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namespace Tests;
use App\Repositories\KvpRepository;
use App\Support\ICAO;
use App\Support\Units\Distance;
use App\Support\Units\Time;
use App\Support\Utils;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class UtilsTest extends TestCase
public function testDates()
$carbon = new Carbon('2018-04-28T12:55:40Z');
* @throws \PhpUnitsOfMeasure\Exception\NonNumericValue
* @throws \PhpUnitsOfMeasure\Exception\NonStringUnitName
public function testUnitRounding()
$this->updateSetting('units.distance', 'km');
$alt = new Distance(1065.3456, 'nmi');
$km = $alt->toUnit('km');
$this->assertEquals(1973.0200512, $km);
$km = $alt->toUnit('km', 2);
$this->assertEquals(1973.02, $km);
$km = $alt->toUnit('km', 0);
$this->assertEquals(1973, $km);
* Test local conversions
$km = $alt->local();
$this->assertEquals(1973.0200512, $km);
$km = $alt->local(0);
$this->assertEquals(1973, $km);
$km = $alt->local(2);
$this->assertEquals(1973.02, $km);
* Internal units, shouldn't do a conversion
$int = $alt->internal();
$this->assertEquals(1065.3456, $int);
$int = $alt->internal(2);
$this->assertEquals(1065.35, $int);
$int = $alt->internal(0);
$this->assertEquals(1065, $int);
* Simple test for KVP
public function testKvp()
/** @var KvpRepository $kvpRepo */
$kvpRepo = app(KvpRepository::class);
$kvpRepo->save('testkey', 'some value');
$this->assertEquals('some value', $kvpRepo->get('testkey'));
// test that default value is working
$this->assertEquals('default value', $kvpRepo->get('unknownkey', 'default value'));
// try saving an integer
$kvpRepo->save('intval', 1);
$this->assertEquals(1, $kvpRepo->get('intval'));
* @throws \Exception
public function testSecondsToTimeParts()
$t = Time::secondsToTimeParts(3600);
$this->assertEquals(['h' => 1, 'm' => 0, 's' => 0], $t);
$t = Time::secondsToTimeParts(3720);
$this->assertEquals(['h' => 1, 'm' => 2, 's' => 0], $t);
$t = Time::secondsToTimeParts(3722);
$this->assertEquals(['h' => 1, 'm' => 2, 's' => 2], $t);
$t = Time::secondsToTimeParts(60);
$this->assertEquals(['h' => 0, 'm' => 1, 's' => 0], $t);
$t = Time::secondsToTimeParts(62);
$this->assertEquals(['h' => 0, 'm' => 1, 's' => 2], $t);
* @throws \Exception
public function testSecondsToTime()
$t = Time::secondsToTimeString(3600);
$this->assertEquals('1h 0m', $t);
$t = Time::secondsToTimeString(3720);
$this->assertEquals('1h 2m', $t);
$t = Time::secondsToTimeString(3722);
$this->assertEquals('1h 2m', $t);
$t = Time::secondsToTimeString(3722, true);
$this->assertEquals('1h 2m 2s', $t);
public function testMinutesToTime()
$t = Time::minutesToTimeParts(65);
$this->assertEquals(['h' => 1, 'm' => 5], $t);
$t = Time::minutesToTimeString(65);
$this->assertEquals('1h 5m', $t);
$t = Time::minutesToTimeString(43200);
$this->assertEquals('720h 0m', $t);
public function testApiKey()
$api_key = Utils::generateApiKey();
* @throws \Exception
public function testHexCode()
$hex_code = ICAO::createHexCode();
public function testGetDomain()
$tests = [
foreach ($tests as $case) {
$this->assertEquals('', Utils::getRootDomain($case));
$this->assertEquals('', Utils::getRootDomain(''));
$this->assertEquals('', Utils::getRootDomain(''));
$this->assertEquals('', Utils::getRootDomain(''));
$this->assertEquals('localhost', Utils::getRootDomain('http://localhost'));