NEW FEATURES: Structure section * SSG needs RTTI to replace the rapidly vanishing SSG_TYPE bits resource. * I'd like to see the FGFS sky model moved into ssgAux so everyone can use it. We got part of the way towards that - but it was never finished. * I'd like to have a ROAM engine built into ssgAux for terrain rendering. (maybe not *literally* ROAM - but something very like it). SSG section * Support for bump maps, cubic environment maps, etc, etc on hardware that supports it. * Support for multi-texture. * Import some kind of Skin & Bones animation into ssgAux (using the ExPoser code - or something even better). Loader section * MORE file readers and writer. For example, a reader/loader for WWII Fighters would be nice. * No file writers for about 2/3rds of the file formats we support. * I want the PPE material editor's file format built into SSG so we can load and save material lists. * Model formats * VRML * XML version of ssg * WWII (I think thats the name) SG section * function to get the angle between two vectors * plot points on a vector (walking in a straight line) * Expand SG with more intersection and distance-measuring tricks. PUI section * PUI should also be implemented with RTTI as well. * Movable widgets * PUI is still somewhat tied to GLUT...that should go. It'll need a way to get the window dimensions - and at least one built-in font before we can do that. SL section * Re-implement SL on top of OpenAL. * Write players for more modern MOD-like music formats. Examples section * More example programs - more complete demo games and tools. * More documentation for all the new features.