airportSvc = $airportSvc; $this->fareSvc = $fareSvc; $this->flightRepo = $flightRepo; $this->navDataRepo = $navdataRepo; $this->userSvc = $userSvc; } /** * Create a new flight * * @param array $fields * * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function createFlight($fields) { $fields['dpt_airport_id'] = strtoupper($fields['dpt_airport_id']); $fields['arr_airport_id'] = strtoupper($fields['arr_airport_id']); $flightTmp = new Flight($fields); if ($this->isFlightDuplicate($flightTmp)) { throw new DuplicateFlight($flightTmp); } $this->airportSvc->lookupAirportIfNotFound($fields['dpt_airport_id']); $this->airportSvc->lookupAirportIfNotFound($fields['arr_airport_id']); $fields = $this->transformFlightFields($fields); $flight = $this->flightRepo->create($fields); return $flight; } /** * Update a flight with values from the given fields * * @param Flight $flight * @param array $fields * * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException * * @return \App\Models\Flight|mixed */ public function updateFlight($flight, $fields) { // apply the updates here temporarily, don't save // the repo->update() call will actually do it $flight->fill($fields); if ($this->isFlightDuplicate($flight)) { throw new DuplicateFlight($flight); } $fields = $this->transformFlightFields($fields); $flight = $this->flightRepo->update($fields, $flight->id); return $flight; } /** * Check the fields for a flight and transform them * * @param array $fields * * @return array */ protected function transformFlightFields($fields) { if (array_key_exists('days', $fields) && filled($fields['days'])) { $fields['days'] = Days::getDaysMask($fields['days']); } $fields['flight_time'] = Time::init($fields['minutes'], $fields['hours'])->getMinutes(); $fields['active'] = get_truth_state($fields['active']); // Figure out a distance if not found if (empty($fields['distance'])) { $fields['distance'] = $this->airportSvc->calculateDistance( $fields['dpt_airport_id'], $fields['arr_airport_id'] ); } return $fields; } /** * Filter out subfleets to only include aircraft that a user has access to * * @param User $user * @param Flight $flight * * @return mixed */ public function filterSubfleets(User $user, Flight $flight) { // Eager load some of the relationships needed //$flight->load(['flight.subfleets', 'flight.subfleets.aircraft', 'flight.subfleets.fares']); /** @var \Illuminate\Support\Collection $subfleets */ $subfleets = $flight->subfleets; // If no subfleets assigned to a flight get users allowed subfleets if ($subfleets === null || $subfleets->count() === 0) { $subfleets = $this->userSvc->getAllowableSubfleets($user); } // If subfleets are still empty return the flight if ($subfleets === null || $subfleets->count() === 0) { return $flight; } /* * Only allow aircraft that the user has access to in their rank */ if (setting('pireps.restrict_aircraft_to_rank', false)) { $allowed_subfleets = $this->userSvc->getAllowableSubfleets($user)->pluck('id'); $subfleets = $subfleets->filter(function ($subfleet, $i) use ($allowed_subfleets) { if ($allowed_subfleets->contains($subfleet->id)) { return true; } }); } /* * Only allow aircraft that are at the current departure airport */ if (setting('pireps.only_aircraft_at_dpt_airport', false)) { foreach ($subfleets as $subfleet) { $subfleet->aircraft = $subfleet->aircraft->filter( function ($aircraft, $i) use ($flight) { if ($aircraft->airport_id === $flight->dpt_airport_id) { return true; } } ); } } $flight->subfleets = $subfleets; return $flight; } /** * Check if this flight has a duplicate already * * @param Flight $flight * * @return bool */ public function isFlightDuplicate(Flight $flight) { $where = [ ['id', '<>', $flight->id], 'airline_id' => $flight->airline_id, 'flight_number' => $flight->flight_number, ]; $found_flights = $this->flightRepo->findWhere($where); if ($found_flights->count() === 0) { return false; } // Find within all the flights with the same flight number // Return any flights that have the same route code and leg // If this list is > 0, then this has a duplicate $found_flights = $found_flights->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($flight) { return $flight->route_code === $value->route_code && $flight->route_leg === $value->route_leg; }); return !($found_flights->count() === 0); } /** * Delete a flight, and all the user bids, etc associated with it * * @param Flight $flight * * @throws \Exception */ public function deleteFlight(Flight $flight): void { $where = ['flight_id' => $flight->id]; Bid::where($where)->delete(); $flight->delete(); } /** * Update any custom PIREP fields * * @param Flight $flight * @param array $field_values */ public function updateCustomFields(Flight $flight, array $field_values): void { foreach ($field_values as $fv) { FlightFieldValue::updateOrCreate( [ 'flight_id' => $flight->id, 'name' => $fv['name'], ], [ 'value' => $fv['value'], ] ); } } /** * Return all of the navaid points as a collection * * @param Flight $flight * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ public function getRoute(Flight $flight) { if (!$flight->route) { return collect(); } $route_points = array_map('strtoupper', explode(' ', $flight->route)); $route = $this->navDataRepo->findWhereIn('id', $route_points); // Put it back into the original order the route is in $return_points = []; foreach ($route_points as $rp) { $return_points[] = $route->where('id', $rp)->first(); } return collect($return_points); } }