2017-12-03 12:25:05 -06:00

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Executable File

# phpvms <sup>7</sup>
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The next phpvms version built on the laravel framework. work in progress. If you're looking for
the old, phpVMS classic, it's [available here](
# installation
run the following commands. for right now, we're running on sqlite. for mysql, set
`DB_CONNECTION` to `mysql` in the `.env` file.
cp .env
composer install --no-interaction
php artisan database:create
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
then point your webserver to the `/public` folder. for example, in nginx:
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
root /var/www/laravel/public;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
server_name localhost;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
## development environment
For development, copy the included `.env.example` to `.env` file. By default, it uses sqlite
instead of mysql. This makes it much easier to be able to clear the database and new fixtures.
The default username and password are "" and "admin". To see the available users in the development environment, [see this file](
### makefile commands
I use Makefiles to be able to quickly setup the environment.
# to do an initial setup of the composer deps and install the DB
Then to reset the database/clear cache, use:
make reset
### database seeding
There is a `database/seeds/dev.yml` which contains the initial seed data that can be used
for testing. For production use, there is a `prod.yml` file. The `make reset` handles seeding
the database with the data from the `dev.yml`.
### virtual machine
Using [Laravel Homestead]( is probably the easiest
way to get this working. Follow their instructions for install. A `Vagrantfile` and `Homestead.yaml`
is included here. Add this to your `/etc/hosts`:
And then to launch:
vagrant up
And then accessing it via `` should just work.
(TODO: redis information, etc)
# updating
extract files and run the migrations:
php artisan migrate