2017-06-21 12:29:31 -05:00

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# phpvms <sup>4</sup>
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The next phpvms version built on the laravel framework. work in progress. If you're looking for
the old, phpVMS classic, it's [available here](
# installation
run the following commands. for right now, we're running on sqlite. for mysql, set
`DB_CONNECTION` to `mysql` in the `.env` file, and skip the `sqlite3` step below.
cp .env.example .env
composer install --no-interaction
php artisan optimize
sqlite3 database/testing.sqlite ""
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
then point your webserver to the `/public` folder. for example, in nginx:
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
root /var/www/laravel/public;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
server_name localhost;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
## development environment
For development, copy the included `.env.example` to `.env` file. By default, it uses sqlite
instead of mysql. This makes it much easier to be able to clear the database and new fixtures.
### makefile commands
I use Makefiles to be able to quickly setup the environment.
# to do an initial setup of the composer deps and install the DB
Then to reset the database/clear cache, use:
make reset
### database seeding
There is a `database/seeds/dev.yml` which contains the initial seed data that can be used
for testing. For production use, there is a `prod.yml` file. The `make reset` handles seeding
the database with the data from the `dev.yml`.
### virtual machine
Using [Laravel Homestead]( is probably the easiest
way to get this working. Follow their instructions for install. A `Vagrantfile` and `Homestead.yaml`
is included here. Add this to your `/etc/hosts`:
And then to launch:
vagrant up
And then accessing it via `` should just work.
(TODO: redis information, etc)
# updating
extract files and run the migrations:
php artisan migrate