createSubfleetWithAircraft(2); $rank = $this->createRank(2, [$subfleet['subfleet']->id]); /** @var User $user */ $user = User::factory()->create(array_merge([ 'flight_time' => 1000, 'rank_id' => $rank->id, 'state' => UserState::ACTIVE, ], $attrs)); return [ 'subfleet' => $subfleet['subfleet'], 'aircraft' => $subfleet['aircraft'], 'user' => $user, ]; } /** * Load SimBrief * * @param \App\Models\User $user * @param \App\Models\Aircraft|null $aircraft * @param array $fares * @param string|null $flight_id * * @return \App\Models\SimBrief */ protected function loadSimBrief(User $user, Aircraft $aircraft, $fares = [], $flight_id = null): SimBrief { if (empty($flight_id)) { $flight_id = self::$simbrief_flight_id; } /** @var \App\Models\Flight $flight */ $flight = Flight::factory()->create([ 'id' => $flight_id, 'dpt_airport_id' => 'OMAA', 'arr_airport_id' => 'OMDB', ]); return $this->downloadOfp($user, $flight, $aircraft, $fares); } /** * Download an OFP file * * @param $user * @param $flight * @param $aircraft * @param $fares * * @return \App\Models\SimBrief|null */ protected function downloadOfp($user, $flight, $aircraft, $fares) { $this->mockXmlResponse([ 'simbrief/briefing.xml', 'simbrief/acars_briefing.xml', ]); /** @var SimBriefService $sb */ $sb = app(SimBriefService::class); return $sb->downloadOfp($user->id, Utils::generateNewId(), $flight->id, $aircraft->id, $fares); } /** * Read from the SimBrief URL */ public function testReadSimbrief() { $userinfo = $this->createUserData(); $this->user = $userinfo['user']; $briefing = $this->loadSimBrief($this->user, $userinfo['aircraft']->first(), []); $this->assertNotEmpty($briefing->ofp_xml); $this->assertNotNull($briefing->xml); // Spot check reading of the files $files = $briefing->files; $this->assertEquals(47, $files->count()); $this->assertEquals( '', $files->firstWhere('name', 'PDF Document')['url'] ); // Spot check reading of images $images = $briefing->images; $this->assertEquals(5, $images->count()); $this->assertEquals( '', $images->firstWhere('name', 'Route')['url'] ); $level = $briefing->xml->getFlightLevel(); $this->assertEquals('380', $level); // Read the flight route $routeStr = $briefing->xml->getRouteString(); $this->assertEquals( 'DCT BOMUP DCT LOVIM DCT RESIG DCT NODVI DCT OBMUK DCT LORID DCT '. 'ORGUR DCT PEBUS DCT EMOPO DCT LOTUK DCT LAGTA DCT LOVOL DCT', $routeStr ); } /** * Check that the API calls are working (simbrief in the response, can retrieve the briefing) */ public function testApiCalls() { $userinfo = $this->createUserData(); $this->user = $userinfo['user']; $aircraft = $userinfo['aircraft']->random(); $briefing = $this->loadSimBrief($this->user, $aircraft, [ [ 'id' => 100, 'code' => 'F', 'name' => 'Test Fare', 'type' => 'P', 'capacity' => 100, 'count' => 99, ], ]); // Check the flight API response $response = $this->get('/api/flights/'.$briefing->flight_id); $response->assertOk(); $flight = $response->json('data'); $this->assertNotNull($flight['simbrief']); $this->assertEquals($briefing->id, $flight['simbrief']['id']); $url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $flight['simbrief']['url']); /*$this->assertEquals( 'https://localhost/api/flights/'.$briefing->id.'/briefing', $url );*/ $this->assertTrue(str_ends_with($url, $briefing->id.'/briefing')); // Retrieve the briefing via API, and then check the doctype $response = $this->get('/api/flights/'.$briefing->id.'/briefing', [], $this->user); $response->assertOk(); $xml = simplexml_load_string($response->content()); $this->assertNotNull($xml); $this->assertEquals('VMSAcars', $xml->getName()); $this->assertEquals('FlightPlan', $xml->attributes()->Type); } /** * Make sure the user's bids have the Simbrief data show up */ public function testUserBidSimbrief() { $fares = [ [ 'id' => 100, 'code' => 'F', 'name' => 'Test Fare', 'type' => FareType::PASSENGER, 'capacity' => 100, 'count' => 99, ], ]; $userinfo = $this->createUserData(); $this->user = $userinfo['user']; $aircraft = $userinfo['aircraft']->random(); $this->loadSimBrief($this->user, $aircraft, $fares); // Add the flight to the bid and then $uri = '/api/user/bids'; $data = ['flight_id' => self::$simbrief_flight_id]; $this->put($uri, $data); // Retrieve it $body = $this->get($uri); $body = $body->json('data')[0]; // Make sure Simbrief is there $this->assertNotNull($body['flight']['simbrief']['id']); $this->assertNotNull($body['flight']['simbrief']['id']); $this->assertNotNull($body['flight']['simbrief']['subfleet']['fares']); $subfleet = $body['flight']['simbrief']['subfleet']; $this->assertEquals($fares[0]['id'], $subfleet['fares'][0]['id']); $this->assertEquals($fares[0]['count'], $subfleet['fares'][0]['count']); $this->assertCount(1, $subfleet['aircraft']); $this->assertEquals($aircraft->id, $subfleet['aircraft'][0]['id']); } /** * Make sure that the bids/simbrief created for the same flight by two different * users doesn't leak across users * * @throws \Exception */ public function testUserBidSimbriefDoesntLeak() { $this->updateSetting('bids.disable_flight_on_bid', false); $fares = [ [ 'id' => 100, 'code' => 'F', 'name' => 'Test Fare', 'type' => FareType::PASSENGER, 'capacity' => 100, 'count' => 99, ], ]; /** @var \App\Models\Flight $flight */ $flight = Flight::factory()->create(); // Create two briefings and make sure it doesn't leak $userinfo2 = $this->createUserData(); $user2 = $userinfo2['user']; $this->downloadOfp($user2, $flight, $userinfo2['aircraft']->first(), $fares); $userinfo = $this->createUserData(); $user = $userinfo['user']; $briefing = $this->downloadOfp($user, $flight, $userinfo['aircraft']->first(), $fares); // Add the flight to the user's bids $uri = '/api/user/bids'; $data = ['flight_id' => $flight->id]; // add for both users $body = $this->put($uri, $data, [], $user2)->json('data'); $this->assertNotEmpty($body); $body = $this->put($uri, $data, [], $user)->json('data'); $this->assertNotEmpty($body); $body = $this->get('/api/user/bids', [], $user); $body = $body->json('data')[0]; // Make sure Simbrief is there $this->assertNotNull($body['flight']['simbrief']['id']); $this->assertNotNull($body['flight']['simbrief']['subfleet']['fares']); $this->assertEquals($body['flight']['simbrief']['id'], $briefing->id); $subfleet = $body['flight']['simbrief']['subfleet']; $this->assertEquals($fares[0]['id'], $subfleet['fares'][0]['id']); $this->assertEquals($fares[0]['count'], $subfleet['fares'][0]['count']); } public function testAttachToPirep() { $userinfo = $this->createUserData(); $this->user = $userinfo['user']; /** @var Pirep $pirep */ $pirep = Pirep::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'dpt_airport_id' => 'OMAA', 'arr_airport_id' => 'OMDB', ]); $briefing = $this->loadSimBrief($this->user, $userinfo['aircraft']->first(), [ [ 'id' => 100, 'code' => 'F', 'name' => 'Test Fare', 'type' => 'P', 'capacity' => 100, 'count' => 99, ], ]); /** @var SimBriefService $sb */ $sb = app(SimBriefService::class); $sb->attachSimbriefToPirep($pirep, $briefing); /* * Checks - ACARS entries for the route are loaded */ $acars = Acars::where(['pirep_id' => $pirep->id, 'type' => AcarsType::ROUTE])->get(); $this->assertEquals(12, $acars->count()); $fix = $acars->firstWhere('name', 'BOMUP'); $this->assertEquals($fix['name'], 'BOMUP'); $this->assertEquals($fix['lat'], 24.484639); $this->assertEquals($fix['lon'], 54.578444); $this->assertEquals($fix['order'], 1); $briefing->refresh(); $this->assertEmpty($briefing->flight_id); $this->assertEquals($pirep->id, $briefing->pirep_id); } /** * Test clearing expired briefs */ public function testClearExpiredBriefs() { $userinfo = $this->createUserData(); $user = $userinfo['user']; $sb_ignored = SimBrief::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'flight_id' => 'a_flight_id', 'pirep_id' => 'a_pirep_id', 'created_at' => Carbon::now('UTC')->subDays(6), ]); SimBrief::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'flight_id' => 'a_flight_Id', 'created_at' => Carbon::now('UTC')->subDays(6), ]); /** @var SimBriefService $sb */ $sb = app(SimBriefService::class); $sb->removeExpiredEntries(); $all_briefs = SimBrief::all(); $this->assertEquals(1, $all_briefs->count()); $this->assertEquals($sb_ignored->id, $all_briefs[0]->id); } }