diff --git a/pyModeS/extra/aero.py b/pyModeS/extra/aero.py index a27e4cb..5446192 100644 --- a/pyModeS/extra/aero.py +++ b/pyModeS/extra/aero.py @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Speed conversion at altitude H[m] in ISA :: Mach = tas2mach(Vtas,H) # true airspeed (Vtas) to mach number conversion - Vtas = mach2tas(Mach,H) # true airspeed (Vtas) to mach number conversion + Vtas = mach2tas(Mach,H) # mach number to true airspeed (Vtas) conversion Vtas = eas2tas(Veas,H) # equivalent airspeed to true airspeed, H in [m] Veas = tas2eas(Vtas,H) # true airspeed to equivent airspeed, H in [m] Vtas = cas2tas(Vcas,H) # Vcas to Vtas conversion both m/s, H in [m]