Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "1.x" have entirely different histories.
master ... 1.x

121 changed files with 3015 additions and 9896 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
branch = True
include = */pyModeS/*
omit = *tests*
exclude_lines =
coverage: ignore
raise NotImplementedError
ignore_errors = True

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "pip"
directory: "/"
interval: "monthly"
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "monthly"

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
name: build and publish
types: [created]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build and publish to pypi
uses: JRubics/poetry-publish@v2.0
poetry_version: "==1.8.2"
pypi_token: ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN_PYMODES }}

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
name: tests
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
python-version: ["3.9", "3.10", "3.11", "3.12"]
PYTHON_VERSION: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
# virtualenv cache should depends on OS, Python version and `poetry.lock` (and optionally workflow files).
- name: Cache Packages
uses: actions/cache@v4
if: ${{ !startsWith(runner.os, 'windows') }}
path: |
key: poetry-${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/poetry.lock') }}
- name: Add poetry to windows path
if: "startsWith(runner.os, 'windows')"
run: |
echo "C:\Users\runneradmin\.local\bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- name: Install and configure Poetry
uses: snok/install-poetry@v1.4.0
version: ${{ env.POETRY_VERSION }}
virtualenvs-create: true
virtualenvs-in-project: true
- name: Display Python version
run: poetry run python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
poetry install
- name: Type checking
run: |
poetry run mypy pyModeS
- name: Run tests
run: |
poetry run pytest tests --cov --cov-report term-missing
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4

.gitignore vendored
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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# C extensions
@ -58,9 +57,3 @@ target/
# PyCharm
# Environments

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
pip install . --upgrade
pip uninstall pyModeS -y
python build_ext --inplace
make clean
@echo ""
@echo "[Test with py_common]"
python -m pytest tests
@echo ""
@echo "[Test with c_common]"
python build_ext --inplace
python -m pytest tests
find pyModeS -type f -name '*.c' -delete
find pyModeS -type f -name '*.so' -delete
find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$$)" | xargs rm -rf
rm -rf *.egg-info
rm -rf .pytest_cache
rm -rf build/*

View File

@ -1,152 +1,53 @@
The Python ADS-B/Mode-S Decoder
The Python Mode-S Decoder
PyModeS is a Python library designed to decode Mode-S (including ADS-B) messages. It can be imported to your python project or used as a standalone tool to view and save live traffic data.
Python library for Mode-S message decoding. Support Downlink Formats (DF) are:
This is a project created by Junzi Sun, who works at `TU Delft <>`_, `Aerospace Engineering Faculty <>`_, `CNS/ATM research group <>`_. It is supported by many `contributors <>`_ from different institutions.
- Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) (DF17)
- aircraft information that contains: ICAO address, position, altitude, velocity (ground speed), callsign, etc.
pyModeS supports the decoding of following types of messages:
- Mode-S Comm-B replies :Additional information in response to SSR interrogation, such as true airspeed, indicated airspeed, mach number, wind, temperature, etc.
- DF4 / DF20: Altitude code
- DF5 / DF21: Identity code (squawk code)
- DF20: Altitude
- DF21: Squawk code
- DF20/21 BDS 2,0 Aircraft identification
- DF20/21 BDS 2,1 Aircraft and airline registration markings
- DF20/21 BDS 4,0 Selected vertical intention
- DF20/21 BDS 4,4 Meteorological routine air report
- DF20/21 BDS 5,0 Track and turn report
- DF20/21 BDS 5,3 Air-referenced state vector
- DF20/21 BDS 6,0 Heading and speed report
- DF17 / DF18: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)
- TC=1-4 / BDS 0,8: Aircraft identification and category
- TC=5-8 / BDS 0,6: Surface position
- TC=9-18 / BDS 0,5: Airborne position
- TC=19 / BDS 0,9: Airborne velocity
- TC=28 / BDS 6,1: Airborne status [to be implemented]
- TC=29 / BDS 6,2: Target state and status information [to be implemented]
- TC=31 / BDS 6,5: Aircraft operational status [to be implemented]
- DF20 / DF21: Mode-S Comm-B messages
- BDS 1,0: Data link capability report
- BDS 1,7: Common usage GICB capability report
- BDS 2,0: Aircraft identification
- BDS 3,0: ACAS active resolution advisory
- BDS 4,0: Selected vertical intention
- BDS 4,4: Meteorological routine air report (experimental)
- BDS 4,5: Meteorological hazard report (experimental)
- BDS 5,0: Track and turn report
- BDS 6,0: Heading and speed report
Detailed manual on Mode-S decoding is published by the author, at:
If you find this project useful for your research, please considering cite this tool as::
author={J. {Sun} and H. {V\^u} and J. {Ellerbroek} and J. M. {Hoekstra}},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems},
title={pyModeS: Decoding Mode-S Surveillance Data for Open Air Transportation Research},
Source code
Check out and contribute to this open-source project at:
Checkout and contribute to this open source project at:
Detailed manual on Mode-S decoding is published at:
The API documentation of pyModeS is at:
API documentation at:
Basic installation
The easiest installation is to use pip:
Installation examples::
# stable version
pip install pyModeS
# conda (compiled) version
conda install -c conda-forge pymodes
To install latest devlopment version from the GitHub:
# development version
pip install git+
Dependencies ``numpy``, and ``pyzmq`` are installed automatically during previous installations processes.
If you need to connect pyModeS to a RTL-SDR receiver, ``pyrtlsdr`` need to be installed manually::
pip install pyrtlsdr
Advanced installation (using c modules)
If you want to make use of the (faster) c module, install ``pyModeS`` as follows::
# conda (compiled) version
conda install -c conda-forge pymodes
# stable version
pip install pyModeS
# development version
git clone
cd pyModeS
poetry install -E rtlsdr
View live traffic (modeslive)
General usage::
$ modeslive [-h] --source SOURCE [--connect SERVER PORT DATAYPE]
[--latlon LAT LON] [--show-uncertainty] [--dumpto DUMPTO]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--source SOURCE Choose data source, "rtlsdr" or "net"
Define server, port and data type. Supported data
types are: ['raw', 'beast', 'skysense']
--latlon LAT LON Receiver latitude and longitude, needed for the surface
position, default none
--show-uncertainty Display uncertainty values, default off
--dumpto DUMPTO Folder to dump decoded output, default none
Live with RTL-SDR
If you have an RTL-SDR receiver connected to your computer, you can use the ``rtlsdr`` source switch (require ``pyrtlsdr`` package), with command::
$ modeslive --source rtlsdr
Live with network data
If you want to connect to a TCP server that broadcast raw data. use can use ``net`` source switch, for example::
$ modeslive --source net --connect localhost 30002 raw
$ modeslive --source net --connect 30005 beast
Example screenshot:
.. image::
:width: 700px
Use the library
@ -155,37 +56,36 @@ Use the library
import pyModeS as pms
Common functions
Common functions:
.. code:: python
pms.df(msg) # Downlink Format
pms.icao(msg) # Infer the ICAO address from the message
pms.crc(msg, encode=False) # Perform CRC or generate parity bit
pms.hex2bin(str) # Convert hexadecimal string to binary string
pms.bin2int(str) # Convert binary string to integer
pms.hex2int(str) # Convert hexadecimal string to integer
pms.gray2int(str) # Convert grey code to integer
pms.hex2bin(str) # Convert hexadecimal string to binary string
pms.bin2int(str) # Convert binary string to integer
pms.hex2int(str) # Convert hexadecimal string to integer
pms.gray2int(str) # Convert grey code to interger
Core functions for ADS-B decoding
Core functions for ADS-B decoding:
.. code:: python
# Typecode 1-4
# typecode 1-4
# Typecode 5-8 (surface), 9-18 (airborne, barometric height), and 20-22 (airborne, GNSS height)
# typecode 5-8 (surface) and 9-18 (airborne)
pms.adsb.position(msg_even, msg_odd, t_even, t_odd, lat_ref=None, lon_ref=None)
pms.adsb.airborne_position(msg_even, msg_odd, t_even, t_odd)
pms.adsb.surface_position(msg_even, msg_odd, t_even, t_odd, lat_ref, lon_ref)
pms.adsb.position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
pms.adsb.airborne_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
@ -193,185 +93,85 @@ Core functions for ADS-B decoding
# Typecode: 19
pms.adsb.velocity(msg) # Handles both surface & airborne messages
pms.adsb.speed_heading(msg) # Handles both surface & airborne messages
# typecode: 19
pms.adsb.velocity(msg) # handles both surface & airborne messages
pms.adsb.speed_heading(msg) # handles both surface & airborne messages
Note: When you have a fix position of the aircraft, it is convenient to use `position_with_ref()` method to decode with only one position message (either odd or even). This works with both airborne and surface position messages. But the reference position shall be within 180NM (airborne) or 45NM (surface) of the true position.
Note: When you have a fix position of the aircraft, it is convenient to
use `position_with_ref()` method to decode with only one position message
(either odd or even). This works with both airborne and surface position
messages. But the reference position shall be with in 180NM (airborne)
or 45NM (surface) of the true position.
Decode altitude replies in DF4 / DF20
.. code:: python
pms.common.altcode(msg) # Downlink format must be 4 or 20
Decode identity replies in DF5 / DF21
.. code:: python
pms.common.idcode(msg) # Downlink format must be 5 or 21
Common Mode-S functions
Core functions for ELS decoding:
.. code:: python
pms.icao(msg) # Infer the ICAO address from the message
pms.bds.infer(msg) # Infer the Modes-S BDS register
# Check if BDS is 5,0 or 6,0, give reference speed, track, altitude (from ADS-B)
pms.bds.is50or60(msg, spd_ref, trk_ref, alt_ref)
# Check each BDS explicitly
pms.els.icao(msg) # ICAO address
pms.els.df4alt(msg) # Altitude from any DF4 message
pms.ehs.df5id(msg) # Squawk code from any DF5 message
Mode-S Elementary Surveillance (ELS)
Core functions for EHS decoding:
.. code:: python
pms.commb.ovc10(msg) # Overlay capability, BDS 1,0
pms.commb.cap17(msg) # GICB capability, BDS 1,7
pms.commb.cs20(msg) # Callsign, BDS 2,0
pms.ehs.icao(msg) # ICAO address
pms.ehs.df20alt(msg) # Altitude from any DF20 message
pms.ehs.df21id(msg) # Squawk code from any DF21 message
pms.ehs.BDS(msg) # Comm-B Data Selector Version
Mode-S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS)
# for BDS version 2,0
pms.ehs.isBDS20(msg) # Check if message is BDS 2,0
pms.ehs.callsign(msg) # Aircraft callsign
.. code:: python
# for BDS version 4,0
pms.ehs.isBDS40(msg) # Check if message is BDS 4,0
pms.ehs.alt40mcp(msg) # MCP/FCU selected altitude (ft)
pms.ehs.alt40fms(msg) # FMS selected altitude (ft)
pms.ehs.p40baro(msg) # Barometric pressure (mb)
# BDS 4,0
pms.commb.selalt40mcp(msg) # MCP/FCU selected altitude (ft)
pms.commb.selalt40fms(msg) # FMS selected altitude (ft)
pms.commb.p40baro(msg) # Barometric pressure (mb)
# for BDS version 4,4
pms.ehs.isBDS44(msg, rev=False) # Check if message is BDS 4,4
pms.ehs.wind44(msg, rev=False) # wind speed (kt) and heading (deg)
pms.ehs.temp44(msg, rev=False) # temperature (C)
pms.ehs.p44(msg, rev=False) # pressure (hPa)
pms.ehs.hum44(msg, rev=False) # humidity (%)
# BDS 5,0
pms.commb.roll50(msg) # Roll angle (deg)
pms.commb.trk50(msg) # True track angle (deg)
pms.commb.gs50(msg) # Ground speed (kt)
pms.commb.rtrk50(msg) # Track angle rate (deg/sec)
pms.commb.tas50(msg) # True airspeed (kt)
# for BDS version 5,0
pms.ehs.isBDS50(msg) # Check if message is BDS 5,0
pms.ehs.roll50(msg) # roll angle (deg)
pms.ehs.trk50(msg) # track angle (deg)
pms.ehs.gs50(msg) # ground speed (kt)
pms.ehs.rtrk50(msg) # track angle rate (deg/sec)
pms.ehs.tas50(msg) # true airspeed (kt)
# BDS 6,0
pms.commb.hdg60(msg) # Magnetic heading (deg)
pms.commb.ias60(msg) # Indicated airspeed (kt)
pms.commb.mach60(msg) # Mach number (-)
pms.commb.vr60baro(msg) # Barometric altitude rate (ft/min)
pms.commb.vr60ins(msg) # Inertial vertical speed (ft/min)
# for BDS version 5,3
pms.ehs.isBDS53(msg) # Check if message is BDS 5,3
pms.ehs.hdg53(msg) # magnetic heading (deg)
pms.ehs.ias53(msg) # indicated airspeed (kt)
pms.ehs.mach53(msg) # MACH number
pms.ehs.tas53(msg) # true airspeed (kt)
pms.ehs.vr53(msg) # vertical rate (fpm)
# for BDS version 6,0
pms.ehs.isBDS60(msg) # Check if message is BDS 6,0
pms.ehs.hdg60(msg) # heading (deg)
pms.ehs.ias60(msg) # indicated airspeed (kt)
pms.ehs.mach60(msg) # MACH number
pms.ehs.vr60baro(msg) # barometric altitude rate (ft/min)
pms.ehs.vr60ins(msg) # inertial vertical speed (ft/min)
Meteorological reports [Experimental]
To perform unit tests. First install ``tox`` through pip, Then, run the following commands:
To identify BDS 4,4 and 4,5 codes, you must set ``mrar`` argument to ``True`` in the ``infer()`` function:
.. code:: bash
.. code:: python
pms.bds.infer(msg. mrar=True)
Once the correct MRAR and MHR messages are identified, decode them as follows:
Meteorological routine air report (MRAR)
.. code:: python
# BDS 4,4
pms.commb.wind44(msg) # Wind speed (kt) and direction (true) (deg)
pms.commb.temp44(msg) # Static air temperature (C)
pms.commb.p44(msg) # Average static pressure (hPa)
pms.commb.hum44(msg) # Humidity (%)
Meteorological hazard air report (MHR)
.. code:: python
# BDS 4,5
pms.commb.turb45(msg) # Turbulence level (0-3)
pms.commb.ws45(msg) # Wind shear level (0-3)
pms.commb.mb45(msg) # Microburst level (0-3)
pms.commb.ic45(msg) # Icing level (0-3)
pms.commb.wv45(msg) # Wake vortex level (0-3)
pms.commb.temp45(msg) # Static air temperature (C)
pms.commb.p45(msg) # Average static pressure (hPa)
pms.commb.rh45(msg) # Radio height (ft)
Customize the streaming module
The TCP client module from pyModeS can be re-used to stream and process Mode-S data as you like. You need to re-implement the ``handle_messages()`` function from the ``TcpClient`` class to write your own logic to handle the messages.
Here is an example:
.. code:: python
import pyModeS as pms
from pyModeS.extra.tcpclient import TcpClient
# define your custom class by extending the TcpClient
# - implement your handle_messages() methods
class ADSBClient(TcpClient):
def __init__(self, host, port, rawtype):
super(ADSBClient, self).__init__(host, port, rawtype)
def handle_messages(self, messages):
for msg, ts in messages:
if len(msg) != 28: # wrong data length
df = pms.df(msg)
if df != 17: # not ADSB
if pms.crc(msg) !=0: # CRC fail
icao = pms.adsb.icao(msg)
tc = pms.adsb.typecode(msg)
# TODO: write you magic code here
print(ts, icao, tc, msg)
# run new client, change the host, port, and rawtype if needed
client = ADSBClient(host='', port=30005, rawtype='beast')
Unit test
To perform unit tests, ``pytest`` must be install first.
Build Cython extensions
$ make ext
Run unit tests
$ make test
Clean build files
$ make clean
$ tox

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
import os
import shutil
import sys
# import pip
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from setuptools import Distribution, Extension
from setuptools.command import build_ext
def build() -> None:
compile_args = []
if sys.platform == "linux":
compile_args += ["-Wno-pointer-sign", "-Wno-unused-variable"]
extensions = [
# Extension(
# "pyModeS.extra.demod2400.core",
# [
# "pyModeS/extra/demod2400/core.pyx",
# "pyModeS/extra/demod2400/demod2400.c",
# ],
# extra_compile_args=compile_args,
# include_dirs=["pyModeS/extra/demod2400"],
# libraries=["m"],
# ),
ext_modules = cythonize(
compiler_directives={"binding": True, "language_level": 3},
distribution = Distribution({"name": "extended", "ext_modules": ext_modules})
distribution.package_dir = "extended" # type: ignore
cmd = build_ext.build_ext(distribution)
cmd.verbose = True # type: ignore
cmd.ensure_finalized() # type: ignore
# Copy built extensions back to the project
for output in cmd.get_output_mapping():
relative_extension = os.path.relpath(output, cmd.build_lib)
shutil.copyfile(output, relative_extension)
mode = os.stat(relative_extension).st_mode
mode |= (mode & 0o444) >> 2
os.chmod(relative_extension, mode)
if __name__ == "__main__":

doc/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -1,21 +1,225 @@
# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
SOURCEDIR = source
BUILDDIR = build
BUILDDIR = _build
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
# Internal variables.
PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others
.PHONY: help
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@echo " html to make standalone HTML files"
@echo " dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories"
@echo " singlehtml to make a single large HTML file"
@echo " pickle to make pickle files"
@echo " json to make JSON files"
@echo " htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
@echo " qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project"
@echo " applehelp to make an Apple Help Book"
@echo " devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project"
@echo " epub to make an epub"
@echo " epub3 to make an epub3"
@echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
@echo " latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"
@echo " latexpdfja to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx"
@echo " text to make text files"
@echo " man to make manual pages"
@echo " texinfo to make Texinfo files"
@echo " info to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo"
@echo " gettext to make PO message catalogs"
@echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
@echo " xml to make Docutils-native XML files"
@echo " pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes"
@echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
@echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
@echo " coverage to run coverage check of the documentation (if enabled)"
@echo " dummy to check syntax errors of document sources"
.PHONY: help Makefile
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile
rm -f source/pyModeS*.rst source/modules.rst
sphinx-apidoc -f -e -M -o source/ ../pyModeS ../pyModeS/decoder/ ../pyModeS/decoder/ ../pyModeS/streamer ../pyModeS/extra
.PHONY: html
@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
.PHONY: dirhtml
@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml."
.PHONY: singlehtml
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@echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml."
.PHONY: pickle
@echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files."
.PHONY: json
@echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."
.PHONY: htmlhelp
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp
@echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp."
.PHONY: qthelp
@echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:"
@echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/pyModeS.qhcp"
@echo "To view the help file:"
@echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/pyModeS.qhc"
.PHONY: applehelp
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b applehelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/applehelp
@echo "Build finished. The help book is in $(BUILDDIR)/applehelp."
@echo "N.B. You won't be able to view it unless you put it in" \
"~/Library/Documentation/Help or install it in your application" \
.PHONY: devhelp
@echo "Build finished."
@echo "To view the help file:"
@echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/pyModeS"
@echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/pyModeS"
@echo "# devhelp"
.PHONY: epub
@echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub."
.PHONY: epub3
@echo "Build finished. The epub3 file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub3."
.PHONY: latex
@echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
@echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \
"(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)."
.PHONY: latexpdf
@echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
$(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
.PHONY: latexpdfja
@echo "Running LaTeX files through platex and dvipdfmx..."
$(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf-ja
@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
.PHONY: text
@echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text."
.PHONY: man
@echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man."
.PHONY: texinfo
@echo "Build finished. The Texinfo files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
@echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" \
"(use \`make info' here to do that automatically)."
.PHONY: info
@echo "Running Texinfo files through makeinfo..."
make -C $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo info
@echo "makeinfo finished; the Info files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
.PHONY: gettext
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b gettext $(I18NSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/locale
@echo "Build finished. The message catalogs are in $(BUILDDIR)/locale."
.PHONY: changes
@echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes."
.PHONY: linkcheck
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck
@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
"or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt."
.PHONY: doctest
@echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
"results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt."
.PHONY: coverage
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b coverage $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/coverage
@echo "Testing of coverage in the sources finished, look at the " \
"results in $(BUILDDIR)/coverage/python.txt."
.PHONY: xml
@echo "Build finished. The XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/xml."
.PHONY: pseudoxml
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pseudoxml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml
@echo "Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml."
.PHONY: dummy
@echo "Build finished. Dummy builder generates no files."

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
How to generate the apidoc
cd doc
make html

doc/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pyModeS documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Tue Aug 16 15:47:05 2016.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
# containing dir.
# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
# autogenerated file.
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
# serve to show the default.
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
# import os
# import sys
# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
# needs_sphinx = '1.0'
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
source_suffix = '.rst'
# The encoding of source files.
# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'pyModeS'
copyright = u'2016, Junzi Sun'
author = u'Junzi Sun'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = u'1.0.5'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = u'1.0.5'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
language = None
# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
# today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
# documents.
# default_role = None
# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
# add_function_parentheses = True
# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
# unit titles (such as .. function::).
# add_module_names = True
# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
# output. They are ignored by default.
# show_authors = False
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
# modindex_common_prefix = []
# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents.
# keep_warnings = False
# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
todo_include_todos = True
# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
# html_theme = 'alabaster'
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
# html_theme_options = {}
# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
# html_theme_path = []
# The name for this set of Sphinx documents.
# "<project> v<release> documentation" by default.
# html_title = u'pyModeS v1.0.5'
# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
# html_short_title = None
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
# of the sidebar.
# html_logo = None
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to use as a favicon of
# the docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
# pixels large.
# html_favicon = None
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ['_static']
# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
# directly to the root of the documentation.
# html_extra_path = []
# If not None, a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page
# bottom, using the given strftime format.
# The empty string is equivalent to '%b %d, %Y'.
# html_last_updated_fmt = None
# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
# typographically correct entities.
# html_use_smartypants = True
# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
# html_sidebars = {}
# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
# template names.
# html_additional_pages = {}
# If false, no module index is generated.
# html_domain_indices = True
# If false, no index is generated.
# html_use_index = True
# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
# html_split_index = False
# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
# html_show_sourcelink = True
# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
# html_show_sphinx = True
# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
# html_show_copyright = True
# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
# html_use_opensearch = ''
# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
# html_file_suffix = None
# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index.
# Sphinx supports the following languages:
# 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja'
# 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr', 'zh'
# html_search_language = 'en'
# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default.
# 'ja' uses this config value.
# 'zh' user can custom change `jieba` dictionary path.
# html_search_options = {'type': 'default'}
# The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that
# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used.
# html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js'
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
htmlhelp_basename = 'pyModeSdoc'
# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
# 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
# 'pointsize': '10pt',
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
# 'preamble': '',
# Latex figure (float) alignment
# 'figure_align': 'htbp',
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
(master_doc, 'pyModeS.tex', u'pyModeS Documentation',
u'Junzi Sun', 'manual'),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
# the title page.
# latex_logo = None
# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
# not chapters.
# latex_use_parts = False
# If true, show page references after internal links.
# latex_show_pagerefs = False
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
# latex_show_urls = False
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
# latex_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
# latex_domain_indices = True
# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
(master_doc, 'pymodes', u'pyModeS Documentation',
[author], 1)
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
# man_show_urls = False
# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
(master_doc, 'pyModeS', u'pyModeS Documentation',
author, 'pyModeS', 'One line description of project.',
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
# texinfo_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
# texinfo_domain_indices = True
# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False

doc/index.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
.. pyModeS documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Tue Aug 16 15:47:05 2016.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
pyModeS APIs
This document contains all the functions within pyModeS package.
Source code and user guide:
pyModeS.adsb module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.adsb
pyModeS.ehs module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.ehs
pyModeS.util module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.util

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 98 KiB

doc/requirements.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
{% extends "!layout.html" %}
{% block footer %}
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window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'UA-74700456-1');
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
# This file does only contain a selection of the most common options. For a
# full list see the documentation:
# -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../.."))
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
project = "pyModeS"
copyright = "2019, Junzi Sun"
author = "Junzi Sun"
# The short X.Y version
version = ""
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
release = ""
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
# needs_sphinx = '1.0'
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ["_templates"]
# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
source_suffix = ".rst"
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = "index"
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
language = None
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
exclude_patterns = []
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = None
# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
# html_theme = 'alabaster'
html_theme = "neo_rtd_theme"
import sphinx_theme
html_theme_path = [sphinx_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
# html_theme_options = {}
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
# html_static_path = ['']
# Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names
# to template names.
# The default sidebars (for documents that don't match any pattern) are
# defined by theme itself. Builtin themes are using these templates by
# default: ``['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html',
# 'searchbox.html']``.
# html_sidebars = {}
# -- Options for HTMLHelp output ---------------------------------------------
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
htmlhelp_basename = "pyModeSdoc"
# -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
# 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
# 'pointsize': '10pt',
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
# 'preamble': '',
# Latex figure (float) alignment
# 'figure_align': 'htbp',
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
(master_doc, "pyModeS.tex", "pyModeS Documentation", "Junzi Sun", "manual")
# -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [(master_doc, "pymodes", "pyModeS Documentation", [author], 1)]
# -- Options for Texinfo output ----------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
"pyModeS Documentation",
"One line description of project.",
# -- Options for Epub output -------------------------------------------------
# Bibliographic Dublin Core info.
epub_title = project
# The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number
# or the project homepage.
# epub_identifier = ''
# A unique identification for the text.
# epub_uid = ''
# A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file.
epub_exclude_files = ["search.html"]
# -- Extension configuration -------------------------------------------------
# -- Options for todo extension ----------------------------------------------
# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
todo_include_todos = True

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
.. pyModeS documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Mon Apr 1 13:13:10 2019.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to pyModeS documentation!
The source code can be found at:
.. toctree::
:caption: Core modules
:maxdepth: 2
.. toctree::
:caption: ADS-B messages
:maxdepth: 2
.. toctree::
:caption: ELS - elementary surveillance
:maxdepth: 2
.. toctree::
:caption: EHS - enhanced surveillance
:maxdepth: 2
.. toctree::
:caption: MRAR / MHR
:maxdepth: 2
.. include:: ../../README.rst
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.c\_common module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.c_common

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.common module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.common

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.acas module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.acas

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.adsb module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.adsb

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.allcall module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.allcall

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds05 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds05

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds06 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds06

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds08 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds08

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds09 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds09

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds10 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds10

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds17 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds17

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds20 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds20

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds30 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds30

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds40 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds40

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds44 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds44

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds45 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds45

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds50 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds50

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds53 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds53

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds60 module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds60

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.bds package
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.bds
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.commb module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.commb

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder package
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.surv module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.surv

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.uncertainty module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.uncertainty

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pyModeS.decoder.uplink module
.. automodule:: pyModeS.decoder.uplink

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
pyModeS package
.. automodule:: pyModeS
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4

View File

poetry.lock generated
View File

@ -1,881 +0,0 @@
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{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:07e2ca0ad381b91350c0ed49d52699b625aab2b44b65e1b4e02fa9df0e92ad2d"},
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{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp313-cp313-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:6878ef48d4227aace338d88c48738a4258213cd7b74fd9a3d4d7582bb1d8a155"},
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{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp313-cp313t-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:a318d68e92e80af8b00fa99609796fdbcdfef3629c77c6283566c6f02c6d6704"},
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{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp313-cp313t-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:b9f222de8cded79c49bf184bdbc06630d4c58eec9459b939b4a690c82ed05657"},
{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:6db04803b6c7291985a761004e9060b2bca08da6d04f26a7f2294b8623a0c1a0"},
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{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:a09ece4a69cf399510c8ab25e0950d9cf2b42f7b3cb0374f95d2e2ff594478a6"},
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{file = "coverage-7.6.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:645786266c8f18a931b65bfcefdbf6952dd0dea98feee39bd188607a9d307ed2"},
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{file = "mypy-1.11.2-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:37c7fa6121c1cdfcaac97ce3d3b5588e847aa79b580c1e922bb5d5d2902df19b"},
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use-chardet-on-py3 = ["chardet (>=3.0.2,<6)"]
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version = "2.0.1"
description = "A lil' TOML parser"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
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{file = "tomli-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:939de3e7a6161af0c887ef91b7d41a53e7c5a1ca976325f429cb46ea9bc30ecc"},
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name = "typing-extensions"
version = "4.12.2"
description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.8+"
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{file = "typing_extensions-4.12.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1a7ead55c7e559dd4dee8856e3a88b41225abfe1ce8df57b7c13915fe121ffb8"},
name = "urllib3"
version = "2.2.2"
description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more."
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{file = "urllib3-2.2.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:a448b2f64d686155468037e1ace9f2d2199776e17f0a46610480d311f73e3472"},
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h2 = ["h2 (>=4,<5)"]
socks = ["pysocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7,<2.0)"]
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pyModeS/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,35 +1,6 @@
import os
import warnings
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from . import c_common as common
from .c_common import *
except Exception:
from . import py_common as common # type: ignore
from .py_common import * # type: ignore
from .decoder import tell
from .decoder import adsb
from .decoder import commb
from .decoder import allcall
from .decoder import surv
from .decoder import bds
from .extra import aero
from .extra import tcpclient
__all__ = [
warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
from .util import *
from . import adsb
from . import ehs
from . import els

pyModeS/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
# Copyright (C) 2015 Junzi Sun (TU Delft)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
A python package for decoding ABS-D messages.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
import math
from . import util
def df(msg):
"""Get the downlink format (DF) number
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: DF number
return util.df(msg)
def icao(msg):
"""Get the ICAO 24 bits address, bytes 3 to 8.
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
String: ICAO address in 6 bytes hexadecimal string
return msg[2:8]
def data(msg):
"""Return the data frame in the message, bytes 9 to 22"""
return msg[8:22]
def typecode(msg):
"""Type code of ADS-B message
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: type code number
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
return util.bin2int(msgbin[32:37])
# ---------------------------------------------
# Aircraft Identification
# ---------------------------------------------
def category(msg):
"""Aircraft category number
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: category number
if typecode(msg) < 1 or typecode(msg) > 4:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a identification message" % msg)
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
return util.bin2int(msgbin[5:8])
def callsign(msg):
"""Aircraft callsign
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
string: callsign
if typecode(msg) < 1 or typecode(msg) > 4:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a identification message" % msg)
chars = '#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#####_###############0123456789######'
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
csbin = msgbin[40:96]
cs = ''
cs += chars[util.bin2int(csbin[0:6])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(csbin[6:12])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(csbin[12:18])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(csbin[18:24])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(csbin[24:30])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(csbin[30:36])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(csbin[36:42])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(csbin[42:48])]
# clean string, remove spaces and marks, if any.
# cs = cs.replace('_', '')
cs = cs.replace('#', '')
return cs
# ---------------------------------------------
# Positions
# ---------------------------------------------
def oe_flag(msg):
"""Check the odd/even flag. Bit 54, 0 for even, 1 for odd.
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: 0 or 1, for even or odd frame
if typecode(msg) < 5 or typecode(msg) > 18:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a position message" % msg)
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
return int(msgbin[53])
def cprlat(msg):
"""CPR encoded latitude
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: encoded latitude
if typecode(msg) < 5 or typecode(msg) > 18:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a position message" % msg)
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
return util.bin2int(msgbin[54:71])
def cprlon(msg):
"""CPR encoded longitude
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: encoded longitude
if typecode(msg) < 5 or typecode(msg) > 18:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a position message" % msg)
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
return util.bin2int(msgbin[71:88])
def position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1, lat_ref=None, lon_ref=None):
"""Decode position from a pair of even and odd position message
(works with both airborne and surface position messages)
msg0 (string): even message (28 bytes hexadecimal string)
msg1 (string): odd message (28 bytes hexadecimal string)
t0 (int): timestamps for the even message
t1 (int): timestamps for the odd message
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
if (5 <= typecode(msg0) <= 8 and 5 <= typecode(msg1) <= 8):
if (not lat_ref) or (not lon_ref):
raise RuntimeError("Surface position encountered, a reference \
position lat/lon required. Location of \
receiver can be used.")
return surface_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1, lat_ref, lon_ref)
elif (9 <= typecode(msg0) <= 18 and 9 <= typecode(msg1) <= 18):
return airborne_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1)
raise RuntimeError("incorrect or inconsistant message types")
def airborne_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1):
"""Decode airborn position from a pair of even and odd position message
msg0 (string): even message (28 bytes hexadecimal string)
msg1 (string): odd message (28 bytes hexadecimal string)
t0 (int): timestamps for the even message
t1 (int): timestamps for the odd message
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
msgbin0 = util.hex2bin(msg0)
msgbin1 = util.hex2bin(msg1)
# 131072 is 2^17, since CPR lat and lon are 17 bits each.
cprlat_even = util.bin2int(msgbin0[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon_even = util.bin2int(msgbin0[71:88]) / 131072.0
cprlat_odd = util.bin2int(msgbin1[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon_odd = util.bin2int(msgbin1[71:88]) / 131072.0
air_d_lat_even = 360.0 / 60
air_d_lat_odd = 360.0 / 59
# compute latitude index 'j'
j = util.floor(59 * cprlat_even - 60 * cprlat_odd + 0.5)
lat_even = float(air_d_lat_even * (j % 60 + cprlat_even))
lat_odd = float(air_d_lat_odd * (j % 59 + cprlat_odd))
if lat_even >= 270:
lat_even = lat_even - 360
if lat_odd >= 270:
lat_odd = lat_odd - 360
# check if both are in the same latidude zone, exit if not
if _cprNL(lat_even) != _cprNL(lat_odd):
return None
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
if (t0 > t1):
lat = lat_even
nl = _cprNL(lat)
ni = max(_cprNL(lat)- 0, 1)
m = util.floor(cprlon_even * (nl-1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (360.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lat = lat_odd
nl = _cprNL(lat)
ni = max(_cprNL(lat) - 1, 1)
m = util.floor(cprlon_even * (nl-1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (360.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
if lon > 180:
lon = lon - 360
return round(lat, 5), round(lon, 5)
def position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref):
"""Decode position with only one message,
knowing reference nearby location, such as previously
calculated location, ground station, or airport location, etc.
Works with both airborne and surface position messages.
The reference position shall be with in 180NM (airborne) or 45NM (surface)
of the true position.
msg (string): even message (28 bytes hexadecimal string)
lat_ref: previous known latitude
lon_ref: previous known longitude
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
if 5 <= typecode(msg) <= 8:
return surface_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
elif 9 <= typecode(msg) <= 18:
return airborne_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
raise RuntimeError("incorrect or inconsistant message types")
def airborne_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref):
"""Decode airborne position with only one message,
knowing reference nearby location, such as previously calculated location,
ground station, or airport location, etc. The reference position shall
be with in 180NM of the true position.
msg (string): even message (28 bytes hexadecimal string)
lat_ref: previous known latitude
lon_ref: previous known longitude
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
i = oe_flag(msg)
d_lat = 360.0/59 if i else 360.0/60
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
cprlat = util.bin2int(msgbin[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon = util.bin2int(msgbin[71:88]) / 131072.0
j = util.floor(lat_ref / d_lat) \
+ util.floor(0.5 + ((lat_ref % d_lat) / d_lat) - cprlat)
lat = d_lat * (j + cprlat)
ni = _cprNL(lat) - i
if ni > 0:
d_lon = 360.0 / ni
d_lon = 360.0
m = util.floor(lon_ref / d_lon) \
+ util.floor(0.5 + ((lon_ref % d_lon) / d_lon) - cprlon)
lon = d_lon * (m + cprlon)
return round(lat, 5), round(lon, 5)
def surface_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1, lat_ref, lon_ref):
"""Decode surface position from a pair of even and odd position message,
the lat/lon of receiver must be provided to yield the correct solution.
msg0 (string): even message (28 bytes hexadecimal string)
msg1 (string): odd message (28 bytes hexadecimal string)
t0 (int): timestamps for the even message
t1 (int): timestamps for the odd message
lat_ref (float): latitude of the receiver
lon_ref (float): longitude of the receiver
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
msgbin0 = util.hex2bin(msg0)
msgbin1 = util.hex2bin(msg1)
# 131072 is 2^17, since CPR lat and lon are 17 bits each.
cprlat_even = util.bin2int(msgbin0[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon_even = util.bin2int(msgbin0[71:88]) / 131072.0
cprlat_odd = util.bin2int(msgbin1[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon_odd = util.bin2int(msgbin1[71:88]) / 131072.0
air_d_lat_even = 90.0 / 60
air_d_lat_odd = 90.0 / 59
# compute latitude index 'j'
j = util.floor(59 * cprlat_even - 60 * cprlat_odd + 0.5)
# solution for north hemisphere
lat_even_n = float(air_d_lat_even * (j % 60 + cprlat_even))
lat_odd_n = float(air_d_lat_odd * (j % 59 + cprlat_odd))
# solution for north hemisphere
lat_even_s = lat_even_n - 90.0
lat_odd_s = lat_odd_n - 90.0
# chose which solution corrispondes to receiver location
lat_even = lat_even_n if lat_ref > 0 else lat_even_s
lat_odd = lat_odd_n if lat_ref > 0 else lat_odd_s
# check if both are in the same latidude zone, rare but possible
if _cprNL(lat_even) != _cprNL(lat_odd):
return None
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
if (t0 > t1):
lat = lat_even
nl = _cprNL(lat_even)
ni = max(_cprNL(lat_even) - 0, 1)
m = util.floor(cprlon_even * (nl-1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (90.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lat = lat_odd
nl = _cprNL(lat_odd)
ni = max(_cprNL(lat_odd) - 1, 1)
m = util.floor(cprlon_even * (nl-1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (90.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
# four possible longitude solutions
lons = [lon, lon + 90.0, lon + 180.0, lon + 270.0]
# the closest solution to receiver is the correct one
dls = [abs(lon_ref - l) for l in lons]
imin = min(range(4), key=dls.__getitem__)
lon = lons[imin]
return round(lat, 5), round(lon, 5)
def surface_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref):
"""Decode surface position with only one message,
knowing reference nearby location, such as previously calculated location,
ground station, or airport location, etc. The reference position shall
be with in 45NM of the true position.
msg (string): even message (28 bytes hexadecimal string)
lat_ref: previous known latitude
lon_ref: previous known longitude
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
i = oe_flag(msg)
d_lat = 90.0/59 if i else 90.0/60
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
cprlat = util.bin2int(msgbin[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon = util.bin2int(msgbin[71:88]) / 131072.0
j = util.floor(lat_ref / d_lat) \
+ util.floor(0.5 + ((lat_ref % d_lat) / d_lat) - cprlat)
lat = d_lat * (j + cprlat)
ni = _cprNL(lat) - i
if ni > 0:
d_lon = 90.0 / ni
d_lon = 90.0
m = util.floor(lon_ref / d_lon) \
+ util.floor(0.5 + ((lon_ref % d_lon) / d_lon) - cprlon)
lon = d_lon * (m + cprlon)
return round(lat, 5), round(lon, 5)
def _cprNL(lat):
"""NL() function in CPR decoding
if lat == 0:
return 59
if lat == 87 or lat == -87:
return 2
if lat > 87 or lat < -87:
return 1
nz = 15
a = 1 - math.cos(math.pi / (2 * nz))
b = math.cos(math.pi / 180.0 * abs(lat)) ** 2
nl = 2 * math.pi / (math.acos(1 - a/b))
NL = util.floor(nl)
return NL
def altitude(msg):
"""Decode aircraft altitude
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: altitude in feet
if typecode(msg) < 5 or typecode(msg) > 18:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a position message" % msg)
if typecode(msg) >=5 and typecode(msg) <=8:
# surface position, altitude 0
return 0
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
q = msgbin[47]
if q:
n = util.bin2int(msgbin[40:47]+msgbin[48:52])
alt = n * 25 - 1000
return alt
return None
def nic(msg):
"""Calculate NIC, navigation integrity category
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: NIC number (from 0 to 11), -1 if not applicable
if typecode(msg) < 9 or typecode(msg) > 18:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a airborne position message, expecting 8<TC<19" % msg)
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
tc = typecode(msg)
nic_sup_b = util.bin2int(msgbin[39])
if tc in [0, 18, 22]:
nic = 0
elif tc == 17:
nic = 1
elif tc == 16:
if nic_sup_b:
nic = 3
nic = 2
elif tc == 15:
nic = 4
elif tc == 14:
nic = 5
elif tc == 13:
nic = 6
elif tc == 12:
nic = 7
elif tc == 11:
if nic_sup_b:
nic = 9
nic = 8
elif tc in [10, 21]:
nic = 10
elif tc in [9, 20]:
nic = 11
nic = -1
return nic
# ---------------------------------------------
# Velocity
# ---------------------------------------------
def velocity(msg):
"""Calculate the speed, heading, and vertical rate
(handles both airborne or surface message)
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
(int, float, int, string): speed (kt), ground track or heading (degree),
rate of climb/descend (ft/min), and speed type
('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
if 5 <= typecode(msg) <= 8:
return surface_velocity(msg)
elif typecode(msg) == 19:
return airborne_velocity(msg)
raise RuntimeError("incorrect or inconsistant message types, expecting 4<TC<9 or TC=19")
def speed_heading(msg):
"""Get speed and ground track (or heading) from the velocity message
(handles both airborne or surface message)
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
(int, float): speed (kt), ground track or heading (degree)
spd, trk_or_hdg, rocd, tag = velocity(msg)
return spd, trk_or_hdg
def airborne_velocity(msg):
"""Calculate the speed, track (or heading), and vertical rate
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
(int, float, int, string): speed (kt), ground track or heading (degree),
rate of climb/descend (ft/min), and speed type
('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
if typecode(msg) != 19:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a airborne velocity message, expecting TC=19" % msg)
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
subtype = util.bin2int(msgbin[37:40])
if util.bin2int(msgbin[46:56]) == 0 or util.bin2int(msgbin[57:67]) == 0:
return None
if subtype in (1, 2):
v_ew_sign = -1 if int(msgbin[45]) else 1
v_ew = util.bin2int(msgbin[46:56]) - 1 # east-west velocity
v_ns_sign = -1 if int(msgbin[56]) else 1
v_ns = util.bin2int(msgbin[57:67]) - 1 # north-south velocity
v_we = v_ew_sign * v_ew
v_sn = v_ns_sign * v_ns
spd = math.sqrt(v_sn*v_sn + v_we*v_we) # unit in kts
trk = math.atan2(v_we, v_sn)
trk = math.degrees(trk) # convert to degrees
trk = trk if trk >= 0 else trk + 360 # no negative val
tag = 'GS'
trk_or_hdg = trk
hdg = util.bin2int(msgbin[46:56]) / 1024.0 * 360.0
spd = util.bin2int(msgbin[57:67])
tag = 'AS'
trk_or_hdg = hdg
vr_sign = -1 if int(msgbin[68]) else 1
vr = (util.bin2int(msgbin[69:78]) - 1) * 64 # vertical rate, fpm
rocd = vr_sign * vr
return int(spd), round(trk_or_hdg, 1), int(rocd), tag
def surface_velocity(msg):
"""Decode surface velocity from from a surface position message
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
(int, float, int, string): speed (kt), ground track (degree),
rate of climb/descend (ft/min), and speed type
('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
if typecode(msg) < 5 or typecode(msg) > 8:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a surface message, expecting 5<TC<8" % msg)
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
# ground track
trk_status = int(msgbin[44])
if trk_status == 1:
trk = util.bin2int(msgbin[45:52]) * 360.0 / 128.0
trk = round(trk, 1)
trk = None
# ground movment / speed
mov = util.bin2int(msgbin[37:44])
if mov == 0 or mov > 124:
spd = None
elif mov == 1:
spd = 0
elif mov == 124:
spd = 175
movs = [2, 9, 13, 39, 94, 109, 124]
kts = [0.125, 1, 2, 15, 70, 100, 175]
i = next(m[0] for m in enumerate(movs) if m[1] > mov)
step = (kts[i] - kts[i-1]) * 1.0 / (movs[i]-movs[i-1])
spd = kts[i-1] + (mov-movs[i-1]) * step
spd = round(spd, 2)
return spd, trk, 0, 'GS'
def altitude_diff(msg):
"""Decode the differece between GNSS and barometric altitude
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string, TC=19
int: Altitude difference in ft. Negative value indicates GNSS altitude
below barometric altitude.
if typecode(msg) != 19:
raise RuntimeError("incorrect message types, expecting TC=19")
msgbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
sign = -1 if int(msgbin[80]) else 1
value = util.bin2int(msgbin[81:88])
if value == 0 or value == 127:
return None
return sign * (value - 1) * 25 # in ft.

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# cython: language_level=3
cdef int char_to_int(unsigned char binstr)
cdef unsigned char int_to_char(unsigned char i)
cpdef str hex2bin(str hexstr)
cpdef long bin2int(str binstr)
cpdef long hex2int(str hexstr)
cpdef str bin2hex(str binstr)
cpdef unsigned char df(str msg)
cpdef long crc(str msg, bint encode=*)
cpdef long floor(double x)
cpdef str icao(str msg)
cpdef bint is_icao_assigned(str icao)
cpdef int typecode(str msg)
cpdef int cprNL(double lat)
cpdef str idcode(str msg)
cpdef str squawk(str binstr)
cpdef int altcode(str msg)
cpdef int altitude(str binstr)
cpdef str data(str msg)
cpdef bint allzeros(str msg)

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
def hex2bin(hexstr: str) -> str: ...
def bin2int(binstr: str) -> int: ...
def hex2int(hexstr: str) -> int: ...
def bin2hex(binstr: str) -> str: ...
def df(msg: str) -> int: ...
def crc(msg: str, encode: bool = False) -> int: ...
def floor(x: float) -> float: ...
def icao(msg: str) -> str: ...
def is_icao_assigned(icao: str) -> bool: ...
def typecode(msg: str) -> int: ...
def cprNL(lat: float) -> int: ...
def idcode(msg: str) -> str: ...
def squawk(binstr: str) -> str: ...
def altcode(msg: str) -> int: ...
def altitude(binstr: str) -> int: ...
def data(msg: str) -> str: ...
def allzeros(msg: str) -> bool: ...
def wrongstatus(data: str, sb: int, msb: int, lsb: int) -> bool: ...

View File

@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
# cython: language_level=3
cimport cython
from cpython cimport array
from cpython.bytes cimport PyBytes_GET_SIZE
from cpython.bytearray cimport PyByteArray_GET_SIZE
from libc.math cimport abs, cos, acos, fabs, M_PI as pi, floor as c_floor
cdef int char_to_int(unsigned char binstr):
if 48 <= binstr <= 57: # 0 to 9
return binstr - 48
if 97 <= binstr <= 102: # a to f
return binstr - 97 + 10
if 65 <= binstr <= 70: # A to F
return binstr - 65 + 10
return 0
cdef unsigned char int_to_char(unsigned char i):
if i < 10:
return 48 + i # "0" + i
return 97 - 10 + i # "a" - 10 + i
cpdef str hex2bin(str hexstr):
"""Convert a hexadecimal string to binary string, with zero fillings."""
# num_of_bits = len(hexstr) * 4
cdef hexbytes = bytes(hexstr.encode())
cdef Py_ssize_t len_hexstr = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(hexbytes)
# binstr = bin(int(hexbytes, 16))[2:].zfill(int(num_of_bits))
cdef bytearray _binstr = bytearray(4 * len_hexstr)
cdef unsigned char[:] binstr = _binstr
cdef unsigned char int_
cdef Py_ssize_t i
for i in range(len_hexstr):
int_ = char_to_int(hexbytes[i])
binstr[4*i] = int_to_char((int_ >> 3) & 1)
binstr[4*i+1] = int_to_char((int_ >> 2) & 1)
binstr[4*i+2] = int_to_char((int_ >> 1) & 1)
binstr[4*i+3] = int_to_char((int_) & 1)
return _binstr.decode()
cpdef long bin2int(str binstr):
"""Convert a binary string to integer."""
# return int(binstr, 2)
cdef bytearray binbytes = bytearray(binstr.encode())
cdef Py_ssize_t len_ = PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(binbytes)
cdef long cumul = 0
cdef unsigned char[:] v_binstr = binbytes
for i in range(len_):
cumul = 2*cumul + char_to_int(v_binstr[i])
return cumul
cpdef long hex2int(str hexstr):
"""Convert a binary string to integer."""
# return int(hexstr, 2)
cdef bytearray binbytes = bytearray(hexstr.encode())
cdef Py_ssize_t len_ = PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(binbytes)
cdef long cumul = 0
cdef unsigned char[:] v_hexstr = binbytes
for i in range(len_):
cumul = 16*cumul + char_to_int(v_hexstr[i])
return cumul
cpdef str bin2hex(str binstr):
return "{0:X}".format(int(binstr, 2))
cpdef unsigned char df(str msg):
"""Decode Downlink Format value, bits 1 to 5."""
cdef str dfbin = hex2bin(msg[:2])
# return min(bin2int(dfbin[0:5]), 24)
cdef long df = bin2int(dfbin[0:5])
if df > 24:
return 24
return df
# the CRC generator
# G = [int("11111111", 2), int("11111010", 2), int("00000100", 2), int("10000000", 2)]
cdef array.array _G = array.array('l', [0b11111111, 0b11111010, 0b00000100, 0b10000000])
cpdef long crc(str msg, bint encode=False):
"""Mode-S Cyclic Redundancy Check.
Detect if bit error occurs in the Mode-S message. When encode option is on,
the checksum is generated.
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
encode (bool): True to encode the date only and return the checksum
int: message checksum, or partity bits (encoder)
# the CRC generator
# G = [int("11111111", 2), int("11111010", 2), int("00000100", 2), int("10000000", 2)]
# cdef array.array _G = array.array('l', [0b11111111, 0b11111010, 0b00000100, 0b10000000])
cdef long[4] G = _G
# msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
# mbytes = list(map(bin2int, msgbin_split))
cdef bytearray _msgbin = bytearray(hex2bin(msg).encode())
cdef unsigned char[:] msgbin = _msgbin
cdef Py_ssize_t len_msgbin = PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(_msgbin)
cdef Py_ssize_t len_mbytes = len_msgbin // 8
cdef Py_ssize_t i
if encode:
for i in range(len_msgbin - 24, len_msgbin):
msgbin[i] = 0
cdef array.array _mbytes = array.array(
'l', [bin2int(_msgbin[8*i:8*i+8].decode()) for i in range(len_mbytes)]
cdef long[:] mbytes = _mbytes
cdef long bits, mask
cdef Py_ssize_t ibyte, ibit
for ibyte in range(len_mbytes - 3):
for ibit in range(8):
mask = 0x80 >> ibit
bits = mbytes[ibyte] & mask
if bits > 0:
mbytes[ibyte] = mbytes[ibyte] ^ (G[0] >> ibit)
mbytes[ibyte + 1] = mbytes[ibyte + 1] ^ (
0xFF & ((G[0] << 8 - ibit) | (G[1] >> ibit))
mbytes[ibyte + 2] = mbytes[ibyte + 2] ^ (
0xFF & ((G[1] << 8 - ibit) | (G[2] >> ibit))
mbytes[ibyte + 3] = mbytes[ibyte + 3] ^ (
0xFF & ((G[2] << 8 - ibit) | (G[3] >> ibit))
cdef long result = (mbytes[len_mbytes-3] << 16) | (mbytes[len_mbytes-2] << 8) | mbytes[len_mbytes-1]
return result
cpdef long floor(double x):
"""Mode-S floor function.
Defined as the greatest integer value k, such that k <= x
For example: floor(3.6) = 3 and floor(-3.6) = -4
return <long> c_floor(x)
cpdef str icao(str msg):
"""Calculate the ICAO address from an Mode-S message."""
cdef unsigned char DF = df(msg)
cdef long c0, c1
if DF in (11, 17, 18):
addr = msg[2:8]
elif DF in (0, 4, 5, 16, 20, 21):
c0 = crc(msg, encode=True)
c1 = hex2int(msg[-6:])
addr = "%06X" % (c0 ^ c1)
addr = None
return addr
cpdef bint is_icao_assigned(str icao):
"""Check whether the ICAO address is assigned (Annex 10, Vol 3)."""
if (icao is None) or (not isinstance(icao, str)) or (len(icao) != 6):
return False
cdef long icaoint = hex2int(icao)
if 0x200000 < icaoint < 0x27FFFF:
return False # AFI
if 0x280000 < icaoint < 0x28FFFF:
return False # SAM
if 0x500000 < icaoint < 0x5FFFFF:
return False # EUR, NAT
if 0x600000 < icaoint < 0x67FFFF:
return False # MID
if 0x680000 < icaoint < 0x6F0000:
return False # ASIA
if 0x900000 < icaoint < 0x9FFFFF:
return False # NAM, PAC
if 0xB00000 < icaoint < 0xBFFFFF:
return False # CAR
if 0xD00000 < icaoint < 0xDFFFFF:
return False # future
if 0xF00000 < icaoint < 0xFFFFFF:
return False # future
return True
cpdef int typecode(str msg):
"""Type code of ADS-B message"""
if df(msg) not in (17, 18):
return -1
# return None
cdef str tcbin = hex2bin(msg[8:10])
return bin2int(tcbin[0:5])
cpdef int cprNL(double lat):
"""NL() function in CPR decoding."""
if abs(lat) <= 1e-08:
return 59
elif abs(abs(lat) - 87) <= 1e-08 + 1e-05 * 87:
return 2
elif lat > 87 or lat < -87:
return 1
cdef int nz = 15
cdef double a = 1 - cos(pi / (2 * nz))
cdef double b = cos(pi / 180 * fabs(lat)) ** 2
cdef double nl = 2 * pi / (acos(1 - a / b))
NL = floor(nl)
return NL
cpdef str idcode(str msg):
"""Compute identity (squawk code)."""
if df(msg) not in [5, 21]:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 5 or 21.")
squawk_code = squawk(hex2bin(msg)[19:32])
return squawk_code
cpdef str squawk(str binstr):
"""Compute identity (squawk code)."""
if len(binstr) != 13 or set(binstr) != set('01'):
raise RuntimeError("Input must be 13 bits binary string")
cdef bytearray _mbin = bytearray(binstr.encode())
cdef unsigned char[:] mbin = _mbin
cdef bytearray _idcode = bytearray(4)
cdef unsigned char[:] idcode = _idcode
cdef unsigned char C1 = mbin[0]
cdef unsigned char A1 = mbin[1]
cdef unsigned char C2 = mbin[2]
cdef unsigned char A2 = mbin[3]
cdef unsigned char C4 = mbin[4]
cdef unsigned char A4 = mbin[5]
# X = mbin[6]
cdef unsigned char B1 = mbin[7]
cdef unsigned char D1 = mbin[8]
cdef unsigned char B2 = mbin[9]
cdef unsigned char D2 = mbin[10]
cdef unsigned char B4 = mbin[11]
cdef unsigned char D4 = mbin[12]
idcode[0] = int_to_char((char_to_int(A4)*2 + char_to_int(A2))*2 + char_to_int(A1))
idcode[1] = int_to_char((char_to_int(B4)*2 + char_to_int(B2))*2 + char_to_int(B1))
idcode[2] = int_to_char((char_to_int(C4)*2 + char_to_int(C2))*2 + char_to_int(C1))
idcode[3] = int_to_char((char_to_int(D4)*2 + char_to_int(D2))*2 + char_to_int(D1))
return _idcode.decode()
cpdef int altcode(str msg):
"""Compute the altitude."""
if df(msg) not in [0, 4, 16, 20]:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 0, 4, 16, or 20.")
alt = altitude(hex2bin(msg)[19:32])
return alt
cpdef int altitude(str binstr):
if len(binstr) != 13 or not set(binstr).issubset(set("01")):
raise RuntimeError("Input must be 13 bits binary string")
cdef bytearray _mbin = bytearray(binstr.encode())
cdef unsigned char[:] mbin = _mbin
cdef char Mbit = binstr[6]
cdef char Qbit = binstr[8]
cdef int alt = 0
cdef bytearray vbin
cdef bytearray _graybytes = bytearray(11)
cdef unsigned char[:] graybytes = _graybytes
if bin2int(binstr) == 0:
# altitude unknown or invalid
alt = -999999
elif Mbit == 48: # unit in ft, "0" -> 48
if Qbit == 49: # 25ft interval, "1" -> 49
vbin = _mbin[:6] + _mbin[7:8] + _mbin[9:]
alt = bin2int(vbin.decode()) * 25 - 1000
if Qbit == 48: # 100ft interval, above 50175ft, "0" -> 48
graybytes[8] = mbin[0]
graybytes[2] = mbin[1]
graybytes[9] = mbin[2]
graybytes[3] = mbin[3]
graybytes[10] = mbin[4]
graybytes[4] = mbin[5]
# M = mbin[6]
graybytes[5] = mbin[7]
# Q = mbin[8]
graybytes[6] = mbin[9]
graybytes[0] = mbin[10]
graybytes[7] = mbin[11]
graybytes[1] = mbin[12]
alt = gray2alt(_graybytes.decode())
elif Mbit == 49: # unit in meter, "1" -> 49
vbin = _mbin[:6] + _mbin[7:]
alt = int(bin2int(vbin.decode()) * 3.28084) # convert to ft
return alt
cpdef int gray2alt(str codestr):
cdef str gc500 = codestr[:8]
cdef int n500 = gray2int(gc500)
# in 100-ft step must be converted first
cdef str gc100 = codestr[8:]
cdef int n100 = gray2int(gc100)
if n100 in [0, 5, 6]:
return -1
#return None
if n100 == 7:
n100 = 5
if n500 % 2:
n100 = 6 - n100
alt = (n500 * 500 + n100 * 100) - 1300
return alt
cdef int gray2int(str graystr):
"""Convert greycode to binary."""
cdef int num = bin2int(graystr)
num ^= num >> 8
num ^= num >> 4
num ^= num >> 2
num ^= num >> 1
return num
cpdef str data(str msg):
"""Return the data frame in the message, bytes 9 to 22."""
return msg[8:-6]
cpdef bint allzeros(str msg):
"""Check if the data bits are all zeros."""
d = hex2bin(data(msg))
if bin2int(d) > 0:
return False
return True
def wrongstatus(data, sb, msb, lsb):
"""Check if the status bit and field bits are consistency.
This Function is used for checking BDS code versions.
# status bit, most significant bit, least significant bit
status = int(data[sb - 1])
value = bin2int(data[msb - 1 : lsb])
if not status:
if value != 0:
return True
return False

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
from typing import Optional
def hex2bin(hexstr: str) -> str: ...
def bin2int(binstr: str) -> int: ...
def hex2int(hexstr: str) -> int: ...
def bin2hex(binstr: str) -> str: ...
def df(msg: str) -> int: ...
def crc(msg: str, encode: bool = False) -> int: ...
def floor(x: float) -> float: ...
def icao(msg: str) -> Optional[str]: ...
def is_icao_assigned(icao: str) -> bool: ...
def typecode(msg: str) -> Optional[int]: ...
def cprNL(lat: float) -> int: ...
def idcode(msg: str) -> str: ...
def squawk(binstr: str) -> str: ...
def altcode(msg: str) -> Optional[int]: ...
def altitude(binstr: str) -> Optional[int]: ...
def gray2alt(binstr: str) -> Optional[int]: ...
def gray2int(binstr: str) -> int: ...
def data(msg: str) -> str: ...
def allzeros(msg: str) -> bool: ...
def wrongstatus(data: str, sb: int, msb: int, lsb: int) -> bool: ...

View File

@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
def tell(msg: str) -> None:
from .. import common, adsb, commb, bds
def _print(label, value, unit=None):
print("%28s: " % label, end="")
print("%s " % value, end="")
if unit:
df = common.df(msg)
icao = common.icao(msg)
_print("Message", msg)
_print("ICAO address", icao)
_print("Downlink Format", df)
if df == 17:
_print("Protocol", "Mode-S Extended Squitter (ADS-B)")
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None:
_print("ERROR", "Unknown typecode")
if 1 <= tc <= 4: # callsign
callsign = adsb.callsign(msg)
_print("Type", "Identification and category")
_print("Callsign:", callsign)
if 5 <= tc <= 8: # surface position
_print("Type", "Surface position")
oe = adsb.oe_flag(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
cprlat = common.bin2int(msgbin[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon = common.bin2int(msgbin[71:88]) / 131072.0
v = adsb.surface_velocity(msg)
_print("CPR format", "Odd" if oe else "Even")
_print("CPR Latitude", cprlat)
_print("CPR Longitude", cprlon)
_print("Speed", v[0], "knots")
_print("Track", v[1], "degrees")
if 9 <= tc <= 18: # airborne position
_print("Type", "Airborne position (with barometric altitude)")
alt = adsb.altitude(msg)
oe = adsb.oe_flag(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
cprlat = common.bin2int(msgbin[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon = common.bin2int(msgbin[71:88]) / 131072.0
_print("CPR format", "Odd" if oe else "Even")
_print("CPR Latitude", cprlat)
_print("CPR Longitude", cprlon)
_print("Altitude", alt, "feet")
if tc == 19:
_print("Type", "Airborne velocity")
velocity = adsb.velocity(msg)
if velocity is not None:
spd, trk, vr, t = velocity
types = {"GS": "Ground speed", "TAS": "True airspeed"}
_print("Speed", spd, "knots")
_print("Track", trk, "degrees")
_print("Vertical rate", vr, "feet/minute")
_print("Type", types[t])
if 20 <= tc <= 22: # airborne position
_print("Type", "Airborne position (with GNSS altitude)")
alt = adsb.altitude(msg)
oe = adsb.oe_flag(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
cprlat = common.bin2int(msgbin[54:71]) / 131072.0
cprlon = common.bin2int(msgbin[71:88]) / 131072.0
_print("CPR format", "Odd" if oe else "Even")
_print("CPR Latitude", cprlat)
_print("CPR Longitude", cprlon)
_print("Altitude", alt, "feet")
if tc == 29: # target state and status
_print("Type", "Target State and Status")
subtype = common.bin2int((common.hex2bin(msg)[32:])[5:7])
_print("Subtype", subtype)
tcas_operational = adsb.tcas_operational(msg)
types_29 = {0: "Not Engaged", 1: "Engaged"}
tcas_operational_types = {0: "Not Operational", 1: "Operational"}
if subtype == 0:
emergency_types = {
0: "No emergency",
1: "General emergency",
2: "Lifeguard/medical emergency",
3: "Minimum fuel",
4: "No communications",
5: "Unlawful interference",
6: "Downed aircraft",
7: "Reserved",
vertical_horizontal_types = {
1: "Acquiring mode",
2: "Capturing/Maintaining mode",
tcas_ra_types = {0: "Not active", 1: "Active"}
alt, alt_source, alt_ref = adsb.target_altitude(msg)
angle, angle_type, angle_source = adsb.target_angle(msg)
vertical_mode = adsb.vertical_mode(msg)
horizontal_mode = adsb.horizontal_mode(msg)
tcas_ra = adsb.tcas_ra(msg)
emergency_status = adsb.emergency_status(msg)
_print("Target altitude", alt, "feet")
_print("Altitude source", alt_source)
_print("Altitude reference", alt_ref)
_print("Angle", angle, "°")
_print("Angle Type", angle_type)
_print("Angle Source", angle_source)
if vertical_mode is not None:
"Vertical mode",
if horizontal_mode is not None:
"Horizontal mode",
if tcas_operational
else None,
_print("TCAS/ACAS RA", tcas_ra_types[tcas_ra])
_print("Emergency status", emergency_types[emergency_status])
alt, alt_source = adsb.selected_altitude(msg) # type: ignore
baro = adsb.baro_pressure_setting(msg)
hdg = adsb.selected_heading(msg)
autopilot = adsb.autopilot(msg)
vnav = adsb.vnav_mode(msg)
alt_hold = adsb.altitude_hold_mode(msg)
app = adsb.approach_mode(msg)
lnav = adsb.lnav_mode(msg)
_print("Selected altitude", alt, "feet")
_print("Altitude source", alt_source)
"Barometric pressure setting",
"" if baro is None else "millibars",
_print("Selected Heading", hdg, "°")
if not (common.bin2int((common.hex2bin(msg)[32:])[46]) == 0):
"Autopilot", types_29[autopilot] if autopilot else None
_print("VNAV mode", types_29[vnav] if vnav else None)
"Altitude hold mode",
types_29[alt_hold] if alt_hold else None,
_print("Approach mode", types_29[app] if app else None)
if tcas_operational
else None,
_print("LNAV mode", types_29[lnav] if lnav else None)
if df == 20:
_print("Protocol", "Mode-S Comm-B altitude reply")
_print("Altitude", common.altcode(msg), "feet")
if df == 21:
_print("Protocol", "Mode-S Comm-B identity reply")
_print("Squawk code", common.idcode(msg))
if df == 20 or df == 21:
labels = {
"BDS10": "Data link capability",
"BDS17": "GICB capability",
"BDS20": "Aircraft identification",
"BDS30": "ACAS resolution",
"BDS40": "Vertical intention report",
"BDS50": "Track and turn report",
"BDS60": "Heading and speed report",
"BDS44": "Meteorological routine air report",
"BDS45": "Meteorological hazard report",
"EMPTY": "[No information available]",
BDS = bds.infer(msg, mrar=True)
if BDS is not None and BDS in labels.keys():
_print("BDS", "%s (%s)" % (BDS, labels[BDS]))
_print("BDS", BDS)
if BDS == "BDS20":
callsign = commb.cs20(msg)
_print("Callsign", callsign)
if BDS == "BDS40":
_print("MCP target alt", commb.selalt40mcp(msg), "feet")
_print("FMS Target alt", commb.selalt40fms(msg), "feet")
_print("Pressure", commb.p40baro(msg), "millibar")
if BDS == "BDS50":
_print("Roll angle", commb.roll50(msg), "degrees")
_print("Track angle", commb.trk50(msg), "degrees")
_print("Track rate", commb.rtrk50(msg), "degree/second")
_print("Ground speed", commb.gs50(msg), "knots")
_print("True airspeed", commb.tas50(msg), "knots")
if BDS == "BDS60":
_print("Magnetic Heading", commb.hdg60(msg), "degrees")
_print("Indicated airspeed", commb.ias60(msg), "knots")
_print("Mach number", commb.mach60(msg))
_print("Vertical rate (Baro)", commb.vr60baro(msg), "feet/minute")
_print("Vertical rate (INS)", commb.vr60ins(msg), "feet/minute")
if BDS == "BDS44":
_print("Wind speed", commb.wind44(msg)[0], "knots")
_print("Wind direction", commb.wind44(msg)[1], "degrees")
_print("Temperature 1", commb.temp44(msg)[0], "Celsius")
_print("Temperature 2", commb.temp44(msg)[1], "Celsius")
_print("Pressure", commb.p44(msg), "hPa")
_print("Humidity", commb.hum44(msg), "%")
_print("Turbulence", commb.turb44(msg))
if BDS == "BDS45":
_print("Turbulence", commb.turb45(msg))
_print("Wind shear", commb.ws45(msg))
_print("Microbust", commb.mb45(msg))
_print("Icing", commb.ic45(msg))
_print("Wake vortex", commb.wv45(msg))
_print("Temperature", commb.temp45(msg), "Celsius")
_print("Pressure", commb.p45(msg), "hPa")
_print("Radio height", commb.rh45(msg), "feet")

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Decoding Air-Air Surveillance (ACAS) DF=0/16
[To be implemented]

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@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
"""ADS-B module.
The ADS-B module also imports functions from the following modules:
- bds05: ``airborne_position()``, ``airborne_position_with_ref()``,
- bds06: ``surface_position()``, ``surface_position_with_ref()``,
- bds08: ``category()``, ``callsign()``
- bds09: ``airborne_velocity()``, ``altitude_diff()``
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime
from .. import common
from . import uncertainty
from .bds.bds05 import airborne_position, airborne_position_with_ref
from .bds.bds05 import altitude as altitude05
from .bds.bds06 import (
from .bds.bds08 import callsign, category
from .bds.bds09 import airborne_velocity, altitude_diff
from .bds.bds61 import emergency_squawk, emergency_state, is_emergency
from .bds.bds62 import (
__all__ = [
def df(msg: str) -> int:
return common.df(msg)
def icao(msg: str) -> None | str:
return common.icao(msg)
def typecode(msg: str) -> None | int:
return common.typecode(msg)
def position(
msg0: str,
msg1: str,
t0: int | datetime,
t1: int | datetime,
lat_ref: None | float = None,
lon_ref: None | float = None,
) -> None | tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode surface or airborne position from a pair of even and odd
position messages.
Note, that to decode surface position using the position message pair,
the reference position has to be provided.
msg0 (string): even message (28 hexdigits)
msg1 (string): odd message (28 hexdigits)
t0 (int): timestamps for the even message
t1 (int): timestamps for the odd message
lat_ref (float): latitude of reference position
lon_ref (float): longitude of reference position
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
tc0 = typecode(msg0)
tc1 = typecode(msg1)
if tc0 is None or tc1 is None:
raise RuntimeError("Incorrect or inconsistent message types")
if 5 <= tc0 <= 8 and 5 <= tc1 <= 8:
if lat_ref is None or lon_ref is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Surface position encountered, a reference position"
" lat/lon required. Location of receiver can be used."
return surface_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1, lat_ref, lon_ref)
elif 9 <= tc0 <= 18 and 9 <= tc1 <= 18:
# Airborne position with barometric height
return airborne_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1)
elif 20 <= tc0 <= 22 and 20 <= tc1 <= 22:
# Airborne position with GNSS height
return airborne_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1)
raise RuntimeError("Incorrect or inconsistent message types")
def position_with_ref(msg: str, lat_ref: float, lon_ref: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode position with only one message.
A reference position is required, which can be previously
calculated location, ground station, or airport location.
The function works with both airborne and surface position messages.
The reference position shall be within 180NM (airborne) or 45NM (surface)
of the true position.
msg (str): even message (28 hexdigits)
lat_ref: previous known latitude
lon_ref: previous known longitude
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None:
raise RuntimeError("incorrect or inconsistent message types")
if 5 <= tc <= 8:
return surface_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
elif 9 <= tc <= 18 or 20 <= tc <= 22:
return airborne_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
raise RuntimeError("incorrect or inconsistent message types")
def altitude(msg: str) -> None | float:
"""Decode aircraft altitude.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: altitude in feet
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc == 19 or tc > 22:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a position message" % msg)
elif tc >= 5 and tc <= 8:
# surface position, altitude 0
return 0
# airborn position
return altitude05(msg)
def velocity(
msg: str, source: bool = False
) -> None | tuple[None | float, None | float, None | int, str]:
"""Calculate the speed, heading, and vertical rate
(handles both airborne or surface message).
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
source (boolean): Include direction and vertical rate sources in return.
Default to False.
If set to True, the function will return six value instead of four.
int, float, int, string, [string], [string]:
- Speed (kt)
- Angle (degree), either ground track or heading
- Vertical rate (ft/min)
- Speed type ('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
- [Optional] Direction source ('TRUE_NORTH' or 'MAGNETIC_NORTH')
- [Optional] Vertical rate source ('BARO' or 'GNSS')
For surface messages, vertical rate and its respective sources are set
to None.
tc = typecode(msg)
error = "incorrect or inconsistent message types, expecting 4<TC<9 or TC=19"
if tc is None:
raise RuntimeError(error)
if 5 <= tc <= 8:
return surface_velocity(msg, source)
elif tc == 19:
return airborne_velocity(msg, source)
raise RuntimeError(error)
def speed_heading(msg: str) -> None | tuple[None | float, None | float]:
"""Get speed and ground track (or heading) from the velocity message
(handles both airborne or surface message)
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
(int, float): speed (kt), ground track or heading (degree)
decoded = velocity(msg)
if decoded is None:
return None
spd, trk_or_hdg, rocd, tag = decoded
return spd, trk_or_hdg
def oe_flag(msg: str) -> int:
"""Check the odd/even flag. Bit 54, 0 for even, 1 for odd.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: 0 or 1, for even or odd frame
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
return int(msgbin[53])
def version(msg: str) -> int:
"""ADS-B Version
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string, TC = 31
int: version number
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc != 31:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a status operation message, expecting TC = 31" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
version = common.bin2int(msgbin[72:75])
return version
def nuc_p(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | int, None | int]:
"""Calculate NUCp, Navigation Uncertainty Category - Position
(ADS-B version 1)
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string,
int: NUCp, Navigation Uncertainty Category (position)
int: Horizontal Protection Limit
int: 95% Containment Radius - Horizontal (meters)
int: 95% Containment Radius - Vertical (meters)
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc is None or tc > 22:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a surface position message (5<TC<8), \
airborne position message (8<TC<19), \
or airborne position with GNSS height (20<TC<22)"
% msg
NUCp = uncertainty.TC_NUCp_lookup[tc]
index = uncertainty.NUCp.get(NUCp, None)
if index is not None:
HPL = index["HPL"]
RCu = index["RCu"]
RCv = index["RCv"]
HPL, RCu, RCv = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
RCv = uncertainty.NA
# RCv only available for GNSS height
if tc == 20:
RCv = 4
elif tc == 21:
RCv = 15
return NUCp, HPL, RCu, RCv
def nuc_v(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | float]:
"""Calculate NUCv, Navigation Uncertainty Category - Velocity
(ADS-B version 1)
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string,
int: NUCv, Navigation Uncertainty Category (velocity)
int or string: 95% Horizontal Velocity Error
int or string: 95% Vertical Velocity Error
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc != 19:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not an airborne velocity message, expecting TC = 19" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
NUCv = common.bin2int(msgbin[42:45])
index = uncertainty.NUCv.get(NUCv, None)
if index is not None:
HVE = index["HVE"]
VVE = index["VVE"]
HVE, VVE = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
return NUCv, HVE, VVE
def nic_v1(msg: str, NICs: int) -> tuple[int, None | float, None | float]:
"""Calculate NIC, navigation integrity category, for ADS-B version 1
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
NICs (int or string): NIC supplement
int: NIC, Navigation Integrity Category
int or string: Horizontal Radius of Containment
int or string: Vertical Protection Limit
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc > 22:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a surface position message (5<TC<8), \
airborne position message (8<TC<19), \
or airborne position with GNSS height (20<TC<22)"
% msg
NIC = uncertainty.TC_NICv1_lookup[tc]
if isinstance(NIC, dict):
d_index = uncertainty.NICv1.get(NIC, None)
Rc, VPL = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
if d_index is not None:
index = d_index.get(NICs, None)
if index is not None:
Rc = index["Rc"]
VPL = index["VPL"]
return NIC, Rc, VPL
def nic_v2(msg: str, NICa: int, NICbc: int) -> tuple[int | None, int | None]:
"""Calculate NIC, navigation integrity category, for ADS-B version 2
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
NICa (int or string): NIC supplement - A
NICbc (int or string): NIC supplement - B or C
int: NIC, Navigation Integrity Category
int or string: Horizontal Radius of Containment
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc > 22:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a surface position message (5<TC<8), \
airborne position message (8<TC<19), \
or airborne position with GNSS height (20<TC<22)"
% msg
NIC = uncertainty.TC_NICv2_lookup[tc]
if 20 <= tc <= 22:
NICs = 0
NICs = NICa * 2 + NICbc
if isinstance(NIC, dict):
Rc = uncertainty.NICv2[NIC][NICs]["Rc"]
except KeyError:
return None, None
return NIC, Rc # type: ignore
def nic_s(msg: str) -> int:
"""Obtain NIC supplement bit, TC=31 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: NICs number (0 or 1)
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc != 31:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a status operation message, expecting TC = 31" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
nic_s = int(msgbin[75])
return nic_s
def nic_a_c(msg: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Obtain NICa/c, navigation integrity category supplements a and c
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
(int, int): NICa and NICc number (0 or 1)
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc != 31:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a status operation message, expecting TC = 31" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
nic_a = int(msgbin[75])
nic_c = int(msgbin[51])
return nic_a, nic_c
def nic_b(msg: str) -> int:
"""Obtain NICb, navigation integrity category supplement-b
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: NICb number (0 or 1)
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 9 or tc > 18:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a airborne position message, expecting 8<TC<19" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
nic_b = int(msgbin[39])
return nic_b
def nac_p(msg: str) -> tuple[int, int | None, int | None]:
"""Calculate NACp, Navigation Accuracy Category - Position
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string, TC = 29 or 31
int: NACp, Navigation Accuracy Category (position)
int or string: 95% horizontal accuracy bounds,
Estimated Position Uncertainty
int or string: 95% vertical accuracy bounds,
Vertical Estimated Position Uncertainty
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc not in [29, 31]:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, \
or operation status message, expecting TC = 29 or 31"
% msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
if tc == 29:
NACp = common.bin2int(msgbin[71:75])
elif tc == 31:
NACp = common.bin2int(msgbin[76:80])
EPU = uncertainty.NACp[NACp]["EPU"]
VEPU = uncertainty.NACp[NACp]["VEPU"]
except KeyError:
EPU, VEPU = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
return NACp, EPU, VEPU
def nac_v(msg: str) -> tuple[int, float | None, float | None]:
"""Calculate NACv, Navigation Accuracy Category - Velocity
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string, TC = 19
int: NACv, Navigation Accuracy Category (velocity)
int or string: 95% horizontal accuracy bounds for velocity,
Horizontal Figure of Merit
int or string: 95% vertical accuracy bounds for velocity,
Vertical Figure of Merit
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc != 19:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not an airborne velocity message, expecting TC = 19" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
NACv = common.bin2int(msgbin[42:45])
HFOMr = uncertainty.NACv[NACv]["HFOMr"]
VFOMr = uncertainty.NACv[NACv]["VFOMr"]
except KeyError:
HFOMr, VFOMr = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
return NACv, HFOMr, VFOMr
def sil(
msg: str,
version: None | int,
) -> tuple[float | None, float | None, str]:
"""Calculate SIL, Surveillance Integrity Level
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string with TC = 29, 31
int or string:
Probability of exceeding Horizontal Radius of Containment RCu
int or string:
Probability of exceeding Vertical Integrity Containment Region VPL
string: SIL supplement based on per "hour" or "sample", or 'unknown'
tc = typecode(msg)
if tc not in [29, 31]:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, \
or operation status message, expecting TC = 29 or 31"
% msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
if tc == 29:
SIL = common.bin2int(msgbin[76:78])
elif tc == 31:
SIL = common.bin2int(msgbin[82:84])
PE_RCu = uncertainty.SIL[SIL]["PE_RCu"]
PE_VPL = uncertainty.SIL[SIL]["PE_VPL"]
except KeyError:
PE_RCu, PE_VPL = uncertainty.NA, uncertainty.NA
base = "unknown"
if version == 2:
if tc == 29:
SIL_SUP = common.bin2int(msgbin[39])
elif tc == 31:
SIL_SUP = common.bin2int(msgbin[86])
if SIL_SUP == 0:
base = "hour"
elif SIL_SUP == 1:
base = "sample"
return PE_RCu, PE_VPL, base

View File

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
Decode all-call reply messages, with downlink format 11
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, TypeVar
from .. import common
T = TypeVar("T")
F = Callable[[str], T]
def _checkdf(func: F[T]) -> F[T]:
"""Ensure downlink format is 11."""
def wrapper(msg: str) -> T:
df = common.df(msg)
if df != 11:
raise RuntimeError(
"Incorrect downlink format, expect 11, got {}".format(df)
return func(msg)
return wrapper
def icao(msg: str) -> None | str:
"""Decode transponder code (ICAO address).
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
string: ICAO address
return common.icao(msg)
def interrogator(msg: str) -> str:
"""Decode interrogator identifier code.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int: interrogator identifier code
# the CRC remainder contains the CL and IC field.
# the top three bits are CL field and last four bits are IC field.
remainder = common.crc(msg)
if remainder > 79:
IC = "corrupt IC"
elif remainder < 16:
IC = "II" + str(remainder)
IC = "SI" + str(remainder - 16)
return IC
def capability(msg: str) -> tuple[int, None | str]:
"""Decode transponder capability.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: transponder capability, description
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
ca = common.bin2int(msgbin[5:8])
if ca == 0:
text = "level 1 transponder"
elif ca == 4:
text = "level 2 transponder, ability to set CA to 7, on ground"
elif ca == 5:
text = "level 2 transponder, ability to set CA to 7, airborne"
elif ca == 6:
text = (
"evel 2 transponder, ability to set CA to 7, "
"either airborne or ground"
elif ca == 7:
text = (
"Downlink Request value is not 0, "
"or the Flight Status is 2, 3, 4 or 5, "
"and either airborne or on the ground"
text = None
return ca, text

View File

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2015 Junzi Sun (TU Delft)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
Common functions for Mode-S decoding
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from ... import common
from ...extra import aero
from . import ( # noqa: F401
def is50or60(
msg: str, spd_ref: float, trk_ref: float, alt_ref: float
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Use reference ground speed and trk to determine BDS50 and DBS60.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
spd_ref (float): reference speed (ADS-B ground speed), kts
trk_ref (float): reference track (ADS-B track angle), deg
alt_ref (float): reference altitude (ADS-B altitude), ft
String or None: BDS version, or possible versions,
or None if nothing matches.
def vxy(v, angle):
vx = v * np.sin(np.radians(angle))
vy = v * np.cos(np.radians(angle))
return vx, vy
# message must be both BDS 50 and 60 before processing
if not (bds50.is50(msg) and bds60.is60(msg)):
return None
# --- assuming BDS60 ---
h60 = bds60.hdg60(msg)
m60 = bds60.mach60(msg)
i60 = bds60.ias60(msg)
# additional check now knowing the altitude
if (m60 is not None) and (i60 is not None):
ias_ = aero.mach2cas(m60, alt_ref * aero.ft) / aero.kts
if abs(i60 - ias_) > 20:
return "BDS50"
if h60 is None or (m60 is None and i60 is None):
return "BDS50,BDS60"
m60 = np.nan if m60 is None else m60
i60 = np.nan if i60 is None else i60
# --- assuming BDS50 ---
h50 = bds50.trk50(msg)
v50 = bds50.gs50(msg)
if h50 is None or v50 is None:
return "BDS50,BDS60"
XY5 = vxy(v50 * aero.kts, h50)
XY6m = vxy(aero.mach2tas(m60, alt_ref * aero.ft), h60)
XY6i = vxy(aero.cas2tas(i60 * aero.kts, alt_ref * aero.ft), h60)
allbds = ["BDS50", "BDS60", "BDS60"]
X = np.array([XY5, XY6m, XY6i])
Mu = np.array(vxy(spd_ref * aero.kts, trk_ref))
# compute Mahalanobis distance matrix
# Cov = [[20**2, 0], [0, 20**2]]
# mmatrix = np.sqrt(, np.linalg.inv(Cov)), (X-Mu).T))
# dist = np.diag(mmatrix)
# since the covariance matrix is identity matrix,
# M-dist is same as eculidian distance
dist = np.linalg.norm(X - Mu, axis=1)
BDS = allbds[np.nanargmin(dist)]
except ValueError:
return "BDS50,BDS60"
return BDS
def infer(msg: str, mrar: bool = False) -> Optional[str]:
"""Estimate the most likely BDS code of an message.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
mrar (bool): Also infer MRAR (BDS 44) and MHR (BDS 45).
Defaults to False.
String or None: BDS version, or possible versions,
or None if nothing matches.
df = common.df(msg)
if common.allzeros(msg):
return "EMPTY"
# For ADS-B / Mode-S extended squitter
if df == 17:
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None:
return None
if 1 <= tc <= 4:
return "BDS08" # identification and category
if 5 <= tc <= 8:
return "BDS06" # surface movement
if 9 <= tc <= 18:
return "BDS05" # airborne position, baro-alt
if tc == 19:
return "BDS09" # airborne velocity
if 20 <= tc <= 22:
return "BDS05" # airborne position, gnss-alt
if tc == 28:
return "BDS61" # aircraft status
if tc == 29:
return "BDS62" # target state and status
if tc == 31:
return "BDS65" # operational status
# For Comm-B replies
IS10 = bds10.is10(msg)
IS17 = bds17.is17(msg)
IS20 = bds20.is20(msg)
IS30 = bds30.is30(msg)
IS40 = bds40.is40(msg)
IS50 = bds50.is50(msg)
IS60 = bds60.is60(msg)
IS44 = bds44.is44(msg)
IS45 = bds45.is45(msg)
if mrar:
allbds = np.array(
mask = [IS10, IS17, IS20, IS30, IS40, IS44, IS45, IS50, IS60]
allbds = np.array(
["BDS10", "BDS17", "BDS20", "BDS30", "BDS40", "BDS50", "BDS60"]
mask = [IS10, IS17, IS20, IS30, IS40, IS50, IS60]
bds = ",".join(sorted(allbds[mask]))
if len(bds) == 0:
return None
return bds

View File

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 0,5
# ADS-B TC=9-18
# Airborne position
# ------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime
from ... import common
def airborne_position(
msg0: str, msg1: str, t0: int | datetime, t1: int | datetime
) -> None | tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode airborne position from a pair of even and odd position message
msg0 (string): even message (28 hexdigits)
msg1 (string): odd message (28 hexdigits)
t0 (int): timestamps for the even message
t1 (int): timestamps for the odd message
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
mb0 = common.hex2bin(msg0)[32:]
mb1 = common.hex2bin(msg1)[32:]
oe0 = int(mb0[21])
oe1 = int(mb1[21])
if oe0 == 0 and oe1 == 1:
elif oe0 == 1 and oe1 == 0:
mb0, mb1 = mb1, mb0
t0, t1 = t1, t0
raise RuntimeError("Both even and odd CPR frames are required.")
# 131072 is 2^17, since CPR lat and lon are 17 bits each.
cprlat_even = common.bin2int(mb0[22:39]) / 131072
cprlon_even = common.bin2int(mb0[39:56]) / 131072
cprlat_odd = common.bin2int(mb1[22:39]) / 131072
cprlon_odd = common.bin2int(mb1[39:56]) / 131072
air_d_lat_even = 360 / 60
air_d_lat_odd = 360 / 59
# compute latitude index 'j'
j = common.floor(59 * cprlat_even - 60 * cprlat_odd + 0.5)
lat_even = float(air_d_lat_even * (j % 60 + cprlat_even))
lat_odd = float(air_d_lat_odd * (j % 59 + cprlat_odd))
if lat_even >= 270:
lat_even = lat_even - 360
if lat_odd >= 270:
lat_odd = lat_odd - 360
# check if both are in the same latidude zone, exit if not
if common.cprNL(lat_even) != common.cprNL(lat_odd):
return None
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
# (people pass int+int or datetime+datetime)
if t0 > t1: # type: ignore
lat = lat_even
nl = common.cprNL(lat)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat) - 0, 1)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (360 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lat = lat_odd
nl = common.cprNL(lat)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat) - 1, 1)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (360 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
if lon > 180:
lon = lon - 360
return lat, lon
def airborne_position_with_ref(
msg: str, lat_ref: float, lon_ref: float
) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode airborne position with only one message,
knowing reference nearby location, such as previously calculated location,
ground station, or airport location, etc. The reference position shall
be within 180NM of the true position.
msg (str): even message (28 hexdigits)
lat_ref: previous known latitude
lon_ref: previous known longitude
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
cprlat = common.bin2int(mb[22:39]) / 131072
cprlon = common.bin2int(mb[39:56]) / 131072
i = int(mb[21])
d_lat = 360 / 59 if i else 360 / 60
j = common.floor(lat_ref / d_lat) + common.floor(
0.5 + ((lat_ref % d_lat) / d_lat) - cprlat
lat = d_lat * (j + cprlat)
ni = common.cprNL(lat) - i
if ni > 0:
d_lon = 360 / ni
d_lon = 360
m = common.floor(lon_ref / d_lon) + common.floor(
0.5 + ((lon_ref % d_lon) / d_lon) - cprlon
lon = d_lon * (m + cprlon)
return lat, lon
def altitude(msg: str) -> None | int:
"""Decode aircraft altitude
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: altitude in feet
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 9 or tc == 19 or tc > 22:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not an airborne position message" % msg)
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
altbin = mb[8:20]
if tc < 19:
altcode = altbin[0:6] + "0" + altbin[6:]
alt = common.altitude(altcode)
if alt != -999999:
return alt
# return None if altitude is invalid
return None
return common.bin2int(altbin) * 3.28084 # type: ignore

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@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 0,6
# ADS-B TC=5-8
# Surface movement
# ------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime
from ... import common
def surface_position(
msg0: str,
msg1: str,
t0: int | datetime,
t1: int | datetime,
lat_ref: float,
lon_ref: float,
) -> None | tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode surface position from a pair of even and odd position message,
the lat/lon of receiver must be provided to yield the correct solution.
msg0 (string): even message (28 hexdigits)
msg1 (string): odd message (28 hexdigits)
t0 (int): timestamps for the even message
t1 (int): timestamps for the odd message
lat_ref (float): latitude of the receiver
lon_ref (float): longitude of the receiver
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
msgbin0 = common.hex2bin(msg0)
msgbin1 = common.hex2bin(msg1)
# 131072 is 2^17, since CPR lat and lon are 17 bits each.
cprlat_even = common.bin2int(msgbin0[54:71]) / 131072
cprlon_even = common.bin2int(msgbin0[71:88]) / 131072
cprlat_odd = common.bin2int(msgbin1[54:71]) / 131072
cprlon_odd = common.bin2int(msgbin1[71:88]) / 131072
air_d_lat_even = 90 / 60
air_d_lat_odd = 90 / 59
# compute latitude index 'j'
j = common.floor(59 * cprlat_even - 60 * cprlat_odd + 0.5)
# solution for north hemisphere
lat_even_n = float(air_d_lat_even * (j % 60 + cprlat_even))
lat_odd_n = float(air_d_lat_odd * (j % 59 + cprlat_odd))
# solution for north hemisphere
lat_even_s = lat_even_n - 90
lat_odd_s = lat_odd_n - 90
# chose which solution corrispondes to receiver location
lat_even = lat_even_n if lat_ref > 0 else lat_even_s
lat_odd = lat_odd_n if lat_ref > 0 else lat_odd_s
# check if both are in the same latidude zone, rare but possible
if common.cprNL(lat_even) != common.cprNL(lat_odd):
return None
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
# (people pass int+int or datetime+datetime)
if t0 > t1: # type: ignore
lat = lat_even
nl = common.cprNL(lat_even)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat_even) - 0, 1)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (90 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lat = lat_odd
nl = common.cprNL(lat_odd)
ni = max(common.cprNL(lat_odd) - 1, 1)
m = common.floor(cprlon_even * (nl - 1) - cprlon_odd * nl + 0.5)
lon = (90 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
# four possible longitude solutions
lons = [lon, lon + 90, lon + 180, lon + 270]
# make sure lons are between -180 and 180
lons = [(lon + 180) % 360 - 180 for lon in lons]
# the closest solution to receiver is the correct one
dls = [abs(lon_ref - lon) for lon in lons]
imin = min(range(4), key=dls.__getitem__)
lon = lons[imin]
return lat, lon
def surface_position_with_ref(
msg: str, lat_ref: float, lon_ref: float
) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Decode surface position with only one message,
knowing reference nearby location, such as previously calculated location,
ground station, or airport location, etc. The reference position shall
be within 45NM of the true position.
msg (str): even message (28 hexdigits)
lat_ref: previous known latitude
lon_ref: previous known longitude
(float, float): (latitude, longitude) of the aircraft
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
cprlat = common.bin2int(mb[22:39]) / 131072
cprlon = common.bin2int(mb[39:56]) / 131072
i = int(mb[21])
d_lat = 90 / 59 if i else 90 / 60
j = common.floor(lat_ref / d_lat) + common.floor(
0.5 + ((lat_ref % d_lat) / d_lat) - cprlat
lat = d_lat * (j + cprlat)
ni = common.cprNL(lat) - i
if ni > 0:
d_lon = 90 / ni
d_lon = 90
m = common.floor(lon_ref / d_lon) + common.floor(
0.5 + ((lon_ref % d_lon) / d_lon) - cprlon
lon = d_lon * (m + cprlon)
return lat, lon
def surface_velocity(
msg: str, source: bool = False
) -> tuple[None | float, None | float, int, str]:
"""Decode surface velocity from a surface position message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
source (boolean): Include direction and vertical rate sources in return.
Default to False.
If set to True, the function will return six value instead of four.
int, float, int, string, [string], [string]:
- Speed (kt)
- Angle (degree), ground track
- Vertical rate, always 0
- Speed type ('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
- [Optional] Direction source ('TRUE_NORTH')
- [Optional] Vertical rate source (None)
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 5 or tc > 8:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a surface message, expecting 5<TC<8" % msg)
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
# ground track
trk_status = int(mb[12])
if trk_status == 1:
trk = common.bin2int(mb[13:20]) * 360 / 128
trk = None
# ground movement / speed
mov = common.bin2int(mb[5:12])
if mov == 0 or mov > 124:
spd = None
elif mov == 1:
spd = 0.0
elif mov == 124:
spd = 175.0
mov_lb = [2, 9, 13, 39, 94, 109, 124]
kts_lb: list[float] = [0.125, 1, 2, 15, 70, 100, 175]
step: list[float] = [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
i = next(m[0] for m in enumerate(mov_lb) if m[1] > mov)
spd = kts_lb[i - 1] + (mov - mov_lb[i - 1]) * step[i - 1]
if source:
return spd, trk, 0, "GS", "TRUE_NORTH", None # type: ignore
return spd, trk, 0, "GS"

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@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 0,8
# ADS-B TC=1-4
# Aircraft identification and category
# ------------------------------------------
from ... import common
def category(msg: str) -> int:
"""Aircraft category number
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: category number
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 1 or tc > 4:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a identification message" % msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
mebin = msgbin[32:87]
return common.bin2int(mebin[5:8])
def callsign(msg: str) -> str:
"""Aircraft callsign
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
string: callsign
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc < 1 or tc > 4:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Not a identification message" % msg)
chars = "#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#####_###############0123456789######"
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
csbin = msgbin[40:96]
cs = ""
cs += chars[common.bin2int(csbin[0:6])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(csbin[6:12])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(csbin[12:18])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(csbin[18:24])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(csbin[24:30])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(csbin[30:36])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(csbin[36:42])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(csbin[42:48])]
# clean string, remove spaces and marks, if any.
# cs = cs.replace('_', '')
cs = cs.replace("#", "")
return cs

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@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 0,9
# ADS-B TC=19
# Aircraft Airborne velocity
# ------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
import math
from ... import common
def airborne_velocity(
msg: str, source: bool = False
) -> None | tuple[None | int, None | float, None | int, str]:
"""Decode airborne velocity.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
source (boolean): Include direction and vertical rate sources in return.
Default to False.
If set to True, the function will return six value instead of four.
int, float, int, string, [string], [string]:
- Speed (kt)
- Angle (degree), either ground track or heading
- Vertical rate (ft/min)
- Speed type ('GS' for ground speed, 'AS' for airspeed)
- [Optional] Direction source ('TRUE_NORTH' or 'MAGNETIC_NORTH')
- [Optional] Vertical rate source ('BARO' or 'GNSS')
if common.typecode(msg) != 19:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a airborne velocity message, expecting TC=19" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:8])
if common.bin2int(mb[14:24]) == 0 or common.bin2int(mb[25:35]) == 0:
return None
trk_or_hdg: None | float
spd: None | float
if subtype in (1, 2):
v_ew = common.bin2int(mb[14:24])
v_ns = common.bin2int(mb[25:35])
if v_ew == 0 or v_ns == 0:
spd = None
trk_or_hdg = None
vs = None
v_ew_sign = -1 if mb[13] == "1" else 1
v_ew = v_ew - 1 # east-west velocity
if subtype == 2: # Supersonic
v_ew *= 4
v_ns_sign = -1 if mb[24] == "1" else 1
v_ns = v_ns - 1 # north-south velocity
if subtype == 2: # Supersonic
v_ns *= 4
v_we = v_ew_sign * v_ew
v_sn = v_ns_sign * v_ns
spd = math.sqrt(v_sn * v_sn + v_we * v_we) # unit in kts
spd = int(spd)
trk = math.atan2(v_we, v_sn)
trk = math.degrees(trk) # convert to degrees
trk = trk if trk >= 0 else trk + 360 # no negative val
trk_or_hdg = trk
spd_type = "GS"
dir_type = "TRUE_NORTH"
if mb[13] == "0":
hdg = None
hdg = common.bin2int(mb[14:24]) / 1024 * 360.0
trk_or_hdg = hdg
spd = common.bin2int(mb[25:35])
spd = None if spd == 0 else spd - 1
if subtype == 4 and spd is not None: # Supersonic
spd *= 4
if mb[24] == "0":
spd_type = "IAS"
spd_type = "TAS"
dir_type = "MAGNETIC_NORTH"
vr_source = "GNSS" if mb[35] == "0" else "BARO"
vr_sign = -1 if mb[36] == "1" else 1
vr = common.bin2int(mb[37:46])
vs = None if vr == 0 else int(vr_sign * (vr - 1) * 64)
if source:
return ( # type: ignore
return spd, trk_or_hdg, vs, spd_type
def altitude_diff(msg: str) -> None | float:
"""Decode the differece between GNSS and barometric altitude.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string, TC=19
int: Altitude difference in feet. Negative value indicates GNSS altitude
below barometric altitude.
tc = common.typecode(msg)
if tc is None or tc != 19:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a airborne velocity message, expecting TC=19" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
sign = -1 if int(msgbin[80]) else 1
value = common.bin2int(msgbin[81:88])
if value == 0 or value == 127:
return None
return sign * (value - 1) * 25 # in ft.

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@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 1,0
# Data link capability report
# ------------------------------------------
from ... import common
def is10(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 1,0
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
# first 8 bits must be 0x10
if d[0:8] != "00010000":
return False
# bit 10 to 14 are reserved
if common.bin2int(d[9:14]) != 0:
return False
# overlay capability conflict
if d[14] == "1" and common.bin2int(d[16:23]) < 5:
return False
if d[14] == "0" and common.bin2int(d[16:23]) > 4:
return False
return True
def ovc10(msg: str) -> int:
"""Return the overlay control capability
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Whether the transponder is OVC capable
d = common.hex2bin(
return int(d[14])

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 1,7
# Common usage GICB capability report
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import List
from ... import common
def is17(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 1,7
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
if common.bin2int(d[24:56]) != 0:
return False
caps = cap17(msg)
# basic BDS codes for ADS-B shall be supported
# assuming ADS-B out is installed (2017EU/2020US mandate)
# if not set(['BDS05', 'BDS06', 'BDS08', 'BDS09', 'BDS20']).issubset(caps):
# return False
# at least you can respond who you are
if "BDS20" not in caps:
return False
return True
def cap17(msg: str) -> List[str]:
"""Extract capacities from BDS 1,7 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
list: list of supported BDS codes
allbds = [
d = common.hex2bin(
idx = [i for i, v in enumerate(d[:24]) if v == "1"]
capacity = ["BDS" + allbds[i] for i in idx]
return capacity

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@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 2,0
# Aircraft identification
# ------------------------------------------
from ... import common
def is20(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 2,0
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[0:8] != "00100000":
return False
# allow empty callsign
if common.bin2int(d[8:56]) == 0:
return True
if "#" in cs20(msg):
return False
return True
def cs20(msg: str) -> str:
"""Aircraft callsign
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
string: callsign, max. 8 chars
chars = "#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#####_###############0123456789######"
d = common.hex2bin(
cs = ""
cs += chars[common.bin2int(d[8:14])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(d[14:20])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(d[20:26])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(d[26:32])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(d[32:38])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(d[38:44])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(d[44:50])]
cs += chars[common.bin2int(d[50:56])]
return cs

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 3,0
# ACAS active resolution advisory
# ------------------------------------------
from ... import common
def is30(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 3,0
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[0:8] != "00110000":
return False
# threat type 3 not assigned
if d[28:30] == "11":
return False
# reserved for ACAS III, in far future
if common.bin2int(d[15:22]) >= 48:
return False
return True

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@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 4,0
# Selected vertical intention
# ------------------------------------------
import warnings
from typing import Optional
from ... import common
def is40(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,0
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
# status bit 1, 14, and 27
if common.wrongstatus(d, 1, 2, 13):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 14, 15, 26):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 27, 28, 39):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 48, 49, 51):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 54, 55, 56):
return False
# bits 40-47 and 52-53 shall all be zero
if common.bin2int(d[39:47]) != 0:
return False
if common.bin2int(d[51:53]) != 0:
return False
return True
def selalt40mcp(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Selected altitude, MCP/FCU
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: altitude in feet
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[0] == "0":
return None
alt = common.bin2int(d[1:13]) * 16 # ft
return alt
def selalt40fms(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Selected altitude, FMS
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: altitude in feet
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[13] == "0":
return None
alt = common.bin2int(d[14:26]) * 16 # ft
return alt
def p40baro(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Barometric pressure setting
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: pressure in millibar
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[26] == "0":
return None
p = common.bin2int(d[27:39]) * 0.1 + 800 # millibar
return p
def alt40mcp(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""alt40mcp() has been renamed to selalt40mcp().
It will be removed in the future.""",
return selalt40mcp(msg)
def alt40fms(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""alt40fms() has been renamed to selalt40fms().
It will be removed in the future.""",
return selalt40fms(msg)

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@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 4,4
# Meteorological routine air report
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from ... import common
def is44(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,4.
Meteorological routine air report
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
# status bit 5, 35, 47, 50
if common.wrongstatus(d, 5, 6, 23):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 35, 36, 46):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 47, 48, 49):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 50, 51, 56):
return False
# Bits 1-4 indicate source, values > 4 reserved and should not occur
if common.bin2int(d[0:4]) > 4:
return False
vw, dw = wind44(msg)
if vw is not None and vw > 250:
return False
temp, temp2 = temp44(msg)
if min(temp, temp2) > 60 or max(temp, temp2) < -80:
return False
return True
def wind44(msg: str) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[float]]:
"""Wind speed and direction.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
(int, float): speed (kt), direction (degree)
d = common.hex2bin(
status = int(d[4])
if not status:
return None, None
speed = common.bin2int(d[5:14]) # knots
direction = common.bin2int(d[14:23]) * 180 / 256 # degree
return speed, direction
def temp44(msg: str) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Static air temperature.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float, float: temperature and alternative temperature in Celsius degree.
Note: Two values returns due to what seems to be an inconsistency
error in ICAO 9871 (2008) Appendix A-67.
d = common.hex2bin(
sign = int(d[23])
value = common.bin2int(d[24:34])
if sign:
value = value - 1024
temp = value * 0.25 # celsius
temp_alternative = value * 0.125 # celsius
return temp, temp_alternative
def p44(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Static pressure.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: static pressure in hPa
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[34] == "0":
return None
p = common.bin2int(d[35:46]) # hPa
return p
def hum44(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: percentage of humidity, [0 - 100] %
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[49] == "0":
return None
hm = common.bin2int(d[50:56]) * 100 / 64 # %
return hm
def turb44(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: turbulence level. 0=NIL, 1=Light, 2=Moderate, 3=Severe
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[46] == "0":
return None
turb = common.bin2int(d[47:49])
return turb

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@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 4,5
# Meteorological hazard report
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional
from ... import common
def is45(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,5.
Meteorological hazard report
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
# status bit 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 27, 39
if common.wrongstatus(d, 1, 2, 3):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 4, 5, 6):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 7, 8, 9):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 10, 11, 12):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 13, 14, 15):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 16, 17, 26):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 27, 28, 38):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 39, 40, 51):
return False
# reserved
if common.bin2int(d[51:56]) != 0:
return False
temp = temp45(msg)
if temp:
if temp > 60 or temp < -80:
return False
return True
def turb45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Turbulence level. 0=NIL, 1=Light, 2=Moderate, 3=Severe
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[0] == "0":
return None
turb = common.bin2int(d[1:3])
return turb
def ws45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Wind shear.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Wind shear level. 0=NIL, 1=Light, 2=Moderate, 3=Severe
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[3] == "0":
return None
ws = common.bin2int(d[4:6])
return ws
def mb45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Microburst level. 0=NIL, 1=Light, 2=Moderate, 3=Severe
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[6] == "0":
return None
mb = common.bin2int(d[7:9])
return mb
def ic45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Icing level. 0=NIL, 1=Light, 2=Moderate, 3=Severe
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[9] == "0":
return None
ic = common.bin2int(d[10:12])
return ic
def wv45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Wake vortex.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Wake vortex level. 0=NIL, 1=Light, 2=Moderate, 3=Severe
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[12] == "0":
return None
ws = common.bin2int(d[13:15])
return ws
def temp45(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Static air temperature.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: tmeperature in Celsius degree
d = common.hex2bin(
sign = int(d[16])
value = common.bin2int(d[17:26])
if sign:
value = value - 512
temp = value * 0.25 # celsius
return temp
def p45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Average static pressure.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: static pressure in hPa
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[26] == "0":
return None
p = common.bin2int(d[27:38]) # hPa
return p
def rh45(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Radio height.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: radio height in ft
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[38] == "0":
return None
rh = common.bin2int(d[39:51]) * 16
return rh

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@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 5,0
# Track and turn report
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional
from ... import common
def is50(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 5,0
(Track and turn report)
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
# status bit 1, 12, 24, 35, 46
if common.wrongstatus(d, 1, 3, 11):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 12, 13, 23):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 24, 25, 34):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 35, 36, 45):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 46, 47, 56):
return False
roll = roll50(msg)
if (roll is not None) and abs(roll) > 50:
return False
gs = gs50(msg)
if gs is not None and gs > 600:
return False
tas = tas50(msg)
if tas is not None and tas > 500:
return False
if (gs is not None) and (tas is not None) and (abs(tas - gs) > 200):
return False
return True
def roll50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Roll angle, BDS 5,0 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: angle in degrees,
negative->left wing down, positive->right wing down
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[0] == "0":
return None
sign = int(d[1]) # 1 -> left wing down
value = common.bin2int(d[2:11])
if sign:
value = value - 512
angle = value * 45 / 256 # degree
return angle
def trk50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""True track angle, BDS 5,0 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: angle in degrees to true north (from 0 to 360)
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[11] == "0":
return None
sign = int(d[12]) # 1 -> west
value = common.bin2int(d[13:23])
if sign:
value = value - 1024
trk = value * 90 / 512.0
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
if trk < 0:
trk = 360 + trk
return trk
def gs50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Ground speed, BDS 5,0 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: ground speed in knots
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[23] == "0":
return None
spd = common.bin2int(d[24:34]) * 2 # kts
return spd
def rtrk50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Track angle rate, BDS 5,0 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: angle rate in degrees/second
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[34] == "0":
return None
if d[36:45] == "111111111":
return None
sign = int(d[35]) # 1 -> negative value, two's complement
value = common.bin2int(d[36:45])
if sign:
value = value - 512
angle = value * 8 / 256 # degree / sec
return angle
def tas50(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Aircraft true airspeed, BDS 5,0 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: true airspeed in knots
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[45] == "0":
return None
tas = common.bin2int(d[46:56]) * 2 # kts
return tas

View File

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 5,3
# Air-referenced state vector
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional
from ... import common
def is53(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 5,3
(Air-referenced state vector)
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
# status bit 1, 13, 24, 34, 47
if common.wrongstatus(d, 1, 3, 12):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 13, 14, 23):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 24, 25, 33):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 34, 35, 46):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 47, 49, 56):
return False
ias = ias53(msg)
if ias is not None and ias > 500:
return False
mach = mach53(msg)
if mach is not None and mach > 1:
return False
tas = tas53(msg)
if tas is not None and tas > 500:
return False
vr = vr53(msg)
if vr is not None and abs(vr) > 8000:
return False
return True
def hdg53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Magnetic heading, BDS 5,3 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: angle in degrees to true north (from 0 to 360)
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[0] == "0":
return None
sign = int(d[1]) # 1 -> west
value = common.bin2int(d[2:12])
if sign:
value = value - 1024
hdg = value * 90 / 512 # degree
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
if hdg < 0:
hdg = 360 + hdg
return hdg
def ias53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Indicated airspeed, DBS 5,3 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits
int: indicated arispeed in knots
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[12] == "0":
return None
ias = common.bin2int(d[13:23]) # knots
return ias
def mach53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""MACH number, DBS 5,3 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits
float: MACH number
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[23] == "0":
return None
mach = common.bin2int(d[24:33]) * 0.008
return mach
def tas53(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Aircraft true airspeed, BDS 5,3 message
msg (str): 28 hexdigits
float: true airspeed in knots
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[33] == "0":
return None
tas = common.bin2int(d[34:46]) * 0.5 # kts
return tas
def vr53(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Vertical rate
msg (str): 28 hexdigits (BDS60) string
int: vertical rate in feet/minutes
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[46] == "0":
return None
sign = int(d[47]) # 1 -> negative value, two's complement
value = common.bin2int(d[48:56])
if value == 0 or value == 255: # all zeros or all ones
return 0
value = value - 256 if sign else value
roc = value * 64 # feet/min
return roc

View File

@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 6,0
# Heading and speed report
# ------------------------------------------
from typing import Optional
from ... import common
from ...extra import aero
def is60(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 6,0
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: True or False
if common.allzeros(msg):
return False
d = common.hex2bin(
# status bit 1, 13, 24, 35, 46
if common.wrongstatus(d, 1, 2, 12):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 13, 14, 23):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 24, 25, 34):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 35, 36, 45):
return False
if common.wrongstatus(d, 46, 47, 56):
return False
ias = ias60(msg)
if ias is not None and ias > 500:
return False
mach = mach60(msg)
if mach is not None and mach > 1:
return False
vr_baro = vr60baro(msg)
if vr_baro is not None and abs(vr_baro) > 6000:
return False
vr_ins = vr60ins(msg)
if vr_ins is not None and abs(vr_ins) > 6000:
return False
# additional check knowing altitude
if (mach is not None) and (ias is not None) and (common.df(msg) == 20):
alt = common.altcode(msg)
if alt is not None:
ias_ = aero.mach2cas(mach, alt * aero.ft) / aero.kts
if abs(ias - ias_) > 20:
return False
return True
def hdg60(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Megnetic heading of aircraft
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: heading in degrees to megnetic north (from 0 to 360)
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[0] == "0":
return None
sign = int(d[1]) # 1 -> west
value = common.bin2int(d[2:12])
if sign:
value = value - 1024
hdg = value * 90 / 512 # degree
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
if hdg < 0:
hdg = 360 + hdg
return hdg
def ias60(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Indicated airspeed
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: indicated airspeed in knots
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[12] == "0":
return None
ias = common.bin2int(d[13:23]) # kts
return ias
def mach60(msg: str) -> Optional[float]:
"""Aircraft MACH number
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: MACH number
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[23] == "0":
return None
mach = common.bin2int(d[24:34]) * 2.048 / 512.0
return mach
def vr60baro(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Vertical rate from barometric measurement, this value may be very noisy.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: vertical rate in feet/minutes
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[34] == "0":
return None
sign = int(d[35]) # 1 -> negative value, two's complement
value = common.bin2int(d[36:45])
if value == 0 or value == 511: # all zeros or all ones
return 0
value = value - 512 if sign else value
roc = value * 32 # feet/min
return roc
def vr60ins(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Vertical rate measurd by onbard equiments (IRS, AHRS)
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: vertical rate in feet/minutes
d = common.hex2bin(
if d[45] == "0":
return None
sign = int(d[46]) # 1 -> negative value, two's complement
value = common.bin2int(d[47:56])
if value == 0 or value == 511: # all zeros or all ones
return 0
value = value - 512 if sign else value
roc = value * 32 # feet/min
return roc

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 6,1
# ADS-B TC=28
# Aircraft Airborne status
# ------------------------------------------
from ... import common
def is_emergency(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the aircraft is reporting an emergency.
Non-emergencies are either a subtype of zero (no information) or
subtype of one and a value of zero (no emergency).
Subtype = 2 indicates an ACAS RA broadcast, look in BDS 3,0
:param msg: 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
:return: if the aircraft has declared an emergency
if common.typecode(msg) != 28:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not an airborne status message, expecting TC=28" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:8])
if subtype == 2:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Emergency message is ACAS-RA, not implemented")
emergency_state = common.bin2int(mb[8:11])
if subtype == 1 and emergency_state == 1:
return True
return False
def emergency_state(msg: str) -> int:
"""Decode aircraft emergency state.
Value Meaning
----- -----------------------
0 No emergency
1 General emergency
2 Lifeguard/Medical
3 Minimum fuel
4 No communications
5 Unlawful communications
6-7 Reserved
:param msg: 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
:return: emergency state
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:8])
if subtype == 2:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Emergency message is ACAS-RA, not implemented")
emergency_state = common.bin2int(mb[8:11])
return emergency_state
def emergency_squawk(msg: str) -> str:
"""Decode squawk code.
Emergency value 1: squawk 7700.
Emergency value 4: squawk 7600.
Emergency value 5: squawk 7500.
:param msg: 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
:return: aircraft squawk code
if common.typecode(msg) != 28:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not an airborne status message, expecting TC=28" % msg
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
# construct the 13 bits Mode A ID code
idcode = msgbin[43:56]
squawk = common.squawk(idcode)
return squawk

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@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 6,2
# ADS-B TC=29
# Target State and Status
# ------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
from ... import common
def selected_altitude(msg: str) -> tuple[None | float, str]:
"""Decode selected altitude.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Selected altitude (ft)
string: Source ('MCP/FCU' or 'FMS')
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not"
" contain selected altitude, use target altitude instead" % msg
alt = common.bin2int(mb[9:20])
if alt == 0:
return None, "N/A"
alt = (alt - 1) * 32
alt_source = "MCP/FCU" if int(mb[8]) == 0 else "FMS"
return alt, alt_source
def target_altitude(msg: str) -> tuple[None | int, str, str]:
"""Decode target altitude.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Target altitude (ft)
string: Source ('MCP/FCU', 'Holding mode' or 'FMS/RNAV')
string: Altitude reference, either pressure altitude or barometric
corrected altitude ('FL' or 'MSL')
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not"
" contain target altitude, use selected altitude instead" % msg
alt_avail = common.bin2int(mb[7:9])
if alt_avail == 0:
return None, "N/A", ""
elif alt_avail == 1:
alt_source = "MCP/FCU"
elif alt_avail == 2:
alt_source = "Holding mode"
alt_source = "FMS/RNAV"
alt_ref = "FL" if int(mb[9]) == 0 else "MSL"
alt = -1000 + common.bin2int(mb[15:25]) * 100
return alt, alt_source, alt_ref
def vertical_mode(msg: str) -> None | int:
"""Decode vertical mode.
Value Meaning
----- -----------------------
1 "Acquiring" mode
2 "Capturing" or "Maintaining" mode
3 Reserved
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Vertical mode
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not"
" contain vertical mode, use vnav mode instead" % msg
vertical_mode = common.bin2int(mb[13:15])
if vertical_mode == 0:
return None
return vertical_mode
def horizontal_mode(msg: str) -> None | int:
"""Decode horizontal mode.
Value Meaning
----- -----------------------
1 "Acquiring" mode
2 "Capturing" or "Maintaining" mode
3 Reserved
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
int: Horizontal mode
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not "
"contain horizontal mode, use lnav mode instead" % msg
horizontal_mode = common.bin2int(mb[25:27])
if horizontal_mode == 0:
return None
return horizontal_mode
def selected_heading(msg: str) -> None | float:
"""Decode selected heading.
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
float: Selected heading (degree)
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain selected heading, use target angle instead" % msg
if int(mb[29]) == 0:
return None
hdg_sign = int(mb[30])
hdg = (hdg_sign + 1) * common.bin2int(mb[31:39]) * (180 / 256)
return hdg
def target_angle(msg: str) -> tuple[None | int, str, str]:
"""Decode target heading/track angle.
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: Target angle (degree)
string: Angle type ('Heading' or 'Track')
string: Source ('MCP/FCU', 'Autopilot Mode' or 'FMS/RNAV')
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not "
"contain target angle, use selected heading instead" % msg
angle_avail = common.bin2int(mb[25:27])
if angle_avail == 0:
return None, "", "N/A"
angle = common.bin2int(mb[27:36])
if angle_avail == 1:
angle_source = "MCP/FCU"
elif angle_avail == 2:
angle_source = "Autopilot mode"
angle_source = "FMS/RNAV"
angle_type = "Heading" if int(mb[36]) else "Track"
return angle, angle_type, angle_source
def baro_pressure_setting(msg: str) -> None | float:
"""Decode barometric pressure setting.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
float: Barometric pressure setting (millibars)
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain barometric pressure setting" % msg
baro = common.bin2int(mb[20:29])
if baro == 0:
return None
return 800 + (baro - 1) * 0.8
def autopilot(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode autopilot engagement.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: Autopilot engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain autopilot engagement" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
autopilot = True if int(mb[47]) == 1 else False
return autopilot
def vnav_mode(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode VNAV mode.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: VNAV mode engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain vnav mode, use vertical mode instead" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
vnav_mode = True if int(mb[48]) == 1 else False
return vnav_mode
def altitude_hold_mode(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode altitude hold mode.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: Altitude hold mode engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain altitude hold mode" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
alt_hold_mode = True if int(mb[49]) == 1 else False
return alt_hold_mode
def approach_mode(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode approach mode.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: Approach mode engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain approach mode" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
app_mode = True if int(mb[51]) == 1 else False
return app_mode
def lnav_mode(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode LNAV mode.
msg (str): 28 hexdigits string
bool: LNAV mode engaged
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 1 target state and status message does not "
"contain lnav mode, use horizontal mode instead" % msg
if int(mb[46]) == 0:
return None
lnav_mode = True if int(mb[53]) == 1 else False
return lnav_mode
def tcas_operational(msg) -> None | bool:
"""Decode TCAS/ACAS operational.
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: TCAS/ACAS operational
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 0:
tcas = True if int(mb[51]) == 0 else False
tcas = True if int(mb[52]) == 1 else False
return tcas
def tcas_ra(msg) -> bool:
"""Decode TCAS/ACAS Resolution advisory.
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: TCAS/ACAS Resolution advisory active
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not "
"contain TCAS/ACAS RA" % msg
tcas_ra = True if int(mb[52]) == 1 else False
return tcas_ra
def emergency_status(msg) -> int:
"""Decode aircraft emergency status.
Value Meaning
----- -----------------------
0 No emergency
1 General emergency
2 Lifeguard/medical emergency
3 Minimum fuel
4 No communications
5 Unlawful interference
6 Downed aircraft
7 Reserved
msg (str): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: Emergency status
if common.typecode(msg) != 29:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: Not a target state and status message, expecting TC=29" % msg
mb = common.hex2bin(msg)[32:]
subtype = common.bin2int(mb[5:7])
if subtype == 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s: ADS-B version 2 target state and status message does not "
"contain emergency status" % msg
return common.bin2int(mb[53:56])

View File

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
"""Comm-B module.
The Comm-B module imports all functions from the following modules:
ELS - elementary surveillance
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds10
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds17
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds20
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds30
EHS - enhanced surveillance
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds40
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds50
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds60
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds44
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds45
# ELS - elementary surveillance
from .bds.bds10 import is10, ovc10
from .bds.bds17 import is17, cap17
from .bds.bds20 import is20, cs20
from .bds.bds30 import is30
# ELS - enhanced surveillance
from .bds.bds40 import (
from .bds.bds50 import is50, roll50, trk50, gs50, rtrk50, tas50
from .bds.bds60 import is60, hdg60, ias60, mach60, vr60baro, vr60ins
# MRAR and MHR
from .bds.bds44 import is44, wind44, temp44, p44, hum44, turb44
from .bds.bds45 import is45, turb45, ws45, mb45, ic45, wv45, temp45, p45, rh45
__all__ = [

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
"""EHS Wrapper.
``pyModeS.ehs`` is deprecated, please use ``pyModeS.commb`` instead.
The EHS wrapper imports all functions from the following modules:
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds40
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds50
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds60
import warnings
from .bds.bds40 import (
from .bds.bds50 import is50, roll50, trk50, gs50, rtrk50, tas50
from .bds.bds60 import is60, hdg60, ias60, mach60, vr60baro, vr60ins
from .bds import infer
__all__ = [
warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
"pms.ehs module is deprecated. Please use pms.commb instead.",
def BDS(msg):
"pms.ehs.BDS() is deprecated, use pms.bds.infer() instead.",
return infer(msg)
def icao(msg):
from . import common
return common.icao(msg)

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
"""ELS Wrapper.
``pyModeS.els`` is deprecated, please use ``pyModeS.commb`` instead.
The ELS wrapper imports all functions from the following modules:
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds10
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds17
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds20
- pyModeS.decoder.bds.bds30
import warnings
from .bds.bds10 import is10, ovc10
from .bds.bds17 import cap17, is17
from .bds.bds20 import cs20, is20
from .bds.bds30 import is30
warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
"pms.els module is deprecated. Please use pms.commb instead.",
__all__ = [

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
from typing import TypedDict
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from .decode import flarm as flarm_decode
__all__ = ["DecodedMessage", "flarm"]
class DecodedMessage(TypedDict):
timestamp: int
icao24: str
latitude: float
longitude: float
altitude: Annotated[int, "m"]
vertical_speed: Annotated[float, "m/s"]
groundspeed: int
track: int
type: str
sensorLatitude: float
sensorLongitude: float
isIcao24: bool
noTrack: bool
stealth: bool
flarm = flarm_decode

View File

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
#include "core.h"
* Swiss glider anti-colission system moved to a new encryption scheme: XXTEA
* The algorithm encrypts all the packet after the header: total 20 bytes or 5 long int words of data
* XXTEA description and code are found here:
* The system uses 6 iterations of the main loop.
* The system version 6 sends two type of packets: position and ... some unknown data
* The difference is made by bit 0 of byte 3 of the packet: for position data this bit is zero.
* For position data the key used depends on the time and transmitting device address.
* The key is as well obscured by a weird algorithm.
* The code to generate the key is:
* */
void make_key(int *key, long time, long address)
const long key1[4] = {0xe43276df, 0xdca83759, 0x9802b8ac, 0x4675a56b};
const long key1b[4] = {0xfc78ea65, 0x804b90ea, 0xb76542cd, 0x329dfa32};
const long *table = ((((time >> 23) & 255) & 0x01) != 0) ? key1b : key1;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
key[i] = obscure(table[i] ^ ((time >> 6) ^ address), 0x045D9F3B) ^ 0x87B562F4;
long obscure(long key, unsigned long seed)
unsigned int m1 = seed * (key ^ (key >> 16));
unsigned int m2 = seed * (m1 ^ (m1 >> 16));
return m2 ^ (m2 >> 16);
* Byte Bits
* 0 AAAA AAAA device address
* 3 00aa 0000 aa = 10 or 01
* 4 vvvv vvvv vertical speed
* 5 xxxx xxvv
* 6 gggg gggg GPS status
* 7 tttt gggg plane type
* 8 LLLL LLLL Latitude
* 10 aaaa aLLL
* 11 aaaa aaaa Altitude
* 12 NNNN NNNN Longitude
* 14 xxxx NNNN
* 15 FFxx xxxx multiplying factor
* 16 SSSS SSSS as in version 4
* 17 ssss ssss
* 19 kkkk kkkk
* 21 eeee eeee
* 24 pppp pppp
* */
void btea(uint32_t *v, int n, uint32_t const key[4])
uint32_t y, z, sum;
unsigned p, rounds, e;
if (n > 1)
{ /* Coding Part */
/* Unused, should remove? */
rounds = 6 + 52 / n;
sum = 0;
z = v[n - 1];
sum += DELTA;
e = (sum >> 2) & 3;
for (p = 0; p < (unsigned)n - 1; p++)
y = v[p + 1];
z = v[p] += MX;
y = v[0];
z = v[n - 1] += MX;
} while (--rounds);
else if (n < -1)
{ /* Decoding Part */
n = -n;
rounds = 6; // + 52 / n;
sum = rounds * DELTA;
y = v[0];
e = (sum >> 2) & 3;
for (p = n - 1; p > 0; p--)
z = v[p - 1];
y = v[p] -= MX;
z = v[n - 1];
y = v[0] -= MX;
sum -= DELTA;
} while (--rounds);

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __CORE_H__
#define __CORE_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#define DELTA 0x9e3779b9
#define MX (((z >> 5 ^ y << 2) + (y >> 3 ^ z << 4)) ^ ((sum ^ y) + (key[(p & 3) ^ e] ^ z)))
void make_key(int *key, long time, long address);
long obscure(long key, unsigned long seed);
void btea(uint32_t *v, int n, uint32_t const key[4]);

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
cdef extern from "core.h":
void make_key(int*, long time, long address)
void btea(int*, int, int*)

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
from typing import Any
from . import DecodedMessage
def flarm(
timestamp: int,
msg: str,
refLat: float,
refLon: float,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> DecodedMessage: ...

View File

@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
from cpython cimport array
from .core cimport make_key as c_make_key, btea as c_btea
import array
import math
from ctypes import c_byte
from textwrap import wrap
"Unknown", # 0
"Glider", # 1
"Tow-Plane", # 2
"Helicopter", # 3
"Parachute", # 4
"Parachute Drop-Plane", # 5
"Hangglider", # 6
"Paraglider", # 7
"Aircraft", # 8
"Jet", # 9
"UFO", # 10
"Balloon", # 11
"Airship", # 12
"UAV", # 13
"Reserved", # 14
"Static Obstacle", # 15
cdef long bytearray2int(str icao24):
return (
(int(icao24[4:6], 16) & 0xFF)
| ((int(icao24[2:4], 16) & 0xFF) << 8)
| ((int(icao24[:2], 16) & 0xFF) << 16)
cpdef array.array make_key(long timestamp, str icao24):
cdef long addr = bytearray2int(icao24)
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [0, 0, 0, 0])
c_make_key(, timestamp, (addr << 8) & 0xffffff)
return a
cpdef array.array btea(long timestamp, str msg):
cdef int p
cdef str icao24 = msg[4:6] + msg[2:4] + msg[:2]
cdef array.array key = make_key(timestamp, icao24)
pieces = wrap(msg[8:], 8)
cdef array.array toDecode = array.array('i', len(pieces) * [0])
for i, piece in enumerate(pieces):
p = 0
for elt in wrap(piece, 2)[::-1]:
p = (p << 8) + int(elt, 16)
toDecode[i] = p
c_btea(, -5,
return toDecode
cdef float velocity(int ns, int ew):
return math.hypot(ew / 4, ns / 4)
def heading(ns, ew, velocity):
if velocity < 1e-6:
velocity = 1
return (math.atan2(ew / velocity / 4, ns / velocity / 4) / 0.01745) % 360
def turningRate(a1, a2):
return ((((a2 - a1)) + 540) % 360) - 180
def flarm(long timestamp, str msg, float refLat, float refLon, **kwargs):
"""Decode a FLARM message.
timestamp (int)
msg (str)
refLat (float): the receiver's location
refLon (float): the receiver's location
a dictionary with all decoded fields. Any extra keyword argument passed
is included in the output dictionary.
cdef str icao24 = msg[4:6] + msg[2:4] + msg[:2]
cdef int magic = int(msg[6:8], 16)
if magic != 0x10 and magic != 0x20:
return None
cdef array.array decoded = btea(timestamp, msg)
cdef int aircraft_type = (decoded[0] >> 28) & 0xF
cdef int gps = (decoded[0] >> 16) & 0xFFF
cdef int raw_vs = c_byte(decoded[0] & 0x3FF).value
noTrack = ((decoded[0] >> 14) & 0x1) == 1
stealth = ((decoded[0] >> 13) & 0x1) == 1
cdef int altitude = (decoded[1] >> 19) & 0x1FFF
cdef int lat = decoded[1] & 0x7FFFF
cdef int mult_factor = 1 << ((decoded[2] >> 30) & 0x3)
cdef int lon = decoded[2] & 0xFFFFF
ns = list(
c_byte((decoded[3] >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF).value * mult_factor
for i in range(4)
ew = list(
c_byte((decoded[4] >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF).value * mult_factor
for i in range(4)
cdef int roundLat = int(refLat * 1e7) >> 7
lat = (lat - roundLat) % 0x080000
if lat >= 0x040000:
lat -= 0x080000
lat = (((lat + roundLat) << 7) + 0x40)
roundLon = int(refLon * 1e7) >> 7
lon = (lon - roundLon) % 0x100000
if lon >= 0x080000:
lon -= 0x100000
lon = (((lon + roundLon) << 7) + 0x40)
speed = sum(velocity(n, e) for n, e in zip(ns, ew)) / 4
heading4 = heading(ns[0], ew[0], speed)
heading8 = heading(ns[1], ew[1], speed)
return dict(
latitude=lat * 1e-7,
longitude=lon * 1e-7,
vertical_speed=raw_vs * mult_factor / 10,
track=heading4 - 4 * turningRate(heading4, heading8) / 4,

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@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
Decode short roll call surveillance replies, with downlink format 4 or 5
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, TypeVar
from .. import common
T = TypeVar("T")
F = Callable[[str], T]
def _checkdf(func: F[T]) -> F[T]:
"""Ensure downlink format is 4 or 5."""
def wrapper(msg: str) -> T:
df = common.df(msg)
if df not in [4, 5]:
raise RuntimeError(
"Incorrect downlink format, expect 4 or 5, got {}".format(df)
return func(msg)
return wrapper
def fs(msg: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
"""Decode flight status.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: flight status, description
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
fs = common.bin2int(msgbin[5:8])
text = ""
if fs == 0:
text = "no alert, no SPI, aircraft is airborne"
elif fs == 1:
text = "no alert, no SPI, aircraft is on-ground"
elif fs == 2:
text = "alert, no SPI, aircraft is airborne"
elif fs == 3:
text = "alert, no SPI, aircraft is on-ground"
elif fs == 4:
text = "alert, SPI, aircraft is airborne or on-ground"
elif fs == 5:
text = "no alert, SPI, aircraft is airborne or on-ground"
return fs, text
def dr(msg: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
"""Decode downlink request.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: downlink request, description
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
dr = common.bin2int(msgbin[8:13])
text = ""
if dr == 0:
text = "no downlink request"
elif dr == 1:
text = "request to send Comm-B message"
elif dr == 4:
text = "Comm-B broadcast 1 available"
elif dr == 5:
text = "Comm-B broadcast 2 available"
elif dr >= 16:
text = "ELM downlink segments available: {}".format(dr - 15)
return dr, text
def um(msg: str) -> tuple[int, int, None | str]:
"""Decode utility message.
Utility message contains interrogator identifier and reservation type.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: interrogator identifier code that triggered the reply, and
reservation type made by the interrogator
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
iis = common.bin2int(msgbin[13:17])
ids = common.bin2int(msgbin[17:19])
if ids == 0:
ids_text = None
if ids == 1:
ids_text = "Comm-B interrogator identifier code"
if ids == 2:
ids_text = "Comm-C interrogator identifier code"
if ids == 3:
ids_text = "Comm-D interrogator identifier code"
return iis, ids, ids_text
def altitude(msg: str) -> None | int:
"""Decode altitude.
msg (String): 14 hexdigits string
int: altitude in ft
return common.altcode(msg)
def identity(msg: str) -> str:
"""Decode squawk code.
msg (String): 14 hexdigits string
string: squawk code
return common.idcode(msg)

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@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
"""Uncertainty parameters.
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from typing import TypedDict
NA = None
TC_NUCp_lookup = {
0: 0,
5: 9,
6: 8,
7: 7,
8: 6,
9: 9,
10: 8,
11: 7,
12: 6,
13: 5,
14: 4,
15: 3,
16: 2,
17: 1,
18: 0,
20: 9,
21: 8,
22: 0,
TC_NICv1_lookup: dict[int, int | dict[int, int]] = {
5: 11,
6: 10,
7: 9,
8: 0,
9: 11,
10: 10,
11: {1: 9, 0: 8},
12: 7,
13: 6,
14: 5,
15: 4,
16: {1: 3, 0: 2},
17: 1,
18: 0,
20: 11,
21: 10,
22: 0,
TC_NICv2_lookup: dict[int, int | dict[int, int]] = {
5: 11,
6: 10,
7: {2: 9, 0: 8},
8: {3: 7, 2: 6, 1: 6, 0: 0},
9: 11,
10: 10,
11: {3: 9, 0: 8},
12: 7,
13: 6,
14: 5,
15: 4,
16: {3: 3, 0: 2},
17: 1,
18: 0,
20: 11,
21: 10,
22: 0,
class NUCpEntry(TypedDict):
HPL: None | float
RCu: None | int
RCv: None | int
NUCp: dict[int, NUCpEntry] = {
9: {"HPL": 7.5, "RCu": 3, "RCv": 4},
8: {"HPL": 25, "RCu": 10, "RCv": 15},
7: {"HPL": 185, "RCu": 93, "RCv": NA},
6: {"HPL": 370, "RCu": 185, "RCv": NA},
5: {"HPL": 926, "RCu": 463, "RCv": NA},
4: {"HPL": 1852, "RCu": 926, "RCv": NA},
3: {"HPL": 3704, "RCu": 1852, "RCv": NA},
2: {"HPL": 18520, "RCu": 9260, "RCv": NA},
1: {"HPL": 37040, "RCu": 18520, "RCv": NA},
0: {"HPL": NA, "RCu": NA, "RCv": NA},
class NUCvEntry(TypedDict):
HVE: None | float
VVE: None | float
NUCv: dict[int, NUCvEntry] = {
0: {"HVE": NA, "VVE": NA},
1: {"HVE": 10, "VVE": 15.2},
2: {"HVE": 3, "VVE": 4.5},
3: {"HVE": 1, "VVE": 1.5},
4: {"HVE": 0.3, "VVE": 0.46},
class NACpEntry(TypedDict):
EPU: None | int
VEPU: None | int
NACp: dict[int, NACpEntry] = {
11: {"EPU": 3, "VEPU": 4},
10: {"EPU": 10, "VEPU": 15},
9: {"EPU": 30, "VEPU": 45},
8: {"EPU": 93, "VEPU": NA},
7: {"EPU": 185, "VEPU": NA},
6: {"EPU": 556, "VEPU": NA},
5: {"EPU": 926, "VEPU": NA},
4: {"EPU": 1852, "VEPU": NA},
3: {"EPU": 3704, "VEPU": NA},
2: {"EPU": 7408, "VEPU": NA},
1: {"EPU": 18520, "VEPU": NA},
0: {"EPU": NA, "VEPU": NA},
class NACvEntry(TypedDict):
HFOMr: None | float
VFOMr: None | float
NACv: dict[int, NACvEntry] = {
0: {"HFOMr": NA, "VFOMr": NA},
1: {"HFOMr": 10, "VFOMr": 15.2},
2: {"HFOMr": 3, "VFOMr": 4.5},
3: {"HFOMr": 1, "VFOMr": 1.5},
4: {"HFOMr": 0.3, "VFOMr": 0.46},
class SILEntry(TypedDict):
PE_RCu: None | float
PE_VPL: None | float
SIL: dict[int, SILEntry] = {
3: {"PE_RCu": 1e-7, "PE_VPL": 2e-7},
2: {"PE_RCu": 1e-5, "PE_VPL": 1e-5},
1: {"PE_RCu": 1e-3, "PE_VPL": 1e-3},
0: {"PE_RCu": NA, "PE_VPL": NA},
class NICv1Entry(TypedDict):
Rc: None | float
VPL: None | float
NICv1: dict[int, dict[int, NICv1Entry]] = {
# NIC is used as the index at second Level
11: {0: {"Rc": 7.5, "VPL": 11}},
10: {0: {"Rc": 25, "VPL": 37.5}},
9: {1: {"Rc": 75, "VPL": 112}},
8: {0: {"Rc": 185, "VPL": NA}},
7: {0: {"Rc": 370, "VPL": NA}},
6: {0: {"Rc": 926, "VPL": NA}, 1: {"Rc": 1111, "VPL": NA}},
5: {0: {"Rc": 1852, "VPL": NA}},
4: {0: {"Rc": 3702, "VPL": NA}},
3: {1: {"Rc": 7408, "VPL": NA}},
2: {0: {"Rc": 14008, "VPL": NA}},
1: {0: {"Rc": 37000, "VPL": NA}},
0: {0: {"Rc": NA, "VPL": NA}},
class NICv2Entry(TypedDict):
Rc: None | float
NICv2: dict[int, dict[int, NICv2Entry]] = {
# Decimal value of [NICa NICb/NICc] is used as the index at second Level
11: {0: {"Rc": 7.5}},
10: {0: {"Rc": 25}},
9: {2: {"Rc": 75}, 3: {"Rc": 75}},
8: {0: {"Rc": 185}},
7: {0: {"Rc": 370}, 3: {"Rc": 370}},
6: {0: {"Rc": 926}, 1: {"Rc": 556}, 2: {"Rc": 556}, 3: {"Rc": 1111}},
5: {0: {"Rc": 1852}},
4: {0: {"Rc": 3702}},
3: {3: {"Rc": 7408}},
2: {0: {"Rc": 14008}},
1: {0: {"Rc": 37000}},
0: {0: {"Rc": NA}},

View File

@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
from typing import Optional
from .. import common
from textwrap import wrap
def uplink_icao(msg: str) -> str:
"Calculate the ICAO address from a Mode-S interrogation (uplink message)"
p_gen = 0xFFFA0480 << ((len(msg) - 14) * 4)
data = int(msg[:-6], 16)
PA = int(msg[-6:], 16)
ad = 0
topbit = 0b1 << (len(msg) * 4 - 25)
for j in range(0, len(msg) * 4, 1):
if data & topbit:
data ^= p_gen
data = (data << 1) + ((PA >> 23) & 1)
PA = PA << 1
if j > (len(msg) * 4 - 26):
ad = ad + ((data >> (len(msg) * 4 - 25)) & 1)
ad = ad << 1
return "%06X" % (ad >> 2)
def uf(msg: str) -> int:
"""Decode Uplink Format value, bits 1 to 5."""
ufbin = common.hex2bin(msg[:2])
return min(common.bin2int(ufbin[0:5]), 24)
def bds(msg: str) -> Optional[str]:
"Decode requested BDS register from selective (Roll Call) interrogation."
UF = uf(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
if UF in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7 # DI - Designator Identification
RR = mbytes[1] >> 3 & 0x1F
if RR > 15:
BDS1 = RR - 16
if di == 7:
RRS = mbytes[2] & 0x0F
elif di == 3:
RRS = ((mbytes[2] & 0x1) << 3) | ((mbytes[3] & 0xE0) >> 5)
# for other values of DI, the BDS2 is assumed 0
# (as per ICAO Annex 10 Vol IV)
BDS2 = 0
return str(format(BDS1,"X")) + str(format(BDS2,"X"))
return None
return None
def pr(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Decode PR (probability of reply) field from All Call interrogation.
0 signifies reply with probability of 1
1 signifies reply with probability of 1/2
2 signifies reply with probability of 1/4
3 signifies reply with probability of 1/8
4 signifies reply with probability of 1/16
5, 6, 7 not assigned
8 signifies disregard lockout, reply with probability of 1
9 signifies disregard lockout, reply with probability of 1/2
10 signifies disregard lockout, reply with probability of 1/4
11 signifies disregard lockout, reply with probability of 1/8
12 signifies disregard lockout, reply with probability of 1/16
13, 14, 15 not assigned.
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
if uf(msg) == 11:
return ((mbytes[0] & 0x7) << 1) | ((mbytes[1] & 0x80) >> 7)
return None
def ic(msg: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Decode IC (interrogator code) from a ground-based interrogation."""
UF = uf(msg)
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
IC = None
if UF == 11:
codeLabel = mbytes[1] & 0x7
icField = (mbytes[1] >> 3) & 0xF
# Store the Interogator Code
ic_switcher = {
0: "II" + str(icField),
1: "SI" + str(icField),
2: "SI" + str(icField + 16),
3: "SI" + str(icField + 32),
4: "SI" + str(icField + 48),
IC = ic_switcher.get(codeLabel, "")
if UF in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7
RR = mbytes[1] >> 3 & 0x1F
if RR > 15:
BDS1 = RR - 16 # noqa: F841
if di == 0 or di == 1 or di == 7:
# II
II = (mbytes[2] >> 4) & 0xF
IC = "II" + str(II)
elif di == 3:
# SI
SI = (mbytes[2] >> 2) & 0x3F
IC = "SI" + str(SI)
return IC
def lockout(msg):
"""Decode the lockout command from selective (Roll Call) interrogation."""
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
if uf(msg) in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
lockout = False
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7
if (di == 1 or di == 7):
if ((mbytes[3] & 0x40) >> 6) == 1:
lockout = True
elif di == 3:
if ((mbytes[2] & 0x2) >> 1) == 1:
lockout = True
return lockout
return None
def uplink_fields(msg):
"""Decode individual fields of a ground-based interrogation."""
msgbin = common.hex2bin(msg)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
mbytes = list(map(common.bin2int, msgbin_split))
PR = ""
IC = ""
lockout = False
di = ""
RR = ""
RRS = ""
BDS = ""
if uf(msg) == 11:
# Probability of Reply decoding
PR = ((mbytes[0] & 0x7) << 1) | ((mbytes[1] & 0x80) >> 7)
# Get cl and ic bit fields from the data
# Decode the SI or II interrogator code
codeLabel = mbytes[1] & 0x7
icField = (mbytes[1] >> 3) & 0xF
# Store the Interogator Code
ic_switcher = {
0: "II" + str(icField),
1: "SI" + str(icField),
2: "SI" + str(icField + 16),
3: "SI" + str(icField + 32),
4: "SI" + str(icField + 48),
IC = ic_switcher.get(codeLabel, "")
if uf(msg) in {4, 5, 20, 21}:
# Decode the DI and get the lockout information conveniently
# (LSS or LOS)
# DI - Designator Identification
di = mbytes[1] & 0x7
RR = mbytes[1] >> 3 & 0x1F
if RR > 15:
BDS1 = RR - 16
BDS2 = 0
if di == 0:
# II
II = (mbytes[2] >> 4) & 0xF
IC = "II" + str(II)
elif di == 1:
# II
II = (mbytes[2] >> 4) & 0xF
IC = "II" + str(II)
if ((mbytes[3] & 0x40) >> 6) == 1:
lockout = True
elif di == 7:
if ((mbytes[3] & 0x40) >> 6) == 1:
lockout = True
# II
II = (mbytes[2] >> 4) & 0xF
IC = "II" + str(II)
RRS = mbytes[2] & 0x0F
elif di == 3:
if ((mbytes[2] & 0x2) >> 1) == 1:
lockout = True
# SI
SI = (mbytes[2] >> 2) & 0x3F
IC = "SI" + str(SI)
RRS = ((mbytes[2] & 0x1) << 3) | ((mbytes[3] & 0xE0) >> 5)
if RR > 15:
BDS = str(format(BDS1,"X")) + str(format(BDS2,"X"))
return {
"DI": di,
"IC": IC,
"LOS": lockout,
"PR": PR,
"RR": RR,

pyModeS/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
# Copyright (C) 2016 Junzi Sun (TU Delft)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
A python package for decoding ModeS (DF20, DF21) messages.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from . import util, modes_common
def icao(msg):
return modes_common.icao(msg)
def data(msg):
"""Return the data frame in the message, bytes 9 to 22"""
return msg[8:22]
def isnull(msg):
"""check if the data bits are all zeros
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: True or False
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if util.bin2int(d) > 0:
return False
return True
def checkbits(data, sb, msb, lsb):
"""Check if the status bit and field bits are consistency. This Function
is used for checking BDS code versions.
# status bit, most significant bit, least significant bit
status = int(data[sb-1])
value = util.bin2int(data[msb-1:lsb])
if not status:
if value != 0:
return False
return True
# ------------------------------------------
# Common functions
# ------------------------------------------
def df20alt(msg):
"""Computes the altitude from DF20 message, bit 20-32
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: altitude in ft
if util.df(msg) != 20:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 20.")
return modes_common.altcode(msg)
def df21id(msg):
"""Computes identity (squawk code) from DF21, bit 20-32
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
string: squawk code
if util.df(msg) != 21:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 21.")
return modes_common.idcode(msg)
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 1,7
# Common usage GICB capability report
# ------------------------------------------
def isBDS17(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 1,7
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: True or False
if isnull(msg):
return False
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
result = True
if util.bin2int(d[28:56]) != 0:
result &= False
caps = cap17(msg)
# basic BDS codes for ADS-B shall be supported
# assuming ADS-B out is installed (2017EU/2020US mandate)
if not set(['BDS05', 'BDS06', 'BDS09', 'BDS20']).issubset(caps):
result &= False
return result
def cap17(msg):
"""Extract capacities from BDS 1,7 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
list: list of suport BDS codes
allbds = ['05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '0A', '20', '21', '40', '41',
'42', '43', '44', '45', '48', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54',
'55', '56', '5F', '60', 'NA', 'NA', 'E1', 'E2']
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
idx = [i for i, v in enumerate(d[:28]) if v=='1']
capacity = ['BDS'+allbds[i] for i in idx if allbds[i] is not 'NA']
return capacity
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 2,0
# Aircraft identification
# ------------------------------------------
def isBDS20(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 2,0
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: True or False
if isnull(msg):
return False
# status bit 1, 14, and 27
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
result = True
if util.bin2int(d[0:4]) != 2 or util.bin2int(d[4:8]) != 0:
result &= False
cs = callsign(msg)
if '#' in cs:
result &= False
return result
def callsign(msg):
"""Aircraft callsign
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS40) string
string: callsign, max. 8 chars
chars = '#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#####_###############0123456789######'
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
cs = ''
cs += chars[util.bin2int(d[8:14])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(d[14:20])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(d[20:26])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(d[26:32])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(d[32:38])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(d[38:44])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(d[44:50])]
cs += chars[util.bin2int(d[50:56])]
return cs
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 4,0
# Selected vertical intention
# ------------------------------------------
def isBDS40(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,0
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: True or False
if isnull(msg):
return False
# status bit 1, 14, and 27
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
result = True
result = result & checkbits(d, 1, 2, 13) \
& checkbits(d, 14, 15, 26) & checkbits(d, 27, 28, 39)
# bits 40-47 and 52-53 shall all be zero
if util.bin2int(d[39:47]) != 0:
result &= False
if util.bin2int(d[51:53]) != 0:
result &= False
return result
def alt40mcp(msg):
"""Selected altitude, MCP/FCU
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS40) string
int: altitude in feet
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[0] == '0':
return None
alt = util.bin2int(d[1:13]) * 16 # ft
return alt
def alt40fms(msg):
"""Selected altitude, FMS
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS40) string
int: altitude in feet
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[13] == '0':
return None
alt = util.bin2int(d[14:26]) * 16 # ft
return alt
def p40baro(msg):
"""Barometric pressure setting
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS40) string
float: pressure in millibar
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[26] == '0':
return None
p = util.bin2int(d[27:39]) * 0.1 + 800 # millibar
return p
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 4,4
# Meteorological routine air report
# ------------------------------------------
def isBDS44(msg, rev=False):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 4,4
Meteorological routine air report
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
rev (bool): using revised version
bool: True or False
if isnull(msg):
return False
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
result = True
if not rev:
# status bit 5, 35, 47, 50
result = result & checkbits(d, 5, 6, 23) \
& checkbits(d, 35, 36, 46) & checkbits(d, 47, 48, 49) \
& checkbits(d, 50, 51, 56)
# Bits 1-4 indicate source, values > 4 reserved and should not occur
if util.bin2int(d[0:4]) > 4:
result &= False
# status bit 5, 15, 24, 36, 49
result = result & checkbits(d, 5, 6, 14) \
& checkbits(d, 15, 16, 23) & checkbits(d, 24, 25, 35) \
& checkbits(d, 36, 37, 47) & checkbits(d, 49, 50, 56)
# Bits 1-4 are reserved and should be zero
if util.bin2int(d[0:4]) != 0:
result &= False
if not result:
return False
vw = wind44(msg, rev=rev)
if vw is not None and vw[0] > 250:
result &= False
if temp44(msg):
if temp44(msg) > 60 or temp44(msg) < -80:
result &= False
elif temp44(msg) == 0:
result &= False
return result
def wind44(msg, rev=False):
"""reported wind speed and direction
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS44) string
rev (bool): using revised version
(int, float): speed (kt), direction (degree)
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if not rev:
status = int(d[4])
if not status:
return None
speed = util.bin2int(d[5:14]) # knots
direction = util.bin2int(d[14:23]) * 180.0 / 256.0 # degree
spd_status = int(d[4])
dir_status = int(d[14])
if (not spd_status) or (not dir_status):
return None
speed = util.bin2int(d[5:14]) # knots
direction = util.bin2int(d[15:23]) * 180.0 / 128.0 # degree
return round(speed, 0), round(direction, 1)
def temp44(msg, rev=False):
"""reported air temperature
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS44) string
rev (bool): using revised version
float: tmeperature in Celsius degree
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if not rev:
# if d[22] == '0':
# return None
sign = int(d[23])
value = util.bin2int(d[24:34])
if sign:
value = value - 1024
temp = value * 0.125 # celsius
temp = round(temp, 1)
# if d[23] == '0':
# return None
sign = int(d[24])
value = util.bin2int(d[25:35])
if sign:
value = value - 1024
temp = value * 0.125 # celsius
temp = round(temp, 1)
return -1*temp if sign else temp
def p44(msg, rev=False):
"""reported average static pressure
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS44) string
rev (bool): using revised version
int: static pressure in hPa
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if not rev:
if d[34] == '0':
return None
p = util.bin2int(d[35:46]) # hPa
if d[35] == '0':
return None
p = util.bin2int(d[36:47]) # hPa
return p
def hum44(msg, rev=False):
"""reported humidity
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS44) string
rev (bool): using revised version
float: percentage of humidity, [0 - 100] %
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if not rev:
if d[49] == '0':
return None
hm = util.bin2int(d[50:56]) * 100.0 / 64 # %
if d[48] == '0':
return None
hm = util.bin2int(d[49:56]) # %
return round(hm, 1)
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 5,0
# Track and turn report
# ------------------------------------------
def isBDS50(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 5,0
(Track and turn report)
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: True or False
if isnull(msg):
return False
# status bit 1, 12, 24, 35, 46
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
result = True
result = result & checkbits(d, 1, 3, 11) & checkbits(d, 12, 13, 23) \
& checkbits(d, 24, 25, 34) & checkbits(d, 35, 36, 45) \
& checkbits(d, 46, 47, 56)
if not result:
return False
if d[2:11] == "000000000":
result &= True
roll = abs(roll50(msg))
if roll and roll > 60:
result &= False
gs = gs50(msg)
if gs is not None and gs > 600:
result &= False
tas = tas50(msg)
if tas is not None and tas > 500:
result &= False
if (gs is not None) and (tas is not None) and (abs(tas - gs) > 200):
result &= False
return result
def roll50(msg):
"""Roll angle, BDS 5,0 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS50) string
float: angle in degrees,
negative->left wing down, positive->right wing down
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[0] == '0':
return None
sign = int(d[1]) # 1 -> left wing down
value = util.bin2int(d[2:11])
if sign:
value = value - 512
angle = value * 45.0 / 256.0 # degree
return round(angle, 1)
def trk50(msg):
"""True track angle, BDS 5,0 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS50) string
float: angle in degrees to true north (from 0 to 360)
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[11] == '0':
return None
sign = int(d[12]) # 1 -> west
value = util.bin2int(d[13:23])
if sign:
value = value - 1024
trk = value * 90.0 / 512.0
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
if trk < 0:
trk = 360 + trk
return round(trk, 1)
def gs50(msg):
"""Ground speed, BDS 5,0 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS50) string
int: ground speed in knots
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[23] == '0':
return None
spd = util.bin2int(d[24:34]) * 2 # kts
return spd
def rtrk50(msg):
"""Track angle rate, BDS 5,0 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS50) string
float: angle rate in degrees/second
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[34] == '0':
return None
if d[36:45] == "111111111":
return None
sign = int(d[35]) # 1 -> negative value, two's complement
value = util.bin2int(d[36:45])
if sign:
value = value - 512
angle = value * 8.0 / 256.0 # degree / sec
return round(angle, 3)
def tas50(msg):
"""Aircraft true airspeed, BDS 5,0 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS50) string
int: true airspeed in knots
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[45] == '0':
return None
tas = util.bin2int(d[46:56]) * 2 # kts
return tas
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 5,3
# Air-referenced state vector
# ------------------------------------------
def isBDS53(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 5,3
(Air-referenced state vector)
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: True or False
if isnull(msg):
return False
# status bit 1, 13, 24, 34, 47
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
result = True
result = result & checkbits(d, 1, 3, 12) & checkbits(d, 13, 14, 23) \
& checkbits(d, 24, 25, 33) & checkbits(d, 34, 35, 46) \
& checkbits(d, 47, 49, 56)
if not result:
return False
ias = ias53(msg)
if ias is not None and ias > 500:
result &= False
mach = mach53(msg)
if mach is not None and mach > 1:
result &= False
tas = tas53(msg)
if tas is not None and tas > 500:
result &= False
vr = vr53(msg)
if vr is not None and abs(vr) > 8000:
result &= False
return result
def hdg53(msg):
"""Magnetic heading, BDS 5,3 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS53) string
float: angle in degrees to true north (from 0 to 360)
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[0] == '0':
return None
sign = int(d[1]) # 1 -> west
value = util.bin2int(d[2:12])
if sign:
value = value - 1024
hdg = value * 90.0 / 512.0 # degree
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
if hdg < 0:
hdg = 360 + hdg
return round(hdg, 1)
def ias53(msg):
"""Indicated airspeed, DBS 5,3 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message
int: indicated arispeed in knots
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[12] == '0':
return None
ias = util.bin2int(d[13:23]) # knots
return ias
def mach53(msg):
"""MACH number, DBS 5,3 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message
float: MACH number
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[23] == '0':
return None
mach = util.bin2int(d[24:33]) * 0.008
return round(mach, 3)
def tas53(msg):
"""Aircraft true airspeed, BDS 5,3 message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message
float: true airspeed in knots
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[33] == '0':
return None
tas = util.bin2int(d[34:46]) * 0.5 # kts
return round(tas, 1)
def vr53(msg):
"""Vertical rate
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS60) string
int: vertical rate in feet/minutes
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[46] == '0':
return None
sign = int(d[47]) # 1 -> negative value, two's complement
value = util.bin2int(d[48:56])
if value == 0 or value == 255: # all zeros or all ones
return 0
value = value - 256 if sign else value
roc = value * 64 # feet/min
return roc
# ------------------------------------------
# BDS 6,0
# ------------------------------------------
def isBDS60(msg):
"""Check if a message is likely to be BDS code 6,0
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: True or False
if isnull(msg):
return False
# status bit 1, 13, 24, 35, 46
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
result = True
result = result & checkbits(d, 1, 2, 12) & checkbits(d, 13, 14, 23) \
& checkbits(d, 24, 25, 34) & checkbits(d, 35, 36, 45) \
& checkbits(d, 46, 47, 56)
if not result:
return False
ias = ias60(msg)
if ias is not None and ias > 500:
result &= False
mach = mach60(msg)
if mach is not None and mach > 1:
result &= False
# leave out the check from vertical rates,
# due to very noisy measurement
return result
def hdg60(msg):
"""Megnetic heading of aircraft
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS60) string
float: heading in degrees to megnetic north (from 0 to 360)
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[0] == '0':
return None
sign = int(d[1]) # 1 -> west
value = util.bin2int(d[2:12])
if sign:
value = value - 1024
hdg = value * 90 / 512.0 # degree
# convert from [-180, 180] to [0, 360]
if hdg < 0:
hdg = 360 + hdg
return round(hdg, 1)
def ias60(msg):
"""Indicated airspeed
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS60) string
int: indicated airspeed in knots
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[12] == '0':
return None
ias = util.bin2int(d[13:23]) # kts
return ias
def mach60(msg):
"""Aircraft MACH number
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS60) string
float: MACH number
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[23] == '0':
return None
mach = util.bin2int(d[24:34]) * 2.048 / 512.0
return round(mach, 3)
def vr60baro(msg):
"""Vertical rate from barometric measurement, this value may be very noisy.
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS60) string
int: vertical rate in feet/minutes
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[34] == '0':
return None
sign = int(d[35]) # 1 -> negative value, two's complement
value = util.bin2int(d[36:45])
if value == 0 or value == 511: # all zeros or all ones
return 0
value = value - 512 if sign else value
roc = value * 32 # feet/min
return roc
def vr60ins(msg):
"""Vertical rate messured by onbard equiments (IRS, AHRS)
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message (BDS60) string
int: vertical rate in feet/minutes
d = util.hex2bin(data(msg))
if d[45] == '0':
return None
sign = int(d[46]) # 1 -> negative value, two's complement
value = util.bin2int(d[47:56])
if value == 0 or value == 511: # all zeros or all ones
return 0
value = value - 512 if sign else value
roc = value * 32 # feet/min
return roc
def BDS(msg):
"""Estimate the most likely BDS code of an message
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
String or None: Version: "BDS20", "BDS40", "BDS50", or "BDS60". Or None, if nothing matched
if isnull(msg):
return None
is17 = isBDS17(msg)
is20 = isBDS20(msg)
is40 = isBDS40(msg)
is44 = isBDS44(msg)
is44rev = isBDS44(msg, rev=True)
is50 = isBDS50(msg)
is53 = isBDS53(msg)
is60 = isBDS60(msg)
BDS = ["BDS17", "BDS20", "BDS40", "BDS44", "BDS44REV", "BDS50", "BDS53", "BDS60"]
isBDS = [is17, is20, is40, is44, is44rev, is50, is53, is60]
if sum(isBDS) == 0:
return None
elif sum(isBDS) == 1:
return BDS[isBDS.index(True)]
return [bds for (bds, i) in zip(BDS, isBDS) if i]

pyModeS/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from . import util, modes_common
def icao(msg):
return modes_common.icao(msg)
def df4alt(msg):
"""Computes the altitude from DF4 message, bit 20-32
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: altitude in ft
if util.df(msg) != 4:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 4.")
return modes_common.altcode(msg)
def df5id(msg):
"""Computes identity (squawk code) from DF5 message, bit 20-32
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
string: squawk code
if util.df(msg) != 5:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 5.")
return modes_common.idcode(msg)

View File

@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
Functions for aeronautics in this module
- physical quantities always in SI units
- lat,lon,course and heading in degrees
International Standard Atmosphere
p,rho,T = atmos(H) # atmos as function of geopotential altitude H [m]
a = vsound(H) # speed of sound [m/s] as function of H[m]
p = pressure(H) # calls atmos but returns only pressure [Pa]
T = temperature(H) # calculates temperature [K]
rho = density(H) # calls atmos but returns only pressure [Pa]
Speed conversion at altitude H[m] in ISA
Mach = tas2mach(Vtas,H) # true airspeed (Vtas) to mach number conversion
Vtas = mach2tas(Mach,H) # mach number to true airspeed (Vtas) conversion
Vtas = eas2tas(Veas,H) # equivalent airspeed to true airspeed, H in [m]
Veas = tas2eas(Vtas,H) # true airspeed to equivent airspeed, H in [m]
Vtas = cas2tas(Vcas,H) # Vcas to Vtas conversion both m/s, H in [m]
Vcas = tas2cas(Vtas,H) # Vtas to Vcas conversion both m/s, H in [m]
Vcas = mach2cas(Mach,H) # Mach to Vcas conversion Vcas in m/s, H in [m]
Mach = cas2mach(Vcas,H) # Vcas to mach copnversion Vcas in m/s, H in [m]
import numpy as np
"""Aero and geo Constants """
kts = 0.514444 # knot -> m/s
ft = 0.3048 # ft -> m
fpm = 0.00508 # ft/min -> m/s
inch = 0.0254 # inch -> m
sqft = 0.09290304 # 1 square foot
nm = 1852 # nautical mile -> m
lbs = 0.453592 # pound -> kg
g0 = 9.80665 # m/s2, Sea level gravity constant
R = 287.05287 # m2/(s2 x K), gas constant, sea level ISA
p0 = 101325 # Pa, air pressure, sea level ISA
rho0 = 1.225 # kg/m3, air density, sea level ISA
T0 = 288.15 # K, temperature, sea level ISA
gamma = 1.40 # cp/cv for air
gamma1 = 0.2 # (gamma-1)/2 for air
gamma2 = 3.5 # gamma/(gamma-1) for air
beta = -0.0065 # [K/m] ISA temp gradient below tropopause
r_earth = 6371000 # m, average earth radius
a0 = 340.293988 # m/s, sea level speed of sound ISA, sqrt(gamma*R*T0)
def atmos(H):
# H in metres
T = np.maximum(288.15 - 0.0065 * H, 216.65)
rhotrop = 1.225 * (T / 288.15) ** 4.256848030018761
dhstrat = np.maximum(0.0, H - 11000.0)
rho = rhotrop * np.exp(-dhstrat / 6341.552161)
p = rho * R * T
return p, rho, T
def temperature(H):
p, r, T = atmos(H)
return T
def pressure(H):
p, r, T = atmos(H)
return p
def density(H):
p, r, T = atmos(H)
return r
def vsound(H):
"""Speed of sound"""
T = temperature(H)
a = np.sqrt(gamma * R * T)
return a
def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, H=0):
Compute spherical distance from spherical coordinates.
For two locations in spherical coordinates
(1, theta, phi) and (1, theta', phi')
cosine( arc length ) =
sin phi sin phi' cos(theta-theta') + cos phi cos phi'
distance = rho * arc length
# phi = 90 - latitude
phi1 = np.radians(90 - lat1)
phi2 = np.radians(90 - lat2)
# theta = longitude
theta1 = np.radians(lon1)
theta2 = np.radians(lon2)
cos = np.sin(phi1) * np.sin(phi2) * np.cos(theta1 - theta2) + np.cos(phi1) * np.cos(
cos = np.where(cos > 1, 1, cos)
arc = np.arccos(cos)
dist = arc * (r_earth + H) # meters, radius of earth
return dist
def bearing(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
lat1 = np.radians(lat1)
lon1 = np.radians(lon1)
lat2 = np.radians(lat2)
lon2 = np.radians(lon2)
x = np.sin(lon2 - lon1) * np.cos(lat2)
y = np.cos(lat1) * np.sin(lat2) - np.sin(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.cos(lon2 - lon1)
initial_bearing = np.arctan2(x, y)
initial_bearing = np.degrees(initial_bearing)
bearing = (initial_bearing + 360) % 360
return bearing
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Speed conversions, altitude H all in meters
# -----------------------------------------------------
def tas2mach(Vtas, H):
"""True Airspeed to Mach number"""
a = vsound(H)
Mach = Vtas / a
return Mach
def mach2tas(Mach, H):
"""Mach number to True Airspeed"""
a = vsound(H)
Vtas = Mach * a
return Vtas
def eas2tas(Veas, H):
"""Equivalent Airspeed to True Airspeed"""
rho = density(H)
Vtas = Veas * np.sqrt(rho0 / rho)
return Vtas
def tas2eas(Vtas, H):
"""True Airspeed to Equivalent Airspeed"""
rho = density(H)
Veas = Vtas * np.sqrt(rho / rho0)
return Veas
def cas2tas(Vcas, H):
"""Calibrated Airspeed to True Airspeed"""
p, rho, T = atmos(H)
qdyn = p0 * ((1 + rho0 * Vcas * Vcas / (7 * p0)) ** 3.5 - 1.0)
Vtas = np.sqrt(7 * p / rho * ((1 + qdyn / p) ** (2 / 7.0) - 1.0))
return Vtas
def tas2cas(Vtas, H):
"""True Airspeed to Calibrated Airspeed"""
p, rho, T = atmos(H)
qdyn = p * ((1 + rho * Vtas * Vtas / (7 * p)) ** 3.5 - 1.0)
Vcas = np.sqrt(7 * p0 / rho0 * ((qdyn / p0 + 1.0) ** (2 / 7.0) - 1.0))
return Vcas
def mach2cas(Mach, H):
"""Mach number to Calibrated Airspeed"""
Vtas = mach2tas(Mach, H)
Vcas = tas2cas(Vtas, H)
return Vcas
def cas2mach(Vcas, H):
"""Calibrated Airspeed to Mach number"""
Vtas = cas2tas(Vcas, H)
Mach = tas2mach(Vtas, H)
return Mach

View File

@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import time
import traceback
import numpy as np
import pyModeS as pms
from typing import Any
import_msg = """
Warning: pyrtlsdr not installed (required for using RTL-SDR devices)!
import rtlsdr # type: ignore
except ImportError:
sampling_rate = 2e6
smaples_per_microsec = 2
modes_frequency = 1090e6
buffer_size = 1024 * 200
read_size = 1024 * 100
pbits = 8
fbits = 112
preamble = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
th_amp_diff = 0.8 # signal amplitude threshold difference between 0 and 1 bit
class RtlReader(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
super(RtlReader, self).__init__()
self.signal_buffer: list[float] = [] # amplitude of the sample only
self.sdr = rtlsdr.RtlSdr()
self.sdr.sample_rate = sampling_rate
self.sdr.center_freq = modes_frequency
self.sdr.gain = "auto"
self.debug = kwargs.get("debug", False)
self.raw_pipe_in = None
self.stop_flag = False
self.noise_floor = 1e6
self.exception_queue = None
def _calc_noise(self) -> float:
"""Calculate noise floor"""
window = smaples_per_microsec * 100
total_len = len(self.signal_buffer)
means = (
np.array(self.signal_buffer[: total_len // window * window])
.reshape(-1, window)
return min(means)
def _process_buffer(self) -> list[list[Any]]:
"""process raw IQ data in the buffer"""
# update noise floor
self.noise_floor = min(self._calc_noise(), self.noise_floor)
# set minimum signal amplitude
min_sig_amp = 3.162 * self.noise_floor # 10 dB SNR
# Mode S messages
messages = []
buffer_length = len(self.signal_buffer)
i = 0
while i < buffer_length:
if self.signal_buffer[i] < min_sig_amp:
i += 1
frame_start = i + pbits * 2
if self._check_preamble(self.signal_buffer[i:frame_start]):
frame_length = (fbits + 1) * 2
frame_end = frame_start + frame_length
frame_pulses = self.signal_buffer[frame_start:frame_end]
threshold = max(frame_pulses) * 0.2
msgbin: list[int] = []
for j in range(0, frame_length, 2):
j_2 = j + 2
p2 = frame_pulses[j:j_2]
if len(p2) < 2:
if p2[0] < threshold and p2[1] < threshold:
elif p2[0] >= p2[1]:
c = 1
elif p2[0] < p2[1]:
c = 0
msgbin = []
# advance i with a jump
i = frame_start + j
if len(msgbin) > 0:
msghex = pms.bin2hex("".join([str(i) for i in msgbin]))
if self._check_msg(msghex):
messages.append([msghex, time.time()])
if self.debug:
# elif i > buffer_length - 500:
# # save some for next process
# break
i += 1
# reset the buffer
self.signal_buffer = self.signal_buffer[i:]
return messages
def _check_preamble(self, pulses) -> bool:
if len(pulses) != 16:
return False
for i in range(16):
if abs(pulses[i] - preamble[i]) > th_amp_diff:
return False
return True
def _check_msg(self, msg) -> bool:
df = pms.df(msg)
msglen = len(msg)
if df == 17 and msglen == 28:
if pms.crc(msg) == 0:
return True
elif df in [20, 21] and msglen == 28:
return True
elif df in [4, 5, 11] and msglen == 14:
return True
return False
def _debug_msg(self, msg) -> None:
df = pms.df(msg)
msglen = len(msg)
if df == 17 and msglen == 28:
print(msg, pms.icao(msg), pms.crc(msg))
elif df in [20, 21] and msglen == 28:
print(msg, pms.icao(msg))
elif df in [4, 5, 11] and msglen == 14:
print(msg, pms.icao(msg))
# print("[*]", msg)
def _read_callback(self, data, rtlsdr_obj) -> None:
amp = np.absolute(data)
if len(self.signal_buffer) >= buffer_size:
messages = self._process_buffer()
def handle_messages(self, messages) -> None:
"""re-implement this method to handle the messages"""
for msg, t in messages:
# print("%15.9f %s" % (t, msg))
def stop(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
def run(
self, raw_pipe_in=None, stop_flag=None, exception_queue=None
) -> None:
self.raw_pipe_in = raw_pipe_in
self.exception_queue = exception_queue
self.stop_flag = stop_flag
# raise RuntimeError("test exception")
while True:
data = self.sdr.read_samples(read_size)
self._read_callback(data, None)
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
if self.exception_queue is not None:
raise e
if __name__ == "__main__":
import signal
rtl = RtlReader()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, rtl.stop)
rtl.debug = True

View File

@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
"""Stream beast raw data from a TCP server, convert to mode-s messages."""
import os
import sys
import time
import pyModeS as pms
import traceback
import zmq
import math
class TcpClient(object):
def __init__(self, host, port, datatype):
super(TcpClient, self).__init__() = host
self.port = port
self.buffer = []
self.socket = None
self.datatype = datatype
if self.datatype not in ["raw", "beast", "skysense"]:
print("datatype must be either raw, beast or skysense")
self.raw_pipe_in = None
self.stop_flag = False
self.exception_queue = None
def connect(self):
self.socket = zmq.Context().socket(zmq.STREAM)
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0)
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 10000)
self.socket.connect("tcp://%s:%s" % (, self.port))
def stop(self):
def read_raw_buffer(self):
""" Read raw ADS-B data type.
String strats with "*" and ends with ";". For example:
messages = []
msg_stop = False
self.current_msg = ""
for b in self.buffer:
if b == 59:
msg_stop = True
ts = time.time()
messages.append([self.current_msg, ts])
if b == 42:
msg_stop = False
self.current_msg = ""
if (not msg_stop) and (48 <= b <= 57 or 65 <= b <= 70 or 97 <= b <= 102):
self.current_msg = self.current_msg + chr(b)
self.buffer = []
return messages
def read_beast_buffer(self):
"""Handle mode-s beast data type.
<esc> "1" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, 1 byte signal level,
2 byte Mode-AC
<esc> "2" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, 1 byte signal level,
7 byte Mode-S short frame
<esc> "3" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, 1 byte signal level,
14 byte Mode-S long frame
<esc> "4" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, status data, DIP switch
configuration settings (not on Mode-S Beast classic)
<esc><esc>: true 0x1a
<esc> is 0x1a, and "1", "2" and "3" are 0x31, 0x32 and 0x33
messages_mlat = []
msg = []
i = 0
# process the buffer until the last divider <esc> 0x1a
# then, reset the self.buffer with the remainder
while i < len(self.buffer):
if self.buffer[i : i + 2] == [0x1A, 0x1A]:
i += 1
elif (i == len(self.buffer) - 1) and (self.buffer[i] == 0x1A):
# special case where the last bit is 0x1a
elif self.buffer[i] == 0x1A:
if i == len(self.buffer) - 1:
# special case where the last bit is 0x1a
elif len(msg) > 0:
msg = []
i += 1
# save the reminder for next reading cycle, if not empty
if len(msg) > 0:
reminder = []
for i, m in enumerate(msg):
if (m == 0x1A) and (i < len(msg) - 1):
# rewind 0x1a, except when it is at the last bit
reminder.extend([m, m])
self.buffer = [0x1A] + msg
self.buffer = []
# extract messages
messages = []
for mm in messages_mlat:
ts = time.time()
msgtype = mm[0]
# print(''.join('%02X' % i for i in mm))
if msgtype == 0x32:
# Mode-S Short Message, 7 byte, 14-len hexstr
msg = "".join("%02X" % i for i in mm[8:15])
elif msgtype == 0x33:
# Mode-S Long Message, 14 byte, 28-len hexstr
msg = "".join("%02X" % i for i in mm[8:22])
# Other message tupe
if len(msg) not in [14, 28]:
df = pms.df(msg)
# skip incomplete message
if df in [0, 4, 5, 11] and len(msg) != 14:
if df in [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24] and len(msg) != 28:
messages.append([msg, ts])
return messages
def read_beast_buffer_rssi_piaware(self):
"""Handle mode-s beast data type.
<esc> "1" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, 1 byte signal level,
2 byte Mode-AC
<esc> "2" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, 1 byte signal level,
7 byte Mode-S short frame
<esc> "3" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, 1 byte signal level,
14 byte Mode-S long frame
<esc> "4" : 6 byte MLAT timestamp, status data, DIP switch
configuration settings (not on Mode-S Beast classic)
<esc><esc>: true 0x1a
<esc> is 0x1a, and "1", "2" and "3" are 0x31, 0x32 and 0x33
messages_mlat = []
msg = []
i = 0
# process the buffer until the last divider <esc> 0x1a
# then, reset the self.buffer with the remainder
while i < len(self.buffer):
if self.buffer[i : i + 2] == [0x1A, 0x1A]:
i += 1
elif (i == len(self.buffer) - 1) and (self.buffer[i] == 0x1A):
# special case where the last bit is 0x1a
elif self.buffer[i] == 0x1A:
if i == len(self.buffer) - 1:
# special case where the last bit is 0x1a
elif len(msg) > 0:
msg = []
i += 1
# save the reminder for next reading cycle, if not empty
if len(msg) > 0:
reminder = []
for i, m in enumerate(msg):
if (m == 0x1A) and (i < len(msg) - 1):
# rewind 0x1a, except when it is at the last bit
reminder.extend([m, m])
self.buffer = [0x1A] + msg
self.buffer = []
# extract messages
messages = []
for mm in messages_mlat:
ts = time.time()
msgtype = mm[0]
# print(''.join('%02X' % i for i in mm))
if msgtype == 0x32:
# Mode-S Short Message, 7 byte, 14-len hexstr
msg = "".join("%02X" % i for i in mm[8:15])
elif msgtype == 0x33:
# Mode-S Long Message, 14 byte, 28-len hexstr
msg = "".join("%02X" % i for i in mm[8:22])
# Other message tupe
if len(msg) not in [14, 28]:
we get the raw 0-255 byte value (raw_rssi = mm[7])
we scale it to 0.0 - 1.0 (voltage = raw_rssi / 255)
we convert it to a dBFS power value (rolling the squaring of the voltage into the dB calculation)
df = pms.df(msg)
raw_rssi = mm[7] # eighth byte of Mode-S message should contain RSSI value
rssi_ratio = raw_rssi / 255
signalLevel = rssi_ratio ** 2
dbfs_rssi = 10 * math.log10(signalLevel)
# skip incomplete message
if df in [0, 4, 5, 11] and len(msg) != 14:
if df in [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24] and len(msg) != 28:
messages.append([msg, dbfs_rssi, ts])
return messages
def read_skysense_buffer(self):
"""Skysense stream format.
Position: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
SS field - Start character
Position 0:
1 byte = 8 bits
Start character '$'
MS field - Payload
Position 1 through 14:
14 bytes = 112 bits
Mode-S payload
In case of DF types that only carry 7 bytes of information
position 8 through 14 are set to 0x00.
TS field - Time stamp
Position 15 through 20:
6 bytes = 48 bits
Time stamp with fields as:
Lock Status - Status of internal time keeping mechanism
Equal to 1 if operating normally
Bit 47 - 1 bit
Time of day in UTC seconds, between 0 and 86399
Bits 46 through 30 - 17 bits
Nanoseconds into current second, between 0 and 999999999
Bits 29 through 0 - 30 bits
RS field - Signal Level
Position 21 through 23:
3 bytes = 24 bits
RSSI (received signal strength indication) and relative
noise level with fields
RNL, Q12.4 unsigned fixed point binary with 4 fractional
bits and 8 integer bits.
This is and indication of the noise level of the message.
Roughly 40 counts per 10dBm.
Bits 23 through 12 - 12 bits
RSSI, Q12.4 unsigned fixed point binary with 4 fractional
bits and 8 integer bits.
This is an indication of the signal level of the received
message in ADC counts. Roughly 40 counts per 10dBm.
Bits 11 through 0 - 12 bits
if len(self.buffer) <= SS_MSGLENGTH:
return None
messages = []
while len(self.buffer) > SS_MSGLENGTH:
i = 0
if (
self.buffer[i] == SS_STARTCHAR
and self.buffer[i + SS_MSGLENGTH] == SS_STARTCHAR
i += 1
if self.buffer[i] >> 7:
# Long message
payload = self.buffer[i : i + 14]
# Short message
payload = self.buffer[i : i + 7]
msg = "".join("%02X" % j for j in payload)
i += 14 # Both message types use 14 bytes
tsbin = self.buffer[i : i + 6]
sec = ((tsbin[0] & 0x7F) << 10) | (tsbin[1] << 2) | (tsbin[2] >> 6)
nano = (
((tsbin[2] & 0x3F) << 24)
| (tsbin[3] << 16)
| (tsbin[4] << 8)
| tsbin[5]
ts = sec + nano * 1.0e-9
i += 6
# Signal and noise level - Don't care for now
i += 3
self.buffer = self.buffer[SS_MSGLENGTH:]
messages.append([msg, ts])
self.buffer = self.buffer[1:]
return messages
def handle_messages(self, messages):
"""re-implement this method to handle the messages"""
for msg, t in messages:
print("%15.9f %s" % (t, msg))
def run(self, raw_pipe_in=None, stop_flag=None, exception_queue=None):
self.raw_pipe_in = raw_pipe_in
self.exception_queue = exception_queue
self.stop_flag = stop_flag
while True:
received = [i for i in self.socket.recv(4096)]
# print(''.join(x.encode('hex') for x in self.buffer))
if self.datatype == "beast":
messages = self.read_beast_buffer()
elif self.datatype == "raw":
messages = self.read_raw_buffer()
elif self.datatype == "skysense":
messages = self.read_skysense_buffer()
if not messages:
# raise RuntimeError("test exception")
except zmq.error.Again:
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
if self.exception_queue is not None:
raise e
if __name__ == "__main__":
# for testing purpose only
host = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])
datatype = sys.argv[3]
client = TcpClient(host=host, port=port, datatype=datatype)

pyModeS/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from . import util
def icao(msg):
"""Calculate the ICAO address from an Mode-S message
with DF4, DF5, DF20, DF21
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
String: ICAO address in 6 bytes hexadecimal string
if util.df(msg) not in (4, 5, 20, 21):
# raise RuntimeError("Message DF must be in (4, 5, 20, 21)")
return None
c0 = util.bin2int(util.crc(msg, encode=True))
c1 = util.hex2int(msg[-6:])
addr = '%06X' % (c0 ^ c1)
return addr
def idcode(msg):
"""Computes identity (squawk code) from DF5 or DF21 message, bit 20-32.
credit: @fbyrkjeland
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
string: squawk code
if util.df(msg) not in [5, 21]:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 5 or 21.")
mbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
C1 = mbin[19]
A1 = mbin[20]
C2 = mbin[21]
A2 = mbin[22]
C4 = mbin[23]
A4 = mbin[24]
# _ = mbin[25]
B1 = mbin[26]
D1 = mbin[27]
B2 = mbin[28]
D2 = mbin[29]
B4 = mbin[30]
D4 = mbin[31]
byte1 = int(A4+A2+A1, 2)
byte2 = int(B4+B2+B1, 2)
byte3 = int(C4+C2+C1, 2)
byte4 = int(D4+D2+D1, 2)
return str(byte1) + str(byte2) + str(byte3) + str(byte4)
def altcode(msg):
"""Computes the altitude from DF4 or DF20 message, bit 20-32.
credit: @fbyrkjeland
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: altitude in ft
if util.df(msg) not in [4, 20]:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 4 or 20.")
# Altitude code, bit 20-32
mbin = util.hex2bin(msg)
mbit = mbin[25] # M bit: 26
qbit = mbin[27] # Q bit: 28
if mbit == '0': # unit in ft
if qbit == '1': # 25ft interval
vbin = mbin[19:25] + mbin[26] + mbin[28:32]
alt = util.bin2int(vbin) * 25 - 1000
if qbit == '0': # 100ft interval, above 50175ft
C1 = mbin[19]
A1 = mbin[20]
C2 = mbin[21]
A2 = mbin[22]
C4 = mbin[23]
A4 = mbin[24]
# _ = mbin[25]
B1 = mbin[26]
# D1 = mbin[27] # always zero
B2 = mbin[28]
D2 = mbin[29]
B4 = mbin[30]
D4 = mbin[31]
graystr = D2 + D4 + A1 + A2 + A4 + B1 + B2 + B4 + C1 + C2 + C4
alt = gray2alt(graystr)
if mbit == '1': # unit in meter
vbin = mbin[19:25] + mbin[26:31]
alt = int(util.bin2int(vbin) * 3.28084) # convert to ft
return alt
def gray2alt(codestr):
gc500 = codestr[:8]
n500 = util.gray2int(gc500)
# in 100-ft step must be converted first
gc100 = codestr[8:]
n100 = util.gray2int(gc100)
if n100 in [0, 5, 6]:
return None
if n100 == 7:
n100 = 5
if n500%2:
n100 = 6 - n100
alt = (n500*500 + n100*100) - 1300
return alt

View File

View File

@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from textwrap import wrap
def hex2bin(hexstr: str) -> str:
"""Convert a hexadecimal string to binary string, with zero fillings."""
num_of_bits = len(hexstr) * 4
binstr = bin(int(hexstr, 16))[2:].zfill(int(num_of_bits))
return binstr
def hex2int(hexstr: str) -> int:
"""Convert a hexadecimal string to integer."""
return int(hexstr, 16)
def bin2int(binstr: str) -> int:
"""Convert a binary string to integer."""
return int(binstr, 2)
def bin2hex(binstr: str) -> str:
"""Convert a binary string to hexadecimal string."""
return "{0:X}".format(int(binstr, 2))
def df(msg: str) -> int:
"""Decode Downlink Format value, bits 1 to 5."""
dfbin = hex2bin(msg[:2])
return min(bin2int(dfbin[0:5]), 24)
def crc(msg: str, encode: bool = False) -> int:
"""Mode-S Cyclic Redundancy Check.
Detect if bit error occurs in the Mode-S message. When encode option is on,
the checksum is generated.
msg: 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
encode: True to encode the date only and return the checksum
int: message checksum, or partity bits (encoder)
# the CRC generator
G = [int("11111111", 2), int("11111010", 2), int("00000100", 2), int("10000000", 2)]
if encode:
msg = msg[:-6] + "000000"
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
msgbin_split = wrap(msgbin, 8)
mbytes = list(map(bin2int, msgbin_split))
for ibyte in range(len(mbytes) - 3):
for ibit in range(8):
mask = 0x80 >> ibit
bits = mbytes[ibyte] & mask
if bits > 0:
mbytes[ibyte] = mbytes[ibyte] ^ (G[0] >> ibit)
mbytes[ibyte + 1] = mbytes[ibyte + 1] ^ (
0xFF & ((G[0] << 8 - ibit) | (G[1] >> ibit))
mbytes[ibyte + 2] = mbytes[ibyte + 2] ^ (
0xFF & ((G[1] << 8 - ibit) | (G[2] >> ibit))
mbytes[ibyte + 3] = mbytes[ibyte + 3] ^ (
0xFF & ((G[2] << 8 - ibit) | (G[3] >> ibit))
result = (mbytes[-3] << 16) | (mbytes[-2] << 8) | mbytes[-1]
return result
def crc_legacy(msg: str, encode: bool = False) -> int:
"""Mode-S Cyclic Redundancy Check. (Legacy code, 2x slow)."""
# the polynominal generattor code for CRC [1111111111111010000001001]
generator = np.array(
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]
ng = len(generator)
msgnpbin = np.array([int(i) for i in hex2bin(msg)])
if encode:
msgnpbin[-24:] = [0] * 24
# loop all bits, except last 24 piraty bits
for i in range(len(msgnpbin) - 24):
if msgnpbin[i] == 0:
# perform XOR, when 1
msgnpbin[i : i + ng] = np.bitwise_xor(msgnpbin[i : i + ng], generator)
# last 24 bits
msgbin = np.array2string(msgnpbin[-24:], separator="")[1:-1]
reminder = bin2int(msgbin)
return reminder
def floor(x: float) -> int:
"""Mode-S floor function.
Defined as the greatest integer value k, such that k <= x
For example: floor(3.6) = 3 and floor(-3.6) = -4
return int(np.floor(x))
def icao(msg: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Calculate the ICAO address from an Mode-S message.
Applicable only with DF4, DF5, DF20, DF21 messages.
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
String: ICAO address in 6 bytes hexadecimal string
addr: Optional[str]
DF = df(msg)
if DF in (11, 17, 18):
addr = msg[2:8]
elif DF in (0, 4, 5, 16, 20, 21):
c0 = crc(msg, encode=True)
c1 = int(msg[-6:], 16)
addr = "%06X" % (c0 ^ c1)
addr = None
return addr
def is_icao_assigned(icao: str) -> bool:
"""Check whether the ICAO address is assigned (Annex 10, Vol 3)."""
if (icao is None) or (not isinstance(icao, str)) or (len(icao) != 6):
return False
icaoint = int(icao, 16)
if 0x200000 < icaoint < 0x27FFFF:
return False # AFI
if 0x280000 < icaoint < 0x28FFFF:
return False # SAM
if 0x500000 < icaoint < 0x5FFFFF:
return False # EUR, NAT
if 0x600000 < icaoint < 0x67FFFF:
return False # MID
if 0x680000 < icaoint < 0x6F0000:
return False # ASIA
if 0x900000 < icaoint < 0x9FFFFF:
return False # NAM, PAC
if 0xB00000 < icaoint < 0xBFFFFF:
return False # CAR
if 0xD00000 < icaoint < 0xDFFFFF:
return False # future
if 0xF00000 < icaoint < 0xFFFFFF:
return False # future
return True
def typecode(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Type code of ADS-B message
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: type code number
if df(msg) not in (17, 18):
return None
tcbin = hex2bin(msg[8:10])
return bin2int(tcbin[0:5])
def cprNL(lat: float) -> int:
"""NL() function in CPR decoding."""
if np.isclose(lat, 0):
return 59
elif np.isclose(abs(lat), 87):
return 2
elif lat > 87 or lat < -87:
return 1
nz = 15
a = 1 - np.cos(np.pi / (2 * nz))
b = np.cos(np.pi / 180 * abs(lat)) ** 2
nl = 2 * np.pi / (np.arccos(1 - a / b))
NL = floor(nl)
return NL
def idcode(msg: str) -> str:
"""Compute identity code (squawk) encoded in DF5 or DF21 message.
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
string: squawk code
if df(msg) not in [5, 21]:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 5 or 21.")
mbin = hex2bin(msg)
idcodebin = mbin[19:32]
return squawk(idcodebin)
def squawk(binstr: str) -> str:
"""Decode 13 bits identity (squawk) code.
binstr (String): 13 bits binary string
string: squawk code
if len(binstr) != 13 or not set(binstr).issubset(set("01")):
raise RuntimeError("Input must be 13 bits binary string")
C1 = binstr[0]
A1 = binstr[1]
C2 = binstr[2]
A2 = binstr[3]
C4 = binstr[4]
A4 = binstr[5]
# X = binstr[6]
B1 = binstr[7]
D1 = binstr[8]
B2 = binstr[9]
D2 = binstr[10]
B4 = binstr[11]
D4 = binstr[12]
byte1 = int(A4 + A2 + A1, 2)
byte2 = int(B4 + B2 + B1, 2)
byte3 = int(C4 + C2 + C1, 2)
byte4 = int(D4 + D2 + D1, 2)
return str(byte1) + str(byte2) + str(byte3) + str(byte4)
def altcode(msg: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Compute altitude encoded in DF4 or DF20 message.
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
int: altitude in ft
alt: Optional[int]
if df(msg) not in [0, 4, 16, 20]:
raise RuntimeError("Message must be Downlink Format 0, 4, 16, or 20.")
# Altitude code, bit 20-32
mbin = hex2bin(msg)
altitude_code = mbin[19:32]
alt = altitude(altitude_code)
return alt
def altitude(binstr: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Decode 13 bits altitude code.
binstr (String): 13 bits binary string
int: altitude in ft
alt: Optional[int]
if len(binstr) != 13 or not set(binstr).issubset(set("01")):
raise RuntimeError("Input must be 13 bits binary string")
Mbit = binstr[6]
Qbit = binstr[8]
if bin2int(binstr) == 0:
# altitude unknown or invalid
alt = None
elif Mbit == "0": # unit in ft
if Qbit == "1": # 25ft interval
vbin = binstr[:6] + binstr[7] + binstr[9:]
alt = bin2int(vbin) * 25 - 1000
if Qbit == "0": # 100ft interval, above 50187.5ft
C1 = binstr[0]
A1 = binstr[1]
C2 = binstr[2]
A2 = binstr[3]
C4 = binstr[4]
A4 = binstr[5]
# M = binstr[6]
B1 = binstr[7]
# Q = binstr[8]
B2 = binstr[9]
D2 = binstr[10]
B4 = binstr[11]
D4 = binstr[12]
graystr = D2 + D4 + A1 + A2 + A4 + B1 + B2 + B4 + C1 + C2 + C4
alt = gray2alt(graystr)
if Mbit == "1": # unit in meter
vbin = binstr[:6] + binstr[7:]
alt = int(bin2int(vbin) * 3.28084) # convert to ft
return alt
def gray2alt(binstr: str) -> Optional[int]:
gc500 = binstr[:8]
n500 = gray2int(gc500)
# in 100-ft step must be converted first
gc100 = binstr[8:]
n100 = gray2int(gc100)
if n100 in [0, 5, 6]:
return None
if n100 == 7:
n100 = 5
if n500 % 2:
n100 = 6 - n100
alt = (n500 * 500 + n100 * 100) - 1300
return alt
def gray2int(binstr: str) -> int:
"""Convert greycode to binary."""
num = bin2int(binstr)
num ^= num >> 8
num ^= num >> 4
num ^= num >> 2
num ^= num >> 1
return num
def data(msg: str) -> str:
"""Return the data frame in the message, bytes 9 to 22."""
return msg[8:-6]
def allzeros(msg: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the data bits are all zeros.
msg (String): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
bool: True or False
d = hex2bin(data(msg))
if bin2int(d) > 0:
return False
return True
def wrongstatus(data: str, sb: int, msb: int, lsb: int) -> bool:
"""Check if the status bit and field bits are consistency.
This Function is used for checking BDS code versions.
# status bit, most significant bit, least significant bit
status = int(data[sb - 1])
value = bin2int(data[msb - 1 : lsb])
if not status:
if value != 0:
return True
return False
def fs(msg):
"""Decode flight status for DF 4, 5, 20, and 21.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: flight status, description
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
fs = bin2int(msgbin[5:8])
text = None
if fs == 0:
text = "no alert, no SPI, aircraft is airborne"
elif fs == 1:
text = "no alert, no SPI, aircraft is on-ground"
elif fs == 2:
text = "alert, no SPI, aircraft is airborne"
elif fs == 3:
text = "alert, no SPI, aircraft is on-ground"
elif fs == 4:
text = "alert, SPI, aircraft is airborne or on-ground"
elif fs == 5:
text = "no alert, SPI, aircraft is airborne or on-ground"
return fs, text
def dr(msg):
"""Decode downlink request for DF 4, 5, 20, and 21.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: downlink request, description
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
dr = bin2int(msgbin[8:13])
text = None
if dr == 0:
text = "no downlink request"
elif dr == 1:
text = "request to send Comm-B message"
elif dr == 4:
text = "Comm-B broadcast 1 available"
elif dr == 5:
text = "Comm-B broadcast 2 available"
elif dr >= 16:
text = "ELM downlink segments available: {}".format(dr - 15)
return dr, text
def um(msg):
"""Decode utility message for DF 4, 5, 20, and 21.
Utility message contains interrogator identifier and reservation type.
msg (str): 14 hexdigits string
int, str: interrogator identifier code that triggered the reply, and
reservation type made by the interrogator
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
iis = bin2int(msgbin[13:17])
ids = bin2int(msgbin[17:19])
if ids == 0:
ids_text = None
if ids == 1:
ids_text = "Comm-B interrogator identifier code"
if ids == 2:
ids_text = "Comm-C interrogator identifier code"
if ids == 3:
ids_text = "Comm-D interrogator identifier code"
return iis, ids, ids_text

View File

@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
import os
import time
import traceback
import datetime
import csv
import pyModeS as pms
class Decode:
def __init__(self, latlon=None, dumpto=None):
self.acs = dict()
if latlon is not None:
self.lat0 = float(latlon[0])
self.lon0 = float(latlon[1])
self.lat0 = None
self.lon0 = None
self.t = 0
self.cache_timeout = 60 # seconds
if dumpto is not None and os.path.isdir(dumpto):
self.dumpto = dumpto
self.dumpto = None
def process_raw(self, adsb_ts, adsb_msg, commb_ts, commb_msg, tnow=None):
"""process a chunk of adsb and commb messages received in the same
time period.
if tnow is None:
tnow = time.time()
self.t = tnow
local_updated_acs_buffer = []
output_buffer = []
# process adsb message
for t, msg in zip(adsb_ts, adsb_msg):
icao = pms.icao(msg)
tc = pms.adsb.typecode(msg)
if icao not in self.acs:
self.acs[icao] = {
"live": None,
"call": None,
"lat": None,
"lon": None,
"alt": None,
"gs": None,
"trk": None,
"roc": None,
"tas": None,
"roll": None,
"rtrk": None,
"ias": None,
"mach": None,
"hdg": None,
"ver": None,
"HPL": None,
"RCu": None,
"RCv": None,
"HVE": None,
"VVE": None,
"Rc": None,
"VPL": None,
"EPU": None,
"VEPU": None,
"HFOMr": None,
"VFOMr": None,
"PE_RCu": None,
"PE_VPL": None,
"hum44" : None,
"p44" : None,
"temp44" : None,
"turb44" : None,
"wind44" : None,
self.acs[icao]["tc"] = tc
self.acs[icao]["icao"] = icao
self.acs[icao]["t"] = t
self.acs[icao]["live"] = int(t)
if 1 <= tc <= 4:
cs = pms.adsb.callsign(msg)
self.acs[icao]["call"] = cs
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "cs", cs])
if (5 <= tc <= 8) or (tc == 19):
vdata = pms.adsb.velocity(msg)
if vdata is None:
spd, trk, roc, tag = vdata
if tag != "GS":
if (spd is None) or (trk is None):
self.acs[icao]["gs"] = spd
self.acs[icao]["trk"] = trk
self.acs[icao]["roc"] = roc
self.acs[icao]["tv"] = t
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "gs", spd])
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "trk", trk])
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "roc", roc])
if 5 <= tc <= 18:
oe = pms.adsb.oe_flag(msg)
self.acs[icao][oe] = msg
self.acs[icao]["t" + str(oe)] = t
if ("tpos" in self.acs[icao]) and (t - self.acs[icao]["tpos"] < 180):
# use single message decoding
rlat = self.acs[icao]["lat"]
rlon = self.acs[icao]["lon"]
latlon = pms.adsb.position_with_ref(msg, rlat, rlon)
elif (
("t0" in self.acs[icao])
and ("t1" in self.acs[icao])
and (abs(self.acs[icao]["t0"] - self.acs[icao]["t1"]) < 10)
# use multi message decoding
latlon = pms.adsb.position(
# mix of surface and airborne position message
latlon = None
if latlon is not None:
self.acs[icao]["tpos"] = t
self.acs[icao]["lat"] = latlon[0]
self.acs[icao]["lon"] = latlon[1]
alt = pms.adsb.altitude(msg)
self.acs[icao]["alt"] = alt
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "lat", latlon[0]])
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "lon", latlon[1]])
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "alt", alt])
# Uncertainty & accuracy
ac = self.acs[icao]
if 9 <= tc <= 18:
ac["nic_bc"] = pms.adsb.nic_b(msg)
if (5 <= tc <= 8) or (9 <= tc <= 18) or (20 <= tc <= 22):
ac["NUCp"], ac["HPL"], ac["RCu"], ac["RCv"] = pms.adsb.nuc_p(msg)
if (ac["ver"] == 1) and ("nic_s" in ac.keys()):
ac["Rc"], ac["VPL"] = pms.adsb.nic_v1(msg, ac["nic_s"])
elif (
(ac["ver"] == 2)
and ("nic_a" in ac.keys())
and ("nic_bc" in ac.keys())
ac["NIC"], ac["Rc"] = pms.adsb.nic_v2(msg, ac["nic_a"], ac["nic_bc"])
if tc == 19:
ac["NUCv"], ac["HVE"], ac["VVE"] = pms.adsb.nuc_v(msg)
if ac["ver"] in [1, 2]:
ac["NACv"], ac["HFOMr"], ac["VFOMr"] = pms.adsb.nac_v(msg)
if tc == 29:
ac["PE_RCu"], ac["PE_VPL"], ac["base"] = pms.adsb.sil(msg, ac["ver"])
ac["NACp"], ac["HEPU"], ac["VEPU"] = pms.adsb.nac_p(msg)
if tc == 31:
ac["ver"] = pms.adsb.version(msg)
ac["NACp"], ac["HEPU"], ac["VEPU"] = pms.adsb.nac_p(msg)
ac["PE_RCu"], ac["PE_VPL"], ac["sil_base"] = pms.adsb.sil(
msg, ac["ver"]
if ac["ver"] == 1:
ac["nic_s"] = pms.adsb.nic_s(msg)
elif ac["ver"] == 2:
ac["nic_a"], ac["nic_bc"] = pms.adsb.nic_a_c(msg)
# process commb message
for t, msg in zip(commb_ts, commb_msg):
icao = pms.icao(msg)
if icao not in self.acs:
self.acs[icao]["icao"] = icao
self.acs[icao]["t"] = t
self.acs[icao]["live"] = int(t)
bds = pms.bds.infer(msg)
if bds == "BDS50":
roll50 = pms.commb.roll50(msg)
trk50 = pms.commb.trk50(msg)
rtrk50 = pms.commb.rtrk50(msg)
gs50 = pms.commb.gs50(msg)
tas50 = pms.commb.tas50(msg)
self.acs[icao]["t50"] = t
if tas50:
self.acs[icao]["tas"] = tas50
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "tas50", tas50])
if roll50:
self.acs[icao]["roll"] = roll50
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "roll50", roll50])
if rtrk50:
self.acs[icao]["rtrk"] = rtrk50
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "rtrk50", rtrk50])
if trk50:
self.acs[icao]["trk50"] = trk50
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "trk50", trk50])
if gs50:
self.acs[icao]["gs50"] = gs50
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "gs50", gs50])
elif bds == "BDS60":
ias60 = pms.commb.ias60(msg)
hdg60 = pms.commb.hdg60(msg)
mach60 = pms.commb.mach60(msg)
roc60baro = pms.commb.vr60baro(msg)
roc60ins = pms.commb.vr60ins(msg)
if ias60 or hdg60 or mach60:
self.acs[icao]["t60"] = t
if ias60:
self.acs[icao]["ias"] = ias60
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "ias60", ias60])
if hdg60:
self.acs[icao]["hdg"] = hdg60
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "hdg60", hdg60])
if mach60:
self.acs[icao]["mach"] = mach60
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "mach60", mach60])
if roc60baro:
self.acs[icao]["roc60baro"] = roc60baro
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "roc60baro", roc60baro])
if roc60ins:
self.acs[icao]["roc60ins"] = roc60ins
output_buffer.append([t, icao, "roc60ins", roc60ins])
elif bds == "BDS44":
self.acs[icao]["hum44"] = pms.commb.hum44(msg)
self.acs[icao]["p44"] = pms.commb.p44(msg)
self.acs[icao]["temp44"] = pms.commb.temp44(msg)
self.acs[icao]["turb44"] = pms.commb.turb44(msg)
self.acs[icao]["wind44"] = pms.commb.wind44(msg)
# clear up old data
for icao in list(self.acs.keys()):
if self.t - self.acs[icao]["live"] > self.cache_timeout:
del self.acs[icao]
if self.dumpto is not None:
dh = str("%Y%m%d_%H"))
fn = self.dumpto + "/pymodes_dump_%s.csv" % dh
output_buffer.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
with open(fn, "a") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
def get_aircraft(self):
"""all aircraft that are stored in memory"""
acs = self.acs
return acs
def run(self, raw_pipe_out, ac_pipe_in, exception_queue):
local_buffer = []
while True:
while raw_pipe_out.poll():
data = raw_pipe_out.recv()
for data in local_buffer:
local_buffer = []
acs = self.get_aircraft()
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
exception_queue.put((e, tb))

View File

@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import time
import argparse
import curses
import signal
import multiprocessing
from pyModeS.streamer.decode import Decode
from pyModeS.streamer.screen import Screen
from pyModeS.streamer.source import NetSource, RtlSdrSource # , RtlSdrSource24
def main():
support_rawtypes = ["raw", "beast", "skysense"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Choose data source, "rtlsdr", "rtlsdr24" or "net"',
help="Define server, port and data type. Supported data types are: {}".format(
metavar=("SERVER", "PORT", "DATATYPE"),
help="Receiver latitude and longitude, needed for the surface position, default none",
metavar=("LAT", "LON"),
help="Display uncertainty values, default off",
help="Folder to dump decoded output, default none",
args = parser.parse_args()
SOURCE = args.source
LATLON = args.latlon
UNCERTAINTY = args.uncertainty
DUMPTO = args.dumpto
if SOURCE in ["rtlsdr", "rtlsdr24"]:
elif SOURCE == "net":
if args.connect is None:
print("Error: --connect argument must not be empty.")
SERVER, PORT, DATATYPE = args.connect
if DATATYPE not in support_rawtypes:
"Data type not supported, available ones are %s"
% support_rawtypes
print('Source must be "rtlsdr" or "net".')
if DUMPTO is not None:
# append to current folder except root is given
if DUMPTO[0] != "/":
DUMPTO = os.getcwd() + "/" + DUMPTO
if not os.path.isdir(DUMPTO):
print("Error: dump folder (%s) does not exist" % DUMPTO)
# redirect all stdout to null, avoiding messing up with the screen
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
raw_pipe_in, raw_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe()
ac_pipe_in, ac_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe()
exception_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
stop_flag = multiprocessing.Value("b", False)
if SOURCE == "net":
source = NetSource(host=SERVER, port=PORT, rawtype=DATATYPE)
elif SOURCE == "rtlsdr":
source = RtlSdrSource()
# elif SOURCE == "rtlsdr24":
# source = RtlSdrSource24()
recv_process = multiprocessing.Process(, args=(raw_pipe_in, stop_flag, exception_queue)
decode = Decode(latlon=LATLON, dumpto=DUMPTO)
decode_process = multiprocessing.Process(, args=(raw_pipe_out, ac_pipe_in, exception_queue)
screen = Screen(uncertainty=UNCERTAINTY)
screen_process = multiprocessing.Process(, args=(ac_pipe_out, exception_queue)
def shutdown():
stop_flag.value = True
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
def closeall(signal, frame):
print("KeyboardInterrupt (ID: {}). Cleaning up...".format(signal))
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, closeall)
while True:
if (
(not recv_process.is_alive())
or (not decode_process.is_alive())
or (not screen_process.is_alive())
while not exception_queue.empty():
trackback = exception_queue.get()

View File

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
import curses
import numpy as np
import time
import threading
import traceback
("call", 10),
("lat", 10),
("lon", 10),
("alt", 7),
("gs", 5),
("tas", 5),
("ias", 5),
("mach", 7),
("roc", 7),
("trk", 10),
("hdg", 10),
("live", 6),
("|", 5),
("ver", 4),
("HPL", 5),
("RCu", 5),
("RCv", 5),
("HVE", 5),
("VVE", 5),
("Rc", 4),
("VPL", 5),
("EPU", 5),
("VEPU", 6),
("HFOMr", 7),
("VFOMr", 7),
("PE_RCu", 8),
("PE_VPL", 8),
class Screen(object):
def __init__(self, uncertainty=False):
super(Screen, self).__init__()
self.screen = curses.initscr()
self.y = 3
self.x = 1
self.offset = 0
self.acs = {}
self.lock_icao = None
self.columns = COLUMNS
if uncertainty:
def reset_cursor_pos(self):
self.screen.move(self.y, self.x)
def update_ac(self, acs):
self.acs = acs
def draw_frame(self):
"Online aircraft [%d] ('Ctrl+C' to exit, 'Enter' to lock one)"
% len(self.acs),
def update(self):
if len(self.acs) == 0:
resized = curses.is_term_resized(self.scr_h, self.scr_w)
if resized is True:
self.scr_h, self.scr_w = self.screen.getmaxyx()
curses.resizeterm(self.scr_h, self.scr_w)
row = 1
header = " icao"
for c, cw in self.columns:
header += (cw - len(c)) * " " + c
# fill end with spaces
header += (self.scr_w - 2 - len(header)) * " "
if len(header) > self.scr_w - 2:
header = header[: self.scr_w - 3] + ">"
self.screen.addstr(row, 1, header)
row += 1
self.screen.addstr(row, 1, "-" * (self.scr_w - 2))
icaos = np.array(list(self.acs.keys()))
icaos = np.sort(icaos)
for row in range(3, self.scr_h - 3):
icao = None
idx = row + self.offset - 3
if idx > len(icaos) - 1:
line = " " * (self.scr_w - 2)
line = ""
icao = icaos[idx]
ac = self.acs[icao]
line += icao
for c, cw in self.columns:
if c == "|":
val = "|"
elif c == "live":
val = str(ac[c] - int(time.time())) + "s"
elif ac[c] is None:
val = ""
val = ac[c]
val_str = str(val)
line += (cw - len(val_str)) * " " + val_str
# fill end with spaces
line += (self.scr_w - 2 - len(line)) * " "
if len(line) > self.scr_w - 2:
line = line[: self.scr_w - 3] + ">"
if (icao is not None) and (self.lock_icao == icao):
self.screen.addstr(row, 1, line, curses.A_STANDOUT)
elif row == self.y:
self.screen.addstr(row, 1, line, curses.A_BOLD)
self.screen.addstr(row, 1, line)
self.screen.addstr(self.scr_h - 3, 1, "-" * (self.scr_w - 2))
total_page = len(icaos) // (self.scr_h - 4) + 1
current_page = self.offset // (self.scr_h - 4) + 1
self.screen.addstr(self.scr_h - 2, 1, "(%d / %d)" % (current_page, total_page))
def kye_handling(self):
self.scr_h, self.scr_w = self.screen.getmaxyx()
while True:
c = self.screen.getch()
if c == curses.KEY_HOME:
self.x = 1
self.y = 1
elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE:
offset_intent = self.offset + (self.scr_h - 4)
if offset_intent < len(self.acs) - 5:
self.offset = offset_intent
elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE:
offset_intent = self.offset - (self.scr_h - 4)
if offset_intent > 0:
self.offset = offset_intent
self.offset = 0
elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN:
y_intent = self.y + 1
if y_intent < self.scr_h - 3:
self.y = y_intent
elif c == curses.KEY_UP:
y_intent = self.y - 1
if y_intent > 2:
self.y = y_intent
elif c == curses.KEY_ENTER or c == 10 or c == 13:
self.lock_icao = (self.screen.instr(self.y, 1, 6)).decode()
elif c == 27: # escape key
self.lock_icao = None
elif c == curses.KEY_F5:
def run(self, ac_pipe_out, exception_queue):
local_buffer = []
key_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.kye_handling)
key_thread.daemon = True
while True:
# raise RuntimeError("test exception")
while ac_pipe_out.poll():
acs = ac_pipe_out.recv()
for acs in local_buffer:
local_buffer = []
except curses.error:
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
raise e

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