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:a448b2f64d686155468037e1ace9f2d2199776e17f0a46610480d311f73e3472"},
{file = "urllib3-2.2.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:dd505485549a7a552833da5e6063639d0d177c04f23bc3864e41e5dc5f612168"},
brotli = ["brotli (>=1.0.9)", "brotlicffi (>=0.8.0)"]
h2 = ["h2 (>=4,<5)"]
socks = ["pysocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7,<2.0)"]
zstd = ["zstandard (>=0.18.0)"]
rtlsdr = ["pyrtlsdr"]
lock-version = "2.0"
python-versions = ">=3.9"
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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import warnings
from . import c_common as common
from . import c_common as common
from .c_common import *
from .c_common import *
except Exception:
from . import py_common as common # type: ignore
from . import py_common as common
from .py_common import * # type: ignore
from .py_common import *
from .decoder import tell
from .decoder import tell
from .decoder import adsb
from .decoder import adsb
@ -17,18 +17,6 @@ from .decoder import bds
from .extra import aero
from .extra import aero
from .extra import tcpclient
from .extra import tcpclient
__all__ = [
warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
def hex2bin(hexstr: str) -> str: ...
def bin2int(binstr: str) -> int: ...
def hex2int(hexstr: str) -> int: ...
def bin2hex(binstr: str) -> str: ...
def df(msg: str) -> int: ...
def crc(msg: str, encode: bool = False) -> int: ...
def floor(x: float) -> float: ...
def icao(msg: str) -> str: ...
def is_icao_assigned(icao: str) -> bool: ...
def typecode(msg: str) -> int: ...
def cprNL(lat: float) -> int: ...
def idcode(msg: str) -> str: ...
def squawk(binstr: str) -> str: ...
def altcode(msg: str) -> int: ...
def altitude(binstr: str) -> int: ...
def data(msg: str) -> str: ...
def allzeros(msg: str) -> bool: ...
def wrongstatus(data: str, sb: int, msb: int, lsb: int) -> bool: ...
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ cdef unsigned char int_to_char(unsigned char i):
cpdef str hex2bin(str hexstr):
cpdef str hex2bin(str hexstr):
"""Convert a hexadecimal string to binary string, with zero fillings."""
"""Convert a hexdecimal string to binary string, with zero fillings."""
# num_of_bits = len(hexstr) * 4
# num_of_bits = len(hexstr) * 4
cdef hexbytes = bytes(hexstr.encode())
cdef hexbytes = bytes(hexstr.encode())
cdef Py_ssize_t len_hexstr = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(hexbytes)
cdef Py_ssize_t len_hexstr = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(hexbytes)
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ cpdef str bin2hex(str binstr):
cpdef unsigned char df(str msg):
cpdef unsigned char df(str msg):
"""Decode Downlink Format value, bits 1 to 5."""
"""Decode Downlink Format vaule, bits 1 to 5."""
cdef str dfbin = hex2bin(msg[:2])
cdef str dfbin = hex2bin(msg[:2])
# return min(bin2int(dfbin[0:5]), 24)
# return min(bin2int(dfbin[0:5]), 24)
cdef long df = bin2int(dfbin[0:5])
cdef long df = bin2int(dfbin[0:5])
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ cpdef int cprNL(double lat):
cdef int nz = 15
cdef int nz = 15
cdef double a = 1 - cos(pi / (2 * nz))
cdef double a = 1 - cos(pi / (2 * nz))
cdef double b = cos(pi / 180 * fabs(lat)) ** 2
cdef double b = cos(pi / 180.0 * fabs(lat)) ** 2
cdef double nl = 2 * pi / (acos(1 - a / b))
cdef double nl = 2 * pi / (acos(1 - a / b))
NL = floor(nl)
NL = floor(nl)
return NL
return NL
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ cpdef int altitude(str binstr):
if bin2int(binstr) == 0:
if bin2int(binstr) == 0:
# altitude unknown or invalid
# altitude unknown or invalid
alt = -999999
alt = -9999
elif Mbit == 48: # unit in ft, "0" -> 48
elif Mbit == 48: # unit in ft, "0" -> 48
if Qbit == 49: # 25ft interval, "1" -> 49
if Qbit == 49: # 25ft interval, "1" -> 49
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
from typing import Optional
def hex2bin(hexstr: str) -> str: ...
def bin2int(binstr: str) -> int: ...
def hex2int(hexstr: str) -> int: ...
def bin2hex(binstr: str) -> str: ...
def df(msg: str) -> int: ...
def crc(msg: str, encode: bool = False) -> int: ...
def floor(x: float) -> float: ...
def icao(msg: str) -> Optional[str]: ...
def is_icao_assigned(icao: str) -> bool: ...
def typecode(msg: str) -> Optional[int]: ...
def cprNL(lat: float) -> int: ...
def idcode(msg: str) -> str: ...
def squawk(binstr: str) -> str: ...
def altcode(msg: str) -> Optional[int]: ...
def altitude(binstr: str) -> Optional[int]: ...
def gray2alt(binstr: str) -> Optional[int]: ...
def gray2int(binstr: str) -> int: ...
def data(msg: str) -> str: ...
def allzeros(msg: str) -> bool: ...
def wrongstatus(data: str, sb: int, msb: int, lsb: int) -> bool: ...
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
def tell(msg: str) -> None:
def tell(msg: str) -> None:
from .. import common, adsb, commb, bds
from pyModeS import common, adsb, commb, bds
def _print(label, value, unit=None):
def _print(label, value, unit=None):
print("%28s: " % label, end="")
print("%20s: " % label, end="")
print("%s " % value, end="")
print("%s " % value, end="")
if unit:
if unit:
@ -20,14 +20,9 @@ def tell(msg: str) -> None:
_print("Protocol", "Mode-S Extended Squitter (ADS-B)")
_print("Protocol", "Mode-S Extended Squitter (ADS-B)")
tc = common.typecode(msg)
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None:
_print("ERROR", "Unknown typecode")
if 1 <= tc <= 4: # callsign
if 1 <= tc <= 4: # callsign
callsign = adsb.callsign(msg)
callsign = adsb.callsign(msg)
_print("Type", "Identification and category")
_print("Type", "Identitification and category")
_print("Callsign:", callsign)
_print("Callsign:", callsign)
if 5 <= tc <= 8: # surface position
if 5 <= tc <= 8: # surface position
@ -57,9 +52,7 @@ def tell(msg: str) -> None:
if tc == 19:
if tc == 19:
_print("Type", "Airborne velocity")
_print("Type", "Airborne velocity")
velocity = adsb.velocity(msg)
spd, trk, vr, t = adsb.velocity(msg)
if velocity is not None:
spd, trk, vr, t = velocity
types = {"GS": "Ground speed", "TAS": "True airspeed"}
types = {"GS": "Ground speed", "TAS": "True airspeed"}
_print("Speed", spd, "knots")
_print("Speed", spd, "knots")
_print("Track", trk, "degrees")
_print("Track", trk, "degrees")
@ -78,94 +71,6 @@ def tell(msg: str) -> None:
_print("CPR Longitude", cprlon)
_print("CPR Longitude", cprlon)
_print("Altitude", alt, "feet")
_print("Altitude", alt, "feet")
if tc == 29: # target state and status
_print("Type", "Target State and Status")
subtype = common.bin2int((common.hex2bin(msg)[32:])[5:7])
_print("Subtype", subtype)
tcas_operational = adsb.tcas_operational(msg)
types_29 = {0: "Not Engaged", 1: "Engaged"}
tcas_operational_types = {0: "Not Operational", 1: "Operational"}
if subtype == 0:
emergency_types = {
0: "No emergency",
1: "General emergency",
2: "Lifeguard/medical emergency",
3: "Minimum fuel",
4: "No communications",
5: "Unlawful interference",
6: "Downed aircraft",
7: "Reserved",
vertical_horizontal_types = {
1: "Acquiring mode",
2: "Capturing/Maintaining mode",
tcas_ra_types = {0: "Not active", 1: "Active"}
alt, alt_source, alt_ref = adsb.target_altitude(msg)
angle, angle_type, angle_source = adsb.target_angle(msg)
vertical_mode = adsb.vertical_mode(msg)
horizontal_mode = adsb.horizontal_mode(msg)
tcas_ra = adsb.tcas_ra(msg)
emergency_status = adsb.emergency_status(msg)
_print("Target altitude", alt, "feet")
_print("Altitude source", alt_source)
_print("Altitude reference", alt_ref)
_print("Angle", angle, "°")
_print("Angle Type", angle_type)
_print("Angle Source", angle_source)
if vertical_mode is not None:
"Vertical mode",
if horizontal_mode is not None:
"Horizontal mode",
if tcas_operational
else None,
_print("TCAS/ACAS RA", tcas_ra_types[tcas_ra])
_print("Emergency status", emergency_types[emergency_status])
alt, alt_source = adsb.selected_altitude(msg) # type: ignore
baro = adsb.baro_pressure_setting(msg)
hdg = adsb.selected_heading(msg)
autopilot = adsb.autopilot(msg)
vnav = adsb.vnav_mode(msg)
alt_hold = adsb.altitude_hold_mode(msg)
app = adsb.approach_mode(msg)
lnav = adsb.lnav_mode(msg)
_print("Selected altitude", alt, "feet")
_print("Altitude source", alt_source)
"Barometric pressure setting",
"" if baro is None else "millibars",
_print("Selected Heading", hdg, "°")
if not (common.bin2int((common.hex2bin(msg)[32:])[46]) == 0):
"Autopilot", types_29[autopilot] if autopilot else None
_print("VNAV mode", types_29[vnav] if vnav else None)
"Altitude hold mode",
types_29[alt_hold] if alt_hold else None,
_print("Approach mode", types_29[app] if app else None)
if tcas_operational
else None,
_print("LNAV mode", types_29[lnav] if lnav else None)
if df == 20:
if df == 20:
_print("Protocol", "Mode-S Comm-B altitude reply")
_print("Protocol", "Mode-S Comm-B altitude reply")
_print("Altitude", common.altcode(msg), "feet")
_print("Altitude", common.altcode(msg), "feet")
@ -189,7 +94,7 @@ def tell(msg: str) -> None:
BDS = bds.infer(msg, mrar=True)
BDS = bds.infer(msg, mrar=True)
if BDS is not None and BDS in labels.keys():
if BDS in labels.keys():
_print("BDS", "%s (%s)" % (BDS, labels[BDS]))
_print("BDS", "%s (%s)" % (BDS, labels[BDS]))
_print("BDS", BDS)
_print("BDS", BDS)
@ -211,7 +116,7 @@ def tell(msg: str) -> None:
_print("True airspeed", commb.tas50(msg), "knots")
_print("True airspeed", commb.tas50(msg), "knots")
if BDS == "BDS60":
if BDS == "BDS60":
_print("Magnetic Heading", commb.hdg60(msg), "degrees")
_print("Megnatic Heading", commb.hdg60(msg), "degrees")
_print("Indicated airspeed", commb.ias60(msg), "knots")
_print("Indicated airspeed", commb.ias60(msg), "knots")
_print("Mach number", commb.mach60(msg))
_print("Mach number", commb.mach60(msg))
_print("Vertical rate (Baro)", commb.vr60baro(msg), "feet/minute")
_print("Vertical rate (Baro)", commb.vr60baro(msg), "feet/minute")
@ -2,121 +2,48 @@
The ADS-B module also imports functions from the following modules:
The ADS-B module also imports functions from the following modules:
- bds05: ``airborne_position()``, ``airborne_position_with_ref()``,
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds05: ``airborne_position()``, ``airborne_position_with_ref()``, ``altitude()``
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds06: ``surface_position()``, ``surface_position_with_ref()``, ``surface_velocity()``
- bds06: ``surface_position()``, ``surface_position_with_ref()``,
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds08: ``category()``, ``callsign()``
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds09: ``airborne_velocity()``, ``altitude_diff()``
- bds08: ``category()``, ``callsign()``
- bds09: ``airborne_velocity()``, ``altitude_diff()``
from __future__ import annotations
import pyModeS as pms
from datetime import datetime
from pyModeS import common
from .. import common
from pyModeS.decoder import uncertainty
from . import uncertainty
from .bds.bds05 import airborne_position, airborne_position_with_ref
# from pyModeS.decoder.bds import bds05, bds06, bds09
from .bds.bds05 import altitude as altitude05
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds05 import (
from .bds.bds06 import (
altitude as altitude05,
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds06 import (
from .bds.bds08 import callsign, category
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds08 import category, callsign
from .bds.bds09 import airborne_velocity, altitude_diff
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds09 import airborne_velocity, altitude_diff
from .bds.bds61 import emergency_squawk, emergency_state, is_emergency
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds61 import is_emergency, emergency_state, emergency_squawk
from .bds.bds62 import (
__all__ = [
def df(msg: str) -> int:
def df(msg):
return common.df(msg)
return common.df(msg)
def icao(msg: str) -> None | str:
def icao(msg):
return common.icao(msg)
return common.icao(msg)
def typecode(msg: str) -> None | int:
def typecode(msg):
return common.typecode(msg)
return common.typecode(msg)
def position(
def position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1, lat_ref=None, lon_ref=None):
msg0: str,
msg1: str,
t0: int | datetime,
t1: int | datetime,
lat_ref: None | float = None,
lon_ref: None | float = None,
) -> None | tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode surface or airborne position from a pair of even and odd
"""Decode surface or airborne position from a pair of even and odd
position messages.
position messages.
@ -138,9 +65,6 @@ def position(
tc0 = typecode(msg0)
tc0 = typecode(msg0)
tc1 = typecode(msg1)
tc1 = typecode(msg1)
if tc0 is None or tc1 is None:
raise RuntimeError("Incorrect or inconsistent message types")
if 5 <= tc0 <= 8 and 5 <= tc1 <= 8:
if 5 <= tc0 <= 8 and 5 <= tc1 <= 8:
if lat_ref is None or lon_ref is None:
if lat_ref is None or lon_ref is None:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError(
@ -162,13 +86,13 @@ def position(
raise RuntimeError("Incorrect or inconsistent message types")
raise RuntimeError("Incorrect or inconsistent message types")
def position_with_ref(msg: str, lat_ref: float, lon_ref: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
def position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref):
"""Decode position with only one message.
"""Decode position with only one message.
A reference position is required, which can be previously
A reference position is required, which can be previously
calculated location, ground station, or airport location.
calculated location, ground station, or airport location.
The function works with both airborne and surface position messages.
The function works with both airborne and surface position messages.
The reference position shall be within 180NM (airborne) or 45NM (surface)
The reference position shall be with in 180NM (airborne) or 45NM (surface)
of the true position.
of the true position.
@ -182,9 +106,6 @@ def position_with_ref(msg: str, lat_ref: float, lon_ref: float) -> tuple[float,
tc = typecode(msg)
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None:
raise RuntimeError("incorrect or inconsistent message types")
if 5 <= tc <= 8:
if 5 <= tc <= 8:
return surface_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
return surface_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
@ -195,7 +116,7 @@ def position_with_ref(msg: str, lat_ref: float, lon_ref: float) -> tuple[float,
raise RuntimeError("incorrect or inconsistent message types")
raise RuntimeError("incorrect or inconsistent message types")
def altitude(msg: str) -> None | float:
def altitude(msg):
"""Decode aircraft altitude.
"""Decode aircraft altitude.
@ -207,7 +128,7 @@ def altitude(msg: str) -> None | float:
tc = typecode(msg)
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc == 19 or tc > 22:
if tc < 5 or tc == 19 or tc > 22:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a position message" % msg)
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a position message" % msg)
elif tc >= 5 and tc <= 8:
elif tc >= 5 and tc <= 8:
@ -219,47 +140,39 @@ def altitude(msg: str) -> None | float:
return altitude05(msg)
return altitude05(msg)
def velocity(
def velocity(msg, source=False):
msg: str, source: bool = False
"""Calculate the speed, heading, and vertical rate (handles both airborne or surface message).
) -> None | tuple[None | float, None | float, None | int, str]:
"""Calculate the speed, heading, and vertical rate
(handles both airborne or surface message).
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
source (boolean): Include direction and vertical rate sources in return.
source (boolean): Include direction and vertical rate sources in return. Default to False.
Default to False.
If set to True, the function will return six value instead of four.
If set to True, the function will return six value instead of four.
int, float, int, string, [string], [string]:
int, float, int, string, [string], [string]: Four or six parameters, including:
- Speed (kt)
- Speed (kt)
- Angle (degree), either ground track or heading
- Angle (degree), either ground track or heading
- Vertical rate (ft/min)
- Vertical rate (ft/min)
- Speed type ('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
- Speed type ('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
- [Optional] Direction source ('TRUE_NORTH' or 'MAGNETIC_NORTH')
- [Optional] Direction source ('TRUE_NORTH' or 'MAGENTIC_NORTH')
- [Optional] Vertical rate source ('BARO' or 'GNSS')
- [Optional] Vertical rate source ('BARO' or 'GNSS')
For surface messages, vertical rate and its respective sources are set
For surface messages, vertical rate and its respective sources are set to None.
to None.
tc = typecode(msg)
if 5 <= typecode(msg) <= 8:
error = "incorrect or inconsistent message types, expecting 4<TC<9 or TC=19"
if tc is None:
raise RuntimeError(error)
if 5 <= tc <= 8:
return surface_velocity(msg, source)
return surface_velocity(msg, source)
elif tc == 19:
elif typecode(msg) == 19:
return airborne_velocity(msg, source)
return airborne_velocity(msg, source)
raise RuntimeError(error)
raise RuntimeError(
"incorrect or inconsistent message types, expecting 4<TC<9 or TC=19"
def speed_heading(msg: str) -> None | tuple[None | float, None | float]:
def speed_heading(msg):
"""Get speed and ground track (or heading) from the velocity message
"""Get speed and ground track (or heading) from the velocity message
(handles both airborne or surface message)
(handles both airborne or surface message)
@ -269,14 +182,11 @@ def speed_heading(msg: str) -> None | tuple[None | float, None | float]:
(int, float): speed (kt), ground track or heading (degree)
(int, float): speed (kt), ground track or heading (degree)
decoded = velocity(msg)
spd, trk_or_hdg, rocd, tag = velocity(msg)
if decoded is None:
return None
spd, trk_or_hdg, rocd, tag = decoded
return spd, trk_or_hdg
return spd, trk_or_hdg
def oe_flag(msg: str) -> int:
def oe_flag(msg):
"""Check the odd/even flag. Bit 54, 0 for even, 1 for odd.
"""Check the odd/even flag. Bit 54, 0 for even, 1 for odd.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
@ -287,7 +197,7 @@ def oe_flag(msg: str) -> int:
return int(msgbin[53])
return int(msgbin[53])
def version(msg: str) -> int:
def version(msg):
"""ADS-B Version
"""ADS-B Version
@ -309,15 +219,13 @@ def version(msg: str) -> int:
return version
return version
def nuc_p(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | int, None | int]:
def nuc_p(msg):
"""Calculate NUCp, Navigation Uncertainty Category - Position
"""Calculate NUCp, Navigation Uncertainty Category - Position (ADS-B version 1)
(ADS-B version 1)
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string,
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string,
int: NUCp, Navigation Uncertainty Category (position)
int: Horizontal Protection Limit
int: Horizontal Protection Limit
int: 95% Containment Radius - Horizontal (meters)
int: 95% Containment Radius - Horizontal (meters)
int: 95% Containment Radius - Vertical (meters)
int: 95% Containment Radius - Vertical (meters)
@ -325,7 +233,7 @@ def nuc_p(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | int, None | int]:
tc = typecode(msg)
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc is None or tc > 22:
if typecode(msg) < 5 or typecode(msg) > 22:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a surface position message (5<TC<8), \
"%s: Not a surface position message (5<TC<8), \
airborne position message (8<TC<19), \
airborne position message (8<TC<19), \
@ -333,36 +241,27 @@ def nuc_p(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | int, None | int]:
% msg
% msg
NUCp = uncertainty.TC_NUCp_lookup[tc]
NUCp = uncertainty.TC_NUCp_lookup[tc]
index = uncertainty.NUCp.get(NUCp, None)
HPL = uncertainty.NUCp[NUCp]["HPL"]
RCu = uncertainty.NUCp[NUCp]["RCu"]
if index is not None:
RCv = uncertainty.NUCp[NUCp]["RCv"]
HPL = index["HPL"]
except KeyError:
RCu = index["RCu"]
RCv = index["RCv"]
HPL, RCu, RCv = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
HPL, RCu, RCv = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
if tc in [20, 21]:
RCv = uncertainty.NA
RCv = uncertainty.NA
# RCv only available for GNSS height
return HPL, RCu, RCv
if tc == 20:
RCv = 4
elif tc == 21:
RCv = 15
return NUCp, HPL, RCu, RCv
def nuc_v(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | float]:
def nuc_v(msg):
"""Calculate NUCv, Navigation Uncertainty Category - Velocity
"""Calculate NUCv, Navigation Uncertainty Category - Velocity (ADS-B version 1)
(ADS-B version 1)
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string,
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string,
int: NUCv, Navigation Uncertainty Category (velocity)
int or string: 95% Horizontal Velocity Error
int or string: 95% Horizontal Velocity Error
int or string: 95% Vertical Velocity Error
int or string: 95% Vertical Velocity Error
@ -375,18 +274,17 @@ def nuc_v(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | float]:
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
NUCv = common.bin2int(msgbin[42:45])
NUCv = common.bin2int(msgbin[42:45])
index = uncertainty.NUCv.get(NUCv, None)
if index is not None:
HVE = index["HVE"]
HVE = uncertainty.NUCv[NUCv]["HVE"]
VVE = index["VVE"]
VVE = uncertainty.NUCv[NUCv]["VVE"]
except KeyError:
HVE, VVE = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
HVE, VVE = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
return NUCv, HVE, VVE
return HVE, VVE
def nic_v1(msg: str, NICs: int) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | float]:
def nic_v1(msg, NICs):
"""Calculate NIC, navigation integrity category, for ADS-B version 1
"""Calculate NIC, navigation integrity category, for ADS-B version 1
@ -394,12 +292,10 @@ def nic_v1(msg: str, NICs: int) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | float]:
NICs (int or string): NIC supplement
NICs (int or string): NIC supplement
int: NIC, Navigation Integrity Category
int or string: Horizontal Radius of Containment
int or string: Horizontal Radius of Containment
int or string: Vertical Protection Limit
int or string: Vertical Protection Limit
tc = typecode(msg)
if typecode(msg) < 5 or typecode(msg) > 22:
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc > 22:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a surface position message (5<TC<8), \
"%s: Not a surface position message (5<TC<8), \
airborne position message (8<TC<19), \
airborne position message (8<TC<19), \
@ -407,37 +303,33 @@ def nic_v1(msg: str, NICs: int) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | float]:
% msg
% msg
tc = typecode(msg)
NIC = uncertainty.TC_NICv1_lookup[tc]
NIC = uncertainty.TC_NICv1_lookup[tc]
if isinstance(NIC, dict):
if isinstance(NIC, dict):
d_index = uncertainty.NICv1.get(NIC, None)
Rc = uncertainty.NICv1[NIC][NICs]["Rc"]
VPL = uncertainty.NICv1[NIC][NICs]["VPL"]
except KeyError:
Rc, VPL = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
Rc, VPL = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
if d_index is not None:
return Rc, VPL
index = d_index.get(NICs, None)
if index is not None:
Rc = index["Rc"]
VPL = index["VPL"]
return NIC, Rc, VPL
def nic_v2(msg: str, NICa: int, NICbc: int) -> tuple[int | None, int | None]:
def nic_v2(msg, NICa, NICbc):
"""Calculate NIC, navigation integrity category, for ADS-B version 2
"""Calculate NIC, navigation integrity category, for ADS-B version 2
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
NICa (int or string): NIC supplement - A
NICa (int or string): NIC supplement - A
NICbc (int or string): NIC supplement - B or C
NICbc (int or srting): NIC supplement - B or C
int: NIC, Navigation Integrity Category
int or string: Horizontal Radius of Containment
int or string: Horizontal Radius of Containment
tc = typecode(msg)
if typecode(msg) < 5 or typecode(msg) > 22:
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc > 22:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a surface position message (5<TC<8), \
"%s: Not a surface position message (5<TC<8), \
airborne position message (8<TC<19), \
airborne position message (8<TC<19), \
@ -445,6 +337,7 @@ def nic_v2(msg: str, NICa: int, NICbc: int) -> tuple[int | None, int | None]:
% msg
% msg
tc = typecode(msg)
NIC = uncertainty.TC_NICv2_lookup[tc]
NIC = uncertainty.TC_NICv2_lookup[tc]
if 20 <= tc <= 22:
if 20 <= tc <= 22:
@ -455,14 +348,15 @@ def nic_v2(msg: str, NICa: int, NICbc: int) -> tuple[int | None, int | None]:
if isinstance(NIC, dict):
if isinstance(NIC, dict):
Rc = uncertainty.NICv2[NIC][NICs]["Rc"]
Rc = uncertainty.NICv2[NIC][NICs]["Rc"]
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
return None, None
Rc = uncertainty.NA
return NIC, Rc # type: ignore
return Rc
def nic_s(msg: str) -> int:
def nic_s(msg):
"""Obtain NIC supplement bit, TC=31 message
"""Obtain NIC supplement bit, TC=31 message
@ -484,7 +378,7 @@ def nic_s(msg: str) -> int:
return nic_s
return nic_s
def nic_a_c(msg: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
def nic_a_c(msg):
"""Obtain NICa/c, navigation integrity category supplements a and c
"""Obtain NICa/c, navigation integrity category supplements a and c
@ -507,7 +401,7 @@ def nic_a_c(msg: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
return nic_a, nic_c
return nic_a, nic_c
def nic_b(msg: str) -> int:
def nic_b(msg):
"""Obtain NICb, navigation integrity category supplement-b
"""Obtain NICb, navigation integrity category supplement-b
@ -518,7 +412,7 @@ def nic_b(msg: str) -> int:
tc = typecode(msg)
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 9 or tc > 18:
if tc < 9 or tc > 18:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a airborne position message, expecting 8<TC<19" % msg
"%s: Not a airborne position message, expecting 8<TC<19" % msg
@ -529,18 +423,15 @@ def nic_b(msg: str) -> int:
return nic_b
return nic_b
def nac_p(msg: str) -> tuple[int, int | None, int | None]:
def nac_p(msg):
"""Calculate NACp, Navigation Accuracy Category - Position
"""Calculate NACp, Navigation Accuracy Category - Position
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string, TC = 29 or 31
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string, TC = 29 or 31
int: NACp, Navigation Accuracy Category (position)
int or string: 95% horizontal accuracy bounds, Estimated Position Uncertainty
int or string: 95% horizontal accuracy bounds,
int or string: 95% vertical accuracy bounds, Vertical Estimated Position Uncertainty
Estimated Position Uncertainty
int or string: 95% vertical accuracy bounds,
Vertical Estimated Position Uncertainty
tc = typecode(msg)
tc = typecode(msg)
@ -564,21 +455,18 @@ def nac_p(msg: str) -> tuple[int, int | None, int | None]:
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
EPU, VEPU = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
EPU, VEPU = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
return NACp, EPU, VEPU
return EPU, VEPU
def nac_v(msg: str) -> tuple[int, float | None, float | None]:
def nac_v(msg):
"""Calculate NACv, Navigation Accuracy Category - Velocity
"""Calculate NACv, Navigation Accuracy Category - Velocity
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string, TC = 19
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string, TC = 19
int: NACv, Navigation Accuracy Category (velocity)
int or string: 95% horizontal accuracy bounds for velocity, Horizontal Figure of Merit
int or string: 95% horizontal accuracy bounds for velocity,
int or string: 95% vertical accuracy bounds for velocity, Vertical Figure of Merit
Horizontal Figure of Merit
int or string: 95% vertical accuracy bounds for velocity,
Vertical Figure of Merit
tc = typecode(msg)
tc = typecode(msg)
@ -596,23 +484,18 @@ def nac_v(msg: str) -> tuple[int, float | None, float | None]:
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
HFOMr, VFOMr = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
HFOMr, VFOMr = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
return NACv, HFOMr, VFOMr
return HFOMr, VFOMr
def sil(
def sil(msg, version):
msg: str,
version: None | int,
) -> tuple[float | None, float | None, str]:
"""Calculate SIL, Surveillance Integrity Level
"""Calculate SIL, Surveillance Integrity Level
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string with TC = 29, 31
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string with TC = 29, 31
int or string:
int or string: Probability of exceeding Horizontal Radius of Containment RCu
Probability of exceeding Horizontal Radius of Containment RCu
int or string: Probability of exceeding Vertical Integrity Containment Region VPL
int or string:
Probability of exceeding Vertical Integrity Containment Region VPL
string: SIL supplement based on per "hour" or "sample", or 'unknown'
string: SIL supplement based on per "hour" or "sample", or 'unknown'
tc = typecode(msg)
tc = typecode(msg)
@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
Decode all-call reply messages, with downlink format 11
Decode all-call reply messages, with dowlink format 11
from pyModeS import common
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, TypeVar
from .. import common
T = TypeVar("T")
F = Callable[[str], T]
def _checkdf(func: F[T]) -> F[T]:
def _checkdf(func):
"""Ensure downlink format is 11."""
"""Ensure downlink format is 11."""
def wrapper(msg: str) -> T:
def wrapper(msg):
df = common.df(msg)
df = common.df(msg)
if df != 11:
if df != 11:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError(
@ -28,7 +20,7 @@ def _checkdf(func: F[T]) -> F[T]:
def icao(msg: str) -> None | str:
def icao(msg):
"""Decode transponder code (ICAO address).
"""Decode transponder code (ICAO address).
@ -41,7 +33,7 @@ def icao(msg: str) -> None | str:
def interrogator(msg: str) -> str:
def interrogator(msg):
"""Decode interrogator identifier code.
"""Decode interrogator identifier code.
@ -50,20 +42,19 @@ def interrogator(msg: str) -> str:
int: interrogator identifier code
int: interrogator identifier code
# the CRC remainder contains the CL and IC field.
# the CRC remainder contains the CL and IC field. top three bits are CL field and last four bits are IC field.
# the top three bits are CL field and last four bits are IC field.
remainder = common.crc(msg)
remainder = common.crc(msg)
if remainder > 79:
if remainder > 79:
IC = "corrupt IC"
IC = "corrupt IC"
elif remainder < 16:
elif remainder < 16:
IC = "II" + str(remainder)
IC = "SI" + str(remainder - 16)
return IC
return IC
def capability(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | str]:
def capability(msg):
"""Decode transponder capability.
"""Decode transponder capability.
@ -82,16 +73,9 @@ def capability(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | str]:
elif ca == 5:
elif ca == 5:
text = "level 2 transponder, ability to set CA to 7, airborne"
text = "level 2 transponder, ability to set CA to 7, airborne"
elif ca == 6:
elif ca == 6:
text = (
text = "evel 2 transponder, ability to set CA to 7, either airborne or ground"
"evel 2 transponder, ability to set CA to 7, "
"either airborne or ground"
elif ca == 7:
elif ca == 7:
text = (
text = "Downlink Request value is 0,or the Flight Status is 2, 3, 4 or 5, either airborne or on the ground"
"Downlink Request value is not 0, "
"or the Flight Status is 2, 3, 4 or 5, "
"and either airborne or on the ground"
text = None
text = None
@ -18,13 +18,16 @@
Common functions for Mode-S decoding
Common functions for Mode-S decoding
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
from ... import common
from pyModeS.extra import aero
from ...extra import aero
from pyModeS import common
from . import ( # noqa: F401
from pyModeS.decoder.bds import (
@ -33,15 +36,12 @@ from . import ( # noqa: F401
def is50or60(
def is50or60(msg, spd_ref, trk_ref, alt_ref):
msg: str, spd_ref: float, trk_ref: float, alt_ref: float
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Use reference ground speed and trk to determine BDS50 and DBS60.
"""Use reference ground speed and trk to determine BDS50 and DBS60.
@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ def is50or60(
alt_ref (float): reference altitude (ADS-B altitude), ft
alt_ref (float): reference altitude (ADS-B altitude), ft
String or None: BDS version, or possible versions,
String or None: BDS version, or possible versions, or None if nothing matches.
or None if nothing matches.
@ -114,17 +113,15 @@ def is50or60(
return BDS
return BDS
def infer(msg: str, mrar: bool = False) -> Optional[str]:
def infer(msg, mrar=False):
"""Estimate the most likely BDS code of an message.
"""Estimate the most likely BDS code of an message.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
mrar (bool): Also infer MRAR (BDS 44) and MHR (BDS 45).
mrar (bool): Also infer MRAR (BDS 44) and MHR (BDS 45). Defaults to False.
Defaults to False.
String or None: BDS version, or possible versions,
String or None: BDS version, or possible versions, or None if nothing matches.
or None if nothing matches.
df = common.df(msg)
df = common.df(msg)
@ -135,8 +132,6 @@ def infer(msg: str, mrar: bool = False) -> Optional[str]:
# For ADS-B / Mode-S extended squitter
# For ADS-B / Mode-S extended squitter
if df == 17:
if df == 17:
tc = common.typecode(msg)
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None:
return None
if 1 <= tc <= 4:
if 1 <= tc <= 4:
return "BDS08" # identification and category
return "BDS08" # identification and category
@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 0,5
# BDS 0,5
# ADS-B TC=9-18
# ADS-B TC=9-18
# Airborne position
# Airborn position
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
from pyModeS import common
from datetime import datetime
from ... import common
def airborne_position(
def airborne_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1):
msg0: str, msg1: str, t0: int | datetime, t1: int | datetime
"""Decode airborn position from a pair of even and odd position message
) -> None | tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode airborne position from a pair of even and odd position message
msg0 (string): even message (28 hexdigits)
msg0 (string): even message (28 hexdigits)
@ -40,13 +34,13 @@ def airborne_position(
raise RuntimeError("Both even and odd CPR frames are required.")
raise RuntimeError("Both even and odd CPR frames are required.")
# 131072 is 2^17, since CPR lat and lon are 17 bits each.
# 131072 is 2^17, since CPR lat and lon are 17 bits each.
cprlat_even = common.bin2int(mb0[22:39]) / 131072
cprlat_even = common.bin2int(mb0[22:39]) / 131072.0
cprlon_even = common.bin2int(mb0[39:56]) / 131072
cprlon_even = common.bin2int(mb0[39:56]) / 131072.0
cprlat_odd = common.bin2int(mb1[22:39]) / 131072
cprlat_odd = common.bin2int(mb1[22:39]) / 131072.0
cprlon_odd = common.bin2int(mb1[39:56]) / 131072
cprlon_odd = common.bin2int(mb1[39:56]) / 131072.0
air_d_lat_even = 360 / 60
air_d_lat_even = 360.0 / 60
air_d_lat_odd = 360 / 59
air_d_lat_odd = 360.0 / 59
# compute latitude index 'j'
# compute latitude index 'j'
j = common.floor(59 * cprlat_even - 60 * cprlat_odd + 0.5)
j = common.floor(59 * cprlat_even - 60 * cprlat_odd + 0.5)
@ -65,33 +59,30 @@ def airborne_position(
return None
return None
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
# (people pass int+int or datetime+datetime)
if t0 > t1:
if t0 > t1: # type: ignore
lat = lat_even
lat = lat_even
nl = common.cprNL(lat)
nl = common.cprNL(lat)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat) - 0, 1)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat) - 0, 1)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (360 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lon = (360.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lat = lat_odd
lat = lat_odd
nl = common.cprNL(lat)
nl = common.cprNL(lat)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat) - 1, 1)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat) - 1, 1)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (360 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
lon = (360.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
if lon > 180:
if lon > 180:
lon = lon - 360
lon = lon - 360
return lat, lon
return round(lat, 5), round(lon, 5)
def airborne_position_with_ref(
def airborne_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref):
msg: str, lat_ref: float, lon_ref: float
) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode airborne position with only one message,
"""Decode airborne position with only one message,
knowing reference nearby location, such as previously calculated location,
knowing reference nearby location, such as previously calculated location,
ground station, or airport location, etc. The reference position shall
ground station, or airport location, etc. The reference position shall
be within 180NM of the true position.
be with in 180NM of the true position.
msg (str): even message (28 hexdigits)
msg (str): even message (28 hexdigits)
@ -104,11 +95,11 @@ def airborne_position_with_ref(
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
cprlat = common.bin2int(mb[22:39]) / 131072
cprlat = common.bin2int(mb[22:39]) / 131072.0
cprlon = common.bin2int(mb[39:56]) / 131072
cprlon = common.bin2int(mb[39:56]) / 131072.0
i = int(mb[21])
i = int(mb[21])
d_lat = 360 / 59 if i else 360 / 60
d_lat = 360.0 / 59 if i else 360.0 / 60
j = common.floor(lat_ref / d_lat) + common.floor(
j = common.floor(lat_ref / d_lat) + common.floor(
0.5 + ((lat_ref % d_lat) / d_lat) - cprlat
0.5 + ((lat_ref % d_lat) / d_lat) - cprlat
@ -119,9 +110,9 @@ def airborne_position_with_ref(
ni = common.cprNL(lat) - i
ni = common.cprNL(lat) - i
if ni > 0:
if ni > 0:
d_lon = 360 / ni
d_lon = 360.0 / ni
d_lon = 360
d_lon = 360.0
m = common.floor(lon_ref / d_lon) + common.floor(
m = common.floor(lon_ref / d_lon) + common.floor(
0.5 + ((lon_ref % d_lon) / d_lon) - cprlon
0.5 + ((lon_ref % d_lon) / d_lon) - cprlon
@ -129,10 +120,10 @@ def airborne_position_with_ref(
lon = d_lon * (m + cprlon)
lon = d_lon * (m + cprlon)
return lat, lon
return round(lat, 5), round(lon, 5)
def altitude(msg: str) -> None | int:
def altitude(msg):
"""Decode aircraft altitude
"""Decode aircraft altitude
@ -144,19 +135,17 @@ def altitude(msg: str) -> None | int:
tc = common.typecode(msg)
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 9 or tc == 19 or tc > 22:
if tc < 9 or tc == 19 or tc > 22:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not an airborne position message" % msg)
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a airborn position message" % msg)
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
altbin = mb[8:20]
altbin = mb[8:20]
if tc < 19:
if tc < 19:
altcode = altbin[0:6] + "0" + altbin[6:]
altcode = altbin[0:6] + "0" + altbin[6:]
altcode = altbin[0:6] + "0" + altbin[6:]
alt = common.altitude(altcode)
alt = common.altitude(altcode)
if alt != -999999:
return alt
return alt
# return None if altitude is invalid
return None
return common.bin2int(altbin) * 3.28084 # type: ignore
@ -1,24 +1,13 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 0,6
# BDS 0,6
# ADS-B TC=5-8
# ADS-B TC=5-8
# Surface movement
# Surface movment
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
from pyModeS import common
from datetime import datetime
from ... import common
def surface_position(
def surface_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1, lat_ref, lon_ref):
msg0: str,
msg1: str,
t0: int | datetime,
t1: int | datetime,
lat_ref: float,
lon_ref: float,
) -> None | tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode surface position from a pair of even and odd position message,
"""Decode surface position from a pair of even and odd position message,
the lat/lon of receiver must be provided to yield the correct solution.
the lat/lon of receiver must be provided to yield the correct solution.
@ -38,13 +27,13 @@ def surface_position(
msgbin1 = common.hex2bin(msg1)
msgbin1 = common.hex2bin(msg1)
# 131072 is 2^17, since CPR lat and lon are 17 bits each.
# 131072 is 2^17, since CPR lat and lon are 17 bits each.
cprlat_even = common.bin2int(msgbin0[54:71]) / 131072
cprlat_even = common.bin2int(msgbin0[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon_even = common.bin2int(msgbin0[71:88]) / 131072
cprlon_even = common.bin2int(msgbin0[71:88]) / 131072.0
cprlat_odd = common.bin2int(msgbin1[54:71]) / 131072
cprlat_odd = common.bin2int(msgbin1[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon_odd = common.bin2int(msgbin1[71:88]) / 131072
cprlon_odd = common.bin2int(msgbin1[71:88]) / 131072.0
air_d_lat_even = 90 / 60
air_d_lat_even = 90.0 / 60
air_d_lat_odd = 90 / 59
air_d_lat_odd = 90.0 / 59
# compute latitude index 'j'
# compute latitude index 'j'
j = common.floor(59 * cprlat_even - 60 * cprlat_odd + 0.5)
j = common.floor(59 * cprlat_even - 60 * cprlat_odd + 0.5)
@ -54,8 +43,8 @@ def surface_position(
lat_odd_n = float(air_d_lat_odd * (j % 59 + cprlat_odd))
lat_odd_n = float(air_d_lat_odd * (j % 59 + cprlat_odd))
# solution for north hemisphere
# solution for north hemisphere
lat_even_s = lat_even_n - 90
lat_even_s = lat_even_n - 90.0
lat_odd_s = lat_odd_n - 90
lat_odd_s = lat_odd_n - 90.0
# chose which solution corrispondes to receiver location
# chose which solution corrispondes to receiver location
lat_even = lat_even_n if lat_ref > 0 else lat_even_s
lat_even = lat_even_n if lat_ref > 0 else lat_even_s
@ -66,41 +55,38 @@ def surface_position(
return None
return None
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
# (people pass int+int or datetime+datetime)
if t0 > t1:
if t0 > t1: # type: ignore
lat = lat_even
lat = lat_even
nl = common.cprNL(lat_even)
nl = common.cprNL(lat_even)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat_even) - 0, 1)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat_even) - 0, 1)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (90 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lon = (90.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lat = lat_odd
lat = lat_odd
nl = common.cprNL(lat_odd)
nl = common.cprNL(lat_odd)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat_odd) - 1, 1)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat_odd) - 1, 1)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (90 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
lon = (90.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
# four possible longitude solutions
# four possible longitude solutions
lons = [lon, lon + 90, lon + 180, lon + 270]
lons = [lon, lon + 90.0, lon + 180.0, lon + 270.0]
# make sure lons are between -180 and 180
# make sure lons are between -180 and 180
lons = [(lon + 180) % 360 - 180 for lon in lons]
lons = [(l + 180) % 360 - 180 for l in lons]
# the closest solution to receiver is the correct one
# the closest solution to receiver is the correct one
dls = [abs(lon_ref - lon) for lon in lons]
dls = [abs(lon_ref - l) for l in lons]
imin = min(range(4), key=dls.__getitem__)
imin = min(range(4), key=dls.__getitem__)
lon = lons[imin]
lon = lons[imin]
return lat, lon
return round(lat, 5), round(lon, 5)
def surface_position_with_ref(
def surface_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref):
msg: str, lat_ref: float, lon_ref: float
) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode surface position with only one message,
"""Decode surface position with only one message,
knowing reference nearby location, such as previously calculated location,
knowing reference nearby location, such as previously calculated location,
ground station, or airport location, etc. The reference position shall
ground station, or airport location, etc. The reference position shall
be within 45NM of the true position.
be with in 45NM of the true position.
msg (str): even message (28 hexdigits)
msg (str): even message (28 hexdigits)
@ -113,11 +99,11 @@ def surface_position_with_ref(
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
cprlat = common.bin2int(mb[22:39]) / 131072
cprlat = common.bin2int(mb[22:39]) / 131072.0
cprlon = common.bin2int(mb[39:56]) / 131072
cprlon = common.bin2int(mb[39:56]) / 131072.0
i = int(mb[21])
i = int(mb[21])
d_lat = 90 / 59 if i else 90 / 60
d_lat = 90.0 / 59 if i else 90.0 / 60
j = common.floor(lat_ref / d_lat) + common.floor(
j = common.floor(lat_ref / d_lat) + common.floor(
0.5 + ((lat_ref % d_lat) / d_lat) - cprlat
0.5 + ((lat_ref % d_lat) / d_lat) - cprlat
@ -128,9 +114,9 @@ def surface_position_with_ref(
ni = common.cprNL(lat) - i
ni = common.cprNL(lat) - i
if ni > 0:
if ni > 0:
d_lon = 90 / ni
d_lon = 90.0 / ni
d_lon = 90
d_lon = 90.0
m = common.floor(lon_ref / d_lon) + common.floor(
m = common.floor(lon_ref / d_lon) + common.floor(
0.5 + ((lon_ref % d_lon) / d_lon) - cprlon
0.5 + ((lon_ref % d_lon) / d_lon) - cprlon
@ -138,22 +124,19 @@ def surface_position_with_ref(
lon = d_lon * (m + cprlon)
lon = d_lon * (m + cprlon)
return lat, lon
return round(lat, 5), round(lon, 5)
def surface_velocity(
def surface_velocity(msg, source=False):
msg: str, source: bool = False
) -> tuple[None | float, None | float, int, str]:
"""Decode surface velocity from a surface position message
"""Decode surface velocity from a surface position message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
source (boolean): Include direction and vertical rate sources in return.
source (boolean): Include direction and vertical rate sources in return. Default to False.
Default to False.
If set to True, the function will return six value instead of four.
If set to True, the function will return six value instead of four.
int, float, int, string, [string], [string]:
int, float, int, string, [string], [string]: Four or six parameters, including:
- Speed (kt)
- Speed (kt)
- Angle (degree), ground track
- Angle (degree), ground track
- Vertical rate, always 0
- Vertical rate, always 0
@ -162,8 +145,7 @@ def surface_velocity(
- [Optional] Vertical rate source (None)
- [Optional] Vertical rate source (None)
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if common.typecode(msg) < 5 or common.typecode(msg) > 8:
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc > 8:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a surface message, expecting 5<TC<8" % msg)
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a surface message, expecting 5<TC<8" % msg)
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
@ -171,7 +153,8 @@ def surface_velocity(
# ground track
# ground track
trk_status = int(mb[12])
trk_status = int(mb[12])
if trk_status == 1:
if trk_status == 1:
trk = common.bin2int(mb[13:20]) * 360 / 128
trk = common.bin2int(mb[13:20]) * 360.0 / 128.0
trk = round(trk, 1)
trk = None
trk = None
@ -181,17 +164,16 @@ def surface_velocity(
if mov == 0 or mov > 124:
if mov == 0 or mov > 124:
spd = None
spd = None
elif mov == 1:
elif mov == 1:
spd = 0.0
spd = 0
elif mov == 124:
elif mov == 124:
spd = 175.0
spd = 175
mov_lb = [2, 9, 13, 39, 94, 109, 124]
mov_lb = [2, 9, 13, 39, 94, 109, 124]
kts_lb: list[float] = [0.125, 1, 2, 15, 70, 100, 175]
kts_lb = [0.125, 1, 2, 15, 70, 100, 175]
step: list[float] = [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
step = [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
i = next(m[0] for m in enumerate(mov_lb) if m[1] > mov)
i = next(m[0] for m in enumerate(mov_lb) if m[1] > mov)
spd = kts_lb[i - 1] + (mov - mov_lb[i - 1]) * step[i - 1]
spd = kts_lb[i - 1] + (mov - mov_lb[i - 1]) * step[i - 1]
if source:
if source:
return spd, trk, 0, "GS", "TRUE_NORTH", None # type: ignore
return spd, trk, 0, "GS", "TRUE_NORTH", None
return spd, trk, 0, "GS"
return spd, trk, 0, "GS"
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 0,8
# BDS 0,8
# ADS-B TC=1-4
# ADS-B TC=1-4
# Aircraft identification and category
# Aircraft identitification and category
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from ... import common
from pyModeS import common
def category(msg: str) -> int:
def category(msg):
"""Aircraft category number
"""Aircraft category number
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ def category(msg: str) -> int:
int: category number
int: category number
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if common.typecode(msg) < 1 or common.typecode(msg) > 4:
if tc is None or tc < 1 or tc > 4:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a identification message" % msg)
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a identification message" % msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ def category(msg: str) -> int:
return common.bin2int(mebin[5:8])
return common.bin2int(mebin[5:8])
def callsign(msg: str) -> str:
def callsign(msg):
"""Aircraft callsign
"""Aircraft callsign
@ -35,9 +34,8 @@ def callsign(msg: str) -> str:
string: callsign
string: callsign
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 1 or tc > 4:
if common.typecode(msg) < 1 or common.typecode(msg) > 4:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a identification message" % msg)
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a identification message" % msg)
chars = "#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#####_###############0123456789######"
chars = "#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#####_###############0123456789######"
@ -1,41 +1,35 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 0,9
# BDS 0,9
# ADS-B TC=19
# ADS-B TC=19
# Aircraft Airborne velocity
# Aircraft Airborn velocity
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
from pyModeS import common
import math
import math
from ... import common
def airborne_velocity(msg, source=False):
def airborne_velocity(
msg: str, source: bool = False
) -> None | tuple[None | int, None | float, None | int, str]:
"""Decode airborne velocity.
"""Decode airborne velocity.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
source (boolean): Include direction and vertical rate sources in return.
source (boolean): Include direction and vertical rate sources in return. Default to False.
Default to False.
If set to True, the function will return six value instead of four.
If set to True, the function will return six value instead of four.
int, float, int, string, [string], [string]:
int, float, int, string, [string], [string]: Four or six parameters, including:
- Speed (kt)
- Speed (kt)
- Angle (degree), either ground track or heading
- Angle (degree), either ground track or heading
- Vertical rate (ft/min)
- Vertical rate (ft/min)
- Speed type ('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
- Speed type ('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
- [Optional] Direction source ('TRUE_NORTH' or 'MAGNETIC_NORTH')
- [Optional] Direction source ('TRUE_NORTH' or 'MAGENTIC_NORTH')
- [Optional] Vertical rate source ('BARO' or 'GNSS')
- [Optional] Vertical rate source ('BARO' or 'GNSS')
if common.typecode(msg) != 19:
if common.typecode(msg) != 19:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a airborne velocity message, expecting TC=19" % msg)
"%s: Not a airborne velocity message, expecting TC=19" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
@ -44,25 +38,14 @@ def airborne_velocity(
if common.bin2int(mb[14:24]) == 0 or common.bin2int(mb[25:35]) == 0:
if common.bin2int(mb[14:24]) == 0 or common.bin2int(mb[25:35]) == 0:
return None
return None
trk_or_hdg: None | float
spd: None | float
if subtype in (1, 2):
if subtype in (1, 2):
v_ew = common.bin2int(mb[14:24])
v_ns = common.bin2int(mb[25:35])
if v_ew == 0 or v_ns == 0:
spd = None
trk_or_hdg = None
vs = None
v_ew_sign = -1 if mb[13] == "1" else 1
v_ew_sign = -1 if mb[13] == "1" else 1
v_ew = v_ew - 1 # east-west velocity
v_ew = common.bin2int(mb[14:24]) - 1 # east-west velocity
if subtype == 2: # Supersonic
if subtype == 2: # Supersonic
v_ew *= 4
v_ew *= 4
v_ns_sign = -1 if mb[24] == "1" else 1
v_ns_sign = -1 if mb[24] == "1" else 1
v_ns = v_ns - 1 # north-south velocity
v_ns = common.bin2int(mb[25:35]) - 1 # north-south velocity
if subtype == 2: # Supersonic
if subtype == 2: # Supersonic
v_ns *= 4
v_ns *= 4
@ -76,22 +59,22 @@ def airborne_velocity(
trk = math.degrees(trk) # convert to degrees
trk = math.degrees(trk) # convert to degrees
trk = trk if trk >= 0 else trk + 360 # no negative val
trk = trk if trk >= 0 else trk + 360 # no negative val
trk_or_hdg = trk
spd_type = "GS"
spd_type = "GS"
trk_or_hdg = round(trk, 2)
dir_type = "TRUE_NORTH"
dir_type = "TRUE_NORTH"
if mb[13] == "0":
if mb[13] == "0":
hdg = None
hdg = None
hdg = common.bin2int(mb[14:24]) / 1024 * 360.0
hdg = common.bin2int(mb[14:24]) / 1024.0 * 360.0
hdg = round(hdg, 2)
trk_or_hdg = hdg
trk_or_hdg = hdg
spd = common.bin2int(mb[25:35])
spd = common.bin2int(mb[25:35])
spd = None if spd == 0 else spd - 1
spd = None if spd == 0 else spd - 1
if subtype == 4 and spd is not None: # Supersonic
if subtype == 4: # Supersonic
spd *= 4
spd *= 4
if mb[24] == "0":
if mb[24] == "0":
@ -99,7 +82,7 @@ def airborne_velocity(
spd_type = "TAS"
spd_type = "TAS"
dir_type = "MAGNETIC_NORTH"
dir_type = "MAGENTIC_NORTH"
vr_source = "GNSS" if mb[35] == "0" else "BARO"
vr_source = "GNSS" if mb[35] == "0" else "BARO"
vr_sign = -1 if mb[36] == "1" else 1
vr_sign = -1 if mb[36] == "1" else 1
@ -107,19 +90,12 @@ def airborne_velocity(
vs = None if vr == 0 else int(vr_sign * (vr - 1) * 64)
vs = None if vr == 0 else int(vr_sign * (vr - 1) * 64)
if source:
if source:
return ( # type: ignore
return spd, trk_or_hdg, vs, spd_type, dir_type, vr_source
return spd, trk_or_hdg, vs, spd_type
return spd, trk_or_hdg, vs, spd_type
def altitude_diff(msg: str) -> None | float:
def altitude_diff(msg):
"""Decode the differece between GNSS and barometric altitude.
"""Decode the differece between GNSS and barometric altitude.
@ -132,10 +108,8 @@ def altitude_diff(msg: str) -> None | float:
tc = common.typecode(msg)
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc != 19:
if tc != 19:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a airborne velocity message, expecting TC=19" % msg)
"%s: Not a airborne velocity message, expecting TC=19" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
sign = -1 if int(msgbin[80]) else 1
sign = -1 if int(msgbin[80]) else 1
@ -3,11 +3,10 @@
# Data link capability report
# Data link capability report
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from pyModeS import common
from ... import common
def is10(msg: str) -> bool:
def is10(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 1,0
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 1,0
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ def is10(msg: str) -> bool:
return True
return True
def ovc10(msg: str) -> int:
def ovc10(msg):
"""Return the overlay control capability
"""Return the overlay control capability
@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
# Common usage GICB capability report
# Common usage GICB capability report
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import List
from pyModeS import common
from ... import common
def is17(msg: str) -> bool:
def is17(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 1,7
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 1,7
@ -40,14 +38,14 @@ def is17(msg: str) -> bool:
return True
return True
def cap17(msg: str) -> List[str]:
def cap17(msg):
"""Extract capacities from BDS 1,7 message
"""Extract capacities from BDS 1,7 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
list: list of supported BDS codes
list: list of support BDS codes
allbds = [
allbds = [
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
# Aircraft identification
# Aircraft identification
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from ... import common
from pyModeS import common
def is20(msg: str) -> bool:
def is20(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 2,0
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 2,0
@ -24,17 +24,15 @@ def is20(msg: str) -> bool:
if d[0:8] != "00100000":
if d[0:8] != "00100000":
return False
return False
# allow empty callsign
cs = cs20(msg)
if common.bin2int(d[8:56]) == 0:
return True
if "#" in cs20(msg):
if "#" in cs:
return False
return False
return True
return True
def cs20(msg: str) -> str:
def cs20(msg):
"""Aircraft callsign
"""Aircraft callsign
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
# ACAS active resolution advisory
# ACAS active resolution advisory
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from ... import common
from pyModeS import common
def is30(msg: str) -> bool:
def is30(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 3,0
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 2,0
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
@ -4,12 +4,10 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
import warnings
import warnings
from typing import Optional
from pyModeS import common
from ... import common
def is40(msg: str) -> bool:
def is40(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,0
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,0
@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ def is40(msg: str) -> bool:
return True
return True
def selalt40mcp(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def selalt40mcp(msg):
"""Selected altitude, MCP/FCU
"""Selected altitude, MCP/FCU
@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ def selalt40mcp(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return alt
return alt
def selalt40fms(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def selalt40fms(msg):
"""Selected altitude, FMS
"""Selected altitude, FMS
@ -88,7 +86,7 @@ def selalt40fms(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return alt
return alt
def p40baro(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def p40baro(msg):
"""Barometric pressure setting
"""Barometric pressure setting
@ -106,19 +104,17 @@ def p40baro(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
return p
return p
def alt40mcp(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def alt40mcp(msg):
"""alt40mcp() has been renamed to selalt40mcp().
"alt40mcp() has been renamed to selalt40mcp(). It will be removed in the future.",
It will be removed in the future.""",
return selalt40mcp(msg)
return selalt40mcp(msg)
def alt40fms(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def alt40fms(msg):
"""alt40fms() has been renamed to selalt40fms().
"alt40fms() has been renamed to selalt40fms(). It will be removed in the future.",
It will be removed in the future.""",
return selalt40fms(msg)
return selalt40fms(msg)
@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
# Meteorological routine air report
# Meteorological routine air report
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from pyModeS import common
from ... import common
def is44(msg: str) -> bool:
def is44(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,4.
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,4.
Meteorological routine air report
Meteorological routine air report
@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ def is44(msg: str) -> bool:
return True
return True
def wind44(msg: str) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[float]]:
def wind44(msg):
"""Wind speed and direction.
"""Wind speed and direction.
@ -70,12 +68,12 @@ def wind44(msg: str) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[float]]:
return None, None
return None, None
speed = common.bin2int(d[5:14]) # knots
speed = common.bin2int(d[5:14]) # knots
direction = common.bin2int(d[14:23]) * 180 / 256 # degree
direction = common.bin2int(d[14:23]) * 180.0 / 256.0 # degree
return speed, direction
return round(speed, 0), round(direction, 1)
def temp44(msg: str) -> Tuple[float, float]:
def temp44(msg):
"""Static air temperature.
"""Static air temperature.
@ -96,13 +94,15 @@ def temp44(msg: str) -> Tuple[float, float]:
value = value - 1024
value = value - 1024
temp = value * 0.25 # celsius
temp = value * 0.25 # celsius
temp = round(temp, 2)
temp_alternative = value * 0.125 # celsius
temp_alternative = value * 0.125 # celsius
temp_alternative = round(temp_alternative, 3)
return temp, temp_alternative
return temp, temp_alternative
def p44(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def p44(msg):
"""Static pressure.
"""Static pressure.
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def p44(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return p
return p
def hum44(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def hum44(msg):
@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ def hum44(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
if d[49] == "0":
if d[49] == "0":
return None
return None
hm = common.bin2int(d[50:56]) * 100 / 64 # %
hm = common.bin2int(d[50:56]) * 100.0 / 64 # %
return hm
return round(hm, 1)
def turb44(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def turb44(msg):
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
# Meteorological hazard report
# Meteorological hazard report
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional
from pyModeS import common
from ... import common
def is45(msg: str) -> bool:
def is45(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,5.
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,5.
Meteorological hazard report
Meteorological hazard report
@ -62,7 +60,7 @@ def is45(msg: str) -> bool:
return True
return True
def turb45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def turb45(msg):
@ -80,7 +78,7 @@ def turb45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return turb
return turb
def ws45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def ws45(msg):
"""Wind shear.
"""Wind shear.
@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ def ws45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return ws
return ws
def mb45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def mb45(msg):
@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ def mb45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return mb
return mb
def ic45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def ic45(msg):
@ -134,7 +132,7 @@ def ic45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return ic
return ic
def wv45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def wv45(msg):
"""Wake vortex.
"""Wake vortex.
@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ def wv45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return ws
return ws
def temp45(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def temp45(msg):
"""Static air temperature.
"""Static air temperature.
@ -171,11 +169,12 @@ def temp45(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
value = value - 512
value = value - 512
temp = value * 0.25 # celsius
temp = value * 0.25 # celsius
temp = round(temp, 1)
return temp
return temp
def p45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def p45(msg):
"""Average static pressure.
"""Average static pressure.
@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ def p45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return p
return p
def rh45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def rh45(msg):
"""Radio height.
"""Radio height.
@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
# Track and turn report
# Track and turn report
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional
from pyModeS import common
from ... import common
def is50(msg: str) -> bool:
def is50(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 5,0
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 5,0
(Track and turn report)
(Track and turn report)
@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ def is50(msg: str) -> bool:
return True
return True
def roll50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def roll50(msg):
"""Roll angle, BDS 5,0 message
"""Roll angle, BDS 5,0 message
@ -80,11 +78,11 @@ def roll50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
if sign:
if sign:
value = value - 512
value = value - 512
angle = value * 45 / 256 # degree
angle = value * 45.0 / 256.0 # degree
return angle
return round(angle, 1)
def trk50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def trk50(msg):
"""True track angle, BDS 5,0 message
"""True track angle, BDS 5,0 message
@ -104,16 +102,16 @@ def trk50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
if sign:
if sign:
value = value - 1024
value = value - 1024
trk = value * 90 / 512.0
trk = value * 90.0 / 512.0
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
if trk < 0:
if trk < 0:
trk = 360 + trk
trk = 360 + trk
return trk
return round(trk, 3)
def gs50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def gs50(msg):
"""Ground speed, BDS 5,0 message
"""Ground speed, BDS 5,0 message
@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ def gs50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
return spd
return spd
def rtrk50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def rtrk50(msg):
"""Track angle rate, BDS 5,0 message
"""Track angle rate, BDS 5,0 message
@ -153,11 +151,11 @@ def rtrk50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
if sign:
if sign:
value = value - 512
value = value - 512
angle = value * 8 / 256 # degree / sec
angle = value * 8.0 / 256.0 # degree / sec
return angle
return round(angle, 3)
def tas50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def tas50(msg):
"""Aircraft true airspeed, BDS 5,0 message
"""Aircraft true airspeed, BDS 5,0 message
@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
# Air-referenced state vector
# Air-referenced state vector
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional
from pyModeS import common
from ... import common
def is53(msg: str) -> bool:
def is53(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 5,3
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 5,3
(Air-referenced state vector)
(Air-referenced state vector)
@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ def is53(msg: str) -> bool:
return True
return True
def hdg53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def hdg53(msg):
"""Magnetic heading, BDS 5,3 message
"""Magnetic heading, BDS 5,3 message
@ -80,16 +78,16 @@ def hdg53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
if sign:
if sign:
value = value - 1024
value = value - 1024
hdg = value * 90 / 512 # degree
hdg = value * 90.0 / 512.0 # degree
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
if hdg < 0:
if hdg < 0:
hdg = 360 + hdg
hdg = 360 + hdg
return hdg
return round(hdg, 3)
def ias53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def ias53(msg):
"""Indicated airspeed, DBS 5,3 message
"""Indicated airspeed, DBS 5,3 message
@ -107,7 +105,7 @@ def ias53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
return ias
return ias
def mach53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def mach53(msg):
"""MACH number, DBS 5,3 message
"""MACH number, DBS 5,3 message
@ -122,10 +120,10 @@ def mach53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
return None
return None
mach = common.bin2int(d[24:33]) * 0.008
mach = common.bin2int(d[24:33]) * 0.008
return mach
return round(mach, 3)
def tas53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def tas53(msg):
"""Aircraft true airspeed, BDS 5,3 message
"""Aircraft true airspeed, BDS 5,3 message
@ -140,10 +138,10 @@ def tas53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
return None
return None
tas = common.bin2int(d[34:46]) * 0.5 # kts
tas = common.bin2int(d[34:46]) * 0.5 # kts
return tas
return round(tas, 1)
def vr53(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def vr53(msg):
"""Vertical rate
"""Vertical rate
@ -3,13 +3,11 @@
# Heading and speed report
# Heading and speed report
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional
from pyModeS import common
from pyModeS.extra import aero
from ... import common
from ...extra import aero
def is60(msg: str) -> bool:
def is60(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 6,0
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 6,0
@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ def is60(msg: str) -> bool:
return True
return True
def hdg60(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def hdg60(msg):
"""Megnetic heading of aircraft
"""Megnetic heading of aircraft
@ -88,16 +86,16 @@ def hdg60(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
if sign:
if sign:
value = value - 1024
value = value - 1024
hdg = value * 90 / 512 # degree
hdg = value * 90 / 512.0 # degree
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
if hdg < 0:
if hdg < 0:
hdg = 360 + hdg
hdg = 360 + hdg
return hdg
return round(hdg, 3)
def ias60(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def ias60(msg):
"""Indicated airspeed
"""Indicated airspeed
@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ def ias60(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
return ias
return ias
def mach60(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
def mach60(msg):
"""Aircraft MACH number
"""Aircraft MACH number
@ -130,10 +128,10 @@ def mach60(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
return None
return None
mach = common.bin2int(d[24:34]) * 2.048 / 512.0
mach = common.bin2int(d[24:34]) * 2.048 / 512.0
return mach
return round(mach, 3)
def vr60baro(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def vr60baro(msg):
"""Vertical rate from barometric measurement, this value may be very noisy.
"""Vertical rate from barometric measurement, this value may be very noisy.
@ -159,7 +157,7 @@ def vr60baro(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return roc
return roc
def vr60ins(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def vr60ins(msg):
"""Vertical rate measurd by onbard equiments (IRS, AHRS)
"""Vertical rate measurd by onbard equiments (IRS, AHRS)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Aircraft Airborne status
# Aircraft Airborne status
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
from ... import common
from pyModeS import common
def is_emergency(msg: str) -> bool:
def is_emergency(msg: str) -> bool:
@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ def is_emergency(msg: str) -> bool:
:return: if the aircraft has declared an emergency
:return: if the aircraft has declared an emergency
if common.typecode(msg) != 28:
if common.typecode(msg) != 28:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not an airborne status message, expecting TC=28" % msg)
"%s: Not an airborne status message, expecting TC=28" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:8])
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:8])
@ -74,14 +72,12 @@ def emergency_squawk(msg: str) -> str:
:return: aircraft squawk code
:return: aircraft squawk code
if common.typecode(msg) != 28:
if common.typecode(msg) != 28:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not an airborne status message, expecting TC=28" % msg)
"%s: Not an airborne status message, expecting TC=28" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
# construct the 13 bits Mode A ID code
# construct the 13 bits Mode A ID code
idcode = msgbin[43:56]
idcode = msgbin[43:49] + "0" + msgbin[49:55]
squawk = common.squawk(idcode)
squawk = common.squawk(idcode)
return squawk
return squawk
@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 6,2
# ADS-B TC=29
# Target State and Status
# ------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
from ... import common
def selected_altitude(msg: str) -> tuple[None | float, str]:
"""Decode selected altitude.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Selected altitude (ft)
string: Source ('MCP/FCU' or 'FMS')
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not"
" contain selected altitude, use target altitude instead" % msg
alt = common.bin2int(mb[9:20])
if alt == 0:
return None, "N/A"
alt = (alt - 1) * 32
alt_source = "MCP/FCU" if int(mb[8]) == 0 else "FMS"
return alt, alt_source
def target_altitude(msg: str) -> tuple[None | int, str, str]:
"""Decode target altitude.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Target altitude (ft)
string: Source ('MCP/FCU', 'Holding mode' or 'FMS/RNAV')
string: Altitude reference, either pressure altitude or barometric
corrected altitude ('FL' or 'MSL')
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not"
" contain target altitude, use selected altitude instead" % msg
alt_avail = common.bin2int(mb[7:9])
if alt_avail == 0:
return None, "N/A", ""
elif alt_avail == 1:
alt_source = "MCP/FCU"
elif alt_avail == 2:
alt_source = "Holding mode"
alt_source = "FMS/RNAV"
alt_ref = "FL" if int(mb[9]) == 0 else "MSL"
alt = -1000 + common.bin2int(mb[15:25]) * 100
return alt, alt_source, alt_ref
def vertical_mode(msg: str) -> None | int:
"""Decode vertical mode.
Value Meaning
----- -----------------------
1 "Acquiring" mode
2 "Capturing" or "Maintaining" mode
3 Reserved
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Vertical mode
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not"
" contain vertical mode, use vnav mode instead" % msg
vertical_mode = common.bin2int(mb[13:15])
if vertical_mode == 0:
return None
return vertical_mode
def horizontal_mode(msg: str) -> None | int:
"""Decode horizontal mode.
Value Meaning
----- -----------------------
1 "Acquiring" mode
2 "Capturing" or "Maintaining" mode
3 Reserved
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Horizontal mode
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not "
"contain horizontal mode, use lnav mode instead" % msg
horizontal_mode = common.bin2int(mb[25:27])
if horizontal_mode == 0:
return None
return horizontal_mode
def selected_heading(msg: str) -> None | float:
"""Decode selected heading.
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
float: Selected heading (degree)
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain selected heading, use target angle instead" % msg
if int(mb[29]) == 0:
return None
hdg_sign = int(mb[30])
hdg = (hdg_sign + 1) * common.bin2int(mb[31:39]) * (180 / 256)
return hdg
def target_angle(msg: str) -> tuple[None | int, str, str]:
"""Decode target heading/track angle.
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: Target angle (degree)
string: Angle type ('Heading' or 'Track')
string: Source ('MCP/FCU', 'Autopilot Mode' or 'FMS/RNAV')
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not "
"contain target angle, use selected heading instead" % msg
angle_avail = common.bin2int(mb[25:27])
if angle_avail == 0:
return None, "", "N/A"
angle = common.bin2int(mb[27:36])
if angle_avail == 1:
angle_source = "MCP/FCU"
elif angle_avail == 2:
angle_source = "Autopilot mode"
angle_source = "FMS/RNAV"
angle_type = "Heading" if int(mb[36]) else "Track"
return angle, angle_type, angle_source
def baro_pressure_setting(msg: str) -> None | float:
"""Decode barometric pressure setting.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: Barometric pressure setting (millibars)
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain barometric pressure setting" % msg
baro = common.bin2int(mb[20:29])
if baro == 0:
return None
return 800 + (baro - 1) * 0.8
def autopilot(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode autopilot engagement.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: Autopilot engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain autopilot engagement" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
autopilot = True if int(mb[47]) == 1 else False
return autopilot
def vnav_mode(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode VNAV mode.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: VNAV mode engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain vnav mode, use vertical mode instead" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
vnav_mode = True if int(mb[48]) == 1 else False
return vnav_mode
def altitude_hold_mode(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode altitude hold mode.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: Altitude hold mode engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain altitude hold mode" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
alt_hold_mode = True if int(mb[49]) == 1 else False
return alt_hold_mode
def approach_mode(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode approach mode.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: Approach mode engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain approach mode" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
app_mode = True if int(mb[51]) == 1 else False
return app_mode
def lnav_mode(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode LNAV mode.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: LNAV mode engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain lnav mode, use horizontal mode instead" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
lnav_mode = True if int(mb[53]) == 1 else False
return lnav_mode
def tcas_operational(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode TCAS/ACAS operational.
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: TCAS/ACAS operational
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
tcas = True if int(mb[51]) == 0 else False
tcas = True if int(mb[52]) == 1 else False
return tcas
def tcas_ra(msg) -> bool:
"""Decode TCAS/ACAS Resolution advisory.
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: TCAS/ACAS Resolution advisory active
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not "
"contain TCAS/ACAS RA" % msg
tcas_ra = True if int(mb[52]) == 1 else False
return tcas_ra
def emergency_status(msg) -> int:
"""Decode aircraft emergency status.
Value Meaning
----- -----------------------
0 No emergency
1 General emergency
2 Lifeguard/medical emergency
3 Minimum fuel
4 No communications
5 Unlawful interference
6 Downed aircraft
7 Reserved
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: Emergency status
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not "
"contain emergency status" % msg
return common.bin2int(mb[53:56])
@ -23,66 +23,16 @@ MRAR and MHR
# ELS - elementary surveillance
# ELS - elementary surveillance
from .bds.bds10 import is10, ovc10
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds10 import *
from .bds.bds17 import is17, cap17
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds17 import *
from .bds.bds20 import is20, cs20
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds20 import *
from .bds.bds30 import is30
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds30 import *
# ELS - enhanced surveillance
# ELS - enhanced surveillance
from .bds.bds40 import (
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds40 import *
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds50 import *
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds60 import *
from .bds.bds50 import is50, roll50, trk50, gs50, rtrk50, tas50
from .bds.bds60 import is60, hdg60, ias60, mach60, vr60baro, vr60ins
# MRAR and MHR
# MRAR and MHR
from .bds.bds44 import is44, wind44, temp44, p44, hum44, turb44
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds44 import *
from .bds.bds45 import is45, turb45, ws45, mb45, ic45, wv45, temp45, p45, rh45
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds45 import *
__all__ = [
@ -11,56 +11,25 @@ The EHS wrapper imports all functions from the following modules:
import warnings
import warnings
from .bds.bds40 import (
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds40 import *
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds50 import *
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds60 import *
from pyModeS.decoder.bds import infer
from .bds.bds50 import is50, roll50, trk50, gs50, rtrk50, tas50
from .bds.bds60 import is60, hdg60, ias60, mach60, vr60baro, vr60ins
from .bds import infer
__all__ = [
warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
"pms.ehs module is deprecated. Please use pms.commb instead.",
"pms.ehs module is deprecated. Please use pms.commb instead.", DeprecationWarning
def BDS(msg):
def BDS(msg):
"pms.ehs.BDS() is deprecated, use pms.bds.infer() instead.",
"pms.ehs.BDS() is deprecated, use pms.bds.infer() instead.", DeprecationWarning
return infer(msg)
return infer(msg)
def icao(msg):
def icao(msg):
from . import common
from pyModeS.decoder.common import icao
return common.icao(msg)
return icao(msg)
@ -10,26 +10,14 @@ The ELS wrapper imports all functions from the following modules:
import warnings
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds10 import *
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds17 import *
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds20 import *
from pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds30 import *
from .bds.bds10 import is10, ovc10
import warnings
from .bds.bds17 import cap17, is17
from .bds.bds20 import cs20, is20
from .bds.bds30 import is30
warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
"pms.els module is deprecated. Please use pms.commb instead.",
"pms.els module is deprecated. Please use pms.commb instead.", DeprecationWarning
__all__ = [
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
from typing import TypedDict
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from .decode import flarm as flarm_decode
__all__ = ["DecodedMessage", "flarm"]
class DecodedMessage(TypedDict):
timestamp: int
icao24: str
latitude: float
longitude: float
altitude: Annotated[int, "m"]
vertical_speed: Annotated[float, "m/s"]
groundspeed: int
track: int
type: str
sensorLatitude: float
sensorLongitude: float
isIcao24: bool
noTrack: bool
stealth: bool
flarm = flarm_decode
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
#include "core.h"
* Swiss glider anti-colission system moved to a new encryption scheme: XXTEA
* The algorithm encrypts all the packet after the header: total 20 bytes or 5 long int words of data
* XXTEA description and code are found here:
* The system uses 6 iterations of the main loop.
* The system version 6 sends two type of packets: position and ... some unknown data
* The difference is made by bit 0 of byte 3 of the packet: for position data this bit is zero.
* For position data the key used depends on the time and transmitting device address.
* The key is as well obscured by a weird algorithm.
* The code to generate the key is:
* */
void make_key(int *key, long time, long address)
const long key1[4] = {0xe43276df, 0xdca83759, 0x9802b8ac, 0x4675a56b};
const long key1b[4] = {0xfc78ea65, 0x804b90ea, 0xb76542cd, 0x329dfa32};
const long *table = ((((time >> 23) & 255) & 0x01) != 0) ? key1b : key1;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
key[i] = obscure(table[i] ^ ((time >> 6) ^ address), 0x045D9F3B) ^ 0x87B562F4;
long obscure(long key, unsigned long seed)
unsigned int m1 = seed * (key ^ (key >> 16));
unsigned int m2 = seed * (m1 ^ (m1 >> 16));
return m2 ^ (m2 >> 16);
* Byte Bits
* 0 AAAA AAAA device address
* 3 00aa 0000 aa = 10 or 01
* 4 vvvv vvvv vertical speed
* 5 xxxx xxvv
* 6 gggg gggg GPS status
* 7 tttt gggg plane type
* 8 LLLL LLLL Latitude
* 10 aaaa aLLL
* 11 aaaa aaaa Altitude
* 12 NNNN NNNN Longitude
* 14 xxxx NNNN
* 15 FFxx xxxx multiplying factor
* 16 SSSS SSSS as in version 4
* 17 ssss ssss
* 19 kkkk kkkk
* 21 eeee eeee
* 24 pppp pppp
* */
void btea(uint32_t *v, int n, uint32_t const key[4])
uint32_t y, z, sum;
unsigned p, rounds, e;
if (n > 1)
{ /* Coding Part */
/* Unused, should remove? */
rounds = 6 + 52 / n;
sum = 0;
z = v[n - 1];
sum += DELTA;
e = (sum >> 2) & 3;
for (p = 0; p < (unsigned)n - 1; p++)
y = v[p + 1];
z = v[p] += MX;
y = v[0];
z = v[n - 1] += MX;
} while (--rounds);
else if (n < -1)
{ /* Decoding Part */
n = -n;
rounds = 6; // + 52 / n;
sum = rounds * DELTA;
y = v[0];
e = (sum >> 2) & 3;
for (p = n - 1; p > 0; p--)
z = v[p - 1];
y = v[p] -= MX;
z = v[n - 1];
y = v[0] -= MX;
sum -= DELTA;
} while (--rounds);
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __CORE_H__
#define __CORE_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#define DELTA 0x9e3779b9
#define MX (((z >> 5 ^ y << 2) + (y >> 3 ^ z << 4)) ^ ((sum ^ y) + (key[(p & 3) ^ e] ^ z)))
void make_key(int *key, long time, long address);
long obscure(long key, unsigned long seed);
void btea(uint32_t *v, int n, uint32_t const key[4]);
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
cdef extern from "core.h":
void make_key(int*, long time, long address)
void btea(int*, int, int*)
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
from typing import Any
from . import DecodedMessage
def flarm(
timestamp: int,
msg: str,
refLat: float,
refLon: float,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> DecodedMessage: ...
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
from cpython cimport array
from .core cimport make_key as c_make_key, btea as c_btea
import array
import math
from ctypes import c_byte
from textwrap import wrap
"Unknown", # 0
"Glider", # 1
"Tow-Plane", # 2
"Helicopter", # 3
"Parachute", # 4
"Parachute Drop-Plane", # 5
"Hangglider", # 6
"Paraglider", # 7
"Aircraft", # 8
"Jet", # 9
"UFO", # 10
"Balloon", # 11
"Airship", # 12
"UAV", # 13
"Reserved", # 14
"Static Obstacle", # 15
cdef long bytearray2int(str icao24):
return (
(int(icao24[4:6], 16) & 0xFF)
| ((int(icao24[2:4], 16) & 0xFF) << 8)
| ((int(icao24[:2], 16) & 0xFF) << 16)
cpdef array.array make_key(long timestamp, str icao24):
cdef long addr = bytearray2int(icao24)
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [0, 0, 0, 0])
c_make_key(, timestamp, (addr << 8) & 0xffffff)
return a
cpdef array.array btea(long timestamp, str msg):
cdef int p
cdef str icao24 = msg[4:6] + msg[2:4] + msg[:2]
cdef array.array key = make_key(timestamp, icao24)
pieces = wrap(msg[8:], 8)
cdef array.array toDecode = array.array('i', len(pieces) * [0])
for i, piece in enumerate(pieces):
p = 0
for elt in wrap(piece, 2)[::-1]:
p = (p << 8) + int(elt, 16)
toDecode[i] = p
c_btea(, -5,
return toDecode
cdef float velocity(int ns, int ew):
return math.hypot(ew / 4, ns / 4)
def heading(ns, ew, velocity):
if velocity < 1e-6:
velocity = 1
return (math.atan2(ew / velocity / 4, ns / velocity / 4) / 0.01745) % 360
def turningRate(a1, a2):
return ((((a2 - a1)) + 540) % 360) - 180
def flarm(long timestamp, str msg, float refLat, float refLon, **kwargs):
"""Decode a FLARM message.
timestamp (int)
msg (str)
refLat (float): the receiver's location
refLon (float): the receiver's location
a dictionary with all decoded fields. Any extra keyword argument passed
is included in the output dictionary.
cdef str icao24 = msg[4:6] + msg[2:4] + msg[:2]
cdef int magic = int(msg[6:8], 16)
if magic != 0x10 and magic != 0x20:
return None
cdef array.array decoded = btea(timestamp, msg)
cdef int aircraft_type = (decoded[0] >> 28) & 0xF
cdef int gps = (decoded[0] >> 16) & 0xFFF
cdef int raw_vs = c_byte(decoded[0] & 0x3FF).value
noTrack = ((decoded[0] >> 14) & 0x1) == 1
stealth = ((decoded[0] >> 13) & 0x1) == 1
cdef int altitude = (decoded[1] >> 19) & 0x1FFF
cdef int lat = decoded[1] & 0x7FFFF
cdef int mult_factor = 1 << ((decoded[2] >> 30) & 0x3)
cdef int lon = decoded[2] & 0xFFFFF
ns = list(
c_byte((decoded[3] >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF).value * mult_factor
for i in range(4)
ew = list(
c_byte((decoded[4] >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF).value * mult_factor
for i in range(4)
cdef int roundLat = int(refLat * 1e7) >> 7
lat = (lat - roundLat) % 0x080000
if lat >= 0x040000:
lat -= 0x080000
lat = (((lat + roundLat) << 7) + 0x40)
roundLon = int(refLon * 1e7) >> 7
lon = (lon - roundLon) % 0x100000
if lon >= 0x080000:
lon -= 0x100000
lon = (((lon + roundLon) << 7) + 0x40)
speed = sum(velocity(n, e) for n, e in zip(ns, ew)) / 4
heading4 = heading(ns[0], ew[0], speed)
heading8 = heading(ns[1], ew[1], speed)
return dict(
latitude=lat * 1e-7,
longitude=lon * 1e-7,
vertical_speed=raw_vs * mult_factor / 10,
track=heading4 - 4 * turningRate(heading4, heading8) / 4,
@ -2,19 +2,13 @@
Decode short roll call surveillance replies, with downlink format 4 or 5
Decode short roll call surveillance replies, with downlink format 4 or 5
from __future__ import annotations
from pyModeS import common
from typing import Callable, TypeVar
from .. import common
T = TypeVar("T")
F = Callable[[str], T]
def _checkdf(func: F[T]) -> F[T]:
def _checkdf(func):
"""Ensure downlink format is 4 or 5."""
"""Ensure downlink format is 4 or 5."""
def wrapper(msg: str) -> T:
def wrapper(msg):
df = common.df(msg)
df = common.df(msg)
if df not in [4, 5]:
if df not in [4, 5]:
raise RuntimeError(
raise RuntimeError(
@ -26,7 +20,7 @@ def _checkdf(func: F[T]) -> F[T]:
def fs(msg: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
def fs(msg):
"""Decode flight status.
"""Decode flight status.
@ -37,7 +31,7 @@ def fs(msg: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
fs = common.bin2int(msgbin[5:8])
fs = common.bin2int(msgbin[5:8])
text = ""
text = None
if fs == 0:
if fs == 0:
text = "no alert, no SPI, aircraft is airborne"
text = "no alert, no SPI, aircraft is airborne"
@ -56,7 +50,7 @@ def fs(msg: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
def dr(msg: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
def dr(msg):
"""Decode downlink request.
"""Decode downlink request.
@ -68,7 +62,7 @@ def dr(msg: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
dr = common.bin2int(msgbin[8:13])
dr = common.bin2int(msgbin[8:13])
text = ""
text = None
if dr == 0:
if dr == 0:
text = "no downlink request"
text = "no downlink request"
@ -85,7 +79,7 @@ def dr(msg: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
def um(msg: str) -> tuple[int, int, None | str]:
def um(msg):
"""Decode utility message.
"""Decode utility message.
Utility message contains interrogator identifier and reservation type.
Utility message contains interrogator identifier and reservation type.
@ -111,7 +105,7 @@ def um(msg: str) -> tuple[int, int, None | str]:
def altitude(msg: str) -> None | int:
def altitude(msg):
"""Decode altitude.
"""Decode altitude.
@ -125,7 +119,7 @@ def altitude(msg: str) -> None | int:
def identity(msg: str) -> str:
def identity(msg):
"""Decode squawk code.
"""Decode squawk code.
@ -1,16 +1,8 @@
"""Uncertainty parameters.
"""Uncertainty parameters.
See source code at:
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from typing import TypedDict
NA = None
NA = None
TC_NUCp_lookup = {
TC_NUCp_lookup = {
@ -34,7 +26,7 @@ TC_NUCp_lookup = {
22: 0,
22: 0,
TC_NICv1_lookup: dict[int, int | dict[int, int]] = {
TC_NICv1_lookup = {
5: 11,
5: 11,
6: 10,
6: 10,
7: 9,
7: 9,
@ -54,7 +46,7 @@ TC_NICv1_lookup: dict[int, int | dict[int, int]] = {
22: 0,
22: 0,
TC_NICv2_lookup: dict[int, int | dict[int, int]] = {
TC_NICv2_lookup = {
5: 11,
5: 11,
6: 10,
6: 10,
7: {2: 9, 0: 8},
7: {2: 9, 0: 8},
@ -75,13 +67,7 @@ TC_NICv2_lookup: dict[int, int | dict[int, int]] = {
class NUCpEntry(TypedDict):
NUCp = {
HPL: None | float
RCu: None | int
RCv: None | int
NUCp: dict[int, NUCpEntry] = {
9: {"HPL": 7.5, "RCu": 3, "RCv": 4},
9: {"HPL": 7.5, "RCu": 3, "RCv": 4},
8: {"HPL": 25, "RCu": 10, "RCv": 15},
8: {"HPL": 25, "RCu": 10, "RCv": 15},
7: {"HPL": 185, "RCu": 93, "RCv": NA},
7: {"HPL": 185, "RCu": 93, "RCv": NA},
@ -94,13 +80,7 @@ NUCp: dict[int, NUCpEntry] = {
0: {"HPL": NA, "RCu": NA, "RCv": NA},
0: {"HPL": NA, "RCu": NA, "RCv": NA},
NUCv = {
class NUCvEntry(TypedDict):
HVE: None | float
VVE: None | float
NUCv: dict[int, NUCvEntry] = {
0: {"HVE": NA, "VVE": NA},
0: {"HVE": NA, "VVE": NA},
1: {"HVE": 10, "VVE": 15.2},
1: {"HVE": 10, "VVE": 15.2},
2: {"HVE": 3, "VVE": 4.5},
2: {"HVE": 3, "VVE": 4.5},
@ -108,13 +88,7 @@ NUCv: dict[int, NUCvEntry] = {
4: {"HVE": 0.3, "VVE": 0.46},
4: {"HVE": 0.3, "VVE": 0.46},
NACp = {
class NACpEntry(TypedDict):
EPU: None | int
VEPU: None | int
NACp: dict[int, NACpEntry] = {
11: {"EPU": 3, "VEPU": 4},
11: {"EPU": 3, "VEPU": 4},
10: {"EPU": 10, "VEPU": 15},
10: {"EPU": 10, "VEPU": 15},
9: {"EPU": 30, "VEPU": 45},
9: {"EPU": 30, "VEPU": 45},
@ -129,13 +103,7 @@ NACp: dict[int, NACpEntry] = {
0: {"EPU": NA, "VEPU": NA},
0: {"EPU": NA, "VEPU": NA},
NACv = {
class NACvEntry(TypedDict):
HFOMr: None | float
VFOMr: None | float
NACv: dict[int, NACvEntry] = {
0: {"HFOMr": NA, "VFOMr": NA},
0: {"HFOMr": NA, "VFOMr": NA},
1: {"HFOMr": 10, "VFOMr": 15.2},
1: {"HFOMr": 10, "VFOMr": 15.2},
2: {"HFOMr": 3, "VFOMr": 4.5},
2: {"HFOMr": 3, "VFOMr": 4.5},
@ -143,13 +111,7 @@ NACv: dict[int, NACvEntry] = {
4: {"HFOMr": 0.3, "VFOMr": 0.46},
4: {"HFOMr": 0.3, "VFOMr": 0.46},
SIL = {
class SILEntry(TypedDict):
PE_RCu: None | float
PE_VPL: None | float
SIL: dict[int, SILEntry] = {
3: {"PE_RCu": 1e-7, "PE_VPL": 2e-7},
3: {"PE_RCu": 1e-7, "PE_VPL": 2e-7},
2: {"PE_RCu": 1e-5, "PE_VPL": 1e-5},
2: {"PE_RCu": 1e-5, "PE_VPL": 1e-5},
1: {"PE_RCu": 1e-3, "PE_VPL": 1e-3},
1: {"PE_RCu": 1e-3, "PE_VPL": 1e-3},
@ -157,12 +119,7 @@ SIL: dict[int, SILEntry] = {
class NICv1Entry(TypedDict):
NICv1 = {
Rc: None | float
VPL: None | float
NICv1: dict[int, dict[int, NICv1Entry]] = {
# NIC is used as the index at second Level
# NIC is used as the index at second Level
11: {0: {"Rc": 7.5, "VPL": 11}},
11: {0: {"Rc": 7.5, "VPL": 11}},
10: {0: {"Rc": 25, "VPL": 37.5}},
10: {0: {"Rc": 25, "VPL": 37.5}},
@ -178,12 +135,7 @@ NICv1: dict[int, dict[int, NICv1Entry]] = {
0: {0: {"Rc": NA, "VPL": NA}},
0: {0: {"Rc": NA, "VPL": NA}},
NICv2 = {
class NICv2Entry(TypedDict):
Rc: None | float
NICv2: dict[int, dict[int, NICv2Entry]] = {
# Decimal value of [NICa NICb/NICc] is used as the index at second Level
# Decimal value of [NICa NICb/NICc] is used as the index at second Level
11: {0: {"Rc": 7.5}},
11: {0: {"Rc": 7.5}},
10: {0: {"Rc": 25}},
10: {0: {"Rc": 25}},
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
from typing import Optional
from pyModeS import common
from .. import common
from textwrap import wrap
from textwrap import wrap
def uplink_icao(msg: str) -> str:
def uplink_icao(msg):
"Calculate the ICAO address from a Mode-S interrogation (uplink message)"
"""Calculate the ICAO address from a Mode-S interrogation (uplink message)"""
p_gen = 0xFFFA0480 << ((len(msg) - 14) * 4)
p_gen = 0xFFFA0480 << ((len(msg) - 14) * 4)
data = int(msg[:-6], 16)
data = int(msg[:-6], 16)
PA = int(msg[-6:], 16)
PA = int(msg[-6:], 16)
@ -21,20 +20,20 @@ def uplink_icao(msg: str) -> str:
return "%06X" % (ad >> 2)
return "%06X" % (ad >> 2)
def uf(msg: str) -> int:
def uf(msg):
"""Decode Uplink Format value, bits 1 to 5."""
"""Decode Uplink Format value, bits 1 to 5."""
ufbin = common.hex2bin(msg[:2])
ufbin = common.hex2bin(msg[:2])
return min(common.bin2int(ufbin[0:5]), 24)
return min(common.bin2int(ufbin[0:5]), 24)
def bds(msg: str) -> Optional[str]:
def bds(msg):
"Decode requested BDS register from selective (Roll Call) interrogation."
"""Decode requested BDS register from selective (Roll Call) interrogation."""
UF = uf(msg)
UF = uf(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
if UF in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
if uf(msg) in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7 # DI - Designator Identification
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7 # DI - Designator Identification
RR = mbytes[1] >> 3 & 0x1F
RR = mbytes[1] >> 3 & 0x1F
@ -44,21 +43,19 @@ def bds(msg: str) -> Optional[str]:
RRS = mbytes[2] & 0x0F
RRS = mbytes[2] & 0x0F
elif di == 3:
elif di == 3:
RRS = ((mbytes[2] & 0x1) << 3) | ((mbytes[3] & 0xE0) >> 5)
RRS = ((mbytes[2] & 0x1) << 4) | ((mbytes[3] & 0xE0) >> 5)
# for other values of DI, the BDS2 is assumed 0
BDS2 = 0 # for other values of DI, the BDS2 is assumed 0 (as per ICAO Annex 10 Vol IV)
# (as per ICAO Annex 10 Vol IV)
BDS2 = 0
return str(format(BDS1,"X")) + str(format(BDS2,"X"))
return str(BDS1) + str(BDS2)
return None
return None
return None
return None
def pr(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
def pr(msg):
"""Decode PR (probability of reply) field from All Call interrogation.
"""Decode PR (probability of reply) field from All Call interrogation.
0 signifies reply with probability of 1
0 signifies reply with probability of 1
@ -83,7 +80,7 @@ def pr(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
return None
return None
def ic(msg: str) -> Optional[str]:
def ic(msg):
"""Decode IC (interrogator code) from a ground-based interrogation."""
"""Decode IC (interrogator code) from a ground-based interrogation."""
UF = uf(msg)
UF = uf(msg)
@ -91,7 +88,8 @@ def ic(msg: str) -> Optional[str]:
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
IC = None
IC = None
if UF == 11:
BDS2 = ""
if uf(msg) == 11:
codeLabel = mbytes[1] & 0x7
codeLabel = mbytes[1] & 0x7
icField = (mbytes[1] >> 3) & 0xF
icField = (mbytes[1] >> 3) & 0xF
@ -106,11 +104,11 @@ def ic(msg: str) -> Optional[str]:
IC = ic_switcher.get(codeLabel, "")
IC = ic_switcher.get(codeLabel, "")
if UF in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
if uf(msg) in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7
RR = mbytes[1] >> 3 & 0x1F
RR = mbytes[1] >> 3 & 0x1F
if RR > 15:
if RR > 15:
BDS1 = RR - 16 # noqa: F841
BDS1 = RR - 16
if di == 0 or di == 1 or di == 7:
if di == 0 or di == 1 or di == 7:
# II
# II
II = (mbytes[2] >> 4) & 0xF
II = (mbytes[2] >> 4) & 0xF
@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ def lockout(msg):
if uf(msg) in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
if uf(msg) in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
lockout = False
lockout = False
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7
if (di == 1 or di == 7):
if di == 7:
if ((mbytes[3] & 0x40) >> 6) == 1:
if ((mbytes[3] & 0x40) >> 6) == 1:
lockout = True
lockout = True
@ -150,14 +148,18 @@ def uplink_fields(msg):
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
PR = ""
PR = ""
LOS = ""
IC = ""
IC = ""
lockout = False
lockout = False
di = ""
di = ""
RR = ""
RR = ""
RRS = ""
RRS = ""
BDS = ""
BDS1 = ""
BDS2 = ""
if uf(msg) == 11:
if uf(msg) == 11:
# Probability of Reply decoding
# Probability of Reply decoding
PR = ((mbytes[0] & 0x7) << 1) | ((mbytes[1] & 0x80) >> 7)
PR = ((mbytes[0] & 0x7) << 1) | ((mbytes[1] & 0x80) >> 7)
@ -178,8 +180,7 @@ def uplink_fields(msg):
IC = ic_switcher.get(codeLabel, "")
IC = ic_switcher.get(codeLabel, "")
if uf(msg) in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
if uf(msg) in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
# Decode the DI and get the lockout information conveniently
# Decode the DI and get the lockout information conveniently (LSS or LOS)
# (LSS or LOS)
# DI - Designator Identification
# DI - Designator Identification
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7
@ -187,16 +188,10 @@ def uplink_fields(msg):
if RR > 15:
if RR > 15:
BDS1 = RR - 16
BDS1 = RR - 16
BDS2 = 0
BDS2 = 0
if di == 0:
if di == 0 or di == 1:
# II
# II
II = (mbytes[2] >> 4) & 0xF
II = (mbytes[2] >> 4) & 0xF
IC = "II" + str(II)
IC = "II" + str(II)
elif di == 1:
# II
II = (mbytes[2] >> 4) & 0xF
IC = "II" + str(II)
if ((mbytes[3] & 0x40) >> 6) == 1:
lockout = True
elif di == 7:
elif di == 7:
if ((mbytes[3] & 0x40) >> 6) == 1:
if ((mbytes[3] & 0x40) >> 6) == 1:
@ -213,11 +208,8 @@ def uplink_fields(msg):
# SI
# SI
SI = (mbytes[2] >> 2) & 0x3F
SI = (mbytes[2] >> 2) & 0x3F
IC = "SI" + str(SI)
IC = "SI" + str(SI)
RRS = ((mbytes[2] & 0x1) << 3) | ((mbytes[3] & 0xE0) >> 5)
RRS = ((mbytes[2] & 0x1) << 4) | ((mbytes[3] & 0xE0) >> 5)
if RR > 15:
BDS = str(format(BDS1,"X")) + str(format(BDS2,"X"))
return {
return {
"DI": di,
"DI": di,
"IC": IC,
"IC": IC,
@ -225,5 +217,5 @@ def uplink_fields(msg):
"PR": PR,
"PR": PR,
"RR": RR,
"RR": RR,
"BDS": str(BDS1) + str(BDS2),
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Speed conversion at altitude H[m] in ISA
Mach = tas2mach(Vtas,H) # true airspeed (Vtas) to mach number conversion
Mach = tas2mach(Vtas,H) # true airspeed (Vtas) to mach number conversion
Vtas = mach2tas(Mach,H) # mach number to true airspeed (Vtas) conversion
Vtas = mach2tas(Mach,H) # true airspeed (Vtas) to mach number conversion
Vtas = eas2tas(Veas,H) # equivalent airspeed to true airspeed, H in [m]
Vtas = eas2tas(Veas,H) # equivalent airspeed to true airspeed, H in [m]
Veas = tas2eas(Vtas,H) # true airspeed to equivent airspeed, H in [m]
Veas = tas2eas(Vtas,H) # true airspeed to equivent airspeed, H in [m]
Vtas = cas2tas(Vcas,H) # Vcas to Vtas conversion both m/s, H in [m]
Vtas = cas2tas(Vcas,H) # Vcas to Vtas conversion both m/s, H in [m]
@ -35,18 +35,18 @@ ft = 0.3048 # ft -> m
fpm = 0.00508 # ft/min -> m/s
fpm = 0.00508 # ft/min -> m/s
inch = 0.0254 # inch -> m
inch = 0.0254 # inch -> m
sqft = 0.09290304 # 1 square foot
sqft = 0.09290304 # 1 square foot
nm = 1852 # nautical mile -> m
nm = 1852.0 # nautical mile -> m
lbs = 0.453592 # pound -> kg
lbs = 0.453592 # pound -> kg
g0 = 9.80665 # m/s2, Sea level gravity constant
g0 = 9.80665 # m/s2, Sea level gravity constant
R = 287.05287 # m2/(s2 x K), gas constant, sea level ISA
R = 287.05287 # m2/(s2 x K), gas constant, sea level ISA
p0 = 101325 # Pa, air pressure, sea level ISA
p0 = 101325.0 # Pa, air pressure, sea level ISA
rho0 = 1.225 # kg/m3, air density, sea level ISA
rho0 = 1.225 # kg/m3, air density, sea level ISA
T0 = 288.15 # K, temperature, sea level ISA
T0 = 288.15 # K, temperature, sea level ISA
gamma = 1.40 # cp/cv for air
gamma = 1.40 # cp/cv for air
gamma1 = 0.2 # (gamma-1)/2 for air
gamma1 = 0.2 # (gamma-1)/2 for air
gamma2 = 3.5 # gamma/(gamma-1) for air
gamma2 = 3.5 # gamma/(gamma-1) for air
beta = -0.0065 # [K/m] ISA temp gradient below tropopause
beta = -0.0065 # [K/m] ISA temp gradient below tropopause
r_earth = 6371000 # m, average earth radius
r_earth = 6371000.0 # m, average earth radius
a0 = 340.293988 # m/s, sea level speed of sound ISA, sqrt(gamma*R*T0)
a0 = 340.293988 # m/s, sea level speed of sound ISA, sqrt(gamma*R*T0)
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, H=0):
# phi = 90 - latitude
# phi = 90 - latitude
phi1 = np.radians(90 - lat1)
phi1 = np.radians(90.0 - lat1)
phi2 = np.radians(90 - lat2)
phi2 = np.radians(90.0 - lat2)
# theta = longitude
# theta = longitude
theta1 = np.radians(lon1)
theta1 = np.radians(lon1)
@ -158,16 +158,16 @@ def tas2eas(Vtas, H):
def cas2tas(Vcas, H):
def cas2tas(Vcas, H):
"""Calibrated Airspeed to True Airspeed"""
"""Calibrated Airspeed to True Airspeed"""
p, rho, T = atmos(H)
p, rho, T = atmos(H)
qdyn = p0 * ((1 + rho0 * Vcas * Vcas / (7 * p0)) ** 3.5 - 1.0)
qdyn = p0 * ((1.0 + rho0 * Vcas * Vcas / (7.0 * p0)) ** 3.5 - 1.0)
Vtas = np.sqrt(7 * p / rho * ((1 + qdyn / p) ** (2 / 7.0) - 1.0))
Vtas = np.sqrt(7.0 * p / rho * ((1.0 + qdyn / p) ** (2.0 / 7.0) - 1.0))
return Vtas
return Vtas
def tas2cas(Vtas, H):
def tas2cas(Vtas, H):
"""True Airspeed to Calibrated Airspeed"""
"""True Airspeed to Calibrated Airspeed"""
p, rho, T = atmos(H)
p, rho, T = atmos(H)
qdyn = p * ((1 + rho * Vtas * Vtas / (7 * p)) ** 3.5 - 1.0)
qdyn = p * ((1.0 + rho * Vtas * Vtas / (7.0 * p)) ** 3.5 - 1.0)
Vcas = np.sqrt(7 * p0 / rho0 * ((qdyn / p0 + 1.0) ** (2 / 7.0) - 1.0))
Vcas = np.sqrt(7.0 * p0 / rho0 * ((qdyn / p0 + 1.0) ** (2.0 / 7.0) - 1.0))
return Vcas
return Vcas
@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import time
import time
import traceback
import traceback
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
import pyModeS as pms
import pyModeS as pms
from typing import Any
import_msg = """
Warning: pyrtlsdr not installed (required for using RTL-SDR devices)!
import rtlsdr # type: ignore
import rtlsdr
except ImportError:
print("! Warining: pyrtlsdr not installed (required for using RTL-SDR devices) ")
sampling_rate = 2e6
sampling_rate = 2e6
smaples_per_microsec = 2
smaples_per_microsec = 2
@ -32,9 +24,9 @@ th_amp_diff = 0.8 # signal amplitude threshold difference between 0 and 1 bit
class RtlReader(object):
class RtlReader(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(RtlReader, self).__init__()
super(RtlReader, self).__init__()
self.signal_buffer: list[float] = [] # amplitude of the sample only
self.signal_buffer = [] # amplitude of the sample only
self.sdr = rtlsdr.RtlSdr()
self.sdr = rtlsdr.RtlSdr()
self.sdr.sample_rate = sampling_rate
self.sdr.sample_rate = sampling_rate
self.sdr.center_freq = modes_frequency
self.sdr.center_freq = modes_frequency
@ -47,7 +39,7 @@ class RtlReader(object):
self.exception_queue = None
self.exception_queue = None
def _calc_noise(self) -> float:
def _calc_noise(self):
"""Calculate noise floor"""
"""Calculate noise floor"""
window = smaples_per_microsec * 100
window = smaples_per_microsec * 100
total_len = len(self.signal_buffer)
total_len = len(self.signal_buffer)
@ -58,7 +50,7 @@ class RtlReader(object):
return min(means)
return min(means)
def _process_buffer(self) -> list[list[Any]]:
def _process_buffer(self):
"""process raw IQ data in the buffer"""
"""process raw IQ data in the buffer"""
# update noise floor
# update noise floor
@ -78,18 +70,17 @@ class RtlReader(object):
i += 1
i += 1
if self._check_preamble(self.signal_buffer[i : i + pbits * 2]):
frame_start = i + pbits * 2
frame_start = i + pbits * 2
if self._check_preamble(self.signal_buffer[i:frame_start]):
frame_end = i + pbits * 2 + (fbits + 1) * 2
frame_length = (fbits + 1) * 2
frame_length = (fbits + 1) * 2
frame_end = frame_start + frame_length
frame_pulses = self.signal_buffer[frame_start:frame_end]
frame_pulses = self.signal_buffer[frame_start:frame_end]
threshold = max(frame_pulses) * 0.2
threshold = max(frame_pulses) * 0.2
msgbin: list[int] = []
msgbin = []
for j in range(0, frame_length, 2):
for j in range(0, frame_length, 2):
j_2 = j + 2
p2 = frame_pulses[j : j + 2]
p2 = frame_pulses[j:j_2]
if len(p2) < 2:
if len(p2) < 2:
@ -126,7 +117,7 @@ class RtlReader(object):
return messages
return messages
def _check_preamble(self, pulses) -> bool:
def _check_preamble(self, pulses):
if len(pulses) != 16:
if len(pulses) != 16:
return False
return False
@ -136,7 +127,7 @@ class RtlReader(object):
return True
return True
def _check_msg(self, msg) -> bool:
def _check_msg(self, msg):
df = pms.df(msg)
df = pms.df(msg)
msglen = len(msg)
msglen = len(msg)
if df == 17 and msglen == 28:
if df == 17 and msglen == 28:
@ -146,9 +137,8 @@ class RtlReader(object):
return True
return True
elif df in [4, 5, 11] and msglen == 14:
elif df in [4, 5, 11] and msglen == 14:
return True
return True
return False
def _debug_msg(self, msg) -> None:
def _debug_msg(self, msg):
df = pms.df(msg)
df = pms.df(msg)
msglen = len(msg)
msglen = len(msg)
if df == 17 and msglen == 28:
if df == 17 and msglen == 28:
@ -161,7 +151,7 @@ class RtlReader(object):
# print("[*]", msg)
# print("[*]", msg)
def _read_callback(self, data, rtlsdr_obj) -> None:
def _read_callback(self, data, rtlsdr_obj):
amp = np.absolute(data)
amp = np.absolute(data)
@ -169,18 +159,16 @@ class RtlReader(object):
messages = self._process_buffer()
messages = self._process_buffer()
def handle_messages(self, messages) -> None:
def handle_messages(self, messages):
"""re-implement this method to handle the messages"""
"""re-implement this method to handle the messages"""
for msg, t in messages:
for msg, t in messages:
# print("%15.9f %s" % (t, msg))
# print("%15.9f %s" % (t, msg))
def stop(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
def stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
def run(
def run(self, raw_pipe_in=None, stop_flag=None, exception_queue=None):
self, raw_pipe_in=None, stop_flag=None, exception_queue=None
) -> None:
self.raw_pipe_in = raw_pipe_in
self.raw_pipe_in = raw_pipe_in
self.exception_queue = exception_queue
self.exception_queue = exception_queue
self.stop_flag = stop_flag
self.stop_flag = stop_flag
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import time
import pyModeS as pms
import pyModeS as pms
import traceback
import traceback
import zmq
import zmq
import math
class TcpClient(object):
class TcpClient(object):
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ class TcpClient(object):
self.socket.connect("tcp://%s:%s" % (, self.port))
self.socket.connect("tcp://%s:%s" % (, self.port))
def stop(self):
def stop(self):
def read_raw_buffer(self):
def read_raw_buffer(self):
""" Read raw ADS-B data type.
""" Read raw ADS-B data type.
@ -150,103 +149,6 @@ class TcpClient(object):
messages.append([msg, ts])
messages.append([msg, ts])
return messages
return messages
def read_beast_buffer_rssi_piaware(self):
"""Handle mode-s beast data type.
<esc> "1" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, 1 byte signal level,
2 byte Mode-AC
<esc> "2" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, 1 byte signal level,
7 byte Mode-S short frame
<esc> "3" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, 1 byte signal level,
14 byte Mode-S long frame
<esc> "4" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, status data, DIP switch
configuration settings (not on Mode-S Beast classic)
<esc><esc>: true 0x1a
<esc> is 0x1a, and "1", "2" and "3" are 0x31, 0x32 and 0x33
messages_mlat = []
msg = []
i = 0
# process the buffer until the last divider <esc> 0x1a
# then, reset the self.buffer with the remainder
while i < len(self.buffer):
if self.buffer[i : i + 2] == [0x1A, 0x1A]:
i += 1
elif (i == len(self.buffer) - 1) and (self.buffer[i] == 0x1A):
# special case where the last bit is 0x1a
elif self.buffer[i] == 0x1A:
if i == len(self.buffer) - 1:
# special case where the last bit is 0x1a
elif len(msg) > 0:
msg = []
i += 1
# save the reminder for next reading cycle, if not empty
if len(msg) > 0:
reminder = []
for i, m in enumerate(msg):
if (m == 0x1A) and (i < len(msg) - 1):
# rewind 0x1a, except when it is at the last bit
reminder.extend([m, m])
self.buffer = [0x1A] + msg
self.buffer = []
# extract messages
messages = []
for mm in messages_mlat:
ts = time.time()
msgtype = mm[0]
# print(''.join('%02X' % i for i in mm))
if msgtype == 0x32:
# Mode-S Short Message, 7 byte, 14-len hexstr
msg = "".join("%02X" % i for i in mm[8:15])
elif msgtype == 0x33:
# Mode-S Long Message, 14 byte, 28-len hexstr
msg = "".join("%02X" % i for i in mm[8:22])
# Other message tupe
if len(msg) not in [14, 28]:
we get the raw 0-255 byte value (raw_rssi = mm[7])
we scale it to 0.0 - 1.0 (voltage = raw_rssi / 255)
we convert it to a dBFS power value (rolling the squaring of the voltage into the dB calculation)
df = pms.df(msg)
raw_rssi = mm[7] # eighth byte of Mode-S message should contain RSSI value
rssi_ratio = raw_rssi / 255
signalLevel = rssi_ratio ** 2
dbfs_rssi = 10 * math.log10(signalLevel)
# skip incomplete message
if df in [0, 4, 5, 11] and len(msg) != 14:
if df in [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24] and len(msg) != 28:
messages.append([msg, dbfs_rssi, ts])
return messages
def read_skysense_buffer(self):
def read_skysense_buffer(self):
"""Skysense stream format.
"""Skysense stream format.
@ -390,7 +292,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
port = int(sys.argv[2])
port = int(sys.argv[2])
datatype = sys.argv[3]
datatype = sys.argv[3]
client = TcpClient(host=host, port=port, datatype=datatype)
client = TcpClient(host=host, port=port, datatype=datatype)
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ from textwrap import wrap
def hex2bin(hexstr: str) -> str:
def hex2bin(hexstr: str) -> str:
"""Convert a hexadecimal string to binary string, with zero fillings."""
"""Convert a hexdecimal string to binary string, with zero fillings."""
num_of_bits = len(hexstr) * 4
num_of_bits = len(hexstr) * 4
binstr = bin(int(hexstr, 16))[2:].zfill(int(num_of_bits))
binstr = bin(int(hexstr, 16))[2:].zfill(int(num_of_bits))
return binstr
return binstr
def hex2int(hexstr: str) -> int:
def hex2int(hexstr: str) -> int:
"""Convert a hexadecimal string to integer."""
"""Convert a hexdecimal string to integer."""
return int(hexstr, 16)
return int(hexstr, 16)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def bin2int(binstr: str) -> int:
def bin2hex(binstr: str) -> str:
def bin2hex(binstr: str) -> str:
"""Convert a binary string to hexadecimal string."""
"""Convert a binary string to hexdecimal string."""
return "{0:X}".format(int(binstr, 2))
return "{0:X}".format(int(binstr, 2))
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ def cprNL(lat: float) -> int:
nz = 15
nz = 15
a = 1 - np.cos(np.pi / (2 * nz))
a = 1 - np.cos(np.pi / (2 * nz))
b = np.cos(np.pi / 180 * abs(lat)) ** 2
b = np.cos(np.pi / 180.0 * abs(lat)) ** 2
nl = 2 * np.pi / (np.arccos(1 - a / b))
nl = 2 * np.pi / (np.arccos(1 - a / b))
NL = floor(nl)
NL = floor(nl)
return NL
return NL
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ def squawk(binstr: str) -> str:
binstr (String): 13 bits binary string
binstr (String): 13 bits binary string
string: squawk code
int: altitude in ft
if len(binstr) != 13 or not set(binstr).issubset(set("01")):
if len(binstr) != 13 or not set(binstr).issubset(set("01")):
@ -404,85 +404,3 @@ def wrongstatus(data: str, sb: int, msb: int, lsb: int) -> bool:
return True
return True
return False
return False
def fs(msg):
"""Decode flight status for DF 4, 5, 20, and 21.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: flight status, description
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
fs = bin2int(msgbin[5:8])
text = None
if fs == 0:
text = "no alert, no SPI, aircraft is airborne"
elif fs == 1:
text = "no alert, no SPI, aircraft is on-ground"
elif fs == 2:
text = "alert, no SPI, aircraft is airborne"
elif fs == 3:
text = "alert, no SPI, aircraft is on-ground"
elif fs == 4:
text = "alert, SPI, aircraft is airborne or on-ground"
elif fs == 5:
text = "no alert, SPI, aircraft is airborne or on-ground"
return fs, text
def dr(msg):
"""Decode downlink request for DF 4, 5, 20, and 21.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: downlink request, description
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
dr = bin2int(msgbin[8:13])
text = None
if dr == 0:
text = "no downlink request"
elif dr == 1:
text = "request to send Comm-B message"
elif dr == 4:
text = "Comm-B broadcast 1 available"
elif dr == 5:
text = "Comm-B broadcast 2 available"
elif dr >= 16:
text = "ELM downlink segments available: {}".format(dr - 15)
return dr, text
def um(msg):
"""Decode utility message for DF 4, 5, 20, and 21.
Utility message contains interrogator identifier and reservation type.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: interrogator identifier code that triggered the reply, and
reservation type made by the interrogator
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
iis = bin2int(msgbin[13:17])
ids = bin2int(msgbin[17:19])
if ids == 0:
ids_text = None
if ids == 1:
ids_text = "Comm-B interrogator identifier code"
if ids == 2:
ids_text = "Comm-C interrogator identifier code"
if ids == 3:
ids_text = "Comm-D interrogator identifier code"
return iis, ids, ids_text
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import os
import os
import time
import time
import traceback
import datetime
import datetime
import csv
import csv
import pyModeS as pms
import pyModeS as pms
@ -73,15 +72,8 @@ class Decode:
"VFOMr": None,
"VFOMr": None,
"PE_RCu": None,
"PE_RCu": None,
"PE_VPL": None,
"PE_VPL": None,
"hum44" : None,
"p44" : None,
"temp44" : None,
"turb44" : None,
"wind44" : None,
self.acs[icao]["tc"] = tc
self.acs[icao]["icao"] = icao
self.acs[icao]["t"] = t
self.acs[icao]["t"] = t
self.acs[icao]["live"] = int(t)
self.acs[icao]["live"] = int(t)
@ -162,7 +154,7 @@ class Decode:
ac["nic_bc"] = pms.adsb.nic_b(msg)
ac["nic_bc"] = pms.adsb.nic_b(msg)
if (5 <= tc <= 8) or (9 <= tc <= 18) or (20 <= tc <= 22):
if (5 <= tc <= 8) or (9 <= tc <= 18) or (20 <= tc <= 22):
ac["NUCp"], ac["HPL"], ac["RCu"], ac["RCv"] = pms.adsb.nuc_p(msg)
ac["HPL"], ac["RCu"], ac["RCv"] = pms.adsb.nuc_p(msg)
if (ac["ver"] == 1) and ("nic_s" in ac.keys()):
if (ac["ver"] == 1) and ("nic_s" in ac.keys()):
ac["Rc"], ac["VPL"] = pms.adsb.nic_v1(msg, ac["nic_s"])
ac["Rc"], ac["VPL"] = pms.adsb.nic_v1(msg, ac["nic_s"])
@ -171,20 +163,20 @@ class Decode:
and ("nic_a" in ac.keys())
and ("nic_a" in ac.keys())
and ("nic_bc" in ac.keys())
and ("nic_bc" in ac.keys())
ac["NIC"], ac["Rc"] = pms.adsb.nic_v2(msg, ac["nic_a"], ac["nic_bc"])
ac["Rc"] = pms.adsb.nic_v2(msg, ac["nic_a"], ac["nic_bc"])
if tc == 19:
if tc == 19:
ac["NUCv"], ac["HVE"], ac["VVE"] = pms.adsb.nuc_v(msg)
ac["HVE"], ac["VVE"] = pms.adsb.nuc_v(msg)
if ac["ver"] in [1, 2]:
if ac["ver"] in [1, 2]:
ac["NACv"], ac["HFOMr"], ac["VFOMr"] = pms.adsb.nac_v(msg)
ac["HFOMr"], ac["VFOMr"] = pms.adsb.nac_v(msg)
if tc == 29:
if tc == 29:
ac["PE_RCu"], ac["PE_VPL"], ac["base"] = pms.adsb.sil(msg, ac["ver"])
ac["PE_RCu"], ac["PE_VPL"], ac["base"] = pms.adsb.sil(msg, ac["ver"])
ac["NACp"], ac["HEPU"], ac["VEPU"] = pms.adsb.nac_p(msg)
ac["EPU"], ac["VEPU"] = pms.adsb.nac_p(msg)
if tc == 31:
if tc == 31:
ac["ver"] = pms.adsb.version(msg)
ac["ver"] = pms.adsb.version(msg)
ac["NACp"], ac["HEPU"], ac["VEPU"] = pms.adsb.nac_p(msg)
ac["EPU"], ac["VEPU"] = pms.adsb.nac_p(msg)
ac["PE_RCu"], ac["PE_VPL"], ac["sil_base"] = pms.adsb.sil(
ac["PE_RCu"], ac["PE_VPL"], ac["sil_base"] = pms.adsb.sil(
msg, ac["ver"]
msg, ac["ver"]
@ -201,8 +193,6 @@ class Decode:
if icao not in self.acs:
if icao not in self.acs:
self.acs[icao]["icao"] = icao
self.acs[icao]["t"] = t
self.acs[icao]["live"] = int(t)
self.acs[icao]["live"] = int(t)
bds = pms.bds.infer(msg)
bds = pms.bds.infer(msg)
@ -226,10 +216,8 @@ class Decode:
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "rtrk50", rtrk50])
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "rtrk50", rtrk50])
if trk50:
if trk50:
self.acs[icao]["trk50"] = trk50
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "trk50", trk50])
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "trk50", trk50])
if gs50:
if gs50:
self.acs[icao]["gs50"] = gs50
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "gs50", gs50])
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "gs50", gs50])
elif bds == "BDS60":
elif bds == "BDS60":
@ -243,29 +231,16 @@ class Decode:
self.acs[icao]["t60"] = t
self.acs[icao]["t60"] = t
if ias60:
if ias60:
self.acs[icao]["ias"] = ias60
self.acs[icao]["ias"] = ias60
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "ias60", ias60])
if hdg60:
if hdg60:
self.acs[icao]["hdg"] = hdg60
self.acs[icao]["hdg"] = hdg60
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "hdg60", hdg60])
if mach60:
if mach60:
self.acs[icao]["mach"] = mach60
self.acs[icao]["mach"] = mach60
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "mach60", mach60])
if roc60baro:
if roc60baro:
self.acs[icao]["roc60baro"] = roc60baro
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "roc60baro", roc60baro])
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "roc60baro", roc60baro])
if roc60ins:
if roc60ins:
self.acs[icao]["roc60ins"] = roc60ins
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "roc60ins", roc60ins])
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "roc60ins", roc60ins])
elif bds == "BDS44":
self.acs[icao]["hum44"] = pms.commb.hum44(msg)
self.acs[icao]["p44"] = pms.commb.p44(msg)
self.acs[icao]["temp44"] = pms.commb.temp44(msg)
self.acs[icao]["turb44"] = pms.commb.turb44(msg)
self.acs[icao]["wind44"] = pms.commb.wind44(msg)
# clear up old data
# clear up old data
for icao in list(self.acs.keys()):
for icao in list(self.acs.keys()):
if self.t - self.acs[icao]["live"] > self.cache_timeout:
if self.t - self.acs[icao]["live"] > self.cache_timeout:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import time
import argparse
import curses
import signal
import multiprocessing
from pyModeS.streamer.decode import Decode
from pyModeS.streamer.screen import Screen
from pyModeS.streamer.source import NetSource, RtlSdrSource
support_rawtypes = ["raw", "beast", "skysense"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Choose data source, "rtlsdr" or "net"',
help="Define server, port and data type. Supported data types are: {}".format(
metavar=("SERVER", "PORT", "DATATYPE"),
help="Receiver latitude and longitude, needed for the surface position, default none",
metavar=("LAT", "LON"),
help="Display uncertainty values, default off",
help="Folder to dump decoded output, default none",
args = parser.parse_args()
SOURCE = args.source
LATLON = args.latlon
UNCERTAINTY = args.uncertainty
DUMPTO = args.dumpto
if SOURCE == "rtlsdr":
elif SOURCE == "net":
if args.connect is None:
print("Error: --connect argument must not be empty.")
SERVER, PORT, DATATYPE = args.connect
if DATATYPE not in support_rawtypes:
print("Data type not supported, available ones are %s" % support_rawtypes)
print('Source must be "rtlsdr" or "net".')
if DUMPTO is not None:
# append to current folder except root is given
if DUMPTO[0] != "/":
DUMPTO = os.getcwd() + "/" + DUMPTO
if not os.path.isdir(DUMPTO):
print("Error: dump folder (%s) does not exist" % DUMPTO)
# redirect all stdout to null, avoiding messing up with the screen
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
raw_pipe_in, raw_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe()
ac_pipe_in, ac_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe()
exception_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
stop_flag = multiprocessing.Value("b", False)
if SOURCE == "net":
source = NetSource(host=SERVER, port=PORT, rawtype=DATATYPE)
elif SOURCE == "rtlsdr":
source = RtlSdrSource()
recv_process = multiprocessing.Process(
|, args=(raw_pipe_in, stop_flag, exception_queue)
decode = Decode(latlon=LATLON, dumpto=DUMPTO)
decode_process = multiprocessing.Process(
|, args=(raw_pipe_out, ac_pipe_in, exception_queue)
screen = Screen(uncertainty=UNCERTAINTY)
screen_process = multiprocessing.Process(
|, args=(ac_pipe_out, exception_queue)
def shutdown():
stop_flag.value = True
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
def closeall(signal, frame):
print("KeyboardInterrupt (ID: {}). Cleaning up...".format(signal))
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, closeall)
while True:
if (
(not recv_process.is_alive())
or (not decode_process.is_alive())
or (not screen_process.is_alive())
while not exception_queue.empty():
trackback = exception_queue.get()
@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import time
import argparse
import curses
import signal
import multiprocessing
from pyModeS.streamer.decode import Decode
from pyModeS.streamer.screen import Screen
from pyModeS.streamer.source import NetSource, RtlSdrSource # , RtlSdrSource24
def main():
support_rawtypes = ["raw", "beast", "skysense"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Choose data source, "rtlsdr", "rtlsdr24" or "net"',
help="Define server, port and data type. Supported data types are: {}".format(
metavar=("SERVER", "PORT", "DATATYPE"),
help="Receiver latitude and longitude, needed for the surface position, default none",
metavar=("LAT", "LON"),
help="Display uncertainty values, default off",
help="Folder to dump decoded output, default none",
args = parser.parse_args()
SOURCE = args.source
LATLON = args.latlon
UNCERTAINTY = args.uncertainty
DUMPTO = args.dumpto
if SOURCE in ["rtlsdr", "rtlsdr24"]:
elif SOURCE == "net":
if args.connect is None:
print("Error: --connect argument must not be empty.")
SERVER, PORT, DATATYPE = args.connect
if DATATYPE not in support_rawtypes:
"Data type not supported, available ones are %s"
% support_rawtypes
print('Source must be "rtlsdr" or "net".')
if DUMPTO is not None:
# append to current folder except root is given
if DUMPTO[0] != "/":
DUMPTO = os.getcwd() + "/" + DUMPTO
if not os.path.isdir(DUMPTO):
print("Error: dump folder (%s) does not exist" % DUMPTO)
# redirect all stdout to null, avoiding messing up with the screen
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
raw_pipe_in, raw_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe()
ac_pipe_in, ac_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe()
exception_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
stop_flag = multiprocessing.Value("b", False)
if SOURCE == "net":
source = NetSource(host=SERVER, port=PORT, rawtype=DATATYPE)
elif SOURCE == "rtlsdr":
source = RtlSdrSource()
# elif SOURCE == "rtlsdr24":
# source = RtlSdrSource24()
recv_process = multiprocessing.Process(
||||||, args=(raw_pipe_in, stop_flag, exception_queue)
decode = Decode(latlon=LATLON, dumpto=DUMPTO)
decode_process = multiprocessing.Process(
||||||, args=(raw_pipe_out, ac_pipe_in, exception_queue)
screen = Screen(uncertainty=UNCERTAINTY)
screen_process = multiprocessing.Process(
||||||, args=(ac_pipe_out, exception_queue)
def shutdown():
stop_flag.value = True
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
def closeall(signal, frame):
print("KeyboardInterrupt (ID: {}). Cleaning up...".format(signal))
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, closeall)
while True:
if (
(not recv_process.is_alive())
or (not decode_process.is_alive())
or (not screen_process.is_alive())
while not exception_queue.empty():
trackback = exception_queue.get()
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
name = "pyModeS"
version = "2.18"
description = "Python Mode-S and ADS-B Decoder"
authors = ["Junzi Sun <>"]
license = "GNU GPL v3"
readme = "README.rst"
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Typing :: Typed",
packages = [{ include = "pyModeS", from = "." }]
include = [
{ path = "pyModeS/**/*.so", format = "wheel" },
{ path = "pyModeS/**/*.pyd", format = "wheel" },
build = ""
modeslive = "pyModeS.streamer.modeslive:main"
python = ">=3.9"
numpy = ">=1.26"
pyzmq = ">=24.0"
pyrtlsdr = { version = ">=0.2.93", optional = true }
mypy = ">=0.991"
flake8 = ">=5.0.0"
black = ">=22.12.0"
isort = ">=5.11.4"
pytest = ">=7.2.0"
pytest-cov = ">=4.0.0"
codecov = ">=2.1.12"
rtlsdr = ["pyrtlsdr"]
line-length = 80
target_version = ['py39', 'py310', 'py311', 'py312']
include = '\.pyi?$'
line_length = 80
profile = "black"
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0", "Cython>=0.29.32", "setuptools>=69.1.1"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"""A setuptools based setup module.
Steps for deploying a new version:
1. Increase the version number
2. remove the old deployment under [dist] and [build] folder
3. run: python sdist
4. twine upload dist/*
# Always prefer setuptools over distutils
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
# To use a consistent encoding
from codecs import open
from os import path
here = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
# Get the long description from the README file
with open(path.join(here, "README.rst"), encoding="utf-8") as f:
long_description =
details = dict(
description="Python Mode-S and ADS-B Decoder",
author="Junzi Sun",
license="GNU GPL v3",
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
keywords="Mode-S ADS-B EHS ELS Comm-B",
packages=find_packages(exclude=["contrib", "docs", "tests"]),
install_requires=["numpy", "pyzmq"],
extras_require={"fast": ["Cython"]},
package_data={"pyModeS": ["*.pyx", "*.pxd"]},
from setuptools.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize
extensions = [Extension("pyModeS.c_common", ["pyModeS/c_common.pyx"])]
setup(**dict(details, ext_modules=cythonize(extensions)))
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
import csv
import sys
import time
import time
import csv
from pyModeS.decoder import adsb
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "cython":
from pyModeS.c_decoder import adsb
from pyModeS.decoder import adsb
print("===== Decode ADS-B sample data=====")
print("===== Decode ADS-B sample data=====")
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from pyModeS import adsb
from pyModeS import adsb
from pytest import approx
# === TEST ADS-B package ===
# === TEST ADS-B package ===
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ def test_adsb_position():
assert pos == (approx(49.81755, 0.001), approx(6.08442, 0.001))
assert pos == (49.81755, 6.08442)
def test_adsb_position_swap_odd_even():
def test_adsb_position_swap_odd_even():
@ -33,32 +32,26 @@ def test_adsb_position_swap_odd_even():
assert pos == (approx(49.81755, 0.001), approx(6.08442, 0.001))
assert pos == (49.81755, 6.08442)
def test_adsb_position_with_ref():
def test_adsb_position_with_ref():
pos = adsb.position_with_ref("8D40058B58C901375147EFD09357", 49.0, 6.0)
pos = adsb.position_with_ref("8D40058B58C901375147EFD09357", 49.0, 6.0)
assert pos == (approx(49.82410, 0.001), approx(6.06785, 0.001))
assert pos == (49.82410, 6.06785)
pos = adsb.position_with_ref("8FC8200A3AB8F5F893096B000000", -43.5, 172.5)
pos = adsb.position_with_ref("8FC8200A3AB8F5F893096B000000", -43.5, 172.5)
assert pos == (approx(-43.48564, 0.001), approx(172.53942, 0.001))
assert pos == (-43.48564, 172.53942)
def test_adsb_airborne_position_with_ref():
def test_adsb_airborne_position_with_ref():
pos = adsb.airborne_position_with_ref(
pos = adsb.airborne_position_with_ref("8D40058B58C901375147EFD09357", 49.0, 6.0)
"8D40058B58C901375147EFD09357", 49.0, 6.0
assert pos == (49.82410, 6.06785)
pos = adsb.airborne_position_with_ref("8D40058B58C904A87F402D3B8C59", 49.0, 6.0)
assert pos == (approx(49.82410, 0.001), approx(6.06785, 0.001))
assert pos == (49.81755, 6.08442)
pos = adsb.airborne_position_with_ref(
"8D40058B58C904A87F402D3B8C59", 49.0, 6.0
assert pos == (approx(49.81755, 0.001), approx(6.08442, 0.001))
def test_adsb_surface_position_with_ref():
def test_adsb_surface_position_with_ref():
pos = adsb.surface_position_with_ref(
pos = adsb.surface_position_with_ref("8FC8200A3AB8F5F893096B000000", -43.5, 172.5)
"8FC8200A3AB8F5F893096B000000", -43.5, 172.5
assert pos == (-43.48564, 172.53942)
assert pos == (approx(-43.48564, 0.001), approx(172.53942, 0.001))
def test_adsb_surface_position():
def test_adsb_surface_position():
@ -70,7 +63,7 @@ def test_adsb_surface_position():
assert pos == (approx(-43.48564, 0.001), approx(172.53942, 0.001))
assert pos == (-43.48564, 172.53942)
def test_adsb_alt():
def test_adsb_alt():
@ -81,31 +74,16 @@ def test_adsb_velocity():
vgs = adsb.velocity("8D485020994409940838175B284F")
vgs = adsb.velocity("8D485020994409940838175B284F")
vas = adsb.velocity("8DA05F219B06B6AF189400CBC33F")
vas = adsb.velocity("8DA05F219B06B6AF189400CBC33F")
vgs_surface = adsb.velocity("8FC8200A3AB8F5F893096B000000")
vgs_surface = adsb.velocity("8FC8200A3AB8F5F893096B000000")
assert vgs == (159, approx(182.88, 0.1), -832, "GS")
assert vgs == (159, 182.88, -832, "GS")
assert vas == (375, approx(243.98, 0.1), -2304, "TAS")
assert vas == (375, 243.98, -2304, "TAS")
assert vgs_surface == (19, approx(42.2, 0.1), 0, "GS")
assert vgs_surface == (19, 42.2, 0, "GS")
assert adsb.altitude_diff("8D485020994409940838175B284F") == 550
assert adsb.altitude_diff("8D485020994409940838175B284F") == 550
def test_adsb_emergency():
def test_adsb_emergency():
assert not adsb.is_emergency("8DA2C1B6E112B600000000760759")
assert not adsb.is_emergency("8DA2C1B6E112B600000000760759")
assert adsb.emergency_state("8DA2C1B6E112B600000000760759") == 0
assert adsb.emergency_state("8DA2C1B6E112B600000000760759") == 0
assert adsb.emergency_squawk("8DA2C1B6E112B600000000760759") == "6513"
assert adsb.emergency_squawk("8DA2C1B6E112B600000000760759") == "6615"
def test_adsb_target_state_status():
sel_alt = adsb.selected_altitude("8DA05629EA21485CBF3F8CADAEEB")
assert sel_alt == (16992, "MCP/FCU")
assert adsb.baro_pressure_setting("8DA05629EA21485CBF3F8CADAEEB") == 1012.8
assert adsb.selected_heading("8DA05629EA21485CBF3F8CADAEEB") == approx(
66.8, 0.1
assert adsb.autopilot("8DA05629EA21485CBF3F8CADAEEB") is True
assert adsb.vnav_mode("8DA05629EA21485CBF3F8CADAEEB") is True
assert adsb.altitude_hold_mode("8DA05629EA21485CBF3F8CADAEEB") is False
assert adsb.approach_mode("8DA05629EA21485CBF3F8CADAEEB") is False
assert adsb.tcas_operational("8DA05629EA21485CBF3F8CADAEEB") is True
assert adsb.lnav_mode("8DA05629EA21485CBF3F8CADAEEB") is True
# def test_nic():
# def test_nic():
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ def test_icao():
def test_interrogator():
def test_interrogator():
assert allcall.interrogator("5D484FDEA248F5") == "SI6"
assert allcall.interrogator("5D484FDEA248F5") == 22
def test_capability():
def test_capability():
@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
import sys
import pytest
from pyModeS import bds
from pyModeS import bds
# this one fails on GitHub action for some unknown reason
# it looks successful on other Windows instances though
# TODO fix later
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="GitHub Action")
def test_bds_infer():
def test_bds_infer():
assert bds.infer("8D406B902015A678D4D220AA4BDA") == "BDS08"
assert bds.infer("8D406B902015A678D4D220AA4BDA") == "BDS08"
assert bds.infer("8FC8200A3AB8F5F893096B000000") == "BDS06"
assert bds.infer("8FC8200A3AB8F5F893096B000000") == "BDS06"
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from pyModeS import bds, commb
from pyModeS import bds, commb
from pytest import approx
# from pyModeS import ehs, els # deprecated
# from pyModeS import ehs, els # deprecated
@ -23,24 +22,30 @@ def test_bds40_functions():
def test_bds50_functions():
def test_bds50_functions():
msg1 = "A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5"
assert bds.bds50.roll50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 2.1
msg2 = "A0001691FFD263377FFCE02B2BF9"
assert bds.bds50.roll50("A0001691FFD263377FFCE02B2BF9") == -0.4 # signed value
assert bds.bds50.trk50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 114.258
assert bds.bds50.gs50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 438
assert bds.bds50.rtrk50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 0.125
assert bds.bds50.tas50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 424
for module in [bds.bds50, commb]:
assert commb.roll50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 2.1
assert module.roll50(msg1) == approx(2.1, 0.01)
assert commb.roll50("A0001691FFD263377FFCE02B2BF9") == -0.4 # signed value
assert module.roll50(msg2) == approx(-0.35, 0.01) # signed value
assert commb.trk50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 114.258
assert module.trk50(msg1) == approx(114.258, 0.1)
assert commb.gs50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 438
assert module.gs50(msg1) == 438
assert commb.rtrk50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 0.125
assert module.rtrk50(msg1) == 0.125
assert commb.tas50("A000139381951536E024D4CCF6B5") == 424
assert module.tas50(msg1) == 424
def test_bds60_functions():
def test_bds60_functions():
msg = "A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21"
assert bds.bds60.hdg60("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == 42.715
assert bds.bds60.ias60("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == 252
assert bds.bds60.mach60("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == 0.42
assert bds.bds60.vr60baro("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == -1920
assert bds.bds60.vr60ins("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == -1920
for module in [bds.bds60, commb]:
assert commb.hdg60("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == 42.715
assert bds.bds60.hdg60(msg) == approx(42.71484)
assert commb.ias60("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == 252
assert bds.bds60.ias60(msg) == 252
assert commb.mach60("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == 0.42
assert bds.bds60.mach60(msg) == 0.42
assert commb.vr60baro("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == -1920
assert bds.bds60.vr60baro(msg) == -1920
assert commb.vr60ins("A00004128F39F91A7E27C46ADC21") == -1920
assert bds.bds60.vr60ins(msg) == -1920
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