add subtype 3/4 velocity decoding

Junzi Sun 9 years ago
parent e194e90eaf
commit 2e3ceed0b0

@ -214,45 +214,64 @@ def cpr2position(cprlat0, cprlat1, cprlon0, cprlon1, t0, t1):
# compute ni, longitude index m, and longitude
if (t0 > t1):
ni = cprN(lat_even, 0)
m = math.floor(cprlon_even * (cprNL(lat_even)-1)
- cprlon_odd * cprNL(lat_even) + 0.5)
m = math.floor(cprlon_even * (cprNL(lat_even)-1) -
cprlon_odd * cprNL(lat_even) + 0.5)
lon = (360.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_even)
lat = lat_even
ni = cprN(lat_odd, 1)
m = math.floor(cprlon_even * (cprNL(lat_odd)-1)
- cprlon_odd * cprNL(lat_odd) + 0.5)
m = math.floor(cprlon_even * (cprNL(lat_odd)-1) -
cprlon_odd * cprNL(lat_odd) + 0.5)
lon = (360.0 / ni) * (m % ni + cprlon_odd)
lat = lat_odd
if lon > 180:
lon = lon - 360
return [lat, lon]
return lat, lon
def get_velocity(msg):
"""Calculate the speed, heading, and vertical rate"""
def get_speed_heading(msg):
"""Calculate the speed and heading."""
msgbin = hex2bin(msg)
v_ew_dir = bin2int(msgbin[45])
v_ew = bin2int(msgbin[46:56]) # east-west velocity
subtype = bin2int(msgbin[37:40])
if subtype in (1, 2):
v_ew_sign = bin2int(msgbin[45])
v_ew = bin2int(msgbin[46:56]) - 1 # east-west velocity
v_ns_sign = bin2int(msgbin[56])
v_ns = bin2int(msgbin[57:67]) - 1 # north-south velocity
v_we = -1*v_ew if v_ew_sign else v_ew
v_sn = -1*v_ns if v_ns_sign else v_ns
spd = math.sqrt(v_sn*v_sn + v_we*v_we) # unit in kts
v_ns_dir = bin2int(msgbin[56])
v_ns = bin2int(msgbin[57:67]) # north-south velocity
hdg = math.atan2(v_we, v_sn)
hdg = math.degrees(hdg) # convert to degrees
hdg = hdg if hdg >= 0 else hdg + 360 # no negative val
v_ew = -1*v_ew if v_ew_dir else v_ew
v_ns = -1*v_ns if v_ns_dir else v_ns
tag = 'GS'
# vr = bin2int(msgbin[68:77]) # vertical rate
# vr_dir = bin2int(msgbin[77])
hdg = bin2int(msgbin[46:56]) / 1024.0 * 360.0
spd = bin2int(msgbin[57:67])
tag = 'AS'
vr_sign = bin2int(msgbin[68])
vr = bin2int(msgbin[68:77]) # vertical rate
rocd = -1*vr if vr_sign else vr # rate of climb/descend
speed = math.sqrt(v_ns*v_ns + v_ew*v_ew) # unit in kts
return int(spd), hdg, int(rocd), tag
heading = math.atan2(v_ew, v_ns)
heading = heading * 360.0 / (2 * math.pi) # convert to degrees
heading = heading if heading >= 0 else heading + 360 # no negative val
return [speed, heading]
def get_speed_heading(msg):
"""Calculate the speed and heading."""
spd, hdg, rocd, tag = get_velocity(msg)
return spd, hdg
def get_callsign(msg):

@ -1,38 +1,46 @@
import decoder
print '*************************'
print 'Testing the ADS-B decoder'
print '---------------------------'
print '*************************'
# decode call sign test
msg = '8D51004E20092578DB782072C825'
cs = decoder.get_callsign(msg)
print 'Message:', msg
print "------- Test Callsign -------"
msg_cs = '8D51004E20092578DB782072C825'
cs = decoder.get_callsign(msg_cs)
print 'Message:', msg_cs
print 'Call sign:', cs
# decode position
msg0 = '8D40058B58C901375147EFD09357'
msg1 = '8D40058B58C904A87F402D3B8C59'
print "------- Test Postiions -------"
msg_pos_0 = '8D40058B58C901375147EFD09357'
msg_pos_1 = '8D40058B58C904A87F402D3B8C59'
t0 = 1446332400
t1 = 1446332405
pos = decoder.get_position(msg0, msg1, t0, t1)
print 'Message E:', msg0
print 'Message O:', msg1
pos = decoder.get_position(msg_pos_0, msg_pos_1, t0, t1)
print 'Message E:', msg_pos_0
print 'Message O:', msg_pos_1
print 'Position:', pos
# decode velocity
msg = '8D51004E99850702685C00E582E4'
sh = decoder.get_speed_heading(msg)
print 'Message:', msg
print 'Speed and heading:', sh
print "------- Test Velocity -------"
msg_v_s1 = '8D485020994409940838175B284F' # subtype 1
msg_v_s3 = '8DA05F219B06B6AF189400CBC33F' # subtype 3
v1 = decoder.get_velocity(msg_v_s1)
v2 = decoder.get_velocity(msg_v_s3)
print 'Message:', msg_v_s1
print 'velocity:', v1
print 'Message:', msg_v_s3
print 'velocity:', v2
# test NIC
# decode position
msg = '8D40058B58C901375147EFD09357'
nic = decoder.get_nic(msg1)
print 'Message:', msg
print "------- Test NIC -------"
msg_nic = '8D40621D58C382D690C8AC2863A7'
nic = decoder.get_nic(msg_nic)
print 'Message:', msg_nic
print 'NIC:', nic
