dbSvc = $dbSvc; } /** * Run dev related commands */ public function handle() { $command = trim($this->argument('cmd')); if (!$command) { $this->error('No command specified!'); exit(); } $commands = [ 'clear-acars' => 'clearAcars', 'clear-users' => 'clearUsers', 'compile-assets' => 'compileAssets', 'db-attrs' => 'dbAttrs', 'list-awards' => 'listAwardClasses', 'live-flights' => 'liveFlights', 'manual-insert' => 'manualInsert', 'metar' => 'getMetar', 'reset-install' => 'resetInstall', 'xml-to-yaml' => 'xmlToYaml', ]; if (!array_key_exists($command, $commands)) { $this->error('Command not found!'); exit(); } $this->{$commands[$command]}(); } /** * List all award classes */ protected function listAwardClasses() { $awardSvc = app(AwardService::class); $awards = $awardSvc->findAllAwardClasses(); $headers = ['Award Name', 'Class']; $formatted_awards = []; foreach ($awards as $award) { $formatted_awards[] = [$award->name, \get_class($award)]; } $this->table($headers, $formatted_awards); } /** * Delete all the data from the ACARS and PIREP tables */ protected function clearAcars() { if (config('database.default') === 'mysql') { DB::statement('SET foreign_key_checks=0'); } Acars::truncate(); Pirep::truncate(); if (config('database.default') === 'mysql') { DB::statement('SET foreign_key_checks=1'); } $this->info('ACARS and PIREPs cleared!'); } /** * Delete all the data from the ACARS and PIREP tables */ protected function clearUsers() { if (config('database.default') === 'mysql') { DB::statement('SET foreign_key_checks=0'); } DB::statement('TRUNCATE `role_user`'); Airline::truncate(); User::truncate(); if (config('database.default') === 'mysql') { DB::statement('SET foreign_key_checks=1'); } $this->info('Users cleared!'); } /** * Compile all the CSS/JS assets into their respective files * Calling the webpack compiler */ protected function compileAssets() { $this->runCommand('npm update'); $this->runCommand('npm run dev'); } /** * Output DB prepares versions */ protected function dbAttrs() { $pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo(); $emulate_prepares_below_version = '5.1.17'; $server_version = $pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); $emulate_prepares = version_compare($server_version, $emulate_prepares_below_version, '<'); $this->info('Server Version: '.$server_version); $this->info('Emulate Prepares: '.$emulate_prepares); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, $emulate_prepares); } /** * Convert the sequelpro xml export to yaml */ protected function xmlToYaml() { $file = $this->argument('param'); $this->info('Reading '.$file); $xml_str = file_get_contents($file); $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($xml_str); $yaml = []; $table_name = (string) $xml->database->table_data['name']; $this->info('Writing table "'.$table_name.'"'); $count = 0; $yaml[$table_name] = []; foreach ($xml->database->table_data->row as $row) { $yaml_row = []; foreach ($row->field as $field) { $fname = (string) $field['name']; $fvalue = (string) $field; $yaml_row[$fname] = $fvalue; } $yaml[$table_name][] = $yaml_row; $count++; } $this->info('Exporting '.$count.' rows'); $file_name = $table_name.'.yml'; file_put_contents(storage_path($file_name), Yaml::dump($yaml, 4, 2)); $this->info('Writing yaml to storage: '.$file_name); } protected function getMetar(): void { $icao = $this->argument('param'); if (!$icao) { $this->error('Enter an ICAO!'); exit(); } $airportSvc = app(AirportService::class); $metar = $airportSvc->getMetar($icao); $this->info($metar->raw); } /** * Insert the rows from the file, manually advancing each row */ protected function manualInsert(): void { $file = $this->argument('param'); $this->info('Reading '.$file); if (!file_exists($file)) { $this->error('File '.$file.' doesn\'t exist'); exit; } $yml = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($file)); foreach ($yml as $table => $rows) { $this->info('Importing table '.$table); $this->info('Number of rows: '.\count($rows)); foreach ($rows as $row) { try { $this->dbSvc->insert_row($table, $row); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error($e); } $this->confirm('Insert next row?', true); } } } /** * Delete all of the tables, etc from the database, for a clean install */ protected function resetInstall(): void { $confirm = $this->ask('This will erase your entire install and database, are you sure? y/n '); if (strtolower($confirm) !== 'y') { exit(0); } try { if (config('database.default') === 'mysql') { DB::statement('SET foreign_key_checks=0'); } $this->info('Dropping all tables'); $tables = DB::connection()->getDoctrineSchemaManager()->listTableNames(); foreach ($tables as $table) { Schema::dropIfExists($table); } } catch (QueryException $e) { $this->error('DB error: '.$e->getMessage()); } $this->info('Deleting config file'); try { unlink('config.php'); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $this->info('Deleting env file'); try { unlink('env.php'); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $this->info('Clearing caches'); Artisan::call('cache:clear'); Artisan::call('route:clear'); Artisan::call('config:clear'); Artisan::call('view:clear'); $this->info('Done!'); } public function liveFlights(): void { $acarsRepo = app(AcarsRepository::class); $flights = $acarsRepo->getPositions(setting('acars.live_time'))->toArray(); dd($flights); } }